Boat Club Membership | Freedom Boat Club Freedom Boat Club has been in business since 1989, and is the oldest and largest boat club in the world. Our most popular and versatile JetRide package, Access to over 20 different models of boats and jet skis. This particular boat has been fully outfitted for cruising, entertaining, fishing and watersports. Open for Business: Freedom Boat Club - Florida Today Depending on the membership level and the location you choose, the costs of a Freedom Boat Club membership can range anywhere from $199 to $399 per month, with a one-time initial membership fee that can be in the $3,000 to $10,500+ range, again, depending on the location. Tampa St. Pete, Largo. May be transferred to an immediate family member once in the lifetime of the membership. The morea marina charges for slip fees, dock and office space, etc., the more costly it is fortheFBC franchise owner to operatethe business. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Simply contact us to pause your membership so that you dont incur monthly payments when you are out of town, unable to get out on the water, or too busy to take a boat for a spin. From Yelp, we found out that if you want to become a member of the Freedom Boat Club you must pay a one-time initiation fee that is $4,000 and $200 in case you want only weekday access. All SBC boats are among the best boats in their class from respected brands known for quality construction. Get either 1 boat or 2 jetskis per reservation. Warmer climates can offer members unlimited boating year-round. To starboard there is a stand-up head with electric toilet and separate shower stall. From Skeptic to Boat Lover: Meet FBC of Seattle Members Pam and Steve We had been members for five years at Burnt Store Marina, Florida. Boat when and where you want, no waiting. You might be able to take advantage of lower rates if you negotiate. IGY Marinas operate 14 of the most modern marine locations from the Med to the Caribbean and in the U.S., including three in Florida. The membership executive in each local market knows all the available membership plans and associated costs, and will happily answerall your questions. You can also call your dock(s) of choice at any time to check on availability. document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Regal 33 SAV (Sport Activity Vessel) is a premium-quality crossover" that has both day boating and weekending capabilities. Throughout the past decade, they've continued to evolve their surf . Everything You Need to Know About Boat Clubs in Tampa - Freedom Boat Club Join Now. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This means that the one-time entry fee is generally higher in larger metropolitan markets. 7 Boat Clubs In Tampa, Florida You Should Know (Must-See!) Limited Membership. How about a leisurely cocktail cruise with friends with the sun setting and everyone mellow? For instance, the club in Venice, Florida offered at some point a $159 trial membership which you could have taken advantage of. Home; Our Fleet; Video; News & Events; Location; Member Login; Location. Sovereign Boat Club lets you go farther, up to 100 miles offshore. Every member must take Sovereign Yacht Clubs safe boating course and receive hands-on boat use orientation. This is a costly investment if you aren't even sure if you want to commit significant amounts of time and effort into boating. Related Article: Boat Clubs in Fort Lauderdale: 6 Clubs to Know (Before Deciding). Tel: (727) 200-3474. Close to St Pete, St Pete Beach, Tampa, Clearwater, Clearwater Beach, Belleair Beach, Indian Rocks Beach and other Pinellas and Hillsborough county communities. Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay - Members Only Website As a general rule, the majority of the boats in the fleet would need three to five gallons of gasoline burned for every hour. Groupons daily deals can be a great way to save on your day at the boat club. Our electric-flush equipped head will make everyone aboard more comfortable on a long outing. To give you an idea, the one-time entry fee may cost $5,000. The Regal 33 SAV (Sports Activity Vessel) is powered by twin 350-hp Yamaha outboard engines. The cost is similar to other boating programs, but what you get is a whole other level. Freedom to boat is at the very core of Freedom Boat Club! Then, theyll be ready to boat! We do all the work, you just enjoy the boats. Use the boats as often as you would like with no additional cost. The Clubs program is an incredible option for our family. Membership 101: Boating Plans & More | Freedom Boat Club - Intercom For the same reasons, monthly membership options and plan pricing also vary by location. An Exceptional Boat in St Petersburg, FL made accessible to you The Pursuit DC266 is one of the very best boats built in its class. Many of our satisfied members choose to tip for outstanding service, and the dock staff appreciates the consideration, this is fully atthe membersdiscretion. In case you need to transfer to another location, be prepared to pay a transfer fee that is around $550. Once someone becomes a member,. Our Everglades 235cc is located in a dry stack marina near downtown St. Petersburg Florida, an ideal boating location in the Tampa Bay. Some clubs located in warm climates offer year-round, unlimited boating. From dual consoles to deck boats, this club offers a diverse fleet of boats to meet your needs. Membership in the boat club is available for just $199 per month. Locations Around the Globe. Owners and employees of this amazing club will know al the great sights and places to be in Florida when you ask about them, so make sure to ask! 4801 37th Street S, St. Petersburg, FL 33711. This is whywe cannot list all the one-time fee or monthly plan options for every club online, norpublish a standardized membership rate card. Thank you for choosing to visit our site and learn more about boating the Carefree way. Maximo Marina is part of the IGY Marinas system that caters to luxury yachts. Tampa Boat Rental or Boat Club - Carefree Boat Club - Boating Without We will undoubtably end up in small claims court rather than roll over for an additional $900 loss. Located just outside Tampa in the conveniently situated St. Petersburg, SunTime Boat Club brings nearly two decades of experience managing boat clubs to the table. They are happy to help load and unload your gear. As opposed to when you own a boat, you dont have to worry about monthly insurance premiums, boat payments, docking or storage fees, cleaning, repairs, maintenance, or any of the other costly and time-consuming drawbacks to boating. Our boat club membership is quick and affordable. The fuel used to power your boat is not included in the costs. What are the drawbacks of a boat club membership? Go to Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay . We highly encourage you to read it for yourself. Tampa Bay Area Premium Boat Club - Limited Membership Boat Club with Enjoy a $250K Robalo R317 Dual Console at a fraction of the cost of ownership. Freedom Boat Club - Forbes Below decks she has a cozy cabin with a bench seat that converts into a bed forward. Pricing Made Easy at FREEDOM | Freedom Boat Club - Knowledge Base Software Mass market boat clubs are a wonderful means of shared access for beginners. It was a fantastic club under the direction of Jon Giglio, that is until he sold out to the stogie Brunswick Corporation. Off-season, however, business and operational costs are still incurred, as the clubs fleet must be properly winterized, serviced, and put into storage. Once your boat-orientation has been completed, members may reserve the boat online through our reservation service. Our findings of the various boat clubs surrounding Tampa Bay are listed below. An Initiation fee of $600.00 plus first month's payment (prorated based on remainder of the month) gets you on our reservations book immediately! From what we were able to gather during our research, the monthly costs are anywhere between $220 and $450, with a one-time initiation fee that can be between $3,200 and more than $11,000 also depending on the location. Carefree Boat Club Tampa St. Petersburg, We would love to hear your thoughts! Related Article: 7 Boat Clubs in Florida You Should Know (Before Choosing). Tampa, Florida and the surrounding cities are therefore a hub for boat and yacht clubs alike. A boat club is only as good as the fleet it provides to its members, and we are confident that we have one of the best fleets in the state. The owner has invested over $240,000 in this new boat. Our boats are intended for member operation, but if a captain is wanted, the Club will supply one for an extra fee. Some also offer friendsnfamily programs. However, the Sovereign Boat Club is up-market and is intended for people who want to enjoy the water on a premium boat that is ready and able to go out to sea. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Welcome to Carefree Boat Club Largo part of the Carefree Boat Club Tampa Family and the best boat club in Tampa or St. Petersburg Florida! Your local membership executivecan provide fulldetails. . Freedom Boat Club is a large franchise of boat clubs and owners, working hard to be the best in the business. This article provides the basic details of how the club works and the boating plans available for purchase. There is no set term to your membership . How Much Does a Freedom Boat Club Membership Cost? Your only other charge is for the gas. We've designed our Boating Plans to be flexible and convenient while prioritizing what makes our club so unique An Affordable and hassle-free boating experience. Our club makes it easy to enjoy all that Florida has to offer, and we are conveniently located near some of the best boating areas on the gulf coast. You dont have to worry about cleaning, maintaining, or storing the boats as the club will do all this work on its fleet. When you obtain a, Copyright 2019 Suntime Boat Club. All family members over 21 are eligible as operators after taking the course. She has the amenities of much larger boats in a versatile design that is ideal for an outing with family and friends. Before joining a boat club, be sure to visit their marina and talk with their office about membership benefits. 2023 CATERING GUIDE Small Meetings Made Easy Membership - The Tampa Club Go all day. Located on the scenic Old Tampa Bay within walking distance of many places of interest, such as dining, music, tourism, and sights to see! However, this may vary from location to location. We will be sending you all the details about local plans, discounts & local partnerships. However, the Sovereign Boat Club is up-market, and is intended for people who want to enjoy the water on a premium boat that is ready and able to go out to sea. Boat Club Membership in Tampa Bay is a "Fraction of the Cost of Owning" . Ownership was right for our family at the time, but, at thisstage in our lives, club membership is an easy, cost-effective way to enjoy the boating lifestyle. Membership has its privileges. They have premium facilities and a staff that is dedicated to customer service. Reserve My Boat (for members . To enroll in the club there are two primary components to membershipan Initial Membership Fee and Monthly Membership Dues. @media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-medrectangle-4-0-asloaded{max-width:300px!important;max-height:250px!important}}if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thepricer_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-medrectangle-4-0');@media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-medrectangle-4-0_1-asloaded{max-width:300px!important;max-height:250px!important}}if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thepricer_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',126,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-126{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. People join boat clubs to access a fleet of boats without owning their own, and yacht clubs are joined by sailors looking for access to social events and communities. Our boats are intended for member operation, but if a captain is wanted, the Club will supply one for an extra fee. The problem is that most clubs really only offer a pretty narrow selection of boats. Location - Carefree Boat Club Next, you will be responsible for monthly payments, maintenance, storage, towing insurance, repairs, and more. If you are located in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Pinellas Park, Dunedin, or beyond and looking for a Tampa Boat Club to make your own, contact us today for more details. Tampa Boat Club | Tampa - Home - SunTime Boat Club The Freedom Boat Club is a dream for many people who may not have the opportunity or financial freedom of owning their own boat. Take overnight cruises and stay in a different marina every night or book multiple days. Get a low price-pointentry into either of our unlimited use packages. JetSetter. Go to the Keys, visit the Everglades or see the manatees in Crystal River. The price of your membership at The Freedom Boating Club can vary drastically depending on what level you go for and the location you are joining. No boat rental fees and well maintained vessels . Access to Member Socials, Fishing Clubs, Guided Tours & More, Opportunity to participate in our Ambassador's Club, Wavve Boating App & access to, Reciprocal access to over 250+ locations across the US, Canada, and Europe. Boat sizes at the Freedom Boat Club vary between 16 and 24 feet and include deck boats, kayaks, floats, pontoons, skiffs, sailboats, and bow rides, but options vary by location. Our area and prime location are another reason people often recommend us at the best boat club in the bay. If you want a simple and affordable way to enjoy the Gulf, SunTime Boat Club is for you. With a variety of membership types for both residents and non-residents, theres plenty offered by this upscale club that members can use to enjoy their next experience out on the water. All our boats are equipped with VHF radios for safety. Click Herefor more information. Schedule a Tour of the Club Boat. Carefree Boat Club is a private membership club and your alternative to buying a boat, or high boat rental costs. Rates - Coastal Boat Club St. Pete-Tierra Verde I Boston Whaler 280 Outrage. Her interior is designed for an active family. All Freedom Boat Club membership plans feature two distinct pricing components: A one-time entry fee to join the club An affordable membership plan that best suits each member's needs The one-time fee and the cost of the monthly membership plan vary depending on where you join, and the type of plan you select. We have a quick and easy sign-up process and registration fee. Were consumers too, so we know that you want to be as thorough as possible when analyzing all the options. To enroll in the club there are two primary components to membership . We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You'll find, as thousands of others have found in the Tampa area, Freedom Boat Club of Greater Tampa Bay is the best value for the dollar. Most of them are newer than three years. This club focuses on boating affordability and helping its members enjoy their time out on the water. If you compare their costs versus owning a boat of this caliber, theres no contest., Ive been a member of a mass-market boat club for over ten years. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_6" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );
If you live in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Pinellas Park, Indian Rocks Beach, or any of the neighboring regions and are looking for pontoon rentals or any other type of boat rental, consider the best boat club membership available in Tampa Bay - at SunTime Boat Club. An Affordable and hassle-free boating experience. Close to St Pete, St Pete Beach, Tampa, Clearwater, Clearwater Beach, Belleair Beach, Indian Rocks Beach and other Pinellas and Hillsborough county communities. Freedom Boat Club's core focus is to share our passion for the Boating Lifestyle throughout Tampa Bay & Central Florida. Just think about the fun of exploring new places on the water with family or friends and treating them to the joy of swimming from a boat, snorkeling, scuba diving, or giving them the thrill of having a big one on for the first time (or, any time). When wake surfing took the industry by storm, they were the first brand with surf technology onboard. 1) Limited selection of boats When we join a boat club, there is this idea that one weekend we can take out a family-sized pontoon and the next, a luxury catamaran. For example, the initiation fee for the Tampa location is almost $4,000, while in Miami you pay more than $9,500. Depending on where your Home Club will reside, we'll a have a membership to fit your lifestyle. Many of our clubs use fuel flow meters that are initiated at check-out from the dock, and then reviewed in full upon return. When you head out on the water, stress levels dissipate as you feel the wind in your face and enjoy the surrounding beauty. We have a wide variety of boat styles from which to choose, including pontoon boats, speed boats, center console boats, dual console boats, hurricane deck boats, and much more. Home; . It was nice for a period of time, but their vessels were mediocre and not suited for my needs. Her 21-degree deadrise at the transom is a good compromise between efficiency and riding comfort. The cockpit has 2 fold-out seats that provide seating when entertaining. Enjoy the premium boat club in the Tampa Bay, FL area at a fraction of the cost of ownership. Find out the costs for joining the premier boat club of Tampa Bay. Tampa St. Pete, Largo - Carefree Boat Club - Boating Without Owning How Much Do Boat Club Memberships Cost? (Helpful Examples) - GoDownsize