Information: (732) 932-8482 or Messrs. Simons and Llanos were roommates in the dorm where the tragedy struck, were severely injured, were in recovery for a year before returning to their studies, and have dedicated their lives to preventing future tragedies by telling their story to dorm residents on college campuses around the country. Arenas, literally a child of the revolution, had much to gain from the new status quo, and soon got a place at a technical college, where he enrolled as a student of agricultural accounts, which he studied alongside texts by Marx, Lenin and other communist thinkers. Starting this fall they are hoping to initiate a program called the Transition Series, which will aim to help first year students transition into college. All rights reserved. He helped me through it even though he was ahead of me, at a different stage of recovery.. Not all beaches were open to ordinary Cubans and getting to the one beach that was allowed could take more than six hours for Havana residents. He likes hip-hop music and the Mets. Home; Search; Your Library. Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, two severely burned survivors from the Seton Hall University fire have turned their pain into their passion as they travel th. As the fire alarms wailed, most students thought it was just another false fire alarm, like the 30 or more false alarms that sounded the semester before. The film is rooted in the 2008 book of the same name the subtitle is A True Story of Friendship and Survival by Robin Gaby Fisher, a journalist who lives in Somerville. But Charles was anxious, seeing the enemy numbers growing, while he himself had no hope of reinforcements for the time being. Today I found out.. Losing each other in the blackened hallway, Shawn crawled right through andpast the fire, but not without his hands taking on third degree burns as his palms stuck to the sweltering floor tiles as he pushed for safety. Due to many false fire alarms over the semester, many students within Boland decided to neglect the alarms and stay in their dorms. Hardcover - Bargain Price, August 25, 2008. I never really had any nightmares about the fire or anything, and I dont mind talking about it., Mr. Llanos said his friendship with Mr. Simons has touched a lot of people., When I was in a morphine-induced coma and I finally woke up after three months, Mr. Llanos added, he was there for me. When the real alarm rang, Ms. Babilonia said, her brother and his roommate smelled smoke and left their room. The Champaign Fire Department hosted Alvaro Llanos and Shawn Simons as they presented "After The Fire" to Fire Department personnel and City staff from the twin cities on Sept. 16th, 17th and 18th. As Shawn and Alvaro opened their room door, a burst of black smoke forced itself into their room, casuing them to quickly shut the door. They will be enlisting the help of RES Life or student volunteers to teach students how to live on their own. Fundamentally, for myself and the students I work with today, it has taught us to lead a life of meaning and purpose, and service, she said. In the early morning hours of January 19, 2000, the lives of thousands ormaybe even millions were changed as a result of a great tragedy. For us in particular, this program really speaks to us. If interested in purchasing a copy of the "After the Fire" book or DVD, please click on the "more" info tab, "After the Fire: A True Story of Heroes and Cowards," trailer directed by Guido Verweyen. (Matt Rainey/The Star-Ledger) Im pretty sure the families would be able to accept that.. Bailey Hall Sometimes, its easier for someone whos been burned to listen to someone whos been through it, Mr. Llanos said. [2] The battle was reported in Venice as a victory, and was recorded and celebrated as such, which included the capture of Mathieu de Bourbon. Alvaro Llanos Motivational Speaker/Burn Survival/Colombian"Some have greatness thrust upon them" Seton Hall University Humanitarian award winner . The Battle of Fornovo took place 30 km (19 miles) southwest of the city of Parma on 6 July 1495. The loss is irreparable and the scars remain., As they entered Boland Hall yesterday, Amanda Albro and Ian Nunley said they were disappointed by the pleas. The League engaged a veteran condottiero, Francesco II of Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua to gather an army and expel the French from Italy. The 10th anniversary of the fire, which was started by two students and killed three students and injured 58 people, was less than a month away. He has made friends and talked about trying out for the college baseball team. However, I imagine that many people will not be able Vollstndige Rezension lesen. Rezensionen werden nicht berprft, Google sucht jedoch gezielt nach geflschten Inhalten und entfernt diese, AFTER THE FIRE: A True Story of Friendship and Survival. "After the Fire," his 40-minute documentary about Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, survivors of the deadly fire at a dormitory at Seton Hall University in South Orange in 2000, had its world . In April 1980, a driver drove a bus full of passengers into the Peruvian embassy, where he sought political asylum; so did the rest of the passengers. One day he met a police officer in a toilet and after a memorable sexual encounter, the cop put on his officious tone. MR. LLANOS does fit part of the urban stereotype. It wasnt just war and soldiers, as Zimbabweans of a certain generation would probably interject: we went through schools whose science and maths teachers were trained in Cuba, part of an agreement reached by Castro and Robert Mugabe in the mid 1980s. Come with me. [26], On the same day as the battle was fought, Ferdinand II appeared before Naples with a Spanish fleet; he re-entered and occupied Naples the following day. We wanted everything to be as accurate as possible, so we could tell the full story.. He was found by two resident assistants who were able to put the fire out. On Jan. 19, 2000, fire ripped through the freshman dormitory at Seton Hall University in South Orange, N.J., killing three and injuring 58 students and firefighters. When his grandmother saw him, she let out a scream; Arenas had become a person of interest to Batistas enforcers. As he stood up to push the door open, a fireball erupted from the burning ceiling tiles, igniting his coatand caused third degreeburnsfrom his head to his torso. (Amy Newman, The Record), New Mexico State University Fire Department to host fire safety event. Cookie Policy 1,596 followers. He tried to sleep through it, he said, but still has not been able to shake the sight of classmates fleeing the building, he said. As they took their time getting dressed, they had no idea what was simmering down the hall from their room 3028 on the 3rd floor. On January 19, 2000, a fire raged through the freshman dormitory at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, killing three students and injuring 58 others. Scheduled broadcast on BBC Two, Saturday 11th August at 9.00pm.For more from this Prom with full details, programme notes and recommended links: our TV channels and S4C are available to watch live through BBC iPlayer, although some programmes may not be available to stream online due to rights. Chasing News interview with Sibile Marcellus, Fire in the Dorm: A True Story of Family, Friends, and Faith, Interview for the City of Champaign, Illinois, Seton Hall University fire survivors visit The University of Hartford, Dorm fire survivors share their trial by fire by Emily Gillespie, Alvaro Llanos, left, and Shawn Simons answer questions after a screening of the film 'After the Fire' at the The LaSells Stewart Center at Oregon State University Wednesday evening. Subscribe to our daily newsletter and stay informed. Robert Sheeran, said in a statement that it was not his place to second-guess the legal or judicial aspects of this case, and that he hoped Mr. Lepore and Mr. Ryan will be able to rebuild their lives lives which, in time, might help and heal others., Today, as every day, I remember the three young men who lost their lives on Jan. 19, 2000, Monsignor Sheeran said. His physical pain receded, but yesterday, the hurt of anger washed over him again. It wasnt only the critics who were aware of the works and the important and fresh voice from Cuba; so were the mandarins at state security, who maintained a surveillance state on everyone and everything, including literary production. Yet, within a year, to the rebels surprise, Batista fled, and the revolution was won. Charles left Italy abandoning all his conquests. But that all. After the Fire will be shown on Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. at Rutgers Universitys Voorhees Hall, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick; tickets cost $8 to $10. Photo by Daniel Freel/New Jersey Herald - Shawn Simons, left, and Alvaro Llanos, who were both victims of the 2000 Seton Hall University dorm fire, spoke to students and parents at Wallkill Valley Regional High School in Hardyston about their experiences. THE Los Angeles-based filmmaker Guido Verweyen says he gravitates toward stories about people whove been dealt quite a bit of hardship in their life, but get transformed positively through it.. The survivors commented on living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. Alvaro was burned over 58% of his body. The two decided to fight through the blaze, leaving the room together, but would soon lose each other in the blinding smoke. At the end of August 1494, in a lightning campaign, he used France's powerful modern army, reinforced by a large contingent of Swiss mercenaries, to sweep through Italy, his mobile field artillery train smashing into dust the tall towers of Italy's medieval castles. [Students] love to complain about all the different rules and regulations theyre put under, but its really important because its a way of physically showing to all of our students that live on campus that there is a really good reason why all of these rules are in place, Mosley says. It centers on an L.A. actress named Ava (Jenna Lyng Adams) whose journalist boyfriend tricks her into going to their rural hometown, where the virus' numbers are low, while he stays behind. The blaze, which was started by a pair of students who set a bulletin board banner on fire as a drunken prank, left 58 people injured and three dead. No one had any idea that there was a real fire, let alone where the fire was or how to get out of harms way. Hobby: BBQ. They inspire to motivate students and professionals that life will give you many obstacles. Alvaro, unfortunately encountered a worst scenario. [4] Melchiorre Trevisan promised the League soldiers the spoils of battle if they were victorious, igniting their combat ardor. On the campus of Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, while most of the more than600freshman slept, an arson fire was started in the 3rd floor lounge of the 6-story freshmen residence hall, Boland Hall. Students gathered in the Chamberlain Ballroom on Thursday to watch a short documentary based on the true events of the Jan. 19, 2000 Seton Hall fire, a fire that killed three students and injured 58 more. Burn victims teach students about fire safety in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. We hope that students will gain the sense that nobody is invincible. Subscribe and to the BBC the BBC first on iPlayer BBC Proms 2012 from the Royal Albert. However, I imagine that many people will not be able After the Fire: A True Story of Friendship and Survival. Not only was it a physical toll on Alvaro and Shawn, but it was a mental and emotional roller coaster as well. Advertising Vincent Scerbo, who lived on the first floor of Boland Hall, said he thought the fire alarm that day was for a fire drill. Facebook 1,596 Followers, 1,368 Following, 835 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alvaro Llanos (@iamalvarollanos) iamalvarollanos. Following the film, the two featured survivors and former roommates, Alvaro Llanos and Shawn Simons, presented their experiences in person to Rowan students. ''He was a bright kid, very responsible,'' said Jane Silverstein, who heads the science and math program. The 40 soldiers Charles subsequently sent to reconnoiter were attacked and quickly routed by the Stradioti, mostly Albanian mercenaries from the Balkans. MR. LLANOS does fit part of the urban stereotype. R AHWAY, NJ On Thursday, June 1, Alvaro Llanos and Shawn Simons, survivors of the Seton Hall Fire of 2000, returned to Rahway High School (RHS) once again to share their story. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. One of these friends had read one manuscript a gift from the sea, and the product of 10 years of disappointments endured under the Fidel Castro regime but misunderstood his backhanded tribute, and had destroyed it. As he approached the burning lounge, Alvaro saw a glimmer of light from the stairwell adjacent to the lounge. You are under arrest for being queer, he said, after which he marched him to the police station. They would not have to wait long, but the Venetian Senate was not unanimous on fighting the French. Im waiting all this time for justice, and they get a slap on the wrist, Mr. Llanos, 25, who is still a student at Seton Hall, said in a telephone interview. In the years since the fire in a Seton Hall University dormitory burned more than half his body, Alvaro Llanos became a father, went back to school and had more than 30 operations: to help him move, to ease the tightness of his grafted skin, to hide his scars. Summing up the 1960s, when the laws against homosexuality were entered into Cubas statute books, Arenas writes: I think that in Cuba there was never more fucking than in those years. His conclusion was: I think that the sexual revolution actually came about as a result of the existing sexual repression. It was a dynamic presentation that included the film "After The Fire" - inspired by their true story of surviving a dormitory fire at . Only one other student remains hospitalized. Perhaps as a protest against the regime, homosexuality began to flourish with ever increasing defiance.. It definitely is fulfilling being able to share our story and try to inspire and share everything that we overcame, and to show how strong the human will is, that you can overcome everything, Llanos said. Their son, who has extensive burns on half his body, has only now begun to emerge from his bandages. The speed and violence of the campaign left the Italians stunned. It was fought as King Charles VIII of France left Naples upon hearing the news of the grand coalition assembled against him. Im not one for an eye for an eye; Id rather they had shorter sentences, he said, adding that he thought Mr. Ryan and Mr. Lepore should apologize to the families of the victims, and show remorse. If they had went to their nearest exit, a stairwell they rarely used, there was the possibility that they could have escaped the building without injury. After the Fire showing a solemn reminder of the importance of fire safety at Georgetown University. They managed to escape the fire, but . Among the victims were Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, roommates from poor neighborhoods who made their families proud by getting into college. Charles proved to be the last of the elder branch of the House of Valois, and upon his death at Amboise the throne passed to a cousin, the Duc d'Orlans, who reigned as King Louis XII of France, who would try to make good his clearer claim to the Duchy of Milan. Students were able to hug and take pictures with Simons and Llanos before they left, as well as buy the book, After the Fire: A True Story of Friendship and Survival, written by Robin Gary Fisher. Independent. Their motive is to be advocates for fire safety and prevention so that no other students will have to endure the pain that they suffered. Parents need to know that Before the Fire is a drama about a fictional pandemic. Alvaro and Shawn had spent the months since the fire in and out of hospitals. There, from his eyes to his mouth, was 18-year-old Alvaro, just as they remembered him before the horrifying fire at Seton Hall University. Its a man who likes other men. It was nonetheless devoid of any strategic result as all of their conquests in the Italian Peninsula were abandoned. He plans to attend the New Brunswick screening of After the Fire and may answer questions afterward but only if Mr. Simons, 30, of Roselle, does not attend. His battle plan was to distract the first and middle groups of the French with two lines while outflanking the rear. On 27 June the Venetians and their allies established camp near Fornovo di Taro (4441N 1006E / 44.683N 10.100E / 44.683; 10.100), some 30km southwest of Parma, to wait for the French. When you emerge from a police state, how do you dismantle it without retaining its inner, brutal core? 835 posts. He came to Seton Hall from Paterson, a tough city where the teacher who heads the gifted and talented program at John F. Kennedy High School talks frankly about peer pressure on minority boys not to be good students. Sixteen months, I dont think thats very just at all, said Ms. Albro, 18, a freshman from Aberdeen, N.J., referring to how long the two men will have to serve before being eligible for parole. Based on the Pulitzer Prize story and NY Times bestseller, After The Fire tells the inspiring story of freshmen roommates, Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, proceeding from the devastating Seton Hall, NJ fire, through the grueling medical treatment, into their life-affirming future. Scenes recreating the hospital stay have been difficult for Mr. Llanos to watch, he said. It wasnt just about sex, Arenas was also busy working. Llanos was critically burned over 56 percent of his body when his jacket caught fire from a falling ceiling tile, and he spent three months in a coma. When Castro demanded that the refugees be returned, the Peruvian ambassador countered that the embassy was sovereign territory and, anyway, the refugees had a right to seek political asylum under international law. Always had a job. Shawn and Alvaro were transported to St. Barnabas Medical Center Burn Unit in Livingston, NJ along with 56 other injured students and firefighters. The arson of a student residence hall at the college killed three people and injured 58, creating scenes of terror as students escaped from the building. In a moment of pique Castro must have later regretted, he withdrew the security at the embassy. My life is the same, he said. One takeaway I got from their presentation is that, despite adversities you may face, if you have faith no one can take anything away from you, Orantes-Azcona said. I really cannot say that I want to die, Arenas forlornly writes in his memoir Before Night Falls, translated from the Spanish by Dolores M Koch, yet I believe that when the alternative is suffering and pain without hope, death is a thousand times better.. The French artillery was arranged in front of the first line, as well as on the side of the Taro, protecting the second line. The spies wanted to know how he had smuggled the manuscripts out, who his foreign connections were and what else he was working on. The university president, Msgr. In the documentary, students saw the horrific results of the fire from the first-hand accounts of two burn victims. His girlfriend from high school is also a student at Seton Hall. He received his freedom only after signing a Soviet-style confession, admitting he was a counter-revolutionary, and that he regretted his ideological weakness. It is in the peasant country where he discovered his sexuality, first with his female cousin, then with the domestic animals, and later with other boys.