Join Mukunda as he speaks with Dr. McComas Taylor, Associate Professor of Sanskrit at Australian National University. In this episode, we discuss a host of topics including:
00:01:09 Introduction and Journey of Dr. McComas Taylor
00:10:40 What drove Dr. Taylor to translate the Vishnu Purana and what is unique about the Vishnu Purana
00:15:13 What role did Vishnu Purana play in traditional commentaries and religious traditions
00:19:40 The oral living traditions of the Bhagavata Purana
00:26:20 Were the Puranas originally oral or written texts? Does it even matter? Does the critical edition even make sense?
00:35:30 Western Indology and Traditional Indian Scholars: clash of world views
00:43:15 The tension within texts in maintaining social order and pushing boundaries
00:50:30 The connection between the Mahabharata, Ramayana and the Puranas
00:53:20 Glorification of different Devatas through a different telling of the same narrative
00:56:00 Dr. Taylor’s upcoming projects and Conclusion
You can find Professor McComas Taylor and Online Sanskrit Program at:
Meru Media
Twitter: @themerumedia @raghman36
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