2--Nelson, Lincoln Southwest, def. Class A will be at Omaha's Koch Tennis Center. Aaron Crook, Omaha Westside, 1988, David Skid, Millard North, def. 4, Aidan McDowell, Crete, 21-3. Mike Rips/Mike Muskin, Omaha Central, 1969, Jim Crew/Irv Rodin, Omaha Central, def. John Evans, Millard North, 1992, Ryan Fuhrer, Millard South, def. Creighton Preparatory School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at Creighton Preparatory School. Chris Miller/Alex Chacon, Millard North, 1999, Joe Thiesen/Dave Vosburg, Creighton Prep, def. Copyright 2023 WOWT. 2--Warner, Lincoln Southwest, def. And thats why the program at Creighton Prep has grown during its two years on campus. Ethan Gart, Creighton Prep, 2009, Scott Slezak, Creighton Prep, def. Mike Klemme, Omaha Gross, 1990, Mike Klemme, Omaha Gross, def. PJ Gardner/Jack Higgins, Omaha Westside, 2003, Greg Holm/Mike Cimino, Creighton Prep, def. Vo, 8-6;No. 12, K'Sean Dutton-Burtin-John Harrington, Ralston, 15-7. No. Bob Ptacek/Dave Foster, Omaha Central, 1981, Jeff Lane/Niklas Ljungberg, Omaha Westside, def. Blazek/Jos Slosburg, Omaha Westside, 2008, Greg Beaufalt/Ethan Gart, Creighton Prep, def. 12, Alex Gable-Caden Connelly, LH, 11-6. Eric Binkley, Creighton Prep, 2007, Matthew Frost, Creighton Prep, def. A gritty effort by pitcher Ryan Bauer lifted the American Legion team from Omaha Creighton Prep to victory in its World Series opener. 12:1 Student to Teacher Ratio. CodyCross is a famous newly released game which is developed by Fanatee. Mac Longo/Tom Rush, Creighton Prep, 2000, Don Shimmin/Keith Cronican, Creighton Prep, def. 2, Sam Lund, EMM, 29-7. Its helped me with bringing back community into my life, Barth said. Nickolas Johansson/Jordan Krane, Creighton Prep, 1990, Ryan Floth/David Floth, Millard South, def. 1 Zach Kuo knocked off Jeremiah Witkop of Bellevue West 6-3 6-0 to take the title. 6, Carson Vachal, Waverly, 23-16. 15, Kyle Dodd-Thomas West, Pius, 4-4. 11, Owen Seim-Miles Mollring, MW, 19-19. Its different from other sports because you have to focus on what youre doing. Prep focuses on the student in student-athlete, ensuring success off and on the field. 7, Christian Perez, SSC, 16-9. 1--Wesslund-McCoy, Lincoln North Star, def. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. 2, Robert Seaton, Omaha Skutt, 38-9. Some of the worlds are: Planet Earth, Under The Sea, Inventions, Seasons, Circus, Transports and Culinary Arts. I havent really had this desire to go and try to compete, but now I want to see what I can do in table tennis.. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. 3--Warner, Lincoln Southwest, def. Vince Emery/Mitch Emery, Omaha South, 2013, Martin Gilgenast/Dillon Ketcham, Creighton Prep, def. 3--Wingrove-Vachal, Waverly. Ranked 229th in the US and merits a 10.3 UTR . Cicirello, 8-1;No. Once your profile is approved, enjoy the benefits of everything the platform has to offer. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Doug Hedland/Steve Hubbard, Omaha Burke, 1974, Bryan Worrell/Bob Cassman, Omaha Westside, def. 11, Fletcher Kuper-Justin Ye, MW, 22-12. 5, Jon Doscher-Ian Armbrust, EN, 22-11. Pat de Souza/Adam Sutton, Omaha Westside, 2002, Keith Cronican/Chad Faulk, Creighton Prep, def. Lincoln, NE 68529, Shipping address: 146 Following. Jim Conant, Omaha Burke, 1974, Dan Sloboth, Omaha Ryan, Jim Conant, Omaha Burke, 1973, Matt Iwersen, Creighton Prep, def. Our camps provide a great opportunity for students to stay engaged during the summer months while also learning new skills and making new friends. Pete Conant, Omaha Burke, 1975, Bob Green, Creighton Prep, def. 3, Austin Staab, GICC, 15-3. Barth will compete in Table Tennis at the Cornhusker State Games this summer. Chris Dean, Papillion-La Vista South, 2011, David Liu, Millard North, def. 2--Scott-McElrose, Waverly, def. 16, Campbell Smalley-Andrew Lozier, Papio, 8-9. Rich Booth/Joe Slosburg, Omaha Westside, 2007, Greg Beaufalt/Tyler Nelson, Creighton Prep, def. Connor Brown/Raymond Thai, Millard North, 2012, Peter Furlow/Stavros Piperis, Creighton Prep, def. 8, Ian Jenkins, Brownell Talbot/Concordia, 17-9. No. Prep also won . SINGLES: No. Matt Atkinson, Bellevue East, 1998, Jeremiah Schulz, Omaha Central, def. Daijima, Alejandro Here are the Nebraska high school baseball All-Class teams and honorable mention selections, as well as the All-Metro conference team. 1--Le, East, def. A perfect day by Omaha Creighton Prep allowed the Junior Jays to pull away for the team title Thursday at the Metro Conference boys tennis meet. Sam Palensky/Matt Rogers, Papillion-La Vista South, 2010, Ke Arkfeld/AJ Blazek, Omaha Westside, def. 14, Alex Bauer-Logan Bosh, Norfolk, 20-18. CREIGHTON PREP FORMS MEN OF FAITH, SCHOLARSHIP, LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE IN THE CATHOLIC AND JESUIT TRADITION. 9, Nahum Barber, Lincoln SE, 17-16. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Submit a Public Notice for Omaha World-Herald, Young boy rushed to Omaha hospital from Fun-Plex Waterpark, Tight end Carter Nelson commits to Nebraska football over national powerhouses, McKewon: Three takes on Ainsworth's Carter Nelson committing to Nebraska football, Former Nebraska running back Dahrran Diedrick dies of cancer Saturday, Best Director's Cup finish in years earns Nebraska A.D. Trev Alberts six-figure bonus, McKewon: Three takes on Rex Guthrie committing to Nebraska football, McKewon: Three takes on Quinn Clark committing to Nebraska football, McKewon: Nebraska's recruiting class has begun to bloom and it's not done yet, McKewon: Three takes on Kewan Lacy committing to Nebraska football, Shatel: Congrats, Charles Schwab Field! Andy Kerr/Peter Chillian, Omaha Westside, 1989, Trystan Crook/Andy Chapin, Omaha Westside, def. You've truly become the home of the CWS, Adrian Martinez unloads Nebraska gear and memories at bustling garage sale, McKewon: Ranking the 42 Big Ten nonconference games, best to truly worst, Here's how Douglas County is using dating apps to get head start on MPOX prevention, As 2024 receiver class grows, Nebraska football makes Top 3 for Jacory Barney, McKewon: Three takes on Carlon Jones committing to Nebraska, Omaha Central lineman Caleb Pyfrom picks Illinois over Nebraska, Minnesota, Athlete of the Year: Nate Germonprez achieved swimming dominance in the Westside pool, High school notes: Former Papio South principal becomes NSAA interim associate director, Headlined by Omaha Bryans Amare Bynum, high school hoops class of 2025 could be special. Patel, Casey 12, Mason Hall, Pius, 9-8. Metro Conference boys tennis records. Connor Mulhall/Daniel Smolczyk, Creighton Prep, 2007, Ke Arkfeld/Andrew Mellen, Omaha Westside, def. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. We invite you toconnect with the community of Prep alumni that includes over 10,500 active members found in every state in the union and in over17 countries throughout the world! Michael Mellen/Noah Placzek, Omaha Westside, 2009, Greg Beaufalt/Eric Binkley, Creighton Prep, def. Jon Kolbeck/M. Mount Michael, the defending team champion, has the No. Michael, 36-4. Find your personal expression of faith through theology classes, service opportunities, Mass and retreats. 10, Jalan Zhu, Millard North, 15-19. 3--McChristian, LHS, def. You can cancel at any time. Select "My Schedule" and then the "Matrix" tab. McChristian-Tarkian, 8-1;No. Thursday, he committed to the Illini, who u, Meet Omaha Westside's Nate Germonprez. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 1--Givens-Whiston, East, def. Matt Panzer/Nick Petrick, Millard North, 1996, John Heine/Tom Rush, Creighton Prep, def. 15, Travis Vo, LNS, 12-11. Head coach Tony Ripa said the result against the Junior Jays wasnt what they wanted, but the Monarchs were competitive for the most part. Charles Yin, Omaha Central, 1993, Bill Bemis, Millard South, def. Jeff Churchich/Dave Bates, Omaha Northwest, 1979, Matt Tondl/Mark Feinberg, Omaha Westside, def. 08 August. Chris Gassman/Kevin Wheeler, Creighton Prep, 1997, John Heieck/Chad Femrite, Omaha Burke, def. Clark Pannier, Papillion-La Vista, 1979, Rich Prochaska, Omaha Bryan, def. 1--N. Ramachandran-S. Ramachandran, Creighton Prep, def. 2--Johnson-Sorrell, Lincoln Southwest, def. Andrew Bristol/BrentMcKnight, Millard North, 2012, Michael Koch/Niko Piperis, Creighton Prep, def. John DeVose, Papillion-La Vista South, 2006, John DeVose, Papillion-La Vista South, def. Royal Norman/Mike Strube, Omaha Burke, 1973, Toby Cudahy/Tom Dunlap, Creighton Prep, def. The NCAA Committee to Remove Marijuana From Banned Drug List, Michael Jordans Flu Game Sneakers Sold At Auction For $1.38 Million. 10, Eli Bond, Kearney, 23-12. Fine Arts, Digital Media and Technology Night, A Video on the Jr. High Achievement Program, Instant access to Creighton Prep's alumni directory, Dedicated Prep chapters in cities throughout the world. and activities generally accorded or made available to students at Creighton Preparatory School. Rich Booth/Matt Hagan, Omaha Westside, 2006, David Allen/Olaf Zupancic, Millard North, def. 2--Islamov, East, def. 3--N. Ramachandran, Creighton Prep, def. Matt Gasparini/Andy Shannon, Millard North, 1996, Justin Shanahan/Andy Mullin, Creighton Prep, def. 9, Jacob Myers, Ralston, 10-8. Tyler Johanek/Ty Kucera, Millard South, 1992, Jarrod Olson/Ty Kucera, Millard South, def. DOUBLES: No. Ive always loved the Cornhusker State Games. 2 doubles: 1, Bowdie Fox-Alex King, GICC, 27-1. 13, Evan James-Jacob Mustard, LNS, 15-13. 2, Will Mallisee-Ethan Pentel, EMM, 38-5. No. Jack Gillogly clocks in at 10.43 in the 100m dash finals!! In the Metro finals of the boy's tennis tournament, Creighton Prep's No. Next up for the Monarchs is a tournament hosted by Gretna on Friday, although all of their matches in pool play will be played at Papio South. Weeding Out Weed! 11, Eli Shada, Elkhorn North, 15-17. Due to the forecast for thunderstorms in the Omaha area on Saturday, June 24, the 3rd Annual CP Car Show has been postponed once more to Saturday, July 22 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Loyola Scholars isa year-round, three-year academic and leadership achievement program serving middle school sixth-to-eighth-grade males in the Omaha metro area who are academically talented, have leadership potential and whose households have significant financial need. Johnson, 8-3;No. 8, AJ Shefsky, Omaha Westside, 19-9. Jun 19 Today we celebrate Juneteenth, a holiday that symbolizes freedom, equality & justice. 1 --Kuor, Creighton Prep, def. Jon Gard/Richard Glow, Creighton Prep, 1986, Dan Colvin/Pat Wagner, Creighton Prep, def. Team Information Varsity/JV FB Sophomore FB Freshman FB MAY-AUGUST 2023 SCHEDULE Please note that the August schedule is not finalized. Bryce Medhi, Millard North, 2012, Biraj Parajuli, Papillion-La Vista South, def. Bill Brunell, Omaha Central, Spring 1966, Mitch Emery, Omaha South, def. Derek Wild/Paul Sedlacek, Millard North, 1991, Tom Besse/Cory Bolander, Millard South, def. Your web browser does not support the