Ethics Hinduism Interview Nyaya Philosophy Spirituality Video Yoga

Conversation with Stephen Phillips

Estimated read time 1 min read

Join Mukunda as he speaks to Professor Stephen Phillips of the University of Texas at Austin. Professor Phillips is an academic in Philosophy with a wide area of expertise in the Indian/Hindu Philosophical systems particularly Nyaya, Vedanta, and Yoga. In this dialogue, we discuss Prof. Phillips journey into Hindu thought, his experiences living in India, learning Sanskrit, studying Indian Philosophy directly from indigenous experts, the concept of Pramanas, the idea of soul-making, Yoga and other topics. It was an honor and pleasure to be able to have this conversation.

Conversation with Prof. Stephen Phillips

Estimated read time 1 min read

Join Mukunda as he speaks to Professor Stephen Phillips of the University of Texas at Austin. Professor Phillips is an academic in Philosophy with a wide area of expertise in the Indian/Hindu Philosophical systems particularly Nyaya, Vedanta, and Yoga. In this dialogue, we discuss Prof. Phillips journey into Hindu thought, his experiences living in India, learning Sanskrit, studying Indian Philosophy directly from indigenous experts, the concept of Pramanas, the idea of soul-making, Yoga and other topics. It was an honor and pleasure to be able to have this conversation.

You can find Prof. Stephen Phillips at
and you can buy his books at:

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Dharma Hinduism Interview Judaism Meru Manthan Philosophy Spirituality Video

Meru Manthan Series: Judaism and Hinduism A Discussion with Rabbi Alan Brill

Estimated read time 2 min read

We are launching a new series called Meru Manthan: The Churning of Ideas, where we engage with thinkers, ideas and viewpoints from all traditions and religions. This series focuses on similarities, differences, and points of contention between the Dharma traditions themselves and also in regards to other world traditions.

In this inaugural episode, I speak to Rabbi Alan Brill, Professor of Jewish Studies at Seton Hall University and the author of many books including Rabbi on the Ganges: A Jewish-Hindu Encounter. We delve into his background, a few of the Jewish traditions, how he found himself engaging with Hinduism and going to India, the points of similarity and difference between the Jewish traditions and Dharma traditions, Vedanta and Kabbalah, how the Jewish Bible and tradition differs from Christianity and Islam and a host of other topics. I learned a lot from reading Rabbi Brill’s book and even more speaking to him, which I hope you all do too. It was a fascinating and truly fun conversation.

You can reach out to Rabbi Brill at ka******@gm***.com and you can purchase his books at
and you can check out his website at:

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