1st Regiment, Infantry - men from New Jersey [2] 2nd Regiment, Infantry - men from Louisiana [2] New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs. Authorization for this purpose was first issued to James C. Burke, May 18th, 1863. New York: Published by E. & H.T. Battles and Casualties from Phisterer (spreadsheet), Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth, Field & Staff, 11th New York Volunteer Infantry, Lt. 11th New York Infantry Regiment - Wikipedia They were authorized by the State Military Board, May 7th. [46] The 11th New York saw them coming and shifted formations to meet Carter's men. On Saturday he selected his officers. Richmond, West & Johnston, 1862. Gen. Joseph Mansfield. 11th Infantry Regiment, New York: Civil War Newspaper Clippings, 17th New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment, calling for 75,000 ninety-day enlistments, 11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 44th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, "11th Infantry Regiment during the Civil War", "11th Infantry Regiment, New York: Civil War Newspaper Clippings", "Ellsworth. [63] In the wake of the riots, the reorganization produced few recruits and stalled. Boston, Mass. This collection also includes two letters of Ephraim D. Ellsworth, the father of Elmer Ellsworth dated, June 3, 1861 and December 15, 1884. [64], Following Ellsworth's death, Remember Ellsworth! The regiment lost 22 killed, 37 wounded, and 13 missing, Assault on the Salient, or "Bloody Angle". The 111th New York Infantry Regiment was organized at Auburn, New York, to answer the call by Abraham Lincoln for 300,000 more troops to fight in the American Civil War. Ellsworth, E E.Civil War Officer Images. First Union casualty in Civil War. It arrived at Annapolis on the 2d of May, and from thence was ordered to Washington and assigned to rooms in the Capitol. 11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Camp Lincoln on the heights opposite the, Commanders, 11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment. [2], Company K Principally recruited from Cayuga County. To the enlistees, a common yet often unknown stipulation included 90days of service to the Federal government and up to two years of service to the state. Edward Bynes, assistant foreman of Mohawk Engine Co. 10. [2], Company H Principally recruited from Cayuga County. Randall, Ruth Painter. New York had an extensive militia system before the war, and after the outbreak of fighting in April, 1861 it authorized the creation of 38 regiments of volunteer militia. This raises the total sacrificed to reunite this nation to 404. [New York? Strong, Thomas W.Col. Ellsworth, N.Y. Fire Zouaves, assassinated in Alexandria, Va., May 24th, 1861. United States Regiments & Batteries New York Infantry Cavalry Artillery. Publications of the Illinois state historical library no. Ellsworth a native of New York had gone to Springfield, Ill. to study law and became involved in Lincoln's presidential campaign. Colonel, New York Volunteers, 11th Infantry. After the affair at Alexandria, the regiment took up camp (Camp Ellsworth) in the vicinity of that city, and were subsequently engaged in the construction of Fort Ellsworth and in holding several points in the neighborhood. Sergeant Nicholas J. DeGraff of Company D is quoted on the 'Facing the enemy' wayside marker on the Harpers Ferry battlefield: Among these was the regiment's first commander, Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth, who was the first conspicuous casualty of the Civil War. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, "1st New York Fire Zouaves" "Ellsworth's Zouaves", Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, "Unit History Project: New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center, FS Library Book 974.7 M2p; FS Library Film 1486494-6, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=11th_Regiment,_New_York_Infantry&oldid=5036353, Frederick Henry Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, (Des Moines, Iowa: Dyer Publishing Co., 1908), as cited at. [1], Company A Principally recruited from Wayne County. [37] From July 16 to 21, the regiment advanced to intercept Brig. A heavy fire broke out near Willard's hotel, and Col. Ellsworth was applied, to for assistance. The regiment is honored by a monument at Gettysburg. There were 46 infantry regiments in the War of 1812 for a total of about 50,324 men. Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., and at Tennallytown. United States Infantry Regiments [ edit | edit source] A list of the companies for each regiment is on the NARA website. Contant, George W. Each bee was a bullet. Lincoln's Ellsworth letter, and also the last letter from Col. Ellsworth to his father and mother. This collection consists chiefly of official records of army regiments and individual soldiers of New York State who participated in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. Song of the Zouaves. When the war started, he returned to New York and helped form the New York Fire Zouaves. While quartered on the floor of the United States House of Representatives, the enlisted men took it upon themselves to set up a mock session, passing a law first abolishing the House of Representatives, then the Union and reconstituting both in a manner of their liking. [2], Gettysburg Campaign June 25 July 24, 1863. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2010. Other Titles: Patriot's name will never die. Note(s): Newspaper clippings, 1905, 1908, with other relevant clippings./ Prose and poetry. Here one of its first duties was to examine the arms with which it was furnished, and this led to the discovery that there were eleven different kinds of breechloading, and thirteen different sized bores among a thousand rifles. [25], After nine days quartered at the capitol, the men of the 11th New York were moved to the heights near the Insane Asylum to Camp Lincoln. Military Collector and Historian. On May 18, 1863, Colonel James C. Burke received authority to reorganize the original regiment as a three-years regiment to be known as the J. T. Brady Light Infantry. Maiden, Massachusetts. The 1-11th is Regimental Headquarters, IOAC, the 283d Infantry Band, and other support agencies. [70] During its time in service, the 11th New York Regiment saw little fighting compared with other well-known regiments such as the 69th New York, 20th Maine, and 28th Massachusetts. Located at New York Historical Society. Located at the Connecticut State Library. [2] On October 1, 1863, the reorganization was discontinued and the men who had enlisted were transferred to the 17th New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment. In this action the regiment lost twenty-four killed, forty-six wounded and fifty-two missingmany of the latter taken prisoners. Today, the 11th Infantry Regiment is part of the Army's regimental system and is the primary regiment to which many Infantry School units are aligned. Organized at New York City and mustered in May 7, 1861. With Ellsworth having more men on the scene than the Washington Fire Department, he claimed the fire chief's trumpet and assumed command of the incident. [9] When the state could not afford to supply the new troops, fundraisers were successful in raising $60,000 for the regiment, enough to provide uniforms, several different models of Sharps rifles, and provisions.[9]. The 11th New York Infantry Regiment is another very colourful Regiment and like many of the early war Regiments looks and sounds more like a Social Club rather than a Infantry Regiment. As the war dragged on, a military manpower shortage occurred in the Union and Congress passed the first conscription act in United States history on March 3, 1863, authorizing the President to draft male citizens between the ages of 18 and 35 for a three-year term of military service. Drummond, Robert Loudon. Aurora, CO: Davies Group, 2002. x, 108 p.: ill.; 22cm. Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest. Honors paper, Dept. Ellsworth Monument Association. [6], Ellsworth's military knowledge came from a lifetime of studying military tactics, history, and manuals; and later as colonel of Chicago's National Guard Cadets. "[8] Two days after his arrival, Ellsworth awarded officer commissions to several foremen of the volunteer fire companies and began recruiting in earnest. Drawn from the ranks of the city's many volunteer fire companies, the unit was known alternately as the Ellsworth Zouaves, First Fire Zouaves, First Regiment . [70], NYPD Inspector Thomas Byrnes-formerly member of the 11th NY. Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections. When a civil war seemed unavoidable, Ellsworth proceeded to New York City to recruit his own regiment from the city's volunteer fire companies, stating: "I want the New York Firemen, for there are no more effective men in the country, and none with whom I can do so much. Located at the Library of Virginia. At that time the organization was known as the 2d Regiment, Washington Guards, New York State Light Infantry; about 1856 this designation was changed to nth Regiment, "Washington Rifles." 11th Infantry Regiment :: New York State Military Museum and Veterans With the 11th New York Fire Zouaves in Camp, Battle, and Prison: The Narrative of Private Arthur O'neil Alcock in the New York Atlas and Leader. Townsend, Frank S. and Rose C. Webb. "On motion of Attorney GeneralResolved, That the ten companies, commanded by the following captains, to wit: John Coyle, Edward Byrnes, Michael C. Murphy, John Downey, John B. Leverich, William H. Burns, Michael A. Fagan, William Hackett, John Wilder, and Andrew D. Purtell, comprising the regiment called by some 'Ellsworth Zouaves,' who was said to be ordered to Washington to be mustered into service by a Government officer of the United State's, and who are now in Washington without orders of the commander-in-chief, in consideration of the peculiar circumstances, be, and the same are hereby ordered to compose a regiment to be numbered No. The 11th New York Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment of the Union Army in the early years of the American Civil War. 16, ser. [13] This uniform was issued by the federal government, and to the disgust of the men, was not of the true Zouave style, but an American Zouave style. 11th Regiment, New York Infantry FamilySearch 1861. : The degradation, humiliation, and redemption of Col. George L Willard's Brigade Part Two.' [30], After landing, members of Company E under Captain Leveridge were sent to take the railroad station, while Ellsworth, Major Charles Loeser, Lieutenant H. J. Winser and several men from Company A set out to secure the telegraph office. May be accessed athttp://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3b26798[link opens new window]. Hatcher's Run or Boydton Road and White Oak Road, Sutherland Station and fall of Petersburg. The 11th Regiment, New York Infantry was organized at New York City and mustered in May 7, 1861, the men enlisted were transferred to the 17th New York Veteran Infantry October 1, 1863.[1]. Occupation of Fairfax Court House July 17. 1861-1862." [2] Zouave - Wikipedia Responsibility: as sung by the Philadelphia Fire Zouaves. Alcock, Arthur O. N, Patrick A. Schroeder, and Brian C. Pohanka. Civil War in the East: 111th New York Infantry Regiment, Civil War Index: 111th New York Infantry Regiment, Family Search: 111th Regiment, New York Infantry, New York State Military Museum: 111th Infantry Regiment, https://www.savasbeatie.com/death-disease-and-life-at-war-the-civil-war-letters-of-surgeon-james-d-benton-111th-and-98th-new-york-infantry-regiments-1862-1865/, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=111th_New_York_Infantry_Regiment&oldid=1149228952, Units and formations of the Union Army from New York (state), Military units and formations established in 1862, Military units and formations disestablished in 1865, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, New York U.S. Volunteer Infantry Regiments 1861-1865, Mustered in under Colonel Jesse Segoine, Lieutenant Colonel Clinton McDougall, and Major Senaca B. Smith, Exchanged; duty at Camp Douglas guarding prisoners, Ordered to Washington, D.C., and duty in the defenses of that city and at Centreville, Va. assigned to Wadsworth's Command, Military District of Washington, Attached to 3rd Brigade, Casey's Division, 22nd Army Corps, Department of Washington, Attached to 3rd Brigade, Abercrombie's Division, 22nd Army Corps, Ordered to join Army of the Potomac in the field.