MagistratesFamily Support
The Supreme Court case was sparked by conservative activist Edward Blum, who filed lawsuits in 2014 against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill challenging their . Child Protection -
and Charters by Town, Connecticut
The Division is composed of the Office of the Chief State's Attorney, located in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, and the Offices of the State's Attorneys for each of the thirteen Judicial Districts in the State of Connecticut. Chief Disciplinary Counsel
Official websites use .gov - Information regarding licenses for consumer collection agencies, mortgage
Personnel Investigation and Security Clearance Records for the Department of Justice. Advocacy Groups
Kids - Online Coloring Book
Contact the Webmaster to submit comments. Short CalendarsSite
The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. ? U.S. Department.
See 28 C.F.R. Join us in person or via livestream for the Supreme Court's annual Law Day celebration at the Capitol at 10 a.m. most recent order type and date (for civil matters) next appearance type and date (if a future appearance has been scheduled) whether the case is subject to a publication ban. / Motor Vehicle Case Look-up
Juror Directions and Parking
Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction that hears civil matters involving more than $5,000, capital offenses and felonies, land dispute title cases and contested probate cases. 300 Corporate Place
An official website of the United States government.
Chief Justice's COVID-19 Task Force; . Judges' Corner
Filed Before 9/1/17, Pending Foreclosures by Sale - Listed by Town, Guide to the [Historical] Records of the Judicial Department, Health Care or Environmental Health Professional's License Status, Connecticut Judicial Branch Opinions and Decisions, Connecticut Law
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The Justice Department on Thursday took the legally and politically momentous step of lodging federal criminal charges against former President Donald J. Trump, accusing him of . 552a(k)(2) and (k)(5). New Haven, CT 06510, Telephone: (203) 821-3700
Sentence Review Docket. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said Friday that the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of a Christian web designer who refused to work on same-sex couples . Juvenile Cases; and Infractions and Violation
Case files and court records can be found on AppellateE
USAO District. For PACER access and online registration, please click here. See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Kentucky. Case
552a(j)(2), (k)(2), and (k)(3). This section of the website provides users with information about Supreme and Appellate, civil, family, criminal, motor vehicle, housing, and small claims cases. Directory - Staff
Resource Center
16.96. Fees
Links (Law Libraries)
State Marshal List
Access to Justice Commission; Wisconsin Commission on Children, Families and the Courts; Wisconsin Judicial Committee on Child Welfare; Other. Youthful Offender cases;
Excluding Holidays. 16.91. Appellate -
Enforcement Services Directory
Look-up - (Attorneys, Cases, and J-ADR Mediators) Pro Bono Opportunities; . Before filing in CM/ECF, filers should review the Privacy Policy for the District Court of Connecticut. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Connecticut Department of Correction:
Official websites use .gov If you would like access CM/ECF training, please send an email to Opinions - Supreme and Appellate
To find out where a case record can be viewed, please call one of the Records Units at the telephone numbers listed below. See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Map
It is the mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch to resolve matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner. Have a question about Government Services? Court Administrator, Office of PDF
Home. Rules of Professional Conduct PDF
Jury Instructions - Criminal
Civil Division The Civil Division handles non-criminal lawsuits among individuals and/or corporations brought to enforce, redress, or protect private rights. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Online Detainee Locator System:
CT Savin - Victim Notification D
Inmate Account. *All inquiries related to specific CVB matters should be directed to Assistant U.S. Attorney Nathaniel Putnam 203-696-3000. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Law Day on May 1. This case was the product of an investigation by the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General. Speakers' Bureau
Attorney/Firm Case List
Fax Line: (203) 773- 5376. Case List Case Look-up Certificate of Good Standing Chief Court Administrator, Office of PDF Chief Disciplinary Counsel Child Protection - State Court Improvement Program Child Support Payments - Frequently Asked Questions Rules exempting systems of records from certain Privacy Act requirements are in 28 CFR Part 16, Subpart E, and are listed with the corresponding system of records,below. E-mail the Commissioner. Superior
File of Names Checked to Determine if those Individuals Have Been the Subject of an Electronic Surveillance, Information File on Individuals and Commercial Entities Known or Suspected of Being Involved in Fraudulent Activities, Name Card File on Department of Justice Personnel Authorized to have Access to the Classified Files of the Department of Justice, Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, General Index File and Associated Records, Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, Intelligence and Special Services Unit, Information Request System, Requests to the Attorney General for Approval of Applications to Federal Judges for Electronic Interceptions, The Stocks and Bonds Intelligence Control Card File System, Tax Disclosure Index File and Associated Records, International Prisoner Transfer Case Files-International Prisoner Transfer Tracking System, Office of Special Investigation (OSI) Displaced Persons Listings, United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (USVSSTF) File System, Gambling Device Registration System Records, Central Civil Rights Division Index File and Associated Records, Civil Rights Interactive Case Management System, Registry of Names of Interested Persons Desiring Notification of Submissions Under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, Files on Employment Civil Rights Matters Referred by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Presidential Appointee Candidate Records System, Special Candidates for Presidential Appointments and Noncareer SES Positions Records System, United States Judge and Department of Justice Presidential Appointee Records, Automated Intelligence Records System (Pathfinder), Clandestine Laboratory Seizure System (CLSS), Automated Records and Consolidated Orders System- Diversion Analysis and Detection System (ARCOS-DADS), Controlled Substances Act Registration Records (CSA), Investigative Reporting and Filing System, Registration Status-Investigation Records, El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) Seizure System (ESS), DEA Appendix - List of Record Location Addresses, Environment & Natural Resources Division Case & Related Files System, Records and Management Information System, Decisions of the Board of Immigration Appeals, Roster of Organizations and their Accredited Representatives Recognized by the Board of Immigration Appeals. Traffic Violations - Frequently Asked Questions
Recent enhancements to the Court's CM/ECF system now requires that users have a PACER account in addition to their CM/ECF identification name and password to access documents. . Fax: (203) 773- 5376, District of Connecticut
information shown on this site may change daily
Virtual Tour of the Supreme Court
Published 9:11 PM PDT, June 26, 2023. Enforcement Administration, Support
An official website of the United States government.
FBI then made minor edits in two of its previously published ten "blanket" routine uses (BRUs), specifically BRU-2 and BRU-8; and added seven new BRUs. Magistrate Opinions
Follow this link to look up the status of individuals currently incarcerated by the State of Connecticut Department of Correction. Overview of The Privacy Act of 1974 (2020 Edition), ASG--Office of the Associate Attorney General, ATF--Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, COPS--Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, DAG--Office of the Deputy Attorney General, ENRD--Environment and Natural Resources Division, EOIR--Executive Office for Immigration Review, FCSC--Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, FTTTF--Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, OCDETF--Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces, OPCL--Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties, OPR--Office of Professional Responsibility, 72 FR 3410 (1-25-2007) (rescinded by 82 FR 24147), 72 FR 4532 (1-31-2007) (rescinded by 82 FR 24147), 72 FR 3410 (1-25-2007)(rescinded by 82 FR 24147), 64 FR 45277 (08-19-1999) (rescinding former FBI-004, Routine Correspondence Handled By Predesigned Form), Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. are. Case information from this automated resource is provided for convenience only. Legal
Supreme Court of Alabama 334.229.0700 Court of Civil Appeals 334.229.0733 Court of Criminal Appeals 334.229.0751 State Law Library 334.229.0578 About Our Judicial System. Bidding
Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Law
By Glenn Thrush and . Connecticut License Lookup:
Family Services
About the Division of Criminal Justice News
By Charlie Savage.
Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Violation of Probation - Outstanding Arrest Warrants
name of the lawyer representing the person or company. See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Victim Notification - CT Savin
Elimination Act (PREA)
Lock See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. State Court Improvement Program
Criminal record informationis maintained by the Connecticut State Police or the Judicial Branch. Connecticut State Department of Correction. Small Claims Court
Help If you are searching for appellate court cases, you must choose the 'Appellate' or 'Docket Number' option. Child Support Payments -
claim amount (for civil matters) date the case was opened. 552a(j)(2) and (k)(3). Frequently Asked Questions
Court Fees
A lock ( Jury Duty Handbook
The main type of record the federal courts create and maintain is a case file, which contains a docket sheet and all documents filed in a case. investigator's testimony describing strains over the inquiry into President Biden's son is at odds with the version laid out by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
These BRUs are applicable to more than one FBI system of records. 67 FR 59864 (9-24-2002)* 69 FR 65224 (11-10-2004) . Frequently Asked Questions
552a(k). Adult & Juvenile Offenses for 16-yr olds - PDF, Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Each criminal and motor vehicle charge which resulted in a conviction
Exemptions may be granted for a definite period of time and may be revoked at the discretion of the court granting the exemption. Equal Employment Opportunity Plan 2003 PDF
New Haven:(203) 821-3700 COURT DOCUMENTS: This page will be updated as more content becomes available. Foreclosure SalesForms
Topic Search . font size, Commission on the Standardization of the Collection of Evidence in Sexual Assault Investigations, Reports on the Use of Force by Police Officers, Rewards Offered for Information in Unsolved Crimes, Division of Criminal Justice Ethics Policy, Division of Criminal Justice Ethical Guidelines for Prosecutors, Connecticut Law About Comfort and Support Dogs For Witnesses. Website Policies and
Montoni then re-entered the building at least one time, despite being aware that police were attempting to remove people from the building.
Violations of traffic laws, municipal code violations and county ordinances are heard in Traffic Court. 552a(j)(2), (k)(1), and (k)(2). Law About, Connecticut
Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Main
The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer Public Access to Court Case Information, a valuable online service providing a resource for information about court cases from 177 out of 184 courts in Arizona. A lock ( June 9, 2023. Attorney Referral Service (Law Libraries)
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
71 FR 59818, 819 (10-11-2006)* Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Disclaimers
A system of records is defined by the Privacy Act of 1974 asa group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual. You can use this tool to search: court case title. The website includes information on mandatory or optional appearances in court and expected court dates. Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Main. Attorneys are automatically exempt from payment of electronic public access fees for work on CJA cases. Practice BookConnecticut
The online case search is used to find basic information on a case and its location. 552a(j)(2),(k)(1), and (k)(2). Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Official Legal Publications, Court Records - Frequently Asked Questions, Criminal
All necessary resources of the United States Attorney's Office and myriad federal agencies are dedicated to the aggressive investigation, prosecution and prevention of terrorism. The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner. Floor 25
It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled.
Please contact your local court if you need bond hearing information. The Criminal Justice Commission is responsible for the appointment of all state prosecutors in the State of Connecticut. Business
Court Service Centers
An I.R.S. Bankruptcy Case Files and Associated Records. Automated Case Information Automated Case Information Welcome to the Automated Case Information System. Access to the Courts and to Judicial Branch Facilities
Frequently Asked Questions
Criminal Records aremaintained by theConnecticut State Police, which processesrequests for Criminal Record Checks and requests for a Letter of Good Conduct. Administrative
Landmark cases involving Harvard and the University of North Carolina asked the Supreme Court to ban affirmative action, or using race in college admissions. Frequently Asked Questions
Appellate Court
Civil Jury Instructions
business entities under the authority of the Department of Public Health and the Department of Consumer Protection,
Sixty law students will be sworn in as new attorneys. Documents are filed in CM/ECF and can be viewed and printed through PACER. Housing Matters
It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Supreme
Court Support Services
552a(j)(2), (k)(2), and (k)(1). Postcards
convictions are not shown. Opinions ArchiveArrest
brokers and lenders, check cashers, debt adjusters, and others in the
Updated September 23, 2022.
See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Advance Release Opinions
the CourtsAdministrative Divisions PDF
Offender Information - Information regarding offenders currently
June 29, 2023 Updated 7:44 p.m. See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. JOSE RIVERA, also known as Chepo, 43, last residing in East Hartford, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Victor A. Bolden in Bridgeport to 71 months of Justice 101: Learn about the legal justice system, Disaster Fraud Hotline: Report fraud related to natural and man-made disasters, Member of Violent Bridgeport Gang Pleads Guilty, Springfield Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Kidnapping and Murder Charges, New Britain Man Sentenced to 42 Months in Federal Prison for Firearm Offense, Stratford Man Charged with Distributing Methamphetamine and Oxycodone, East Hartford Man Sentenced to Nearly 6 Years in Federal Prison for Drug and Gun Offenses. Attorney/Firm Look-up
Sheff v. O'Neill
Jury Instructions - Civil
The Judicial Branch cannot
(ret.) Court Records - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions, Legal
Certificate of Good
In a complaint filed in March 2019, the government alleged that the defendant uses telemarketers who, posing as computer technicians and often impersonating well-known technology companies, contact unsuspecting consumers and falsely inform them that their computers have serious problems; the telemarketers then falsely tell consumers that the pro. Mediation Program
For information about your case, please check the Automated Case Information System online or at 800-898-7180 (TDD: 800-828-1120) or call the immigration court handling your case. Enforcement Administration
Facilities. 552a(k)(1). the Courts, Child Protection -
Case lookup information is compiled and maintained by the Judicial Branch, State of Connecticut Department of Correction Mediation
552a(j)(2), (k)(1), (k)(2), and (k)(5). Legal Research
Click here to learn more. Users can search by case number, participant name, organization name, offense tracking number, police incident or complaint number or . The Department of Justice does not endorse the organizations or views represented by outside websites and takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the accuracy, accessibility, copyright or trademark compliance or legality of the material contained on outside websites. Henderson Justice Court. Consistent with the Department's ongoing commitment to transparency in corporate crime cases, the DOJ launched a new case database. A locked padlock The Division of Criminal Justice does not provide criminal record information to the public. Support
Legal Resources
Circuit Court has the power to issue injunctions, writs of prohibition and writs of mandamus and to hear appeals from District Court and . June 30, 2023, 11:54 AM PDT. brokers and lenders, check cashers, debt adjusters, and others in the
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. In addition, Henderson Justice Court handles gross misdemeanor and felony cases from initial . Phone: 202-514-2000
505 Hudson Street. Court Special Sessions
# of Defendants. convictions resulting from unvacated forfeitures
Court Volunteer & Employment Information, Support
Please check for up to date closures. National Sex Offender Website. Commissioner's Office. Home | Contact Jury Department | Employment | Glossary of Legal Terms | Contact Us, NHLAA Federal Pro Se Legal Assistance Clinic, Filing a Case without an Attorney / Pro Se, Privacy Policy for the District Court of Connecticut, Section XI B of the Electronic Filing Policies and Procedures, District Court CM/ECF Computer-Based Training Modules (Training for eFilers). Follow this link to look up the status of pending criminal and/or civil cases in the State of Connecticut courts or for information on conviction information. Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Courts
Connecticut Department of Banking:
Washington DC 20530. See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. A
This applies to records including, but not limited to, adoption, juvenile, mental health, and cases that fall under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Circuit Court. Fugitive Tip Line. Tax
See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Supreme Court on Circuit Program
552a (k)(2). See, Exemptions Claimed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. including medical professionals, home improvement contractors, new home contractors, real estate
Administrative Policies and Procedures, Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, Centers for Disease
This national center processes tickets issued, and payments received for offenses committed on federal property, or for violations of federal law that occur elsewhere. Czechoslovakia, Claims Against (2nd Program), East Germany, Registration of Claims Against, Federal Republic of Germany, Questionnaire Inquiries From, German Democratic Republic, Claims Against, Germany, Holocaust Survivors Claims Against, Iraq, Registration of Potential Claims Against, Claims Referred by the Department of State, INTERPOL-United States National Central Bureau (USNCB) Records System, Controlled Substances Act Nonpublic Records, Department of Justice Employee Transportation Facilitation System, Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS), Federal Bureau of Investigation Whistleblower Case Files, Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program Applicant Files, DOJ Personnel Public Health Emergency Records System, Security Monitoring and Analytics Service Records, National Drug Intelligence Center Data Base, Foreign Intelligence and Counterintelligence Records System, Registration and Informational Material Files Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, Registration Files of Individuals Who Have Knowledge of, or Have Received Instruction or Assignment in, Espionage, Counterespionage, or Sabotage Service or Tactics of a Foreign Government or of a Foreign Political Party, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Management Information System, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center and International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center System, Office of the Inspector General Investigative Records, OIG Data Analytics Program Records System, Federal Advisory Committee Membership Files, Registered Users File - National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), Denial of Federal Benefits Clearinghouse System (DEBAR), Victims of International Terrorism Expense Reimbursement Program, National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, General Files System of the Office of Legal Policy, Executive Clemency Case Files/Executive Clemency Tracking System, Data Protection Review Court Records System, Office of Professional Responsibility Record Index, Caselink Document Database for Office of Special Counsel - Waco, Labor and Pension Case, Legal File and General Correspondence System, Statistical, Educational and Developmental System, Workload Record, Decision Result, and Annual Report System, Criminal Tax Case Files, Special Project Files, Docket Cards, and Associated Records, Tax Division Civil Tax Case Files, Docket Cards, and Associated Records, Files of Applications for Attorney and Non-Attorney Positions with the Tax Division, Kline District of Columbia and Maryland Stock and Land Fraud Inter-relationship Filing System, Major Crimes Division Investigative Files, Prosecutors Management Information System (PROMIS), Security Clearance Forms for Grand Jury Reporters, U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia Superior Court Division, Criminal Files, Assistant United States Attorney Applicant Records System, Appointed Assistant United States Attorneys Personnel System, U. S. Marshals Service Badge & Credentials File, U.S. Consistent with Judicial Conference policy, courts may, upon a showing of good cause, exempt indigents, bankruptcy case trustees, individual researchers associated with educational institutions, courts, section 501(c)(3) not for profit organizations, courts appointed pro bono attorneys, and pro bona ADR neutrals from a payment of PACER fees. Infraction Ticket ProcessingJ
Language Help (LEP)
Supreme and
Adult & Juvenile Offenses for 16-yr olds - PDF, Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Access to the Courts and to Judicial Branch Facilities, Administration and Operation of
For information regarding filings prior to October 2003, that are not on the docket in CM/ECF, please visit our Federal Records Center page. financial industry. Committees and Commissions
cases; unvacated forfeitures of bail or
Connecticut Courthouse Postcards, Landlord/Tenant -
Sex Offender Registry - Information regarding offenders who have been
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Pginas web en espaol
Please note that files may only be viewed on the premises. Supreme -
Information Technology
Connecticut Judicial Branch: Case Look-Up Supreme and Appellate Court Civil, Family, Housing, Small Claims Requesting Divorce Records Criminal (Convictions) Criminal (Pending) Housing Court Cases Filed Before 3/1/16 Small Claims Cases Filed Before 9/1/17 Violation of Probation (Arrest Warrants) Attorney/Firm Look-up - Verify Attorney Status 552a(j)(2), (k)(1),and (k)(2). Documents the immigration court or Board of Immigration Appeals issue to you or your representative are the only official determinations related to your case. Today. PACER is provided by the federal Judiciary in keeping with its commitment to providing public access to court information via a centralized service. Case Search ? Judges
552a(j)(2) and (k)(5). Court
The Justice Department unsealed charges related to the 2011 hack of the cryptocurrency exchange Mt. In April of 2011, the District of Connecticut implemented, which works in conjunction with CM/ECF to allow attorneys to pay the filing fee for new Civil Complaints, Motions to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Notices of Appeal, Notices of Removal, Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus, Petitions to Quash IRS Summons, as well as Motion to Quash Foreign Subpoena and/or for a Protective Order, Motion to Compel, and Application for Letter Rogatory/Discovery Pursuant to 28 USC 1782. Court Improvement Program
March 10, 2023. To search calendars in the Supreme Court or in the Court of Appeals, follow the links below. Customer Service Lobby Open: Monday - Thursday. Libraries
The information posted on the Department of Justice website includes hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations. Welcome to the Automated Case Information System. Main Office:
Follow this link to look up the status of pending criminal and/or civil cases in the State of Connecticut courts or for information on conviction information.
U.S. v. TBA. Legal
Lock Here's how you know EOIRAutomated Case Information Court Closures TodayMarch 10, 2023 Please check up to date closures. Kids -
See, Exemptions Proposed Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. (Law Libraries)
appearance in court in non-motor vehicle cases
within the past 10 years is shown, including
record information. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S. 321, 337. Nikki Haley and Tim Scott acknowledged the seriousness of Justice Department's charges against Donald J. Trump. Disabilities Act, Americans with
Judges - Superior
Cold Cases Learn about unsolved homicides and other crimes where the investigation has gone "cold" and cold cases where an arrest or conviction has occurred. Phone
Probation Directory, KKids -
Juvenile Matters
Find information on how to access electronic case information and calendars for the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC), Appeals Court, and Trial Court. Convictions: Convictions - Search by Defendant or Convictions - by Docket Number Daily Docket: Daily Docket - Search by Court or Daily Docket - By Defendant Pending Case: Pending Case - Search by Defendant or Pending Case - By Docket Number Attorney/Firm Case Look Up: Attorney/Firm - Search by Juris Number Criminal Jury InstructionsCriminal
While it is still in the process of being populated, it will eventually contain the significant, relevant cases from each component and U.S. Attorney's Office, resolved since the end of April 2023.