Interview with Prof. Joydeep Bagchee (Part 3 of 3): Indology, Textual Criticism and the Mahabharata

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Meru Media Video Interview with Prof. Joydeep Bagchee Part 3

Mukunda and Prof. Joydeep Bagchee discuss Indology, Philology, Historism and the Mahabharata. In this part, we discuss the impact of their work in the world of Indology, we also discuss the ways that Indology has impacted the minds of Hindus and the world at large including how it stems from hatred of Africans and African Americans, finally we discuss what the take away from all this can be..

Prof. Joydeep Bagchee is a foremost scholar on Continental Philosophy and especially Heidegger. Along with his teacher and colleague Prof. Vishwa Adluri, they have taken up the task of applying philosphy, logic and detailed analysis of textual studies to the field of Indology and western application/interpretation of Philology to Indian studies using the Mahabharata as a uniquely powerful case study. They both have co-authored two books, the first being The Nay Science and the second Philology and Criticism.

Prof. Joydeep Bagchee works can be viewed at and he can be reached at:

Meru Media

Mukunda Raghavan

About Author


Mukunda Raghavan: Mukunda is a jack of all trades but master of none. His educational background is a mix of political science, criminology, psychological and philosophy. He received his Juris Doctorate in Law from Boston University and was simultaneously working on his Masters in Philosophy focusing on continental philosophy (not completed). He has practiced as a prosecutor in New York City, General Counsel and Operating Officer of a healthcare company in Southern California, Head of Business and Operations for a legal tech company in India and is now in Strategy and Development. Much like his career, Mukunda’s intellectual interests and knowledge is varied, he is interested in Indian and Western philosophy, world mythology, Quantum Physics, Consciousness Studies, Psychology and variety of other fields.

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