Be careful not to confuse this one with Estar listo (the other verb for to be). These expressions can be used to praise personality or physical traits. 6. If you're looking to compliment a woman in Spanish, then you have several options for expressing your admiration for her beauty. You look very pretty! If you want to call a girl beautiful, Bonita, is probably one of your best options. Or perhaps you want to know how well youre doing your job. Below, youll find a table with the best compliments for her and him in Spanish. Si no quieres terminar en el lugar equivocado o pagar una multa por no tener el boleto correcto de autobs en Mxico, entonces, Read More Taking the Bus in Spanish: Dont get lost in MexicoContinue, Todays article is all about the PLURAL in Spanish! This word is the least intense on this list. Make sure to read carefully, so you can identify which ones are best for your romantic situation. "Beautiful" in Spanish - Hermoso / Hermosa. You dont want her to think that she doesnt cause such a huge impact on you, do you? Here are some examples: Divina means divine, and if youre religious, or you know how much value religious people give to divine things, then you probably get it: If a girl looks divina, that means that shes looking extremely beautiful. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Guagua 14. And with free Podcasts, you get tons of free material to practice. This means you would use more as an expression and if you want to use it with verbs, you can only use the verb Ser. Eres un aventurero. Te superaste a ti mismo.Great essay! One of the quickest ways to show that youre interested in someone is to simply compliment their beauty. What it means is that shes absolutely beautiful in your eyes, shes The precious. If you want to show the same enthusiasm to a loved one, using romantic phrases in Spanish will help you out a lot. In fact, many of the most common verbs in Spanish are irregular. Therefore, be prepared to gain some weight or to feel stuffed by the end of the day! If you call a woman linda, you might communicate the idea that youre not attracted to her, but youre recognizing her beauty. If you decide to use it, you can build this way: Qu guapa est Mara! La pia est agria 4. Sometimes you also hear est buensima (she is super-hot). During the day Im a freelancer and marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. Im Mariana, from Spring Spanish, and I think I speak for all Latina women (and men) when I say that we loooooove getting compliments! #3. Start a Spanish Language Journal. And you know You need to be more poetic, you need to put your heart to the compliment that youre about to say. You are beautiful is a sweet compliment to give a woman. Another situation where compliments come in handy is at work. Te ves hermosa / guapo esta noche - You look beautiful/handsome tonight. This list includes the most common ways to call a girl beautiful in Spanish. The most beautiful compliment in Spanish and any other language are those that come from the heart. Qu lindo! You have beautiful hair. Take Note: Me encanta and quedar are verbs like gustar, meaning their conjugations must be plural or singular depending on the thing you love about that person or the clothing youre talking about. And it kind of makes sense, we all want to have a good body and look good, right? Most everyone is familiar with this day, as it is celebrated nearly everywhere the world. Want to praise a colleague for their beautiful work. In this section, youll learn how to say a compliment in Spanish and sound sincere. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Copyright 2023 Innovative Language Learning. Laura es una mujer de bandera Even if you dont actually have the intention of learning a language, being able to say hello to someone when youre Do you often feel lonely and sad? If you want to praise her, you may say: This expression is used only to describe a sensual woman. So, in this guide, youll learn all the key Hola! Los tacos estn deliciosos.The tacos are so delicious. Keep an eye on the context column on the table below to know which ones are okay to use with friends and which ones you should reserve for your dates! You just have to make sure you use the right phrase so that it doesnt come across as strange or insincere. Dont be discouraged! For example, if you say that a song is beautiful, youre praising the singer; if youre amazed by how a dish tastes, youre praising the cook. Most Spanish-speaking women feel uncomfortable when strangers compliment them. Whether youre looking for romance or simply want to learn how to compliment your friends and coworkers, learning a few ways to say beautiful in Spanish is sure to pay off. Simply say " stai benissimo" (you look good), full stop. But, how can you diversify your vocabulary, and go beyond that one phrase? Ntido 9. A woman might be sensual depending on what she wears, how she talks, or how she acts. Mara looks very pretty! 12. Tolerably corny taboo-busting tale of a lovable loser who courts a beautiful woman features epic dance scenes and catchy, involving music Leaf Arbuthnot Thu 29 Jun 2023 06.00 EDT Last modified on . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spanish compliments can be very handy when praising a co-worker or classmate. Tu nuevo peinado me gusta. If you are not comfortable with the idea of connecting with native speakers, one thing that you can also do is to create your own journal. You look very attractive, Andrea se ve muy atractiva Even if youve only met them a few minutes ago, that type of statement will get someones attention. Tell your date, Eres dulce, or Youre sweet. You can also try Eres un tesoro as an alternative. For instance: La sopa est buensima.The soup is so good. You are very attractive. Although this may not be inappropriate in other cultures, you should never qualify your compliments in Spanish. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This phrase could be translated as she is such a big thing, or shes such a big deal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Andrea est divina Learn some compliments in Spanish to praise someone for their work. Me gusta tu sonrisa - I like your smile. Tienes piernas maravillosas. Qu guapa te ves! In Spanish, being caliente means being sexually aroused. You may also compliment someone whos very humble, in which case you may get a reply such as: Either way, you should always express your gratitude when getting a compliment: In this guide, youve learned the most common Spanish compliments, how to compliment a girl or a boy, how to thank the cook after a delicious meal, plus some praising words in Spanish. For that reason, in this article, youll find 49 common Spanish compliments that you can use in different situations. EastEnders' Jamie Borthwick reflects on tragic Lola storyline. As you may already know, the Spanish language has the verbs ser and estar . For an alternative, try, Tu presencia es agradable, which means I like being around you. Chances are youll get a smile for that compliment, too. ), GIRLGracias! Hermosa is the Spanish translation of beautiful. is yet another chunk you should learn by heart because you cant imagine how often it is used and, as you can probably tell, saying How elegant France is doesnt make a lot of sense if you try to translate it into English! Yet, when exactly is Ap Spanish Resources, How to Compliment in Spanish: Spanish Compliment Guide, Compliments in Spanish About How Someone Looks, Compliments in Spanish for Someones Work, Compliments in Spanish About Someones Personality or Lifestyle, Compliments in Spanish on Someones Skills, How to Make Your Compliment in Spanish More Sincere, What to Expect After Giving Compliments in Spanish, How to Say I Love You in Spanish Romantic Word List, Top 4 Ways That Peninsular Spanish And Mexican Spanish Are Different, Advanced Spanish Phrases for Studying and Working, Intermediate Spanish Phrases for Everyday Conversations, How to Celebrate April Fools Day in Spanish. Mujer de Bandera is used to describe an outstanding and impressive woman. Se luci el chayote! You're beautiful. So, if you compliment someones cooking skills, they will probably offer you more. Here are some examples with this phrase though: You may use to describe a man too, but since were talking about women, here are a couple of examples in which were saying that a woman is sexy, or hot: If you describe a woman to be todo un bombn, what youre actually saying is thatshe is delightfully beautiful. These cookies do not store any personal information. If youre unsure what to say, you should learn some common compliments in Spanish. You can replace this placeholder with an adjective of personality that describes suitable traits for the workplace. However, using Divina in an expression or with the verb Ser, you would be referring to the girls personality. This is the Spanish word for beautiful or lovely. This phrase is well known in all Spanish speaking countries. Phrases You Need to Know Estar bueno / estar buena Makes reference to the beauty of a woman/man. This word is the direct translation of cute or sweet. Video . How beautiful is Mara! And although it can be flattering when a man call a girl guapa, many girls dont think this word is romantic. Remember that you have to change the last letter of the adjective depending on the subjects gender: -o for masculine and -a for feminine. Tell Me In Spanish ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Here are some examples of how to use these compliments. Eres la mujer ms hermosa de todas: you are the most beautiful woman of all That would be way better than if he just calls her "beautiful woman" in Spanish. If you've just started learning Spanish, it may be hard to understand when you're being complimented, or even how to compliment someone naturally. Te ves muy bien hoy, te hiciste algo diferente? What is the bus driver going to ask you? Avoid using this phrase or any of the phrases that describe the body of a woman if you dont have romantic intentions with the girl youre talking about, otherwise, you might give the wrong impression, and you might even sound male chauvinist. For instance, in Mexico, boys use this word to describe an attrative girl, but this doesnt mean they are interested in her. (How long does it take to learn Spanish?) The table below shows you some expressions you can use to say nice things in either of these situations. It communicates that you just admiring hey body. Thats very nice of you! Here are some compliments you can use to describe a . (You are very pretty!) You can compliment anyone anytime, really. Since this word means the same in English than in Spanish, you probably know when is the best time to use it. As you can imagine, you only use this word if you have a close relationship with the girl, otherwise, it could be considered rude and aggressive. There are many ways to tell a woman she looks beautiful: Eres tan hermosa. Unlike the other example of ways to call a girl beautiful in Spanish, Belleza is not an adjective, rather a noun. However, they also say Mujer de Bandera when they want to express that a woman has an impressive body. The mood is right and you want to let your date know you're feeling the good vibes. Keep in mind that the phrase already includes the verb Estar, so dont change it! b. halagar. Now, here are some Spanish compliments to a man: There are some adjectives that can be used for both men and women. But if you have a committed relationship with space for praising and humor, go ahead and use this. June 24, 2023. Yes, I know it sounds strange, but thats how people say beautiful woman in Spanish. Take Note: Although you can use both Ser and Estar with the adjective Guapa, the sentences dont have the same meaning in Spanish. 1. Carolina est fuerte If youre learning Spanish for work, then you need to be ready to give out some workplace-friendly compliments. During the day Im a freelancer and online marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. In English, this word would be pretty or lovely. Also, when you say est bueno/a, it is super casual, not really vulgar, but very educated (or pretentious) people could consider it bad taste. Whenever Im with some foreigner friends around my city, theyre always in awe about how we naturally call anyone guapo or guapa. ), GUYNunca haba visto ojos tan bonitos como los tuyos! Otherwise, you may come across as rude. Its hard not to tell someone when you like something theyre wearing, right? This expression focuses exclusively on the body of a woman. When using them keep in mind the following: Now that you know some vocabulary and the rules on how to use them, you are ready to tell call your girl beautiful in Spanish. During the day Im a freelancer and marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. For example, you should never say any of the following: If youve made it through the end, buen trabajo! Mono / Mona - "Pretty" 12. 7 Steps to Understand Fast Speaking Latinos. I have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Online English self-study + private lessons, Online Spanish self-study + private lessons, 102 fitting ways to give compliments & say beautiful in Spanish. Fill in the blank with the verb or action you want to reinforce: In Spanish, you can use the pronoun t if you want. This word would be better if you use it to describe a woman whos just pretty, but nothing else, you dont feel attracted to her. Eres muy chula Privacy Policy and An adventurous dateis someone you cant want to see. I just wanted to compliment you for the fantastic dinner you prepared.Solo quera felicitarte por la fantstica cena que has preparado. I love your smile, it's so charming. Rest assured, nobody will likely get offended if you use the incorrect gender, although they may point it out and laugh about it. You are sweet. Just imagine that youre used to seeing your sister wearing ugly clothes, no makeup, and being dirty all the time. Mijo/a 5. 2. So, naturally, theres not just one way to say you are beautiful in Spanish. You can also let them know, He estado pensando en ti, or Ive been thinking about you. That will get their motor running for sure. Eres lindo / linda - You're cute. If a colleague or someone you supervise did a great job, you may say: Now, everyone loves compliments, but what if they just dont deserve that compliment and you want to complain about, say, bad behavior or bad service? In this article well talk about el coronavirus en espaol (Coronavirus in Spanish). Princesa It means what it sounds like. Women huh? Bonito / Bonita - "Pretty" or "Nice" Bonito / bonita also means "beautiful", but it's not quite as strong as bello. A fuego 2. In other words, hes saying: shes got something (her body). In the Spanish-speaking world, youll get compliments on anything you do. Being able to ask questions in Spanish is an essential and fundamental skill that can be handy in everyday situations. Complimenting and praising is a basic interaction when learning a new language. What are some of the most beautiful Spanish compliments or flattering remarks? SpanishPod101 has many resources, from vocabulary lists, audio recordings, and more free content to boost your learning and keep it entertaining and fun. Remember that in Spain and Latin America, its okay to touch each other. link to How to Ask Questions in Spanish: Rules, Tips & Examples, link to Spanish Irregular Verbs: 18 Verbs, Endings & Tips, Most of these adjectives can work with the verbs. In some Spanish speaking countries, Chula is another way to say cute or pretty. This is certainly different from other Eastern European cultures, where people are more discreet and reserved. Compliments Related To Personality. How do you compliment a Mexican woman? When youre complimenting someone in Spanish, you should always say thank you (even if you dont really agree). If you wanted to find a perfect match for this phrase in English, it would be the word perfect. Yes, this word means beautiful, but what if you mix it up with a couple of more interesting end romantic words?