Episode 4a: Varna Ashrama and Purushartha-Dharma and Artha

Estimated read time 1 min read
Interviews and Discussions
Interviews and Discussions
Episode 4a: Varna Ashrama and Purushartha-Dharma and Artha

Hi Everyone,

Join Racchit and Mukunda as they discuss the ideas of Varna, Ashrama and Purushartha.  This is the first part of a 2 part podcast.  In this section we deal with the basics of Varna and Ashrama along with discussing Artha and Dharma.  These topics are deeply important to the world we all live in especially when we try to understand the purposes of life and how to live a life that is fulfilling to our needs and desires.  So come along and engage with our discussion!


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