About Lectio Divina *Links within the text refer to the main site: www.contemplativeoutreach.org Lectio Divina Lectio Divina, literally meaning "divine reading," is an ancient practice of praying the scriptures. Bill Sheehan- retreat is now full, Terra and Physio Divina: Online Embodied Centeringand Welcoming Prayer Half-Day Retreat, Introduction to Lectio Divina via Zoom (part one), Wisdom School: Wisdom Rhythms & Conscious Relationships, Introduction to Lectio Divina (part two) via Zoom, JOY WITHIN: Meister Eckharts Way of Releasement (Part II), Online Half-Day Centering Prayer: Reframing our Views of God mini-retreat (1st Saturday of every month), Welcoming Forgiveness A Centering Prayer Retreat with Mary Dwyer, 1-Day Centering Prayer Retreat Sacred Sounds, ENNEAGRAM AND CENTERING PRAYER ONE-DAY WORKSHOP, Father Sheehan 6-Day Centering Prayer Retreat, Six-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: Intensive & Post-Intensive, Physio-Divina Online Half Day Moving meditation/Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaii (1st Saturday of every month), Nine-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat, Discernment: Practicing the Holy Spirit: A 40-Day Praxis, God is All in All - The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey- (reprint), That We May Be One - Christian Non-Duality (DVD + 18 page booklet). user = "Webmaster"; Pittsburgh Central Missouri Click on the name of the group for more details and any restrictions on attending. Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, by Cynthia Bourgeault. Spring 2022 campaign, The Ecstasy of God Contemplative Day of Reflection, 8-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat, Intensive/Post-Intensive Eight-Day Retreat. Contemplative Outreach of New Jersey is a community of individuals and prayer groups who practice centering prayer. Office:
tri-fold A4, Resource Information for Presenters-in-Training 2019, Instructions for Posting Events to Online Calendar, Guide to the Contemplative Outreach Store Resources, Certificate of Insurance Request Form for Chapter Events (formerly ARF). A beautiful introduction to Centering Prayer: deeply spiritual, yet clear and easy to understand. COMW is just one of a collection of regional groups under the umbrella ofContemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international office based in Butler, NJ.
Follow Us. Tampa Bay, Hawai'i Extensin Contemplativa Internaicional (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true);
1560 Union Valley Rd #909 www.contemplativeoutreachuk.com Come Closer to God Opening Minds, Opening Hearts Podcast Centering Prayer If you are attracted to Lectio Divina and the contemplative dimension of Christian teachings and practices and dont know where to begin, you may find these suggestions useful. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. CO of Greater Cincinnatti/Northen Kentucky, Contemplative Outreach of Central North Carolina, Contemplative Outreach of Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, Covington-CO of Greater Cincinnatti/Northen Kentucky, Nebraska Contemplative Outreach Facebook page, Contemplative Outreach Mississippi Valley, Contemplative Outreach Puget Sound North, Bellevue, Sammamish, MAPLE VALLEY, Redmond, Bothell, EDMONDS area, robcarr924@gmail.com">robcarr924@gmail.com, Contemplative Outreach of Dallas/Fort Worth, Contemplative Outreach of Eastern North Carolina, cobforcontemplatives@gmail.com">cobforcontemplatives@gmail.com, Contemplative Outreach of Colorado-Snowmass, San Fernando Valley in this Greater LA area of California, chaplainlambert@mtaonline.net">chaplainlambert@mtaonline.net, Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. New York City House of Prayer - EriePrayer Group We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer. Organized in a 20-day cycle to be repeated twice for a 40-day practice, this booklet includes Scripture passages to use each day for Lectio Divina practice, Includes background and guidelines on praying in the manner of Lectio Divina. Pray for guidance, discernment and wisdom, that you may be clearly guided and drawn by Gods will for you. The 12 Step Outreach Program of Contemplative Outreach. user = "Webmaster"; Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. The common desire for Divine transformation, primarily expressed through a commitment to a daily Centering Prayer. Bill Sheehan, Wisdom School: Wisdom Rhythms & Conscious Relationships, Welcoming Forgiveness A Centering Prayer Retreat with Mary Dwyer, Six-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: Intensive & Post-Intensive, Nine-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat, Discernment: Practicing the Holy Spirit: A 40-Day Praxis, God is All in All - The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey- (reprint), That We May Be One - Christian Non-Duality (DVD + 18 page booklet). Contemplative Outreach of North San Diego (CONSD) is one of the many regional chapters of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an ecumenical network comprised of individuals and small faith communities dedicated to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life.A commitment to the regular practice of Centering Prayer is a primary expression of belonging to this spiritual network. Its difficult to describe how profoundly connecting, expansive and intimate it is to see, hear and join in silent prayer with others from all over the world. Several active prayer groups continue to meet, pray and learn to provide support for our practice. // , Webmaster: user = "office"; The Centering Prayer mobile app, made available for free fromContemplative Outreach, supports your daily prayer practice commitment. All meals are in silence, and most days are spent in what is called "grand silence" when you are asked not to speak at all or, Enter into a more profound level of spiritual practice in an atmosphere of silence and community. Contemplative Outreach Ltd. One in Prayer! An assortment of sounds and backgrounds allow you to choose the type of environment for the prayer time. Joanne Collins mjcllns@juno.com 828-682-5645 Lynn McLure lynmclure@gmail.com 828-675-5900 Middle Tennessee Spring 2022 campaign. General Information: Website, Alabama The intensive track is recommended for people who have completed the introductory workshop and who, Annual Day of Reflection with Fr. Nebraska CO Facebook page, New Jersey 10 Long Island Austin/Heart of Texas www.contemplativeoutreach.org.uk CO of Connecticut, Florida In 1984 Keating, along with Gustave Reininger and Edward Bednar, co-founded Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international and ecumenical spiritual network that teaches the practice of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, a method of prayer drawn from the Christian . document.write(''); Minnesota Contemplative Outreach, Missouri Contemplative Outreach is a community of individuals and Centering Prayer groups committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life. Miami Currently there are at least several thousand members worldwide, with an active presence in over 35 countries. Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world. Use the free Centering Prayer mobile app timer to support your daily prayer practice. Contemplative Outreach of Piedmont Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Chamber Oregon Contemplative Outreach Greater Los Angeles Area Puget Sound - North, Wisconsin document.write(user + '@' + site + ''); Contemplative Outreach Contemplative Outreach of Eastern North Carolina, Ohio Centering New Mexico, New York Thomas Keating. The Intensive also provides a conceptual framework for the prayer through the viewing of selected DVDs from Thomas Keatings Spiritual Journey, Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. The Eight-Day Intensive and concurrent Post-Intensive Retreat is designed to strengthen ones discipline and practice of Centering Prayer. Your email should include the following: Contemplative Outreach (CO) is a dynamic, evolving, global network of communities and individuals who are committed to the renewal of the Christian contemplative tradition through the practice of Centering Prayer. $850 The Eight-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat offered from Tuesday, May 17 to Tuesday, May 24, 2022, provides an opportunity to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer in an atmosphere of silence and community support. Keating was born in New York City in March 1923 and attended Deerfield Academy, Yale University, and Fordham University.. Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. New videos from the outtakes of the "Gift of Life" series will appear here each Monday in 2023! St. Louis COMW is just one of a collection of regional groups under the umbrella of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international office based in Butler, NJ.The international office provides resources for practitioners and volunteers worldwide; publishes monthly and quarterly newsletters; lists online retreat and in-person workshops and retreat opportunities . site = "coutreach.org"; North San Diego The Contemplative Life Program; The Living Flame; Prison Outreach . Use the free Centering Prayer mobile app timer to support your daily prayer practice. with Mary Dwyer, 9.4 mins. BOOKLET Lectio Divina: Listening to the Word of God in Scripture Includes background and guidelines on praying in the manner of Lectio Divina Download the BROCHURE Lectio Divina Leading to Resting in God This brief video describes the deepening movements of a Lectio Divina practice. Contemplative Outreach Mississippi Valley This brief video describes the deepening movements of a Lectio Divina practice. document.write(''); General Information: Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. Telephone: Office: 973-838-3384. The app includes an adjustable timer, as well as opening and closing prayer options that may be read before and after Centering Prayer. The retreat offers two tracks. Extension Contemplativa Sean bienvenidos a la pgina de Extensin Contemplativa Internacional. To connect further with us: Visit our website: http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org Find us on Instagram: Contemplative Outreach Ltd (@contemplativeoutreachltd) Instagram photos and videos. CO of Pensacola Buffalo Germany 973-838-3384, Electronic mail: Electronic mail: Birmingham, Alabama, California The app is available for iOS and Android mobile devices and is also available in Spanish-language versions. Dallas/Fort Worth South Africa, KwaZulu Natal Home :: Contemplative Outreach Title Categories Update Date Download; The Integrity of the Teaching of the Centering Prayer Method 1 file(s) 951 downloads Columbus Spring 2022 campaign. The international office provides resources for practitioners and volunteers worldwide; publishes monthly and quarterly newsletters; lists online retreat and in-person workshops and retreat opportunities across the world (including St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado); provides an online store with books and media by Thomas Keating and other resources for the contemplative journey; and provides contact information for coordinators and contact persons worldwide. Victoria, Australia, Contemplative Outreach Ltd. Unlike Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina is a participatory, active practice that uses thoughts, images and insights to enter into a conversation with God. Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world. Please email Mary Jane Yates, Administrator, using the subject heading Application for ____ (with the job title you are applying for). Indianapolis, Indiana, Iowa Madison Wisconsin, International Northeast Ohio, Oregon C O of Colorado When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. 9:00 am - 11:30 am. Brief instructions for learning Centering Prayer are also included. Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world. site = "coutreach.org"; Learn more about Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., here: https://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/. Emotional Sobriety Through Contemplative Practice. En sta pgina encontrarn informacin sobre la Oracin Centrante y el servicio que ofrecemos a las comunidades de habla hispana y portuguesa. Manitoba and NW Regions Philippines Lectio Divina, literally meaning divine reading, is an ancient practice of praying the Scriptures. Spring 2022 campaign, Please email Mary Jane Yates, Administrator. A commitment to the daily practice of Centering Prayer is the primary expression of belonging to Contemplative Outreach. You may start with a few minutes of prayer and then expand the time you spend listening to the Word of God as you feel prompted. Centering Prayer can help deepen our application of the 12 Steps generally, and the 11th Step specifically, through daily immersion in prayer and meditation. . Bethany Retreat Center Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis has been serving the contemplative community in Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois since 1989. Covington CO Northwest Welcome! document.write(''); Do we recognize it as our own life, and that of the whole universe? Central Illinois We help individuals and groups establish contemplative prayer practices through workshops, retreats and formation programs. Corpus Christi What is Centering Prayer and How Do We Do It? Spring 2022 campaign, Prayer Without Ceasing: Contemplation in Work, Body, and Creation, Toward Emptiness: A Post-Intensive 8-Day Centering Prayer Retreat, 8-Day Centering Prayer Intensive/Post-intensive Retreat with Fr. 973-838-3384. Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. Oahu, Kaua'i, Maui, Hawai'i Island, Illinois Winnipeg, MB Northern California site = "coutreach.org"; document.write(user + '@' + site + ''); One in Prayer! This program was established to offer Centering Prayer to people in all 12 Step fellowships as an 11th Step prayer/meditation practice. Bill Fickel will be leading this eight-day retreat which provides an opportunity to go deeper into the silence with up to three hours of Centering Prayer a day. Review COs current use of Zoom and provide any training and support needed for enhancing our Zoom capacity, Complete a review of data needs and capabilities and investigate a new database system compatible with WordPress, Review and investigate software alternatives for delivering online courses and other programming as needed. Chapter of Contemplative Outreach Ltd. Contemplative Outreach Ltd. 1560 Union Valley Rd #909 West Milford, New Jersey 07480 . Rochester New videos from the outtakes of the "Gift of Life" series will appear here each Monday in 2023! Poland Contemplative Outreach of North San Diego (CONSD) is one of the many regional chapters of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an ecumenical network comprised of individuals and small faith communities dedicated to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life. Practice Lectio Divina after Centering Prayer once a day. . Centering Prayer in Iceland Come and explore this vast and vibrant mystery, so central to our faith, in a synthesis inspired, Fr. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer verbal, mental or affective prayer into a receptive prayer of resting in God. site = "coutreach.org"; Louisville, Maryland Canada Greater Vancouver, CA Attend an Introductory Lectio Divina workshop or attend a Centering Prayer retreat, Lectio Divina: Heart to Heart: Listening and Living with God, A brief historical tracing of the four steps and moments of Lectio Divina. Central Iowa Chapter US Contacts Search Contacts State Name Email Designation Phone City State Website Christine Bender bendercm@earthlink.net Contact 720-987-7433 Greenfield WI Contemplative Outreach of Southeast WI Greenfield WI Go to Website Contemplative Outreach of Michigan MI Go to Website Cheryl McElhatten Electronic mail: General Information: Webmaster: . Adirondacks Reflecting (Meditatio): Reflect on and relish the words. Join in a Global Community of Prayer on Meditation Chapel. The effects of Centering Prayer are ecclesial, as the prayer tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love. Northeast Iowa, Kentucky Park Place We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer. As a non-profit organization, Contemplative Outreach also provides, promotes, and sustains the resources needed to learn and practice Centering Prayer. Southern Tier New York We teach centering prayer and offer events and educational programs to support those who practice centering prayer. Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. Contemplative Outreach Centering Prayer Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ. Francis House of PrayerRetreat House, New Mexico For those who live by the 12 Steps found in AA, Al-Anon, SCA, OA, DA, NA, GA, and other programs, a Centering Prayer practice can be a key support system in the process of recovery and transformation. CO of New Jersey Centering Prayer groups are forming on this global video platform of online meditation groups. Contemplative Outreach Ltd. We are a chapter of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international spiritual network with offices in Butler, N.J. CO of Maryland and Washington, Minnesota
1560 Union Valley Rd #909 www.contemplativeoutreachuk.com Come Closer to God Opening Minds, Opening Hearts Podcast Centering Prayer If you are attracted to Lectio Divina and the contemplative dimension of Christian teachings and practices and dont know where to begin, you may find these suggestions useful. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. CO of Greater Cincinnatti/Northen Kentucky, Contemplative Outreach of Central North Carolina, Contemplative Outreach of Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, Covington-CO of Greater Cincinnatti/Northen Kentucky, Nebraska Contemplative Outreach Facebook page, Contemplative Outreach Mississippi Valley, Contemplative Outreach Puget Sound North, Bellevue, Sammamish, MAPLE VALLEY, Redmond, Bothell, EDMONDS area, robcarr924@gmail.com">robcarr924@gmail.com, Contemplative Outreach of Dallas/Fort Worth, Contemplative Outreach of Eastern North Carolina, cobforcontemplatives@gmail.com">cobforcontemplatives@gmail.com, Contemplative Outreach of Colorado-Snowmass, San Fernando Valley in this Greater LA area of California, chaplainlambert@mtaonline.net">chaplainlambert@mtaonline.net, Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. New York City House of Prayer - EriePrayer Group We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer. Organized in a 20-day cycle to be repeated twice for a 40-day practice, this booklet includes Scripture passages to use each day for Lectio Divina practice, Includes background and guidelines on praying in the manner of Lectio Divina. Pray for guidance, discernment and wisdom, that you may be clearly guided and drawn by Gods will for you. The 12 Step Outreach Program of Contemplative Outreach. user = "Webmaster"; Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. The common desire for Divine transformation, primarily expressed through a commitment to a daily Centering Prayer. Bill Sheehan, Wisdom School: Wisdom Rhythms & Conscious Relationships, Welcoming Forgiveness A Centering Prayer Retreat with Mary Dwyer, Six-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: Intensive & Post-Intensive, Nine-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat, Discernment: Practicing the Holy Spirit: A 40-Day Praxis, God is All in All - The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey- (reprint), That We May Be One - Christian Non-Duality (DVD + 18 page booklet). Contemplative Outreach of North San Diego (CONSD) is one of the many regional chapters of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an ecumenical network comprised of individuals and small faith communities dedicated to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life.A commitment to the regular practice of Centering Prayer is a primary expression of belonging to this spiritual network. Its difficult to describe how profoundly connecting, expansive and intimate it is to see, hear and join in silent prayer with others from all over the world. Several active prayer groups continue to meet, pray and learn to provide support for our practice. // , Webmaster: user = "office"; The Centering Prayer mobile app, made available for free fromContemplative Outreach, supports your daily prayer practice commitment. All meals are in silence, and most days are spent in what is called "grand silence" when you are asked not to speak at all or, Enter into a more profound level of spiritual practice in an atmosphere of silence and community. Contemplative Outreach Ltd. One in Prayer! An assortment of sounds and backgrounds allow you to choose the type of environment for the prayer time. Joanne Collins mjcllns@juno.com 828-682-5645 Lynn McLure lynmclure@gmail.com 828-675-5900 Middle Tennessee Spring 2022 campaign. General Information: Website, Alabama The intensive track is recommended for people who have completed the introductory workshop and who, Annual Day of Reflection with Fr. Nebraska CO Facebook page, New Jersey 10 Long Island Austin/Heart of Texas www.contemplativeoutreach.org.uk CO of Connecticut, Florida In 1984 Keating, along with Gustave Reininger and Edward Bednar, co-founded Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international and ecumenical spiritual network that teaches the practice of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, a method of prayer drawn from the Christian . document.write(''); Minnesota Contemplative Outreach, Missouri Contemplative Outreach is a community of individuals and Centering Prayer groups committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life. Miami Currently there are at least several thousand members worldwide, with an active presence in over 35 countries. Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world. Use the free Centering Prayer mobile app timer to support your daily prayer practice. Contemplative Outreach of Piedmont Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Chamber Oregon Contemplative Outreach Greater Los Angeles Area Puget Sound - North, Wisconsin document.write(user + '@' + site + ''); Contemplative Outreach Contemplative Outreach of Eastern North Carolina, Ohio Centering New Mexico, New York Thomas Keating. The Intensive also provides a conceptual framework for the prayer through the viewing of selected DVDs from Thomas Keatings Spiritual Journey, Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. The Eight-Day Intensive and concurrent Post-Intensive Retreat is designed to strengthen ones discipline and practice of Centering Prayer. Your email should include the following: Contemplative Outreach (CO) is a dynamic, evolving, global network of communities and individuals who are committed to the renewal of the Christian contemplative tradition through the practice of Centering Prayer. $850 The Eight-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat offered from Tuesday, May 17 to Tuesday, May 24, 2022, provides an opportunity to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer in an atmosphere of silence and community support. Keating was born in New York City in March 1923 and attended Deerfield Academy, Yale University, and Fordham University.. Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. New videos from the outtakes of the "Gift of Life" series will appear here each Monday in 2023! St. Louis COMW is just one of a collection of regional groups under the umbrella of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international office based in Butler, NJ.The international office provides resources for practitioners and volunteers worldwide; publishes monthly and quarterly newsletters; lists online retreat and in-person workshops and retreat opportunities . site = "coutreach.org"; North San Diego The Contemplative Life Program; The Living Flame; Prison Outreach . Use the free Centering Prayer mobile app timer to support your daily prayer practice. with Mary Dwyer, 9.4 mins. BOOKLET Lectio Divina: Listening to the Word of God in Scripture Includes background and guidelines on praying in the manner of Lectio Divina Download the BROCHURE Lectio Divina Leading to Resting in God This brief video describes the deepening movements of a Lectio Divina practice. Contemplative Outreach Mississippi Valley This brief video describes the deepening movements of a Lectio Divina practice. document.write(''); General Information: Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. Telephone: Office: 973-838-3384. The app includes an adjustable timer, as well as opening and closing prayer options that may be read before and after Centering Prayer. The retreat offers two tracks. Extension Contemplativa Sean bienvenidos a la pgina de Extensin Contemplativa Internacional. To connect further with us: Visit our website: http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org Find us on Instagram: Contemplative Outreach Ltd (@contemplativeoutreachltd) Instagram photos and videos. CO of Pensacola Buffalo Germany 973-838-3384, Electronic mail: Electronic mail: Birmingham, Alabama, California The app is available for iOS and Android mobile devices and is also available in Spanish-language versions. Dallas/Fort Worth South Africa, KwaZulu Natal Home :: Contemplative Outreach Title Categories Update Date Download; The Integrity of the Teaching of the Centering Prayer Method 1 file(s) 951 downloads Columbus Spring 2022 campaign. The international office provides resources for practitioners and volunteers worldwide; publishes monthly and quarterly newsletters; lists online retreat and in-person workshops and retreat opportunities across the world (including St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado); provides an online store with books and media by Thomas Keating and other resources for the contemplative journey; and provides contact information for coordinators and contact persons worldwide. Victoria, Australia, Contemplative Outreach Ltd. Unlike Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina is a participatory, active practice that uses thoughts, images and insights to enter into a conversation with God. Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world. Please email Mary Jane Yates, Administrator, using the subject heading Application for ____ (with the job title you are applying for). Indianapolis, Indiana, Iowa Madison Wisconsin, International Northeast Ohio, Oregon C O of Colorado When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. 9:00 am - 11:30 am. Brief instructions for learning Centering Prayer are also included. Pray in silence with practitioners from all over the world. site = "coutreach.org"; Learn more about Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., here: https://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/. Emotional Sobriety Through Contemplative Practice. En sta pgina encontrarn informacin sobre la Oracin Centrante y el servicio que ofrecemos a las comunidades de habla hispana y portuguesa. Manitoba and NW Regions Philippines Lectio Divina, literally meaning divine reading, is an ancient practice of praying the Scriptures. Spring 2022 campaign, Please email Mary Jane Yates, Administrator. A commitment to the daily practice of Centering Prayer is the primary expression of belonging to Contemplative Outreach. You may start with a few minutes of prayer and then expand the time you spend listening to the Word of God as you feel prompted. Centering Prayer can help deepen our application of the 12 Steps generally, and the 11th Step specifically, through daily immersion in prayer and meditation. . Bethany Retreat Center Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis has been serving the contemplative community in Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois since 1989. Covington CO Northwest Welcome! document.write(''); Do we recognize it as our own life, and that of the whole universe? Central Illinois We help individuals and groups establish contemplative prayer practices through workshops, retreats and formation programs. Corpus Christi What is Centering Prayer and How Do We Do It? Spring 2022 campaign, Prayer Without Ceasing: Contemplation in Work, Body, and Creation, Toward Emptiness: A Post-Intensive 8-Day Centering Prayer Retreat, 8-Day Centering Prayer Intensive/Post-intensive Retreat with Fr. 973-838-3384. Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. Oahu, Kaua'i, Maui, Hawai'i Island, Illinois Winnipeg, MB Northern California site = "coutreach.org"; document.write(user + '@' + site + ''); One in Prayer! This program was established to offer Centering Prayer to people in all 12 Step fellowships as an 11th Step prayer/meditation practice. Bill Fickel will be leading this eight-day retreat which provides an opportunity to go deeper into the silence with up to three hours of Centering Prayer a day. Review COs current use of Zoom and provide any training and support needed for enhancing our Zoom capacity, Complete a review of data needs and capabilities and investigate a new database system compatible with WordPress, Review and investigate software alternatives for delivering online courses and other programming as needed. Chapter of Contemplative Outreach Ltd. Contemplative Outreach Ltd. 1560 Union Valley Rd #909 West Milford, New Jersey 07480 . Rochester New videos from the outtakes of the "Gift of Life" series will appear here each Monday in 2023! Poland Contemplative Outreach of North San Diego (CONSD) is one of the many regional chapters of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an ecumenical network comprised of individuals and small faith communities dedicated to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life. Practice Lectio Divina after Centering Prayer once a day. . Centering Prayer in Iceland Come and explore this vast and vibrant mystery, so central to our faith, in a synthesis inspired, Fr. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer verbal, mental or affective prayer into a receptive prayer of resting in God. site = "coutreach.org"; Louisville, Maryland Canada Greater Vancouver, CA Attend an Introductory Lectio Divina workshop or attend a Centering Prayer retreat, Lectio Divina: Heart to Heart: Listening and Living with God, A brief historical tracing of the four steps and moments of Lectio Divina. Central Iowa Chapter US Contacts Search Contacts State Name Email Designation Phone City State Website Christine Bender bendercm@earthlink.net Contact 720-987-7433 Greenfield WI Contemplative Outreach of Southeast WI Greenfield WI Go to Website Contemplative Outreach of Michigan MI Go to Website Cheryl McElhatten Electronic mail: General Information: Webmaster: . Adirondacks Reflecting (Meditatio): Reflect on and relish the words. Join in a Global Community of Prayer on Meditation Chapel. The effects of Centering Prayer are ecclesial, as the prayer tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love. Northeast Iowa, Kentucky Park Place We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer. As a non-profit organization, Contemplative Outreach also provides, promotes, and sustains the resources needed to learn and practice Centering Prayer. Southern Tier New York We teach centering prayer and offer events and educational programs to support those who practice centering prayer. Centering Prayer Free Online Support Groups, Video Postcards From Our Global Community, Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for me. Contemplative Outreach Centering Prayer Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ. Francis House of PrayerRetreat House, New Mexico For those who live by the 12 Steps found in AA, Al-Anon, SCA, OA, DA, NA, GA, and other programs, a Centering Prayer practice can be a key support system in the process of recovery and transformation. CO of New Jersey Centering Prayer groups are forming on this global video platform of online meditation groups. Contemplative Outreach Ltd. We are a chapter of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., an international spiritual network with offices in Butler, N.J. CO of Maryland and Washington, Minnesota