Surpassing this limit can put excessive strain on all parts of the vehicle, from the motor to the tires. In fact, according to the operating principle, the air pressure in the car tires lifts the entire weight of the vehicle and the weight of passengers and luggage. If you have a tire blowout, the first thing you should do is stay calm. If the pressure is too high, the tire will bulge, the middle part of the tire is mainly in contact with the road surface, causing this part to wear more, and at the same time increasing the risk of tire blowout in the sunny and under heavy loads. If possible, pull over to the side of the road. No one wants that to happen, which is why we've created this quick guide. If you're not prepared, you could lose total control of your vehicle and get into an accident. Theres no way that you can outrun them. Even if you only use your RV once or twice a year, changing your tires by the recommended manufacturer date will ensure that they are safe for the road. Turn on the warning signal for vehicles around, 4. If you see uneven tread wear, you must align the wheels or rotate the tires. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Paying attention to air temperatures could help prevent your tires from blowing out. Slamming on the brakes when a tire has blown out can cause your car to flip. As your vehicle spins out of control, you may collide with another vehicle or object. No hard feelings. Then, use the brake to slow down. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It happens. Tires can deteriorate with time, even when they arent being used. This site also participates in other affiliate programs including but not limited to DiscountTire, TireRack, TireBuyer, ShareASale, CJ, and ClickBank, and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. To do this, take the following precautions: With the proper maintenance and attention to detail, you can greatly reduce your risk of a tire blowout. Working past the limits of its design causes the tire to get too hot, which breaks down its internal structure and, ultimately, causes a blowout. For these reasons, its important to keep records of tire service, including the type of tires installed, and to take photos of damage to tires after an accident. A tire blowout happens when there's a rapid loss of air pressure in the tire. NOTE: Remember that the oxidation process applies for all tires, so they age even if not used. Proper pressure for tires on recently produced cars can be found on the driver's side door jamb. LezDo techmedis not a law firm and does not give any legal opinion. Even if you take all possible precautions, accidents happen and you may still experience a tire blowout. Unexpected tire blowouts are very dangerous, so drivers should avoid this situation by having their tires checked and serviced regularly. The California DMV can also apply negligent operator points for collisions and convictions that occur throughout the rest of the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Nowadays, car safety is a lot better than it used to be 50 years ago. If you have a tire blowout you should turn on your turn signal to warn other vehicles that you are changing direction. Mallory is an avid traveler, writer, and mom living in Maine with her husband, daughter, and 3 cats. Then the womans car caught on fire. What Is a Tire Blowout and How Would You Handle It. Fourth, you should keep an eye out for any signs of wear on your tires. If you hear a loud boom coming from your tire while driving, you may have experienced a blowout. Your Tire Blowout Can Kill: What Attorneys Wish You Knew About Blowouts Avrek has locations throughout the United States. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a tire blowout, remain calm and follow the steps outlined above. You can do this by using a tire valve stem tool. The car rotated back into the inside lane, and another vehicle hit it. If you can, pull over to the side of the road and replace the blown tire with a spare. Contact us today we want to hear more about your case! If the car has a tire blown out at a fast speed, the experience and handling skills will limit the dangers caused by this unexpected situation. Psi, Tread, and Overall Condition of Your Tires, 4. Reduce speed when cornering However, if a tire is defective, the seller or manufacturer may be held liable. Routine maintenance and understanding how to prepare for the worst can help you avoid a scary and potentially dangerous RV tire blowout while on the road. There are a few things you can do to prevent a tire blowout. It doesn't matter which tire blows out. While you're checking the pressure, take a peek at the tread. But that's no excuse to dismiss the issue. Lots of scratches and too deep will not withstand the pressure, so the tire will blow out. One such case may occur if youre the driver of the foremost vehicle and your tire blows out. What causes car tire blowout while driving? When a tire becomes too hot, the internal air pressure increases, leading to a blowout. If you have a spare tire and the proper tools, youll be able to get your RV on the road again quickly. This can cause your car to lose control. Either way, the consequences can be devastating. If you hear any strange noises while visiting Komodo Island, dont go to check them out. Immediately begin to slow down and pull off to the side of the road as soon as it is safe to do so. Our returning customers are the witness for our exceptional customer service that rates high on the Chart. By the end, you'll feel more confident in your driving skills and will know how to avoid accidents. The LezDo techmed family is inclusive of a manifold cluster of well-experienced, steered professionals in their respective domains. If you have a blowout tire, you can drive up to 50 miles at 50 miles per hour. The excess weight on the cars wheels causes an increased amount of heat to build up in the tire, and as a result, it wears down much faster than it would if the air pressure were at normal levels. Additionally, when the tire is overinflated, it can also cause damage to the rim of the wheel, such as bending or even breaking it. A tire blowout can cause a car accident if the driver is not careful. We explain the main factors that lead to a blowout. When the vehicle is traveling at high speed, cornering can cause the tire wall to be under heavy load, and is also subjected to lateral tearing forces, increases the risk of a tire blowout. Second, the blowout could damage the tire itself, which would need to be replaced. The newest car models flash a light on the dashboard when the pressure gets too low. When a tire is blown, the car will immediately have to pull a tremendous weight. Accidents caused by tire blowouts often result in broken bones, spinal cord injuries, lacerations, traumatic brain injuries, disfigurement, bruises, sprains, or amputations. We have a team of experts who have in-depth knowledge and expertise in creating customized services and products just for you. To make sure that all tires are holding the recommended amount of air, regularly check the psi. Just as with tire pressure, the tread and seams of tires can be affected by varying temperatures and use. If possible, pull over to the side of the road. You should drive at the right speed. First, you should check your tire pressure regularly. As long as you keep calm and maintain momentum, youll be able to direct your RV to a safe stopping point. How to Survive a Tire Blowout - YouTube According to the manufacturer's recommendations, drivers should change tires every 50,000 miles depending on road conditions. Experienced car drivers say that you should check your wheels regularly through a hand-held tire pressure gauge. Nevada and Arizona are also at-fault states. Replace the spare tire or call rescue vehicles, inflate car tires to the standard pressure, How Long Does an Oil Change Take? Check out our What If channel: its an earthquake, mudslide or shark attack, survive whatever awaits you. Don't take your foot off the gas pedal. Therefore, you must grip the steering wheel. Imagine your wheel is a clock and keep your hands at the two and 10 positions. Once you are safely off the road, turn on your hazard lights. For example, if you run your tire on something small as some glass or nails, a tire blowout is expected. Improper tire pressure, heavy cargo, or an uneven distribution of this weight could all lead to a tire blowout in an RV. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The combination can push a neglected or injured tire beyond its breaking point. The air pressure inside the tires rises, making a blowout much more likely. If tires are underinflated, too much of the tires surface will be touching the road. The car starts to pull to the side without you moving the wheel. You may one day have a tire blowout while driving. Tire blowout accidents can be caused by underinflated or overinflated tires, or by tires that are unsafe to drive on because theyre too old and worn down. What to Do If Your Tire Blows Out While Driving | Allstate A left front tire blowout is especially dangerous because the car may turn into oncoming traffic. When tires exceed their maximum speed rating, they overheat, which can eventually cause them to thin and blow out. And if the air pressure inside your tire is off, it can cause the tire to blow out. In most cases, damage from a tire blowout is not covered by insurance. Keep calm - Keep the steering wheel - Limit sudden braking, 2. If you are driving on a road that is known for blowouts, you should be extra careful. Cases involving tire blowouts can be extremely complex, and often involve many unexpected factors. After a pandemic setback in 2020, I decided to turn my knowledge into this website, and share my best tire buying advice here on! Which brings us to: Commonly a tire suffers the damage that will cause its death long before it fails. It is, in fact, implausible under the stress of a real violent encounter and given the component of resistance that your enemy can be expected to provide. There are several dangers associated with driving on tires with too much pressure: According to the Tire Industry Association (TIA), proper inflation in your tires is vital to maximizing the life of your tires and their gas mileage. You should also keep an eye out for any signs of wear on your tires and know your route. However, when running at high speed, the pressure from the road surface will cause the tires to explode, crack the wheels and the shock absorber. If you have to drive on bad roads, we should replace it after 40,000 miles or after five years of use. . Sometimes, tires explode while on the road. Here are some notes on how to handle a car with a blown tire when running at high speed: A tire blowout often startles the driver and causes the vehicle to lose control. Please try again. RV tire blowouts are not only scary, but they have the potential of being really dangerous as well. When inflating your vehicle, you must also follow the pressure readings that are usually posted on the back of the driver's door. Its scowling, and its body is tensing up. If only there were someone around to help you. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen on this channel. The load range of a tire indicates how much it can safely carry when fully inflated. You can also find the recommended air pressure for your cars tires online. Only lighter items should be stored in overhead compartments, while the heaviest items are ideal secured in the center of the RV. These steps include: Not slamming on the brakes because doing so can make you lose traction and control of your vehicle. A responsible driver still has to check tire pressure by hand or have someone such as a tire dealer do it for him. Once you are safely off the road, turn on your hazard lights and call for help. To be sure about all this, you'll have to find your vehicle's Gross Vehicular Weight Rating (it's on the same placard as the recommended tire pressure) and do the math. When pulling a heavy-laden trailer with your SUV, your 350-pound brother-in-law might have to find another ride. A tire blowout can have catastrophic consequences, often leading to serious accidents. What If Earth Was the Center of the Solar System? In addition, the driver should prepare a spare tire and a tire change tool in case the rescue cannot be called. Then you deserve what ever happens. It may also be in your best interests to retain a lawyer who can help sift through the many scenarios and circumstances surrounding an accident. Especially the tires should not be too worn and should replace the new tire as soon as the old tire is found to have a serious problem. A tire blowout can cause a car accident if the driver is not careful. If youre not, however, you may wind up in a collision while attempting to regain control. There are several ways to ensure that your RV has an even weight distribution across all tires. According to the latest statistics reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety . For this reason, its a good idea to check your tire pressure more often during the summer and winter months when the temperature is extreme, as this can cause the air pressure in your tires to fluctuate more. The clouds of smoke You were so hungry that you barely chewed your meal. Quite the opposite. But those who have suffered a tire failure since the mid-May start of the season will likely answer, "No, I did not have fun." Tires can also easily blow out for the simple reason that you corner too quickly at high speeds while the tires are already worn out too much. When a rear tire blows out, you will feel it more in the seat or body of the vehicle. When a tire blows, it creates friction and a sudden drag from that tire, while the rest of the tires continue on as they were. If a tire explodes while you are driving, it is important to keep calm and avoid panic. Then you try to move the car to the curb to find a way to fix it. Other factors like rough roads and UV rays that dry out rubber also deteriorate tires over time. And while there are many different types of car accidents, one of the most dangerous is a tire blowout. Understanding the ideal conditions for your RV tires and how to maintain them will help you avoid blowouts, and knowing how to drive through tire blowouts will have you prepared to handle the situation if it arises. As a vehicle owner and driver, you are responsible for making sure that your vehicle is in good condition every time you drive it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We help you find the right tires for your vehicle and use case. Copyright 2023 Underknown, Backyard Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. The goal when this happens is to direct the vehicle to a safe stopping point. Once your tire bursts, there is not much you can do. If the hit is hard enough, it can cut or fray the internals. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. While police do not make the final determination, their reports can go a long way in deciding who is at fault. We help healthcare providers to speed up their Revenue Cycle Process by providing end-to-end solutions with cutting down denial rates. How To Safely Handle a Tire Blowout in Your RV, 6 Tips to Avoid a Tire Blowouts In An RV This Summer, 2. Learning Tire Age Date code on a tire sidewall. Instead, gently press the gas pedal. Any of these actions could cause you to suddenly lose control of the vehicle and spin out. There are more chances of a fatality when a truck's tire blows out. It is possible to use a CAT scale at truck weight stations to measure the overall weight of your RV and/or tow vehicle. What happens is much like bending a length of wire: Manipulate the metal long and far enough and it will overheat and snap. Perhaps a driver doesn't realize he or she has a slow leak (or procrastinates about it) and motors 20 miles before getting a repair. The warmer weather can deflate your cars tires, which puts you at risk of a blowout. Most experts recommend checking your cars tire pressure at least once a month. It can happen when you least expect it: a loud, alarming sound as a tire blows out on the road, where suddenly youre struggling to regain control of your vehicle. Do not try to drive on a blown out tire. In a front tire blowout, you will feel the force more in the vehicles steering. We have uncompromised data security policies to comply with HIPAA & ISO standards to protect every single info shared with us. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. Once youre loaded up and ready to go, youre ready to check the weight and weight distribution of your RV. 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Privacy policy. Tire pressure management systems have been mandatory since 2007, so if you're driving a newer car, your car will tell you when it's time to inflate. If possible, while braking, please steer to the curb. Tires that are too old will wear to the limit. Because the tires already have excess pressure on them from holding too much air, additional weight from a heavy load can put the tire at risk. A tire blowout can damage your car in several ways. Put a penny with Lincoln's head facing you upside down inside the tire's tread. Factors such as UV rays, moisture, and ice can all slowly damage your tires. Learn what you can do to help get off the road safely, what causes tire blowouts and how to prevent them. Do not brake to death because the dead brake will lose more inertia and splash more. When a tire is starting to deflate, its sides make contact with the road surface. If you run at low speed, falling potholes will only make you feel uncomfortable. Secondly, dont step on the brake. What Is a Tire Blowout and How Would You Handle It? - Aceable Can Tires Explode?: What To Do If Your Tire Explodes - CAknowledge Endless billows of smoke are blackening the sky. Theyre too fast. Besides, you can install a tire pressure sensor for continuous observation. The foremost duty of LezDo techmed services is to understand our clients thought processes, and our ultimate goal is to assure them of complete solutions and satisfaction. So its not a bad idea to get your tires pressure checked. The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as the type of vehicle you own, the make and model of the tires, and the climate where you live. Visit our Personal Injury Blog to learn more. Begin to slow down gradually once youve made it to a safe area. . Your attention to detail is very much appreciated and is vital for these projects. Once youre in control of your car again, you can ease off the gas. Tire blowouts can happen for several reasons: Too little air pressure in the tires:Unlike what many drivers think, underinflating a tire won't protect you from a blowout. Whats that? This includes checking the tread depth and air pressure of your tires. Once you're stopped, turn on the emergency lights. In case your car is not equipped with a spare tire. What If Everything You Touched Turned Into Gold? In addition, because the tire is larger than normal, it also creates more drag on the vehicle, which further reduces fuel efficiency. LordPizzaParty 7 yr. ago .css-v1xtj3{display:block;font-family:FreightSansW01,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:100;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-v1xtj3:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.1387rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-v1xtj3{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}Supercross 101: Dirt-Bike Racing Turned Up to 11, 10 Best Car Organizers for a Cleaner Ride, This Drifter Turned a Hobby into a Teaching Career, How Your Cars Tire-Pressure Sensors Actually Work, The 10 Best Car Phone Holders For Safe Driving, Into the Woods with the All-New Polaris RZR XP. So, can a tire blowout damage your car? Always focus on driving on the road, and place both hands on the steering wheel (unless you need to shift gears on a manual transmission). I have had a number of tires that have exploded. A tire blowout can cause serious injury to yourself and others. It doesnt matter which tire blows out. There are several roadside assistance plans available for RVs, each of which have varying services and limitations. In a trucking tire blowout, for example, the force of the explosion, combined with the trailers instability when balancing on suddenly uneven tires, often leads to serious accidents. The absolute best thing you can do in the first few moments after your tire blows is absolutely nothing. Check tire pressure 3. It can even destroy the wheels. It's true that the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) has been mandatory on all cars, pickups, and sport-utility vehicles since 2007, but that system does not issue an alert until a tire is significantly underinflated. This is especially dangerous at high speeds. There is a good chance that insurance will cover damage caused by a tire blowout, especially if it results in damage to the car. The reason more tires fail from late spring to early fall is simple: That's when the outside temperature is the hottest, and when motorists are driving farther, and faster, in more heavily loaded vehicles. Check your tires regularly 2. Several factors go into determining who is at fault in an accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Americans put 3.24 trillion miles on their tires in 2019; that same year, there were 612 fatalities in tire-related crashes across the country. Second, you should replace your tires on a regular schedule. It Is A Fact! Privacy Policy. Founded by top personal injury and accident attorney Maryam Parman, Avrek Law Firm combines more than 50 years of personal injury experience. 2023 Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. change the tire on any RV with two or more axels, RVSEF (RV Safety and Education Foundation), Must Have RV accessories & Supplies for a new travel trailer or camper. Damaged rims cause car tires to be scratched during use. In addition, knowing how to identify when your tire pressure is too high can save you time and money by ensuring that your tires are inflated at a level that wont wear them out prematurely or affect their overall performance. Try it with an old-style wire clothes hanger. In a followup piece, I'll explain how to handle this situation safely. Step #4: Lightly Pump the Gas Pedal. What to do when the car has a sudden tire blowout while driving on the road? Gradually release the accelerator to gradually slow down your car. After all, air is what allows a tire to carry the weight of a vehicle and its cargo. (Tire companies closely track such information but guard it carefully.) While its often assumed that the driver of the rearmost vehicle is at fault in a rear-end accident, there are times when this is not the case. First, you should check your tire pressure regularly. Tire blowouts kill about 500 drivers a year, and cause well over 2,000 accidents in the United States alone. Unfortunately, tire blowouts often lead to accidents that injure and kill thousands of people each year. Our workforce includes physicians, legal nurses, data analysts, information technology experts, managers with extensive health care industry expertise, and an experienced leadership team. We can press and release the brake until the car decelerates and stops completely. Your cars tires are essential for how your car looks and how it drives. If you do not have a spare tire, call a tow truck or roadside assistance to help you get to a safe location. Tire blowouts are scary for most drivers, both newbies and experienced. Legal Questions It can happen when you least expect it: a loud, alarming sound as a tire blows out on the road, where suddenly you're struggling to regain control of your vehicle. To understand the answer to the question is a tire blowout an at-fault accident, you must first understand how such incidents occur, and what constitutes an at-fault accident. Blowouts can also be caused by asking your tires to carry more weight than they can manage, immediate or . Youre losing control. You'll hear a loud boom and wonder what hit you. 1. (, Why Blowouts Happenand How to Avoid Them, Supercross 101: Dirt-Bike Racing Turned Up to 11, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. When you purchase tires through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no additional cost to you. How Do You Drive Through A Tire Blowout? | Tire Rack Don't Drive on Worn Tires. But if you do that, you will make the situation a lot worse. And now your pursuit for crazy sports has brought you to Death Diving. Gently Press the Throttle. What To Do When Your Car Gets a Blowout - Popular Mechanics RVing Know How is reader-supported. (Original Story Here). For example, if the road contains a deep pothole or large debris, it's very easy for the tire to blow out if it does not have the right quality. This is an especially important number for towable RVs. She has a Bachelors degree in Social Work and has worked in mental health off and on between adventures. When drivers run on highways at fast speeds, the tire friction with the road surface. Our shows take you to the frontiers of science and make the most complex ideas and theories entertaining and accessible. As they traveled from Maine to California and back, they ran a blog called Life As Nomads and documented their adventures and what they learned along the way (these adventures can now be read about on Before their daughter was born, Mallory and her husband, Nate, set off to travel America and live full-time in their 35 Winnebago Adventurer with their 3 cats. At the same time, blowouts can also be caused by bad road conditions. When the tire blows out, it will often lose its balance and rush the car with momentum. Although many people will stomp on their brakes when their tire blows, physics teaches us that its actually best to maintain momentum. However, if you live in a hot or cold climate or your vehicle is used for heavy-duty purposes (like towing or off-roading), you may need to check your tire pressure more often. There are several reasons why overheating can occur in tires, including prolonged driving at high speeds, carrying a heavy load, and underinflation. However, most people see tire problems as something minor, an inconvenience that can be fixed with a car jack and a spare tire on the side of a country road. However, not all tire blowouts cause deaths but can leave you with detrimental injuries like the ones . Overinflation can create hazardous driving conditions, as a blowout can cause a car to lose control and crash. Quality is much better than Quantity & Its always been an integral part of LezDo techmed. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Reddit, Inc. 2023. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports thousands of tire-related accidents and hundreds of related deaths each year. Once youve stopped, turn on your hazard lights. Make a signal to seek help from other vehicles traveling in the same direction, maybe when they get to the next toll station or stop, they will help you call for help from the lifeguards or the staff of that highway service center.