To learn more about behavioral health and substance use services, please call 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY). Click here to subscribe to the applicable HFS Provider Notices. If the clinical information provided does not support the reason for the requested medication, MedImpact will notify the prescriber by fax, offering PDL alternatives. Find a Retailer. CountyCare offers access to more than 4,500 primary care providers, 20,000 specialists and 70 hospitals in Cook County. Some services require prior authorization. Vision care and free LASIK eye surgery (if eligible), Behavioral health and substance use services, Pharmacy services, including prescriptions, Children and family health services, including vaccinations and routine doctor visits. If you see a Cook County Health provider, you may also use the Cook County Health pharmacies. Chicago, IL 60612, 312-864-8200, 711 (TTY/TDD) A Decrease font size. Providers that bill electronically have the same timely filing requirements as providers filing paper claims. Behavioral health services are available for both children and adult members. By using this form, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. Make sure to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Unused balances will automatically expire at the end of each benefit period or upon disenrollment from the plan so be sure to use the full amount before then. You will be assigned a care coordinator when you become a member. Health, Safety, Welfare, Reporting and Follow-up of Incidents, Advanced practice nurse services, including Certified Nurse-Midwives for maternity and womens health care, Ambulatory surgical treatment center services, Assistive/augmentative communication devices, Blood work, blood components, and the administration thereof, Chiropractic services for enrollees over the age of 21, Coverage for one or more vendors procured by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to manufacture eyeglasses for children in CPS, Dental services: Exams (1 every six months for members under age 21), Dental services: Fluoride treatments (1 per year for members under age 21), Dental services: Oral surgeons for enrollees under age 21 and dental cleanings two (2) times per year, Dental services: Eligible adults (age 21 and over) will be able to get limited and comprehensive exams; restorations; dentures; extractions; and sedation, Dental services: Eligible pregnant women can get these additional dental services PRIOR to the birth of their babies: periodic oral examination teeth cleaning and periodontal work, Services to prevent illness and promote health, Subacute alcoholism and substance use services, residential day treatment, and detox day treatment, Transplants using transplant provider certified by HFS, Transportation to get to covered services, EPSDT services for enrollees under age 21 (excluding shift nursing for enrollees in the MFTD HCBS waiver for individuals who are medically fragile and technology dependent (MFTD)), Family planning (birth control) services and supplies, Federally Qualified Heath Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and other encounter rate clinic visits, Medical supplies, equipment, prostheses and orthoses, and respiratory equipment and supplies, Mental health services provided under the Medicaid clinic option, Medicaid rehabilitation option, and targeted case management option, Nursing care for enrollees under age 21 not in the HCBS waiver for individuals who are MFTD, Nursing care for the purpose of transitioning children from a hospital to home placement or other appropriate setting for enrollees under age 21, Pharmacy services (drugs used in the treatment of hepatitis C are covered only if dispensed in accordance with coverage criteria approved by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, HFS), Physical, occupational, and speech therapy services, Practice visits for enrollees with special needs, Click here for more information before you call, in-network behavioral health provider locations. CountyCare members get no-cost access to a personalized nutrition and food program provided by Foodsmart. Health, Safety, Welfare, Reporting and Follow-up of Incidents. Benefits & Rewards - CountyCare Health Plan - Member frequently asked Mon-Fri: 8:00AM 6:00PM CT LASIK is a surgical procedure to correct vision problems by reshaping the corneas. Learn more about the CountyCare Visa Rewards Card: This includes a variety of extra benefits andrewardsto help support you during pregnancy and once your baby is born. CountyCare Rewards! Search Supplementary Benefits & Rewards. Cook Countys largest, no-cost Medicaid health plan. Any Eligible items will be deducted / paid with from the balance on the card. You can call if you or your child is a risk to themselves or others, having a mental health crisis or if you would like a referral to services. Click here to read our Frequently Asked Questions about LASIK eye surgery. Some prescription drugs require a prior authorization. Access over 200,000 items available to purchase using the OTC Supplemental Benefit Card. Key Contacts by Topic Area l Other Resources, Key Contacts for Providers l Report Contact Change, The member is effective with CountyCare Health Plan on the date of service, The service provided is a covered benefit under the members contract on the date of service, Referral and prior authorization processes were followed, if applicable. To enroll in mail order please use the form here. After surgery, you may no longer need contacts or glasses. Alcohol and tobacco products cannot be purchased. With CountyCare, you do not need a referral to see a specialist, but your PCP will advise if you need a specialist and recommend a doctor. Administrative Offices Sometimes mothers want to leave sooner. The program provides free minutes for calls to CountyCare Member Services. COVID-19 Vaccine Information Discover More. The Customer (you) will then pay the remainder amount due out of pocket. To Learn more about Foodsmart, and how to join for free click here. Student Newsletters & Notices. All rights reserved. Benefits & Rewards - CountyCare Health Plan | OTC Network The Cashier will scan the items and ring up the order. EARNED BY THE TOP REWARDS. Community Legal & Responsibilities. Prenatal diagnostic procedures, including genetic testing, are covered if you have a high-risk pregnancy. We provide transportation to and from scheduled appointments. You have the choice between glasses or contact lenses. Administrative Offices It is shared only when needed to help plan your personalized care. Chicago, IL 60612, 312-864-8200, 711 (TTY/TDD) For example, a cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in heart health. This includes: CountyCare offers family planning services through our network of family planning providers. Member Newsletters & Notices. Please refer to CountyCares dental benefits here. Pregnant members should see their doctor regularly, including after you have your baby. If you would like to change the PCP listed on your Member ID Card, you can do so at any time. A Increase font size. You will need a series of examinations to confirm that you are a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. Cook Countys largest, no-cost Medicaid health plan. You can also call CountyCare member services at 312-864-8200 for details or if you have questions about the evaluation process. Sat: 9:00AM 1:00PM CT. 2021 Cook County Health. Benefits & Rewards - CountyCare Health Plan - My pharmacy told me th at CountyCare is the first and only Medicaid plan in Illinois that covers LASIK surgery. Great news! For Providers. A Increase font size. Their headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia. Administrative Offices *Members over 50 years old with no indication of cataracts, and who meet the health criteria, may be eligible for LASIK surgery and should schedule a general eye exam with an in-network doctor to complete the LASIK evaluation form. Download the for Apple or Android to check your account and balance. LASIK is a surgical procedure that is used to correct vision problems by reshaping the corneas. You are eligible for new glasses every two years. 1950 West Polk Street Can you send me the LASIK Evaluation Form? For urgent or routine care away from home, you must get approval for CountyCare to go to an out of state or out-of-network provider. Search Getting early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy. Click. Using the card is easy for eligible members. Sat: 9:00AM 1:00PM CT, Annual Health Risk Screening $50 reward*, Pre- and Postnatal Doctor Visits $10/$25 reward, Behavioral Health Follow-up Visits $10/$20 reward, Follow-up After Hospital Admission $20 reward. CountyCare provides a coordinated team of health care professionals to support you in living a healthy lifestyle. Fax the completed and printed form to MedImpact at 1-858-790-7100. Benefits & Rewards - CountyCare Health Plan - BenefitWallet debit card The best place to get advice is from your PCP. The CountyCare Pharmacy Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-402-1982 to help you access your medications. Sat: 9:00AM 1:00PM CT. 2021 Cook County Health. To learn more about behavioral health and substance use services, please call 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY). Find an Provider. You may stay at the hospital for at least48 hoursafter a normal vaginal delivery and at least96 hoursafter a cesarean section delivery. During this visit, your provider may perform a PAP smear, a breast exam, STI testing, and can provide family planning services. You get rewards on your childs card for taking your baby for vaccinations before they turn 2 years old. A free car seat, portable crib & Sleep Safe Kit, free diapers, a breast pump and more during pregnancy and after birth. 2021 Cook County Health. This is a pre-surgery exam to determine if LASIK is right for you. COVID-19 Vaccine Information Learn Find. Well-being, Safety, Welfare, Reporting and Follow-up of Incidents. InComm was founded in 1992 by Brooks Smith. Provider Portals 1950 West Polk Street When a member with diabetes goes for their annual PCP visit and gets their blood tests and urine screens, CountyCare will add $25 to their Rewards Card. It may not be as effective for correcting your vision seeing things near or close up. These HCBS or LTSS waiver services are available in addition to medical and behavioral health benefits. You can also get prescriptions mailed to your home. Eligible healthy foods. Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) or LTSS Waiver Services, Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS). A Decrease font size. HFS Notices and Bulletins provide pertinent information for participating providers for medical services provided or for claims submitted for reimbursement. Support and resources forOTC Network | | Card Activation | OTC Card: Please first call the number on the back of your member ID card for accurate and faster service. As a CountyCare member, you receive additional benefits and. Weight Watchers Voucher. On the MedImpact portal, you can also do the following: As of January 1, 2022 if a non-emergent ambulance trip is required, please contact Transdev FFS at 877-725-0569 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 pm. Health, Safety, Welfare, Reporting and Follow-up of Incidents. You can take your prescription to one of our in-network pharmacies, including national retail chains such as CVS, Kmart, Kroger, Walgreens, Target, Osco and Walmart. Member Portal. Member Portal. If you know or think you might be pregnant, call your doctor or a prenatal care provider to schedule a visit. CountyCare also covers mental health services for mothers experiencing postpartum depression. Find participating retailers. Im healthy now but have been recently sick. CountyCare also covers over-the-counter medications. 1950 West Polk Street MyOTCCard | OTC Network | Card Activation, By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: HealthManagementCorp (HMC). If you feel that you would like to talk to someone, call877-MY-AUNT-M (877-692-8686)and select option 2 to schedule an appointment. Request public transportation passes (CTA and Pace) 2 weeks before your appointment by calling Member Services at 312-864-8200/ 855-444-1661 (toll-free)/ 711 (TDD/TTY). CountyCare covers services for maternal and child health services for expectant families, pregnant mothers, and their children through ourBrighter Beginningsprogram. You will get a CountyCare Visa Rewards Card in the mail when you or your children, who are members of CountyCare, go to the doctor for certain services. Provider Invoicing Resources. CARES or Crisis and Referral Entry Services is a telephone response service that handles mental health crisis calls for children and adults in Illinois. CountyCare provides no-cost telehealth counseling services to help you cope during the pandemic. Many of our providers are seeing patients through telephone or video calls. Help our team better serve your needs by completing your annual Health Risk Screening and earn $50 on your Visa Rewards card. Care coordinators connect you with services to keep you healthy. Earn dollar rewards and use the card to buy home and health items at participating stores. About CountyCare - CountyCare Health Plan We are committed to helping you and your family get the health care you need, when you need it. All rights reserved. You can get services from any qualified family planning provider, and they do not have to be a network provider. The member will also receive a letter regarding the decision. Mile Radius. A Decrease font size. Behavioral Health Locations. We offer behavioral health services to treat mental health and substance use disorders. OTC Network - Apps on Google Play First, you need to schedule an appointment with any eye doctor in the CountyCare network for a general eye exam. As an added benefit, CountyCare also covers regular exams and cleanings every six months for members 21 years of age and older. Women ages 45 to 74 can earn a $50 reward each year when they get their mammogram. The card will have a cash credit on it based on the services you or your children received. Can my primary care provider (PCP) test to see if LASIK is right for me? COVID-19 Vaccine Information Learn See. Over-the-counter and prescription emergency contraception. You may also download a print-friendly Preferred Drug Listor request a paper copy by calling Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY). Welcome - CountyCare Health Plan Only a trained eye care doctor can tell you if you are a candidate for LASIK surgery. Rewards Program - It may not be as effective for correcting your vision seeing things near or close up. Hurried Care Localities. To submit a Preferred Drug List exception request, please complete and submit online the Medication Request Form or fax the printed Medication Request Form to MedImpact at 1-858-790-7100. Pregnant women get regular check-ups, cleanings and periodontal work (deep cleaning and tooth scaling). Essentially, 100 points is worth $5! With access to a wide range of health services and expert care at no cost to you choosing CountyCare is choosing the plan that understands your health needs. CST). Why use OTC Card? Cook County Healthcare and Hospitals Systems Prior Authorization Guidelines, Managed Medicaid Prior Authorization Guidelines, Standard Non-Self-Administered (NSA) Prior Authorization Guidelines, Standard Commercial Prior Authorization Guidelines, Abortion services are covered by Medicaid (not CountyCare) by using your HFS Medical Card, Maternity care before, during and after childbirth, including free-standing birth center services. All rights reserved. The CountyCare Rewards Card Program lets you earn rewards to spend almost anywhere Visa cards are accepted. $550,000+. Weight Witness Vouchers. Mon-Fri: 8:00AM 6:00PM CT CountyCare is the first and only Medicaid plan in Illinois to cover LASIK surgery. Provider Billing Resources - CountyCare Health Plan 2021 Cook County Health. You can get free counseling services through CountyCares partnership with Aunt Marthas Health & Wellness. You will need a series of examinations to confirm that you are a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. FInd a provider Keeping Your Coverage is Key Approved items include fruits & vegetables, meats, dairy & more. After six months the reward will expire. A Decrease font size. Network providers are encouraged to participate in CountyCares electronic claims/encounter filing program. Did you know you can use your CountyCare rewards card to purchase baby care items, medicine, and cleaning tools? All members are covered for emergency dental services. Call Member Services at 312-864-8200 to request yours, and we will mail them to you. Member Enchiridion. OTC Network was launched in 2010 by InComm, a leading payments technology company. Starting in September, CountyCare members who qualify are eligible to have LASIK surgery free of charge. With CountyCare, personalized care is always around the corner. Discover item eligibility & discounts in-store by scanning items. Is LASIK surgery covered by other insurers? All rights reserved. 1 Mile of, 2 Miles of, 5 Road off, 10 Miles of, 20 Miles of, 50 Total of. Grocery stores, convenience stores, and supermarkets. You can get rewards on your childs card for taking your baby to the doctor. All rights reserved. Contact Member Services if you think you may qualify for a waiver program. CountyCare will give each member a $50 credit on their rewards card once a year for completing a health risk screening. Member Services is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CountyCare will give each member ages 45 to 75 a $50 credit on his/her rewards card once a year for completing a colorectal cancer screening from a network provider. Use your card number or barcode to redeem benefits. Find a Provider. Sat: 9:00AM 1:00PM CT. 2021 Cook County Health. For direct medication reimbursements requests, please use this form. Your PCP can give you a prescription for certain OTC like pain reliever and allergy medicine. Store and Preferred Medicament List. You earn 1 point for every dollar spent - so you would earn 100 points after spending $100 on MyOTCstore products. Please review the list of medications that are covered under the State of Illinois Preferred Drug List (PDL). Members who are pregnant can earn a $50 reward when they complete the Notification of Pregnancy form at under Member Resources.