This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. We will provide a positive, caring, and nurturing environment that encourages students to strive for excellence. He received the Cayuga-Onondaga School Boards Associations Administrator of the Year award for the 2008-09 school year and the 2008 Distinguished Education Award from the APEX Leadership Organization. Canastota, N.Y. The Canastota Central District Board of Education appointed Shawn Bissetta as its next superintendent of schools following a multi-step review of 10 possible candidates. (opens in new window), Follow us on Twitter! Please click the video thumbnail to view the most recent Superintendent's Update on our District's YouTube channel. What percentage of students were suspended from school at least one full day during the school year? "I always knew Canastota was an awesome community, having grown up just a few miles down the road, and my experience in the interview process has only reinforced my opinion.. Shawn Bissetta - S.. - Canastota Central School District | ZoomInfo Questions on our Site? Welcome to Canastota Central School District | Canastota CSD Clinton Central School District Announces Superintendent of Schools Sept. 27, 2022 (Clinton, N.Y.) - The Clinton Central School District Board of Education announced the appointment of Christopher Clancy as the District's new superintendent of schools during their September 27, 2022 meeting. The meeting broke for a 5-minute meet and greet. Like us on Facebook (opens in new window), Follow us on Twitter (opens in new window), Raiders News Broadcast (opens in new window), Like us on Facebook! YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Questions on our Site? Canastota Central School District: Employee Directory - ZoomInfo The company is headquartered in Canastota, New York. Charlene Liebowitz Barres The board received 10 applications in all. 2022 Canastota Central School District. He served as the junior-senior high school principal in Port Byron for 11 years, including six years in a concurrent role as K-12 coordinator of curriculum and staff development. Wenger v. CANASTOTA CENTRAL SCHOOL DIST., 961 F. Supp. 416 (N.D.N.Y 1:04. Bissettas salary was not immediately available. This year, it also signals a new beginning . Superintendent, Canastota Central School District, Elementary Schoo Business Administrator Karam still superintendent; Utica appoints 3rd acting superintendent We are committed to educating individuals to become responsible, tolerant, and productive members of a changing society. Aug 17, 2023. Canastota selects new school superintendent - School Safety indicates the safety of the schools environment based on reported incidents. Additional information about tests is available on our State Assessment website, including fact sheets about the 3-8 tests for parents and stakeholders. Email: Mr. Bissetta holds a bachelors degree in history with a minor in physical education and a masters degree in social studies education from Syracuse University; and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Administration from SUNY Cortland. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) continues to promote initiatives to foster student engagement and thereby increase student achievement, safety, and wellness. He will tentatively begin duties as superintendent for CCSD Nov. 14, having been selected to replace Dr. Stephen Grimm, who retired at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year. Questions on our Site? Districts that struggled to prepare some of their student subgroups on some or all indicators are identified as Target Districts. These financial transparency reports were issued for the first time in 2020 for the 2018-19 school year, and annual releases will be available after April 1st in each subsequent year. Canastota Central School District - U.S. News Education Canastota Central School District - Overview, News - ZoomInfo Our school year is off to a wonderful start and students and staff have all settled in nicely. Amazons Prime Day is basically summers Black Friday with massive discounts. Alumnus Appointed Superintendent of Canastota Central School District This district's or school's Financial Transparency Report outlines how much is spent per student and the source of the funds. Administration. Wenger v. Canastota Cent. School Dist., 979 F. Supp. 147 (N.D.N.Y 1997) Clarke was paid $148,832 in 2018, her last year on the job. Gail Strong, Nancy Buttino Fradenburg NYSED also reports the percentage of students who earned a local or Regents diploma by August of the same year (the August percentage includes all students who earned a diploma by June and August combined). The Board selected Mr. Bissetta after a multi-step review of candidates and thoughtful deliberation. Superintendent of Schools "The Board of Education is. The Board selected Mr. Bissetta after. Canastota schools appoint new superintendent - Oneida Dispatch District. Average Class Size is the average number of students in a particular class. The Canastota Central School District (District) serves the Towns of Fenner, Lenox, Lincoln, Smithfield and Sullivan in Madison County. 1 Decrease student chronic absenteeism levels (Grades K-12) to meet State Long Term MIP Goal 2 I. Questions on our Site? Canastota schools appoint new superintendent, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), SNAPSHOT: Subaru of Utica donates blankets to MVHS Cancer Center Patients, State Police to crack down on impaired driving during the upcoming Fourth of July holiday, Route 31 accident in Sullivan results in death of 9-year-old, Oneida area entrepreneur Bill Shea passes away at 67, Griffo recognizes 35thanniversary of Loaves & Fishes, Bladder cancer: What you should know about diagnosis, treatment and recurrence, I just want to be home: United Airlines cancellations, delays continue to multiply at Denver International Airport, What makes you a mosquito magnet? Fax: 315-697-6368. Clancy is Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Special Programs for the Canastota Central School District, a position he has held since 2020. Definition of Terms 2020-2021 School . School district financial transparency reports, which display per pupil expenditures for individual schools, as well as district averages, inform conversations within districts about whether equitable resources are being provided at the school level. We will provide a positive, caring, and nurturing environment that encourages students to strive for excellence. Michaela Muench He also worked as junior-senior high school principal in Port Byron for 11 years, and at one point was a social studies teacher at Chittenango High School and a basketball and softball coach in Jamesville-Dewitt. We would be happy to add your name to our e-mail directory. Contact. Jane Finnochiaro Hicks LEGAL NAME: CANASTOTA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT; BEDS CODE: 250901060000; INSTITUTION ID: 800000050908; PHONE: (315) 697-2025; WEBSITE:; Contact us by email:, Like us on Facebook (opens in new window), Follow us on Twitter (opens in new window), Raiders News Broadcast (opens in new window), Like us on Facebook! Shawn D Bissetta Superintendent of Schools 315-697-2025. canastota central school district peterboro street elementary school canastota central school canastota children's council inc central school district peterboro street elementary We will provide a positive, caring, and nurturing environment that encourages students to strive for excellence. 315-697-2025, Shawn D Bissetta Main: 315-697-2025. Athletics - Canastota Central School District All rights reserved. Thats especially true when it comes to 4K TVs. Read more fromLocal SYR. It has 1,299 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. New York State established a set of indicators to measure school and district performance. The accountability system classifies schools into one of three categories: In Good Standing, a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school, or a Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school. Christopher Clancy was appointed by the Clinton Board of Education to be the next superintendent of the district. The Canastota Central School District believes all students are unique, can learn, and will rise to the level of expectations set for them. Shawn Bissetta, Superintendent Canastota Central School District 120 Roberts Street Canastota, NY 13032 Dear Superintendent Bissetta: Congratulations. We will provide a positive, caring, and nurturing environment that encourages students to strive for excellence. Additional student and educator data is available in the Student and Educator Report. Canastota High School - Wikipedia Bissetta has held his current job since 2015, and before that was superintendent of Mount Markham schools. I was extremely impressed with the individuals I had an opportunity to meet because they are so clearly invested in the school and in the larger community. Canastota selects new school superintendent. This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. Bissetta is a graduate of the Social Studies Education master's program and also holds a bachelor's degree in history with a minor in physical education, also from Syracuse University. D'Arcangelo determined an unmodified opinion for the difficulty with no significant difficulties and material weaknesses. With the state aid component of our budget recently finalized, we have been able to construct a plan that maintains and enhances our academic programs, while remaining responsible to our taxpayers. Disabilities Access. Andrea Centro - Elementary Principal - Canastota Central School The Canastota Central School District believes all students are unique, can learn, and will rise to the level of expectations set for them. 315-697-2025, Elementary/Secondary School Registration Offices. Click the Watch on YouTube link below to find the time stamp notations in the video description. 4 /10 . The board of education began its search for a new superintendent of schools in August and engaged community stakeholder groups to determine expectations, needs and goals for the district, the search process and the new superintendent. I am absolutely thrilled to be joining the Canastota central school district as the new superintendent,'' Bissetta said in a news release. All rights reserved. Shawn Bissetta has been named the new superintendent in the Canastota Central school district. Read the Accountability Fact Sheet for Parents for more information. , Morning-after pill vending machines gain popularity, Affirmative action for white people? The meeting began with a new staff welcoming from CCS High School Principal Dr. Matt Lee for Matthew Bashant and Lexi Kemp. Contact New York State established a set of indicators to measure school and district performance. Visit our website to learn more about what happens if your childs school is identified as a CSI or TSI school.