Cookie: The most dangerous sweet treat on Earth. Can you think of any more cute alcohol themed pet names? A peach Bellini is a delicious and refreshing cocktail. The skins of the red grapes are removed before it turns red. Sake is a Japanese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice. Also, it is usually blended with crushed ice. Cabernet. This website participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Tatiana Mar 5, 2023 4:10 PM EST Love alcohol and dogs? Stella: we just heard Marlon Brando yelling for Stella, but thats not the reference were looking for here! With it, many more countries all over the world have come to know what only Germans, Belgians, and other early American settlers did: how incredibly varied and tasty beer can truly be. Porter: This is a dark kind of beer. This post contains affiliate links. Too Fun: Alcohol Inspired Names for Cats, Dogs & Other Pets! - KittyClysm* button. We have more names than just food related dog names! Either way, naming your pet after an alcoholic beverage is I think one of the cutest and most unique ways to go about naming an animal if youre into the idea of using a theme. Wallbanger: This would be a cool thing to call a crazy pooch. Herb: An Herb is a plant. 0: Or if you already have an idea of what letter you'd like your girl's name to start with, skip to our A to Z list. 43). Heffewiezen - Wheat beer. Tom: Tom is for the drink, Tom Collins. There are many different kinds of candy. Berry: A berry is a small fruit that doesnt have a pit. This Belgium Company is world-famous for its quality chocolate. What more feminine beer-inspired name could you give your female fur baby? These plants are dried and used in cooking. When the movie Frozen came out, there was a 900 percent rise in dogs named for those characters, so there were plenty of Elsa girl puppies for a while. Beagle Puppy Pictures, Facts and FAQs. Each year there are festivals in honor of this beer! This name is in reference to Miller Genuine Draft Beer. The name literally means British fungus. Its funny, this name is not name because a Brit found it. Aileen. Which is pretty cool! Melba toast is thin toast with melted cheese and served with soup. After Summit Brewing Company, an underrated brewery out of St. Paul, MN. If you have a dog with a brownish coat, this could be a great name for him! On the label, they placed an unnamed dog modeled after one of the best-loved pit bulls in history, Petey from the Little Rascals an iconic tribute to both those great canine figures who have helped to attract buyers to brands for years (see RCA Records, Buster Brown Shoes and Budweisers Spuds McKenzie) and faithful companions everywhere. Beer is a popular, slightly alcoholic drink around the world. Oh my goodness too cute. This makes malt have a sweeter taste. 6). Pies have more of a pastry crust. Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below! Fuggles dont come from another planet or from one of the Harry Potter stories, as the name may suggest. Listed alphabetically (of course!) The dough is first boiled then baked. It is made with vodka, OJ and Galliano. This spice is added to drinks and cuisine. 33). Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website! This is a blended whiskey from Canada. Ale is usually sweet and has a slightly fruity taste. Once just a man interested in home-brewing, the company took off after Magee got his legs under himself with one of his first brews, the aptly titled Dogtown Pale Ale. Lambrusco. While many people choose more common dog names such as Max or Bella, others like to get more creative. The trend is now to take it to the next level. A beer mixed with a soft drink like carbonated lemonade or grapefruit. Of course, they all have some sweetness in common. IPAs are very bitter and have large alcohol content. 25). Gouda: This is a yellow round Dutch cheese. Required fields are marked. Named a cat i take care of in a colony, Tipsy after the drink Tipsy Cat, plus one of his leg looks half gone (trying to trap him presently), Ive always called my dogs and cats alcohol names and my chicken herbs and spices. This ale is light in color. Your email address will not be published. November 22, 2017 by Elise Xavier | Updated: July 23, 2020 - 23 Comments. Nostalgia We're all suckers for nostalgia, but for some hipsters, retro is basically a religion. with some sort of theme in mind? Best Craft Beer Dog Names | Dog Names After Beer - CraftJacks I Never Used to Think I Was a Cat Person, toys like these that allow cats to play by themselves, Cat Food Mats & Pet Trays: Helping Feeding Stations Stay Tidy & Clean. Ginger: First, Ginger is a root, that is a flavoring in drinks and dishes. Basil: This is an herb that is usually in Italian food. 44). Here are our different categories. However, if you prefer champagne on its own, it makes a great alcohol inspired name for dogs. Crumpet: A crumpet is an unsweetened fried batter. 21). Adara: this name means "from the ford at the oak tree." This has the sound of fairies about it, so this might be a pretty name for a small dog. Nugget: Nuggets are a small chunk of a piece of food. Wine-Inspired Names. They own several different brands of booze and also make their own rum. Absinthe Bourbon Brandy Cognac Gin Kahlua Mezcal Moonshine Rummy - (or Rum) Sake Sambuca Schnapps Scotch Tequila Vodka Whiskey Liquor Brand Names Most cobblers are made with fruit and are baked in a deep dish with a top crust. It is a beer from Australia, that comes in a big blue can. Calling all beer connoisseurs, we have the complete list of American, Irish, German, Australian and craft beer names for your dog. Bordeaux: Any wine that is made in the Bordeaux region of France earns this name. It is made with mint, lime juice, white rum, sugar, and soda water. The oldest date for beer in this area goes back to a reference on a 6,000 year-old Sumerian tablet, which showed people using reed straws to share a communal bowl of what researchers believe was beer. Chat With a Veterinarian For Personalized Help. This nectar is made from fermenting sugar cane or molasses. Pink: This name comes from the Pink Lady cocktail. It has a hint of coffee, toffee, and chocolate tastes. Merlot: This is a kind of dark wine. If you name your girl dog Blondy, she'll be a good-natured and playful companion. I have a slew scattered around the house, so when my cats get bored, even if Im busy or not even home, my furries are able to actively play. Cake Pop: A cake pop is a piece of cake that is on a stick, like a lollipop. Foster: This name comes from Fosters Lager. Miller: This is one of the famous American beer companies. Its an India pale ale. Bass Love fishing and drinking beer? Bon Bon: This word means, good, in French. Shiner: Shiner is the first part of Shiner Bock. After all, this is a name that youll be saying to your new puppy every day for many happy years ahead. It is a cocktail made from whiskey and vermouth. A beer from Belgium. There are also chips made out of corn. Porterhouse: This name seems long, so I would just use Porter. Beam: Beam is how some people order Jim Beam. Then this beer name would be quite appropriate for your boy fur baby! Shandy. 7). Bob. Vodka usually makes messy drunks. 48). 75 Dog Names for Beer Lovers - PetHelpful It adds bitterness and acidic tastes to wine. The name comes from Bass, the largest brewing company in the world. Steve. Jonathan Powell, Published: 06/08/2018, edited: 01/30/2020. Meatballs are balls of beef that are eaten with Italian pasta. Their brews are known for their refined flavors that bring pure enjoyment. Choosing a funny name can help show off your dog's outgoing personality. Also, this is a slang term for weak. Chive: The Chive is an herb that is used for flavor. Lastly is from, corn on the Cobb. Id avoid using the nut portion of this name and stick with just Hazel. Rotational Feeding for Dogs. It is fermented using a warm method. Chablis: A wine that comes from the Chablis region. Whats better than a frozen margarita in the summertime? The white kind comes from sugar cane or sugar beet. Schiltz: if you live in the central northern part of the U.S., youre probably quite familiar with this beer name! Chardonnay. 37). This might be good for a messy dog. If a rum and coke is your drink of choice, consider naming your dog after one of the most popular brands of rum, Captain Morgan. Who knew! Stella: This is from Stella Artois. 41). Made with grapes from the Champagne region of France. The beer is aged in rum barrels, and youll find subtle hints of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. Because of the length, it would probably be a good idea to shorten it to just Zin. Natty Boa, which is slang for National Bohemian beer. Absolut: Naming you pooch, Absolut would be pretty cool. This stuff is hardcore and has been the blame for a lot of mistakes. 14). Manhattan and Martini!!!! 2. It is used for making whiskey. Lastly, Sprout is the sidekick of the Jolly Green Giant. Check them out. They are from Milwaukee. Bagel: This is a round piece of bread that has a hole in the middle. Made with steamed milk and espresso. There are so many different recipes for his drink. It is made with Gin, Vermouth, and an olive. 555 Female Dog Names For Gorgeous Girl Puppies - The Happy Puppy Site Sushi: Sushi is a meal from Japan. Abigail: beer geeks may be familiar with this type of beerits known as a blonde beer. Share2Pin It0. Rossa: this is a pretty name that comes from Las Rossa, which is an Italian dark beer (dunkel). This could be a great name for an Irish Setter, a Redbone Coonhound, or even a Golden Retriever! It is usually put on top of bread, muffins, or bagels. Do Adult Cats Have More? For those of you who enjoy craft beers, heres a list of names that may be inspiration for your pups name! Naming a dog after something you love is a great idea. Though a real one would be fabulous. This is an American style beer, of course, served in tall boy cans. 112 Alcohol-Inspired Dog Names | Cuteness After searching this list, you might also enjoy our list of candy dog names and dessert dog names. An excellent name for a powerful dark dog breed such as the Doberman, rottweiler or Newfoundland. And thanks to breweries, beer styles, jargon and all, there are plenty of ways to turn these wholly beer-centric titles into the perfect dog names. Required fields are marked *. 75 Dog Names for Beer Lovers | Dog names, Dog beer, Beer - Pinterest As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases; learn more here. Franks Red Hot Sauce is the first one. Porter: this is a style of beer that was first created in London. Peppermint Patty: This is the name of a candy that has a peppermint center and chocolate outside. Chablis. 100+ Alcohol Names for Dogs: Wine, Beer & Cocktail-Inspired Ideas Bordeaux. 39). Bellini: A drink made with peach nectar and Italian sparkling wine, Prosecco. The bread is flaky and eaten for breakfast. Taco: A Taco has either a hard or softshell. Creole: Creole is a type of cooking from Louisiana. They were originally a Canadian Brewery and brewed their own successful beer. Coco: This bean makes chocolate. Again, this is a pretty name for your female fur baby. In brewing beer, tannins add an astringent flavor to the beer, which is very subtle. Required fields are marked *. It is dipped in chocolate. They offer several beers with distinctive names including Flyjack, Mind Haze, Luponic Distortion and more. Stout: Stout is a dark beer. Firstly, it is from the bean and meat dish, Chili. This dark beer is brewed in Shiner, Texas. The Most Unique Dog Names in Canada - Nilla: Nilla is a popular brand name for vanilla wafers. It is also one of the main parts of beer. Doppelback: this would be a most unusual name for a fur baby. Enter your email address and hit "Go" to receive notifications of new KittyClysm posts by email. A Brandy, Vino, & Jack group of Maltese dogs would honestly make my heart melt to call to the door for a walk! These first 10 are among the most popular alcohol, wine, and beer dog names: Top 5 Alcohol Names for Female Dogs Hennessy Marsala Stella Mimosa Skyy Top 5 Alcohol Names for Male Dogs Tequila Pinot Caesar Guinness Porter Image Credit: Insubria, Pixabay Liquor Names for Dogs 30 Beer Names for Dogs: Get Inspired by Beer and Beer Brands - Draft Mag A great brew name for your St. Bernard, or any dog who has a saintly temperament. Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash Man's Best Friend Deserves the Best Name Whoever coined the phrase "man's best friend" in reference to canines couldn't have been more right! By Karen Weir-Jimerson Published on August 24, 2020 In This Article View All Terms of Endearment Names Inspired by German Composers Cabernet: Cabernet Sauvignon, is the most popular red wine. Allagash: the brewery of this name, Allagash Breweries, makes a wonderful Belgian-style ale known as witbier. It is made with water and ethanol. 5). No brunch is complete without a champagne and orange juice mixed drink! Hops: Hops is one of the main ingredients of beer. Honey is also used in making honey beer. . Rye: Rye is a grass that is technically a grain. That's why you meet so many dogs named Max, Sophie, Bella, and Oliver. Hoppie is a cute name for a female terrier breed; Hoppy is a great name for an active male puppy. Hops Beer ingredient that makes a cute name for an energetic dog. You wont hear this in the dog park! Remember, life can be hectic, so chill out and let your paws do the clicking! Daiquiri: This is a frozen drink that is made from rum, citrus, and sugar. Black Angus. Mimosa: This is a cocktail. 100+ Human Names for Dogs - The Spruce Pets Dogfish: first launched in June 1995, Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats became Delawares first brewpub, located in Rehoboth Beach. Vesper: This the Martini that James Bond drank. This means if you click on the link and purchase this item or service, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. As a Chewy affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. We have built a huge library of dog names segmented by category. Enter your email address and hit "Go" to be notified each time a new post is published on KittyClysm. Gyros are a popular Greek food. Mostly herbs add flavoring to dishes. I cannot wait to see the kittens . Quick Navigation 1 Picking the Right Alcohol-Inspired Dog Name 2 Alcohol-Inspired Dog Names from Pop Culture 3 The Best Alcohol-Inspired Dog Names 4 The Best Male & Female Alcohol-Inspired Dog Names 5 Dog Names Inspired by Other Drinks 6 What alcohol-inspired name should I give my dog? Viking dog names are cool too! 1). Search Rover Blog. Now, here are some Irish names for girl dogs! All opinions remain our own. What a beautiful name for your female canine companion! Theyre known for some great brews, their love of nature, and for the sustainability of their brewing process. 125 Female Dog Names - The Spruce Pets Gyro: It is a taco-shaped sandwich that is filled with meat. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi, I'm Elise! It is an alcohol spirit that is flavored with juniper berries. 285+ Food Dog Names - My Dog's Name [Unique Name Ideas] Sprout: Sprout has two foodie-related meanings. Pina: This comes from the tropical Pina Colada. Twinkies are yellow sponge cakes that are filled with a creamy center. If you enjoy a cold beer in the summer, a glass of wine in the evening, or a mixed drink on a Friday night, naming your new furry friend with an alcohol inspired dog name may be the perfect route for you. This brewery is also owned by Heineken Breweries. Jger: Jager comes from Jgermeister. Firestone Walker Beer: brought you to by the Firestone Walker Brewing Company. This is a flavored liquor that started in New Orleans. Burgundy: A French wine made in the Burgundy region. Chianti. Gender-Neutral Female Dog Names. Rob: This is for the whiskey drink the Rob Roy. The taste can vary, and the aroma is known for being similar to pears, roses, bananas and other fruit. 7 Further reading: Other dog names Cherry:A cherry is a small red fruit. Margarita: This is a cocktail from Mexico, made with Tequila, lime, and orange liqueur. This drink is served in a glass with salt on the rim. A Porterhouse is a cut of beef. Your email address will not be published. While films and television often inspire the most popular names. Molson Molson Export, a favorite among Canadian beers. Oskar Blues Brewery: with breweries in Colorado and North Carolina, this brewery is famous for its classic ales and stouts including: Pinner Session IPA, Old Chub Scotch Ale, GKnight Imperial Red IPA and more. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. Rock: Rock is for the American beer, Rolling Rock. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They are usually used in Italian dishes. Also, it is cut straight on the ends. We've covered 30 of them in this article. Some of my friends were upset about an alcohol themed name but we used to name our cats after drinks as a kid. When autocomplete results are available use up and down . A specific fruit is also usually thrown in. Noodle: Noodles are pasta. Wine enthusiast here is the best and complete list with red, white and sparkling wine names for your puppy: If you dont like any of these wine names for your dog, then maybe you should head to your local wine cellar and be inspired! Rum: Rum is a popular spirit. Lastly is the cooking method, food in oil. Daisy: this is the name of a beer brewed by the Half Acre Beer Company. Written by a Puggle lover 18). Alcohol Inspired Names for Dogs - And, of course, there is the ever-present pit bull whose face appears on the label of nearly every bottle produced and every bottle cap. Or simply enjoy a glass of wine or bottle of craft beer at the end of a long week. 8). Looking for coffee-related dog names? Chianti: This is a type of wine that has to made with a certain type of grape. Name your dog after Miller Lite, a popular brand of beer. This would make a unique name for your male fur baby! Peaches are sweet and also have a big pit in the middle. Again, Im not even usually one for naming conventions, but since there are so many names on this list Id actually love to call a pet, I might have to reconsider. A growler is a jug that holds draft beer. Jul 14, 2019 - Beer-related names for dogs both male and female. Spirit is the alcohol that is in a liqueur. If youve still not found the right name for your canine friend, then check out this list of beer lovers great dog names: 31). Citra: this is a type of beer that is from the UK. 9). Morgan: This name comes from Captain Morgan. Heineken Americas most popular Dutch beer. This is a top-shelf vodka brand. No need to worry about your furry family member. It has no added flavors and gets its distinct taste from the wood barrels. Cream Puff: This is a cream-filled pastry. Goose: This name comes from the top shelf vodka, Grey Goose. For those who enjoy a glass of wine, Ros makes a wonderful alcohol inspired dog name. If you are wondering what to do if your dog drank beer, we have a post for that. St the moment I am in rehabbroken femer ( leg bone,,) This might work for a crazy pricey pooch. Alcohol Dog Names: Tipsy Names for Your Sturdy Four-Legged Friend It goes well with food and is the second most drank wine in the US. You can use the name Oskar with its unique spelling or choose the name of one the breweries ales or stouts. This was a new idea for us! However, it has less alcohol in it than regular whiskey. Lastly, it is for the drink, tea. 4). Since then, it has become not only a well-loved symbol of their brand, but a symbol of the type of loyalty they want to have to their consumers and vice versa. Pinterest. ok bye, Ooo! Hennessy is a Cognac which is a type of brandy. I searched for all the top, most popular beers and handpicked all the names that would make great dog names. Roy: Roy is the last part of the cocktail, the Rob Roy. Scotch: Scotch is short for Scotch Whisky. It is a sweet and tart red syrup that is used in cocktails. I would seriously die of happiness just thinking about their perfectly adorable names. If your daughter is Annie and the dog is Franny, the dog (or your daughter) may be confused and not know when to respond. Bubbly. Angus: Angus means, One strength and Choice one. Its no wonder that Black Angus meat is high-quality beef. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. So, we have beer names for dogs, wine names for dogs, and booze names for dogs. They are similar to blueberries. Waffle: This is breakfast food. Latte: A Latte is a coffee drink. Instead, were thinking of Stella Artois Pilsner beer, made in Belgium. Beer Dog Names: Female Amber- These full-bodied beers with hints of caramel make a lovely name for a golden or amber coated female dog Blonde- Blonde beers tend to be very light and have minimal bitterness. (beer, of course)? Coors: Coors is a major beer company. Gin: Gin is one of the main parts of a lot of cocktails on this list. Cobb: Cobb reps two items. B. Bailey*. Ester: this is a fruity flavoring in beer thats produced during the fermentation process. We have had chickens named Nugget and Bok Choitee hee-, MosCato is so witty! The best beer names for dogs aren't so hard to find. Youll have to get a real one once youre up for it they definitely take you out of Grinch mode and make your heart grow three sizes! Whiskey isnt just a good choice for an alcohol inspired dog name, its actually one of the most common names for male dogs. Your email address will not be published. It has corn beef, sauerkraut, Swiss and dressing served on rye bread. Toddy. Gumbo is a Louisiana stew. She also volunteers for a local dog rescue and Humane Society. I think a cool name would be Zucc. Peaches: A peach is a fuzzy round piece of fruit. Go find your dogs perfect name. The brewery takes its name from the 19th century when steam was the nickname for a beer created on the West Cost of America, in often primitive conditions. Updated November 30, 2021 Dog and Cat Names Heather Logue. Meatball: If you are getting a plump pooch, Meatball might work. Mousse: Most people will think this name is linked with the animal, moose. A drink made of alcoholic liquor and hot water, sweetened and sometimes spiced with cloves. 29). It is made with champagne and orange juice. Have you ever named a pet (or a group of pets!) Choosing dog names based on drinks may be a more popular chance of life. Pronounced like, my tie.. Connect with a verified veterinarian in minutes. It ranges from a light amber to reddish copper color. If youre looking for a name your fur baby wont hear other than from you, this may be a good fit for him! Jack also comes from Jack Daniels. Pepper. So use her name frequently in a positive context so she doesnt associate it with punishment or anything negative or scary. Colt: Colt is taken from Colt 45. 16). People make bread and pies out of it. A female puppys name is an important part of her training and socialization. Check out all the other blogs I pen & photograph. These are donuts that are just balls. Barley: this is a grain, which is used to make beer. Gimlet: A Gimlet is a gin cocktail. There are plenty of great beer related terms that are perfect names for both male and female dogs. Amber- These full-bodied beers with hints of caramel make a lovely name for a golden or amber coated female dog. It is named after the Pinot noir grapes that are used. If you have a lady dog, then weve got some beer-inspired names that may be just perfect for her! Your email address will not be published. There are plenty of beers and breweries you can build off of that arent on our list, but we figured these names and words would be a good starting point, especially since they capture a significant breadth of the brewing world. Johnnie: This name comes from Johnnie Walker. You pronounce this name like yager. What could be better for name for a boy dog than Adam? Featured Famous Dog with a Craft Beer Inspired Name, After Dogfish Head Brewery, one of the most innovative on the market, After Anchor Brewing, one of the oldest craft breweries, out of SF, A rich, dark brown beer made from partly charred or browned malts, After 3 Floyds Brewery, who make one of the most sought after beers in the world, A highly-carbonated fruity, spicy pale ale, A strong, dark beer made with roasted barley or malt, After Stone Brewing, San Diego, CA; known for their Pales and IPAs, After Founders Brewing Co., one of the most well-loved beer makers on the market, One of the most well-respected brewers on the market, After Doppelbock, a stronger version of a Bock, a strong German lager, An ingredient largely used for flavor and stabilizing, After Odell Brewing Co. out of Fort Collins, CO, A well-regarded brewery out of Cooperstown, NY, Often used to age some beers to enhance their flavor, A container, usually around 64 oz, used for transporting beer, A large bottle with a narrow neck used for fermenting, A scale used to measure a beer's gravity during brewing, A beer served from a cask or keg, instead of a bottle or can, The liquid extracted from the mashing process, After Bell's Brewery, a famous craft beer producer from Kalamazoo, MI, After Trillium Brewing Company, a well-regarded beermaker from Canton, MA, After Summit Brewing Company, an underrated brewery out of St. Paul, MN, After New Belgium's La Folie, a sour brown ale, After Sierra Nevada Brewery, who led the charge in returning to craft brewing, A lightly-colored and lightly-bodied beer, A mild yet sweet and sometimes bitter style of beer with a higher alcoholic content, After Avery Brewing Co., a producer out of Boulder, CO, After Ballast Point, one of the most highly-regarded craft breweries, After Rogue Ales, a well-respected brewery, After New Holland Brewing, good beer out of Michigan, After New Glarus Brewing, a brewery that makes Wisconsin-only brews, After Oskar Blues Brewery, best known for their canned brews, A wide term used for amber/red colored beers; well-balanced in flavor, A highly-important cereal grain in beer making, An important ingredient alongside barley in beer making, A style of beer described as being dry and almost cider-y, A style of beer that is herbal, salty, and sour, After Maibock, one of the lightest of the Books, strong hop flavor, After Allagash Brewing Company, a well-loved brewery out of Portland, ME, An adventurous brewery out of Hershey, PA, Another name for a barrel, used for aging and flavoring, The process of mixing the grain bill, water and liquor; part of the beer making process. Formed after musician and print-man Tony Magee got tired of the Chicago scene and moved out to California, Lagunitas soon took after those that influenced it (Anchor and Sierra Nevada) by skyrocketing into success. It is made with the blue agave plant. Olive: Oddly enough, this black or green oval-shaped Martini marker is a fruit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fireball: Fireball is one of the bestselling whiskeys in the US. Sugar. It has vanilla sugar, coffee, and rum. 2023 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Here are 150 German dog names for your brand new hound. Kolsch A German beer style in the lager family. This is EXTREMELY timely lol. 0: Summit. Most Americans were content to satisfy after-hours thirsts with a traditional lager style beer, such as Miller Light or the King of Beers, Budweiser. Willamette. ), 125+ Alcohol Dog Names - Beer, Wine, Cocktails & More - My Dog's Name But come on, how awesome is this name. Blonde- Blonde beers tend to be very light and have minimal bitterness. It is made of roasted malt or barley, water, hops, and yeast. If youre looking for a very pretty, lady-like name for your female canine companion, this one beats them all! Reuben: This is a popular sandwich. If I missed your favorite beer, please let me know below in the comments so I can add it to the list! 47). Some people use an egg white as well. There are plenty of great beer related terms that are perfect names for both male and female dogs.