For more information, view the Community Access for The CADI waiver is for individuals, both children and adults, who need the level of care that would otherwise be provided in a nursing home. The Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver provides funding for services for children and adults with developmental disabilities or related conditions. Home Care Services provide medical and health-related services and assistance with day-to-day activities for people in their homes. The MnCHOICES assessment is a service provided by the county agency to assist individuals and their families in planning and choosing services. Respite: Short-term care services provided to a person when their primary caregiver is absent or needs relief. MHCP will pay only services on the SA; however, an approved SA is not a guarantee of payment. These programs provide services and supports for people to live in their homes or a community Families who are receiving benefits through TANF and individuals who receive SSI as aged, blind and disabled are categorically eligible groups. The Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals Waiver provides funding for home and community Once connected, an AAA staff member will screen you by asking questions about your situation. Caregiver training AC, ECS and EW For information about these updates, refer to the June 27, 2023, eList announcement.. 6/14/23. a minor for personal assistance Many people pay with money they have in savings or income.. The .gov means its official. All of these waiver programs require the individual to be receiving Medical Assistance and to be certified disabled through Social Security or by a State Medical Review Team. To be eligible, recipients must meet income and resource guidelines which in some states are tied to Supplemental Security Income (SSI/SSP) eligibility. Accessibility|Privacy|Open Government| Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Sign up for notices about community information sessions, Department of Human Services website for seniors, Department of Human Services website for people with disabilities, Hennepin County social services community information sessions (PDF), Getting supportive services in the community, Helping adults maintain their mental and social well being, For people currently receiving county services, View the Hennepin County social services community information sessions (PDF), DHS-3531-ENG: Minnesota Health Care programs applications for payment of long-term care services, DHS-3876-ENG: Minnesota Health Care programs application for certain populations, DHS-3437-ENG: Giving permission for someone to act on my behalf, DHS-3860-ENG: Minnesota Health Care programs - summary of coverage, cost, sharing and limits, DHS-2908-ENG: Medical assistance information for people living in a nursing home or getting elderly waiver services, DHS-3182-ENG: Minnesota Health Care programs, DHS-2497-ENG: Long-term care consultation services promoting and supporting independent community living, DHS-2087L-ENG: Medical assistance for employed person with disabilities, DHS-3532-ENG: Medical assistance for employed person with disabilities (MA-EPD), DHS-2826-ENG: Community access for disability inclusion (CADI), DHS-2827-ENG: Community alternative care (CAC), Services such as cleaning and meal preparation, Residential living options like customized living and adult foster care, A short-term service plan with the family, Case management for mental health or developmental disabilities, Help for parents struggling to access services, A short-term service plan with the individual. Federally approved BI, CAC, CADI and DD waiver plans, Minn. Stat. The lead agency authorizes one-way transportation (T2003 UC) at the market rate. Federally approved BI, CAC, CADI, DD and EW plans, Minn. Stat. DHS is in the process of changing fiscal services for people who use CDCS. Otherwise, the lead agency uses the 15-minute rate. Under BI, CAC, CADI and DD, the primary caregiver(s) must: Under the DD Waiver, respite does not cover a persons short-term admission to a nursing facility. A more direct line for young children is (602) 771-0400. WebFacilities may also request a waiver of NATCEP/CEP loss based on a CMP if the amount imposed is at least $10,483 as adjusted by 45 CFR 102 and the CMP was not related to Minnesota Department of Human Services Community Alternatives for Dis - abled Individuals Waiver Program A home and community-based Location. In a residential hospice facility, out-of-home respite may be provided within the following requirements: Age: Provided to hospice patients age 21 or younger on BI, CAC, CADI and DD. For each shift, ICF/DD staff must be assigned to either respite or ICF/DD services. 256B.092, Each waiver/AC program is based on an agreement between DHS and the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that complies with federal requirements. Lyft - ConnectAbility of MN County or state offices that accept applications and determine eligibility for the Medicaid program; and reinstate individuals who have lost their Medicaid benefits due to incarceration, institutionalization, noncompliance or other reasons. Providers licensed under 245D must report all uses of controlled procedures, emergency use of manual restraint and prohibited procedures according to Minn. Stat. Once Accra hears from you or your social worker, we will conduct a 245D Waivered Services intake meeting. Page posted: 10/1/03: Page reviewed: 1/4/23: Page updated: 1/4/23: Legal authority. The Sherburne Support Program (SSP) provides cash Programs to families that have a family member with a developmental disability. 6v4FcIbmNSXH[nfx K[KuT kT?2)!~gr-sorVPZ>YNOwV_.!w"-KK5uiq Services include: adult day care. One transition every three years from when the person last moved/used transitional services. The MnCHOICES Assessment uses a person-centered approach to gather information and help you make decisions about your long-term services and supports. CBSM - Glossary - Minnesota Department of Human Services If a person chooses to have parent(s) or unpaid caregiver(s) provide habilitation, the lead agency must: Respite is not a habilitation service. 2100 3rd Ave, Ste 500, Anoka, MN, 55303. Webwaiver program also has additional criteria to be eligible for services. Also included are other programs that help people prepare and file Medicaid applications and/or are authorized to do eligibility determinations for the program. For more information, refer to CBSM Changes to size of setting by waiver service. The service plan is managed through either a social worker or nurse at Washington County who authorizes and monitors the services the client is receiving and adjusts the service plan as needed. The HCBS standards under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245D, are part of a larger HCBS Waiver Provider Standards initiative to improve the dignity, health, and independence of the people we serve. People who receive CADI Waiver services may choose to stay on the waiver when they turn 65 years of age or go onto the Elderly Waiver (EW). These agreements are called waiver plans or AC Social Security Disability Determinations 440.180, Minn. Stat. WebPage posted: 10/01/08: Page reviewed: 10/28/19: Page updated: 2/25/21: Legal authority. Additional resources. For example, if the waiver span program type is CADI diversion, then the SA must be CADI diversion. AC and EW In a community residential setting, out-of-home respite may be provided within the following requirements: A community residential setting cannot serve more than four people, including the people who receive respite. Programs that are designed to assist individuals residing in intermediate care facilities for people with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) to return to the community to live in a less restrictive setting. Under BI, CAC, CADI and DD, 15-minute respite is a framework service. WebAssistance* program. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Searchable document library (eDocs) For more information, refer to Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Service Rate Limits, DHS-3945 (PDF). Resources include items such as savings, investments, and certain types of property and personal possessions. Consumer directed community supports HCBS Waiver Services - Minnesota Department of To serve more than four people, the license holder may request a permanent fifth bed license or a temporary fifth bed variance. > Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) The following sections include program-specific authorization, rate and billing information for respite. The case manager must inform a person nearing age 65 of the other community support options so that the person can choose which program will best meet his or her needs. Primary caregiver(s): Person or people principally responsible for the care and supervision of the person who receives services. CBSM Changes to size of setting by waiver service Specialists are currently offline. Site - Northpoint Health and Wellness Center Inc. Family Friend and Neighbor Minnesota - Hmong, Nrhiav Ib Tug Neeg Coj Kev Uas Nyob Ze Koj, Family Friend and Neighbor Minnesota - Karen, Family Friend and Neighbor Minnesota - Oromo, Family Friend and Neighbor Minnesota - Somali, Family Friend and Neighbor Minnesota - Spanish, Immediate Improvements in Crisis Response, Immediate Improvements in Inpatient Bed Capacity and Levels of Care Transitions, Redefining and Transforming the Continuum of Care, Using a Cultural Lens to Reduce Mental Health Disparities, Grants, Equity, Access, and Research Division, Individual lead agency reports for Round 3, Individual lead agency reports for Round 4, Federal and State Policy that Influence Our Work, Health Care Delivery Design and Sustainability, Seamless Coverage Continuum and Market Stability, DHS Modernization Strategy and Assessment, Non-opioid and non-pharmacologic treatment modalities. The Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) Waiver provides funding for Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on an official government site. A person receiving disability waiver services before age 65, remains eligible for the respective waiver after their 65th birthday if all other eligibility criteria are met. Waiver b. WebThe Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver provides services that help adults and children with disabilities live in the community rather than in a nursing facility. If you are interested in attending an orientation, email or leave a voice mail at 651-554-6485. Home Health Agency Services. Chapter 256S. The Elderly Waiver Program funds services for people age 65 and older who are eligible for medical assistance. Texas Health & Human Services Commission. Federally approved BI, CAC, CADI, DD and EW waiver plans, 42 C.F.R. MnCHOICES Intake Assessment | Ramsey County At the conclusion of the assessment, recommendations will be made for you to consider in determining your need for services and supports. Customized living (including 24-hour customized living The lead agency must use a daily rate when respite is provided for 10 or more hours per day. ?w~xOgmg;Y!@3|mr 2O4bLMd% ^]lF Select and pay for exam (s) Schedule the exam (s) Confirm testing appointment instantly. Edits. All rights reserved. Call Hennepin County Front Door at 612-348-4111. Program Center for Clinical Standards and Quality/Survey Funding is usually through state and local resources, but may also include some federal dollars. Need services that Elderly Waiver can provide for less than the cost of care in a nursing home. Box 614949 62nd Street NorthStillwater, MN 55082-6132Phone: 651-430-6000Phone: 651-430-6246 (TTY), Brain Injury (BI) Waiver Program (DHS-3442) (PDF), CAC (Community Alternative Care) Waiver Program (DHS-2827) (PDF), CADI (Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals) Waiver Program (DHS-2826) (PDF), Community Resource Guide for Adults and People with Disabilities-70000-68 (PDF). Copyright 2023 Olmsted County, Minnesota, Rule 185 Case Management for people with a Developmental Disability or Related Condition, Community Alternatives for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver, Greater Minnesota Transportation Sales and Use Tax, The first step to access services is to call our intake team at, Over the phone, we will explore with you what you think you might want or need, Review the eligibility criteria for various options, Review the types of supports that you may already have in place, Determine together if a home visit to conduct an assessment is of interest. If you would like to report a problem regarding the service, please use the form below. home delivered meals and meals at senior centers. Tribal administration The Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) Waiver provides funding for services for children and adults, who would otherwise require the level of care provided in a nursing facility. The Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) waiver program funds home and community-based services for children and adults who are Each waiver program has an application process, eligibility requirements and covered services. Or,it can be used to provide continuing care to people with ongoing needs. Refer to the specific eligibility criteria for each of the following waiver programs: Brain Injury (BI) It is a program from the Department of Human Services in Minnesota designed to fund care services for children and adults who have a disability and require nursing facility-level care. WebCommunity Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) Waiver. In an assisted living facility, out-of-home respite may be provided within the following requirements: In an adult family foster care setting, out-of-home respite may be provided within the following requirements: For BI, CAC, CADI and DD, an adult family foster care setting cannot serve more than four people, including the people who receive respite. The length of the persons stay must be documented in the support plan. Tap Add Pass to Waiver If there is a need to relocate a person on AC or EW to ensure their health and safety due to a community emergency or disaster, the provider or lead agency should contact the DHS Aging and Adult Services Division at to request approval for related expenditures. The Personal Care Assistance Program provides services to people who need help with day-to-day activities. The Mini-Cog is a screening tool to detect the possible presence of dementia. Decide how to spend your budget allowance based on your assessed needs. Intake LinePhone:651-430-6484Email Disabilities Intake, LocationsCottage GroveForest LakeStillwaterWoodbury. This program provides home and community-based services to help seniors stay in their homes. Waiver, AC and ECS case management includes the following activities: 1. Effective April 10, 2023, the Mini-Cog field on the LTC screening document will be a required field, and the mental status eval field will no longer be required. It can be used to provide short-term care for people moving from a hospital or nursing home back to their homes. Please leave the following information in your email or voice mail: Your name (who is attending orientation) Your phone number. Registered Users Benefits. Services in homes and communities for people with disabilities CBSM Waiver/AC programs overview You will receive a welcome letter with your MNITS registration information once you are approved as an MHCP-enrolled provider. A personal care assistant is trained to help with basic daily routines. Assisted Living Waiver Program Services delivered through remote support must meet all the requirements listed on CBSM Remote support. Each of the states has developed waivers to meet their needs; and while every state's waiver programs have their own unique characteristics, there may also be common threads. Refer to the primary caregiver(s) section for additional information. MnCHOICES Referral Form WebWhat happens when the CADI Waiver participant reaches age 65? WebMnCHOICES Assessment and Support Planning. WebCommunity Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver is a program for chronically ill and medically fragile persons who need the level of care provided in a hospital. Review appointment status. he plan is formally reviewed annually to assure the client continues to meet eligibility criteria and that the services they are receiving meet their health and safety needs. Medically Dependent Children Program Waiver Amendment (PDF), effective Aug. 31, 2021. WebMost of the services are funded under one of Minnesotas Medicaid waiver programs. Anoka County Health and Human Services - Buffalo, MN 55313. Use MNITS Eligibility Request (270/271) to review eligibility information for each person before providing services. Adult / Child / Senior | Washington County, MN - Official Website Find information about services and where to start. We are streamlining how we process HSS intakes and HSS DHS enrollments. Dakota County Community Services Division - This includes combined costs for all of the following: 6. Social Security Administration (SSA): Federal agency that administers Social Security, a program consisting of disability, retirement and survivors Problem gambling State-approved gambling treatment providers, Resettlement Programs Office Agency Contract List, Child care assistance for MFIP and DWP families, Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), Contact numbers for children's dental care, Ombudsperson for Public Managed Health Care Programs, Childrens Mental Health (CMH) Residential Services Path FAQ, Children's mental health education, prevention and support, Children's mental health eradicating stigma, Children's mental health MHCP Family Psychoeducation FAQs, Children's mental health home and community services, Children's mental health identifying and intervening early, Children's mental health identifying mental health concerns, Children's mental health improving quality, Children's mental health increasing access to services, Children's mental health inpatient and residential services, Children's mental health integrating services, Children's mental health other DHS programs, Children's mental health preventing suicide, Children's mental health reducing disparities, Children's mental health crisis response phone numbers, Children's mental health publication and reports, Dental authorization - Program HH criteria, Frequently asked questions about the Program HH insurance program, Frequently asked questions about the mental health program, Frequently asked questions about nutrition, Minnesota Youth in Transition Database (MNYTD), What is Considered Abuse and Neglect in Minnesota, Direct deposit to a checking or savings account, Genetic testing to determine the biological father, Get up to date payment and case information, The basics about child support and services available, Unreimbursed and uninsured medical expenses, When a mother is married to someone other than the biological father, Child support and COVID-19 stimulus payments, Health care coverage for adults who have a disability or are blind, Health care coverage for children under 21 who have a disability or are blind, Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA EPD) premiums, Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD), Medical Assistance under the TEFRA option for children with disabilities, Parental fees for children on Medical Assistance, Programs for people who need help with Medicare costs, Special Needs BasicCare for people with disabilities, Children's mental health MHCP Family Psychoeducation: FAQs, Childrens mental health publication and reports, CDCS and CSG fiscal changes frequently asked questions, Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver, Community First Services and Supports FAQ, Enhanced rates or budgets for support workers, 2022 FMS rate sheet-Accra Consumer Choice, 2023 FMS rate sheet-Alliance Health Services, 2022 FMS rate sheet-Consumer Direct Care Network Minnesota, Financial management services rates- Mains'l, Financial management services rates-Orion, Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities, Advocacy and general disability related information, Residential service termination information, Workforce shortage resources for people who use services, Health care coverage for people who are age 65 or older, Minnesota Senior Health Options: One member's story, Adult mental health crisis contact information, Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center public service announcement, Problem gambling common phases of problem gambling, Module 04 Coordination, Reporting, and Partnerships in Service Delivery, Module 05 Next Steps for Specialized Services, Safe Place for Newborns resources for partners, Individual Application for Not a Number Facilitator Scholarship, Person-Centered, Informed Choice and Transition protocol, Frequently asked questions about formal person-centered planning, Memorable Celebrations during a Pandemic: A Tool to Guide Informed Choice, Overview for Testing Syntax for TPL Data Elements and MCO Paid Dates, MCO contract information, forms and resources, MCO incentive and withholds specifications, MinnesotaCare expanded eligibility for certain populations, License requirement changes for customized living services providers, FAQ for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Revalidation, Reporting behavior intervention incidents, Actiq-Abstral-Fentora-Lazanda-Onsolis-Subsys, Basal insulin and GLP-1 receptor agonist combination, Buprenorphine with naloxone and Buprenorphine, Carisoprodol and Carisoprodol combinations, Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists (LAMAs), New Drugs and New or Nonpreferred Dosage Forms, MHCP Policy and PA Criteria for Synagis (palivizumab), Antipsychotic and ADHD drugs for children, PCA Choice and fiscal support entities information, Officer-Involved Community-Based Care Coordination, Payment methodology for critical access hospitals, Payment methodology for inpatient hospitals, Adult rehabilitative mental health services, Dialectical Behavior Therapy Certified Providers, Individual placement and support services, Employment individual placement and support services supported employment (IPS-SE) providers, Pre-admission screening and resident review, First Episode Psychosis referral information, Childrens Intensive Behavioral Health Services (CIBHS), Childrens Therapeutic Services and Supports (CTSS), Childrens Therapeutic Services and Supports FAQ, Collaborative psychiatric consultation service, DC:0-5: Diagnostic Assessment for Young Children, Early childhood mental health system of care, Intensive Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (IRMHS), Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities, List of Professionals Qualified to Provide Treatment Services, Legal nonlicensed provider annual monitoring, Caseworker Visits - described audio version, certified community behavioral health clinics, CCBHC Designated Collaborating Organizations (DCO) Requirements, CCBHC Prospective Payment System (PPS) FAQ, CCBHC Prospective Payment System (PPS) Methodology, Culturally Specific Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Eligibility to Apply for Social Security Administration Disability Benefits, Social Security Administration (SSA) Directory, BHH services information for individuals and their families, Frequently asked questions for certified BHH services providers, Forms and resources for certified BHH services providers, Certification process for providers to offer BHH services, Best Practices: Care Coordination Conference 2014, Integrated Care for High Risk Pregnancies, Managed care: Quality, outcomes and performance measures, Minnesota's Medicaid Services Advisory Committee, Special Needs Purchasing stakeholder meetings, Alcohol, drug and other addictions dashboard, Direct Access: Frequently Asked Questions, Problem Gambling Treatment Provider Request for Proposal (RFP) Timeline, State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis grants, Increases in children in out-of-home care dashboard, Indian child welfare news, reports, work groups, Economic supports, cash, food news reports, Refugee resettlement news, reports, work groups, Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity Grants, Community Competency Restoration Task Force, Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program, Minnesota Health Care Program Outpatient Services Rates Study, Resources for communities affected by racial trauma, Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, Reports - Nursing Facility Related Issues, Long-term services and supports state-established rates, Home and Community Based Services Rule transition plan, HCBS settings rule rights modification FAQ, Disability waiver rate setting frameworks, January 2018 disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, July 2018 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, 2019 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, 2020 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, January 2021 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, July 2021 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, January 2022 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, July 2022 Disability waiver rate-setting frameworks, Provider requirements for competitive workforce factor distribution reports, Frequently asked questions about DWRS cost reporting, ASD Strategies in Action online training FAQ, 2021 legislative changes that affect the direct care workforce shortage, Electronic visit verification service code descriptions, Employment services authorization sample workflow, Instructions for the employment services revenue estimator tool, Information on the Status of LTSS in Minnesota, Information about gaps, surpluses, imbalances, and corrective action plans, Status of long-term care services and related mental health services, housing options, and supports, Waiver Review Initiative reports 2012- 2015, Waiver Review Initiative reports 2015-present, Public planning and performance reporting, Home and community based services reports, Long-term Services and Supports dashboard, Support Planning Professionals Learning Community, Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum Wages, Task force report frequently asked questions, Themes, benefits and challenges of subminimum wages, Community First Services and Supports codes, Frequently asked questions about integrated community supports, Frequently asked questions about public guardianship, Adult Day Services Standards Improvement Project, Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) Resources and MNITS Training, Chiropractic Resources and MNITS Training, Equipment and Supplies Resources and MNITS Training, Housing Stabilization Services MHCP Provider Manual and MNITS Training, Housing Support Supplemental Services MHCP Provider Manual section and MNITS Training, Inpatient Hospital Resources and MNITS Training, Mental Health Resources and MNITS Training, Minnesota Provider Screening and Enrollment (MPSE) portal training, Minnesota Provider Screening and Enrollment Portal (MPSE) Training for Housing Stabilization Services, Nursing Facilities Resources and MNITS Training, PCA Provider Agency Resources and MNITS Training, Provider role in member renewals information sessions, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) billing training, Waiver and AC Resources and MNITS Training, Mental Health Targeted Case Management Trainings, CMH310 Intro DC:0-5 Diagnosing MH & DD in Very Young Children, Early childhood mental health evidence-based practices, MHCP Clinical Care Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical assistance references for Minnesota chemical dependency treatment programs, Child protection, foster care, adoption training, How to Cancel Your Registration from a Behavioral Health Class, How to Enroll in a Behavioral Health TrainLink Class, Aging and Adult Services Video Conference previous announcements, Customized living quality improvement services, Financial Hardship Grant survey thank you page, Great Start Compensation Support Transition Grants, Great Start Compensation Support Payment Program, Archive of child care provider update items, Certified Child Care Centers - Application, Licensed family child care county and tribal directory, Family Child Care Task Force recorded meetings, Child Care Centers Regulation Modernization Project, Family Child Care Regulation Modernization Project, 3rd Path/ Childrens Mental Health Residential Services Path, Maltreatment report and investigation dashboard, Address and phone number information for DHS divisions, Department of Human Services frequently asked questions, Merit System Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Guidelines, Office for Equity, Performance and Development, Notice about recent data breach involving some DHS clients, Childrens Summit to drive change for Minnesotas behavioral health system, Cultural and Ethnic Communities Leadership Council, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Advisory Committees, Governor's Task Force on the Protection of Children, Sex Offender Civil Commitment Advisory Task Force, Sex Offender Civil Commitment Advisory Task Force meeting agendas and minutes, Sex Offender Civil Commitment Advisory Task Force reports and resources, Multilingual Referral Line (MRL) services, Aging and Adult Services lead agency email archive, Commissioner's Circle of Excellence Nomination, Children's and foster care residential facilities, Temporary waiver of direct contact requirements, Minnesota Health Care Programs text messaging program, Policy on Affirmative Action Implementation, Deputy Commissioner for Agency Effectiveness Shireen Gandhi, Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council, State Opioid Response 2020 grant informational meetings, Abdikarim Hassen, Volunteer and former refugee, Armin Budimlic, Non-profit leader, father and former refugee, Cani Aden, Program manager and former refugee, Fatima Molas, Mother, chairperson and former refugee, Khain Adam, Psychotherapist, community health specialist and former refugee, Mamady Konneh, Founder, father and former refugee, Maylary Apolo, Provider, community leader and former refugee, Michael Yang, Community specialist and former refugee, Mohamed Abdulkadir, Community specialist and former refugee, Nasra Ali Farah, Speaker, writer and former refugee, Salman Elmi, Entrepreneur and former refugee, Cohort 1: 2-Gen Policy Network (2016 - 2021), Cohort 2: Whole Family Systems Initiative (2019 - 2024), Category - Community and Family Engagement, Site - Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association (IMAA), Site - Minneapolis American Indian Center.