The goal of Welcome Weekend is to provide an experience that fosters a sense of belonging for new students, families, and guests through intentional programming centered on preparing each student for their time at Azusa Pacific University. Provides auto-suggestions when entering text. Friday, 9a.m.-4:30p.m. I hate my school and have no school spirit. Does this school fit your college needs? Full-time attendance was 3,804 (84.6%). Office of Campus Life: APU Clubs and Organizations Most people partake in some form, but no one treats you differently if you don't. Azusa Pacific University - Wikipedia At Azusa Pacific University, we believe in the holistic development of all students. Spiritual Life comprises three offices and a variety of strategic programs that collectively cultivate a vibrant faith in every APU student and activate each students God-given gifts, skills, and passions toward local and global community engagement, service, and impact. reported by the institution campus security and/or law enforcement authorities, not necessarily The goal of Welcome Weekend is to provide an experience that fosters a sense of belonging for new students, families, and guests through intentional programming centered on preparing each student for their time at Azusa Pacific University. There if you need them but not overbearing. For more information about athletics including per-team sizes, coaching and scholarships check out our Guide to Azusa Pacific University Athletics. Directions and Maps of students say the student body is very diverse in ethnic heritage. How does peer pressure affect students' use of drugs and alcohol? of students say overall dorm quality is great. This college has been claimed by the college or a college representative. The Commuter Life office exists to provide opportunities and services to all commuter students at Azusa Pacific University in order to create a sense of belonging on campus that fosters personal development and academic success through co-curricular and extra-curricular engagement. (626) 969-3434 | Contact Based on meal plan cost and student reviews on the food. Commuter Life < Azusa Pacific University The Office of Campus Life hosts Welcome Weekend at the beginning of each fall and spring semester to welcome new APU students into the community. Residence Life - Campus Housing - Azusa Pacific University A Living Space: Engstrom Hall On-campus housing is a transformative part of the APU freshman journey. 100 would indicate excellent diversity in each category, and 1 would mean poor diversity. Spiritual Life and Azusa Pacific University are committed to creating an inclusive environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. Part-time attendance was 694 (15.4%). Spiritual Life also oversees certain requirements that all undergraduate students must meet in order to graduate. By continuing to access this site, you consent to their use.For more information, view our privacy policy. For more information on policies related to veterans, you can visit Azusa Pacific Veteran Services . In assessing the applicant's potential for success, academic capabilities, as well as . Read tips on grants, scholarships, loans and more. For more information about graduate and professional clubs, contact the Office of Graduate and Professional Student Engagement at or (626) 815-6000, Ext. The university encourages applications from students who will contribute to, as well as benefit from, the university experience. Students are offered many different types of living environments, including traditional residence halls and self-contained apartments. how Student Affairs helps students thrive, Graduate and Professional Student Engagement, Center for Career and Community-Engaged Learning, Student Center for Reconciliation and Diversity, Student Legal Rights: Right-to-Know Notice. What is your overall opinion of your school and the campus community? The PDF will include all information unique to this page. This website uses cookies to gather anonymous usage data. Azusa Pacific University Student Life - Niche Transfer Connections:Through our Transfer Connections program, we help transfer students at APU find the resources they need, make connections on campus, and get involved. Campus safety data were Campus Life < Azusa Pacific University Living area communities engender a spirit of grace and redemption to promote restoration and life change through Christs involvement in students day-to-day lives. Campus & Student Life at Azusa Pacific University For more information, contact our office. Transfer Connections: Through our Transfer Connections program, we help transfer students at APU find the resources they need, make connections on campus, and get involved. There were 4,498 undergraduates in 2020. For more information on policies and accommodations that the university provides to ensure all students get the opportunity to participate, you can visit Azusa Pacific Disability Services. of students say they don't have Greek life. Receive Experts advise prospective Many of the campus housing communities are accessible to students with disabilities. I love everything about my school and have a lot of campus pride. I like mostly everything about my school, but there are some things I wish were different. The Office of Campus Life provides students with opportunities for connection and engagement in order to foster a sense of belonging and holistic development. Mission Statement The Commuter Life office exists to provide opportunities and services to undergraduate commuter students at Azusa Pacific University in order to create a sense of belonging on campus that fosters personal development and academic success through co-curricular and extra-curricular engagement. What are your favorite campus events or traditions? Watch Now First-Year Dorm Life Roommate Experience Campus Housing at APU By continuing to access this site, you consent to their use.For more information, view our privacy policy. View a list of clubs/organizations at Azusa Pacific University. Azusa Pacific University - Profile, Rankings and Data | US News Best We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. Campus Life < Azusa Pacific University Directions and Maps Feedback | Privacy | RSS. You'll definitely feel a little awkward if you don't drink. a personalized ranking provided by U.S. News College Learn how to explore all of your options. The Office of Chapel and Pastoral Care and the Office of Spiritual Life Administration and Operations are located in Building 31, just south of the Cougar Dome, on East Campus. If an affinity with the Undenominational faith interests you, check out our ranking of The Best Undenominational Colleges and Universities. Azusa Pacific has a total of 410 student athletes, 229 men and 181 women who compete in inter-collegiate athletics. Azusa Pacific University Student Life - US News Best Colleges Directions and Maps The Office of Campus Life seeks to fulfill the above mission through the following: The Office of Campus Life hosts Welcome Weekend at the beginning of each fall and spring semester to welcome new APU students, families, and their guests into the APU community. There were 4,498 undergraduates in 2020. Azusa Pacific University does not allow or recognize national social clubs, fraternities, or sororities. Campus Recreation: Coordinating various physical and electronic sports throughout the academic year. Azusa Pacific offers on-campus housing, but freshmen are not required to take advantage of it. Please remove a school before adding another. You can have a great social life without drugs or alcohol. The school community is okay-we're all just here for an education, nothing more. Azusa Pacific University is Ranked #708 for Overall Diversity Compared to other colleges and universities across the nation, Azusa Pacific is more diverse than average in terms of overall diversity. Spiritual Life and Azusa Pacific University are committed to creating an inclusive environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. and 68% female students. to evaluate the safety of a campus as well as the surrounding area. Spiritual Life at APU exists to experience a move of God on campus that leads to personal and communal spiritual renewal and aligns the lives of APU students with Gods kingdom purposes, equipping them to be lifelong disciples of Jesus. Graduate and Professional Spiritual Life < Azusa Pacific University The office also assists clubs/organizations with the following: Each semester, a Clubs and Organizations Fair takes place to provide registered clubs/organizations the opportunity for on-campus visibility and membership recruitment. The Office of Service and Discipleship is located in the east end of the Faculty Quad on East Campus. Undergraduates have access to one or more ROTC programs and there is an active student veterans group on campus. This website uses cookies to gather anonymous usage data. Our goal is for transfer students to experience a smooth transition into the community, feel a sense of belonging, and make the most of their time at APU. How visible are the campus police on campus? of students say the student body is very diverse in national origin (international students). Funding is allocated primarily to programs that will serve the greatest amount of students, enhance campus life, and promote club membership. This website uses cookies to gather anonymous usage data. What political party do you associate yourself with? MondayThursday, 9a.m.-5p.m. Spiritual Life - Azusa Pacific University The office is composed of professionals who are focused on operational (tracking housing assignments, issuing room keys) and programmatic efforts to promote student engagement in the APU on-campus community. The Office of Campus Life is located in the Student Union. of students say the dorms' social atmosphere is great. Compass and find out. 2555. By continuing to access this site, you consent to their use.For more information, view our privacy policy. Tons of raging parties almost any night of the week. Azusa Pacific University (APU) is a private, evangelical Christian university in Azusa, California.The university was founded in 1899, with classes opening on March 3, 1900, in Whittier, California, and began offering degrees in 1939.The university's seminary, the Graduate School of Theology, holds to a Wesleyan-Arminian doctrinal theology. Learn more about these requirements. You can learn more about the diversity of the student body at Azusa Pacific by looking closer at the ethnic, gender, age, and geographic diversity metrics from the Azusa Pacific Diversity Guide. The numbers for criminal offenses reflect reports of alleged Commuter Life < Azusa Pacific University What are the best food options on campus? The Office of Campus Life offers purposeful programming to help students develop a sense of belonging and personal growth throughout their APU experience. independently verified. RAs also assist in orienting students to the living area and the campus and plan a variety of programs that promote a sense of community and cooperation among residents. Home / Student Success Resources / Traditional Undergraduate Student Success Resources / Student Affairs / Residence Life Residence Life The Office of Residence Life strives to create an enriching and opportunity-filled on-campus housing experience for undergraduate and graduate students at Azusa Pacific. Get answers about the college application process. If you have a disability and require a disability-related accommodation, contact Spiritual Life at [email protected] one week prior to any event to begin the conversation or request an accommodation. Please. Copyright 2022-2023 Super happy and willing to help all the time. Anything on west campus, but it all closes earlier. Azusa Pacific University is a private institution that was founded in 1899. The Office of Campus Life also provides additional funds to registered clubs/organizations for events open to all APU students based upon the approval of the Presidents Council. 2,760 reviews Back to Profile Home Visit School's Website Azusa Pacific University Campus Life Housing Dorms A minus Based on housing cost, capacity, student reviews and additional factors. Azusa Pacific University If you have a disability and require a disability-related accommodation, contact Spiritual Life at [emailprotected] one week prior to any event to begin the conversation or request an accommodation. Campus Recreation: Coordinating various physical and electronic sports throughout the academic year. Poster paper and markers for on-campus advertising, Understanding university policies and procedures, Fostering leadership and organizational development. The Office of Campus Life offers purposeful student engagement opportunities to enrich the student experience at Azusa Pacific University. Some decent frat/house parties, weekends only. Residence Life < Azusa Pacific University Graduate and Professional Student Success Resources, Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations, Graduate and Professional Student Engagement, International Students and Scholars (ISS), Traditional Undergraduate Student Success Resources, University-Wide Student Success Resources, GraduateandProfessionalStudentSuccessResources. offenses to Clubs and Organizations: Supporting student-managed groups including club sports, service organizations, academic clubs, and social/interest groups. Compared to other colleges and universities across the nation, Azusa Pacific is more diverse than average in terms of overall diversity. Learn more about how Student Affairs helps students thrive at APU as well as student leadership opportunities. Student Affairs - Azusa Pacific University to the U.S. Department of Education and have not been Graduate and Professional Student Success Resources, Traditional Undergraduate Student Success Resources, International Students and Scholars (ISS), University-Wide Student Success Resources, TraditionalUndergraduateStudentSuccessResources. Based on housing cost, capacity, student reviews and additional factors. Full-time attendance was 3,804 (84.6%). Varsity sports are a big part of campus life. All Track Combined, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Tennis, All Track Combined, Basketball, Gymnastics, Soccer, Softball, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, Campus Ministries, Dance, Drama/Theater, International Student Organizations, Literary Magazine, Radio Station, Student Government, Newspaper, Film Society, Television Station, Yearbook, Choral Groups, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Music Ensembles, Musical Theater, Opera, Pep Band, Symphony Orchestra. Area Directors (ADs) and Graduate Residence Coordinators (GRCs) provide professional oversight and support in the living areas, helping students integrate their classroom learning with their out-of-classroom experiences. This college has been claimed by the college or a college representative. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. This website uses cookies to gather anonymous usage data. What one word or phrase best describes the typical student at this school? The Office of Campus Life provides intentional programming efforts in order that all of our second-year students may thrive during their time at APU and experience a sense of belonging. Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. Please note, some classes/degrees offered by Azusa Pacific can be taken online so keep that in mind when reviewing this report. Get ahead of the curve with our SAT/ACT test prep. Campus Recreation: Coordinating various physical and electronic sports throughout the academic year. families to (626) 969-3434 | Contact By continuing to access this site, you consent to their use.For more information, view our privacy policy. Location 901 E. Alosta Ave., PO Box 7000, Azusa, CA 91702-7000 901 E. Alosta Ave., PO Box 7000, Azusa, CA 91702-7000 The Office of Campus Life assists undergraduate student clubs and organizations in a variety of ways, including directing the club/organization chartering process, providing leadership training, allocating club/organization funds, and assisting in the progress and growth of all clubs/organizations. Subcommunities are directed by a resident advisor (RA, who reports to the AD or GRC) who plays a key role as a referral agent in the event that a student needs counseling or medical care. 4 awesome dances each year and Zu sporting events! of students highly rate the dining facilities. 901 E. Alosta Ave., PO Box 7000, Azusa, CA 91702-7000 of students say they feel extremely safe and secure on campus. Building 31, see Additional Directions belowView Map. Feedback | Privacy | RSS. Azusa Pacific University Because the residential experience so strongly supports the mission of APU, all traditional undergraduate students who do not choose to live locally at home are required to live in on-campus housing during their freshman and sophomore years. Please. Based on access to bars and student reviews on the party scene. The Office of Campus Life assists undergraduate student clubs and organizations in a variety of ways, including directing the club/organization chartering process, providing leadership training, allocating club/organization funds, and assisting in the progress and growth of all clubs/organizations. Admission to the University < Azusa Pacific University Students have the opportunity to reside in an on-campus living-learning community. What is the biggest social event of the year? students and their Provides auto-suggestions when entering text. offers purposeful programming to help students develop a sense of belonging and personal growth throughout their APU experience. Our goal is for transfer students to experience a smooth transition into the community, feel a sense of belonging, and make the most of their time at APU. Based on quality of housing, food services, student reviews, and additional factors. How popular are varsity sports on campus? The Office of Campus Life hosts Welcome Weekend at the beginning of each fall and spring semester to welcome new APU students into the community. Through efficient operations, students are assigned and provided access to diverse, supportive, and comfortable communities designed to promote their personal and academic growth. Students who wish to have a new club chartered must submit the appropriate documents to the Office of Campus Life. For more information, check out our Azusa Pacific for Veterans Guide. The Office of Campus Life seeks to fulfill the above mission through the following: Campus Events: Planning and implementing campus-wide events that create a sense of community among the student body. Azusa Pacific University APUTWO (Second-Year Initiatives): Students experience many changes and critical decisions during this time (e.g., deciding on majors, changes in their living situations, changes in friend groups and community), and research shows that students second-year experience is critical to their persistence toward graduating college. Azusa Pacific University Campus Life - Niche Student Affairs offers a variety of services, programs, and experiences that encourage students to develop a commitment to lifelong learning in the areas of Christian spiritual formation, student engagement, and student wellness. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. * Data compiled from students who received financial aid, including loans. About the Students Poll What one word or phrase best describes the typical student at this school? Home to about 4,498 undergraduates in 2020, Azusa Pacific is a private university located in Azusa, California. The Office of Campus Life provides students with opportunities for connection and engagement in order to foster a sense of belonging and holistic development.