District of Connecticut | United States District Court Federal Public Defender. Self-represented parties may continue to Federal law prohibits any electronic recording or rebroadcasting of a federal court hearing. Proceed straight to the third traffic light. Search Connecticut Superior Court Civil and Family short calendars by court location and category, or view short calendar motions to seal or close by court location. Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. See more U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals Cases, Dockets and Search Connecticut Superior Court civil and family upcoming court events by date, location, and case category. Coming South on Route 25/8 WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 01: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is seen prior to President Biden giving his State of the Union address during a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on . - John F. Kennedy, 1963. Divisions of Superior Court. This site is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the federal Judiciary. office or Court Service Center. 860-240-3211 | Fax, Brien McMahon Federal Building Holiday Closures - United States District Court for the District of Oregon Home Judges' Information Court Calendars DAILY COURT CALENDARS Click here to select a date range 2023 Assignments Magistrate Judge Criminal Duty Assignments (2nd Quarter 2023) Emergency, Motions, and Recess Assignments Emergency Assignments List (2nd Quarter 2023) Motions Assignment List (2nd Quarter 2023) Recess Assignments List (2022 Revised) No disruption of Zoom video hearings. Zoom video access. Filter for statistical tables by topic, report, or date. Court Calendars | U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Nevada U.S. Richard C. Lee U. S. Courthouse Follow to Main Street (ends at Main Street). This section of uscourts.gov provides statistical data on the business of the federal Judiciary. 203-579-5861 | Clerk's Office 5) The ordinary marking period is from 9:00 a.m. Tuesday to 4:00 p.m. Thursday of the week before the Short Calendar. Information about enrollment in E-Services and electronic access to civil . being held remotely or in person. 5. Following Chief Justice Hughes' retirement on July 1, 1941, the clock remained in the family until it found its permanent home at the Supreme Court in 1982. Post offices will be closed on Monday, and the U.S. Connecticut Court Dockets and Calendars | CourtReference.com Follow to Capitol Avenue Exit. 2023 State Holidays - CT.gov a.m. Tuesday to 11:00 a.m. Thursday. Friday, February 17 . A violation may result in court sanctions or criminal prosecution. Report Query Parameters. Court Holidays | District of Connecticut - United States Courts 6. Exemption from E-Services are not required to do so. 203-579-5867 | Fax, Home | Contact Jury Department | Employment | Glossary of Legal Terms | Contact Us, NHLAA Federal Pro Se Legal Assistance Clinic, Filing a Case without an Attorney / Pro Se, Standing Order Re: Implementation Of NextGen CM/ECF Version 1.7, Notice of Reappointment of Magistrate Judge Robert A. Richardson. Public Calendar Court schedules are sometimes subject to change. Take second exit Prospect/Main Street exit. General Court Information: Court hours, holidays, directions and court otherwise directed by the Chief Court Administrator and as described below. Driving Directions. 1332 Diversity-Tort/Motor Vehicle (P.I.) Connecticut Superior Court. This page lists named defendants (and products or industries involved) in pending cases prosecuted by the Antitrust Division for which public court proceedings are scheduled and for which the court has approved victim notification through this webpage. ADA Access to the Courts and to Judicial Branch Facilities. of an attorney trial referee or factfinder, and any objections about the Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. 11-13 (c). Civil Division short calendars shall be held on the first court day of each The form is available online or at any judicial district clerks To : Locations : Default Judges : Default. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Clerks' offices are open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: Courtroom 1. Monday, December 25, 2023. 450 Main Street Info, Specialty Conn. P.B. There are no Civil/Housing cases currently scheduled today for livestreaming. Home | Contact Us | Employment | Glossary of Legal Terms | FAQs, Honorable Ann M. Nevins, Chief Judge Pietro Cicolini, Clerk of Court, General Orders and Guidance Regarding COVID-19, Appearing Remotely Before the Court due to COVID-19, Employee Rights-Reporting Wrongful Conduct, Electronic Notice and Service of Documents for non-CM/ECF Filers, Register of Federal and State Governmental Units, Filing Guidelines and Forms for Individuals, Individual Debtors Guide to Judgments of Eviction, Instructions for Official Bankruptcy Forms for Individuals, Multi-court Voice Case Information System (McVCIS), Report of Assets in Chapter 7 Case and Request to Set Proof of Claim Deadline, 341 Locations (First Meeting of Creditors), Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds, eFile Certificate of Debtor Education (eFinCert), https://www.ctd.uscourts.gov/court-info/court-holidays, Remote Appearances using ZoomGov for Scheduled Hearings, Procedures and Instructions for Appearing Remotely before the Court, How To Obtain Electronic Filing Privileges for CM/ECF, Updating Your CM/ECF Address or E-Mail Address, Superseded Local Rules Effective September 4, 2018, Superseded Local Rules Effective May 15, 1997, Standing Orders Superseded by Local Rules Effective September 4, 2018, Contested Matter Procedure superseded by Local Rules Effective September 4, 2018. No legal advice is offered here and this site is not an alternative to competent legal counsel. Reports : by Judge by Date-Time. . marked from 9:00 a.m. Tuesday to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. Court: Fourth Circuit North Carolina US District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina. Take a left onto Lafayette Boulevard, go to the fourth traffic light. Next Week. otherwise. Supreme Court Docket / Calendar. form. may mark their Short Calendar matters electronically through E-Services but Danbury Courtroom Six YouTube. Court Calendars | Vermont Judiciary Coming from the Merritt Parkway Electronic Court Calendar. Bridgeport, CT 06604 915 Lafayette Boulevard Bridgeport, CT 06604. with remote The form is available online or at any judicial district clerk's office or Court Service Center. 5) The ordinary marking period is from 9:00 a.m. Postal Service will not deliver mail or packages. Note: Hearing dates and times are subject to last-minute change. Short Calendar Procedures - Connecticut Fairfield Superior Court of United States District Court 6) The following information is required when making a telephone marking: 7) Please do not call the clerks office to confirm delivery. Requirements form (JD-CL-92), The full name of the person making the marking and the law firm name, if applicable, Confirmation that counsel and self-represented parties of record have been notified of the marking. 915 Lafayette Boulevard This Courtroom Calendar details public proceedings scheduled to take place across the District of Connecticut for the next ten days. Court Calendars | District of Connecticut - United States Courts 4. Next Week. Federal Records Center; Multi-court Voice Case Information System (McVCIS) PACER Registration; Requests for Notice; Transcript Request (Ordering Procedure) Office of the US Trustee. Assignment for Days (including case summaries) This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Connecticut. Although every effort has . To ensure excellence in serving the public and assisting the court in its core mission of administering justice. Defendant: FEDEX GROUND PACKAGE SYSTEM, INC. and DOE I. California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. Calendar | District of Connecticut | United States Bankruptcy Court 860-240-3200 | Clerk's Office Search Connecticut Superior Court upcoming small claims hearings by location and hearing date. may not be offered. Courthouses are open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, except on legal holidays. Court Calendar - Baltimore. Court Locations Hartford United States Bankruptcy Court Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building 450 Main Street, 7th Floor Hartford, CT 06103 Bridgeport Hartford | District of Connecticut | United States District Court Suite A012 If a state holiday 141 Church Street If a state holiday falls on the Friday before the calendar, matters may be . Filing Date Calculator | Esquire Deposition Solutions Lincoln's Birthday, February 13, 2023. (800) 676-6856. pacer@psc.uscourts.gov. falls on the Friday before the calendar, matters may be marked from 9:00 203-773-2334 | Fax, Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building parties not enrolled in E-Services must submit markings by calling the Connecticut Superior Court - Connecticut Judicial Branch Follow Interstate 95 north to Exit 27 (Lafayette Blvd). Court Calendar - Greenbelt. Christmas Day. Now that former President Donald J. Trump has entered a plea of not guilty at his arraignment in Miami, the criminal case against him will, barring an unforeseen event, settle into . Court Calendars | District of Columbia - United States Courts Courtroom One, 141 Church St., New Haven, CT, Kelsey v. USA, North Courtroom, 450 Main St., Hartford, CT, USA v. Gray, USA v. Morales, USA v. Arrington, Moran v. Tesei, USA v. Steferak, USA v. Anderson, USA v. Acevedo, USA v. Cotto, USA v. Jackson, United States Securities and Exchange Commission v. Ahmed, USA v. Dixon, USA v. Robinson, USA v. Womack, USA v. Castro, Courtroom Three, 141 Church St., New Haven, CT, USA v. Poller, USA v. Cruz-Acevedo, USA v. Cammilletti, USA v. Herman, Srednicki v. Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, USA v. Jenkins, Courtroom Five, 141 Church Street, New Haven, CT, USA v. Coleman, Courtroom One, 450 Main St., Hartford, CT, Progressive Casualty Insurance Company v. Chabad Lubavitch of Litchfield County, West Courtroom, 450 Main St., Hartford, CT, Penn-Williams v. Norwalk, USA v. Rountree, USA v. Gonzalez. 203-579-5867 | Fax. If a motion appears on the Short Calendar list for a given week but is not adjudicated, it may be reclaimed to a subsequent Short Calendar session by any party. received. You are now facing the side of the Courthouse. Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court will be closed on the following days: *The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut follows the list of holidays and closures entered by the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, which is available here: https://www.ctd.uscourts.gov/court-info/court-holidays. Court Calendars Rules & Orders Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct Opinions Follow Us On Twitter! Memorial Day, May 29, 2023. matters electronically through E-Services unless exempted from this Connecticut Judicial Branch Hartford, CT 06103 Short Calendar Procedures - Connecticut Hartford Superior Court of Contact the Court Contact the Court by phone, mail, or email using the contact list provided on the Court Locations page under the Court Info tab. Plaintiff: Leslie Greene and Monica Creque. Welcome to District of Connecticut | District of Connecticut information North 3) Attorneys who require an exemption from E-Services LIST OF HOLIDAYS AND COURT CLOSURES - 2023. Links are grouped by those that cover courts statewide, for multiple counties, and then by individual county. holidays. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info, Connecticut - Statewide Court Dockets Calendars. All Centralized Small Claims executions (for cases filed prior to 10/13/2017 that have not already been transferred to a Judicial District or Housing Session location) must be filed on paper at the appropriate Judicial District or Housing Session location clerk's office. Connecticut Court Dockets and Calendars. Time for Marking Matters. ; Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute and to Distribute Controlled Substances), CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - Conspiracy to Distribute and to Possess with Intent to Distribute 28 Grams or More of Cocaine Base, CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE (Possession with Intent to Distribute Controlled Substances), UNLAWFUL TRANSPORT OF FIREARMS, ETC. Telephone markings are not Which courthouses are currently open, what are the hours, and where can I find the contact information? June 2023; July 2023; August 2023; September 2023; October 2023; November 2023; December 2023; January 2024; February 2024; March 2024; April 2024; Connecticut Superior Court Civil and Family Court Events, Connecticut Superior Court Civil and Family Short Calendars, Connecticut Superior Court Criminal and Traffic Daily Dockets and Pending Cases, Connecticut Superior Court Small Claims Hearing Dates. Search by Specific Court | PACER: Federal Court Records This calculator is furnished as a helpful tool, but the calculation of deadlines is the sole responsibility of the user. Once a matter has been assigned to the Short Calendar by the court the matter must be "marked" by counsel in the case. Note: If the hearing is in person, remote access We are confronted primarily with a moral issue. 2022 New Year's Day - Friday, December 31, 2021 Martin Luther King Day - Monday, January 17, 2022 Lincoln's Birthday - Friday, February 11, 2022 Washington's Birthday - Monday, February 21, 2022 Good Friday - Friday, April 15, 2022 Memorial Day - Monday, May 30, 2022 Independence Day - Monday, July 4, 2022 Labor Day - Monday, September 5, 2022 Thursday, November 23, 2023. Calendar Notices | Civil Jury Instructions | Court Location Codes. Magistrate Judge Criminal Duty Assignments (3rdQuarter2023), Emergency,Motions, and Recess Assignments, Home | Contact Us | Employment | Glossary of Legal Terms | FAQs | U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 333 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20001, Honorable James E. Boasberg, Chief Judge | Angela D. Caesar, Clerk of Court, OSCAR (Online System for Clerkship Application & Review), Disclosure of Judges Attendance at Privately Funded Seminars, Unsealed Orders, Opinions, Documents and Docket Reports, ECF Forms, Instructions, and Other Information, MOUs - Electronic Filing of Sealed Applications and Orders, Attorney Admissions, E-Filing Registration, and Renewal Information, Magistrate Judge Criminal Duty Assignments, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 333 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20001. The Courthouse is on your left. What types of court matters are being handled remotely? Home | Contact Jury Department | Employment | Glossary of Legal Terms | Contact Us, NHLAA Federal Pro Se Legal Assistance Clinic, Filing a Case without an Attorney / Pro Se. The United States Probation & Pretrial Services for the District of Connecticut requests a qu. CT Judicial - Public Access United States Courthouse. Danbury Virtual Courtrooms Streaming Today. At third traffic light, turn right onto Arch Street. U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. requirements may apply for an exemption by submitting the Clerk's Office Telephone. Search this site . Public Calendar - United States Courts Go straight at the end of the exit and take left at the next light onto Main Street. North 915 Lafayette Boulevard federal 450 Main Street Suite A012 Hartford, CT 06103. Text Size: Decrease font size . Court Calendars Last updated Thu Jun 29 19:03:01 2023 (Updated hourly) Criminal Trials - All Criminal Hearings. 4) Civil Short Calendar in each judicial district will start at 9:30 a.m. on Monday of each week, unless it is rescheduled. Caseload Statistics Data Tables | United States Courts available to attorneys unless an exemption from E-Services has been Please check the courtlist to verify whether the hearing is About Our Calendars Calendars on this page are available for the Superior Courts, the Environmental Division, the Judicial Bureau and the Vermont Supreme Court. Here's what's left for the Supreme Court's final week of the term Search form. In an effort to facilitate social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the scheduled hearings are proceeding by means of Zoom video technology. If you are having difficulty accessing a particular proceeding, you should contact the Clerk's Office by telephone. Legal holidays to be observed by the State of Connecticut in the year 2023 are: New Year's Day, January 2, 2023. Washington's Birthday, February 20, 2023. Information about enrollment in E-Services and electronic access to civil This Courtroom Calendar details public proceedings scheduled to take place across the District of Connecticut for the next ten days. Courthouse in Cincinnati, the Joseph P. Kinneary U.S. United States District Court District of Connecticut Honorable Michael P. Shea, Chief Judge Dinah Milton Kinney, Clerk of Court. The interactive courtlist allows you to view the schedule of hearings for up to 6 CT Supreme Court Docket / Calendar - Connecticut Judicial Branch How can I access Judicial Branch Resources from home? party may apply for permission to schedule an earlier hearing date with the If you have not used Zoom before, you will need to first access Zoom's webpage to download the Zoom software on your electronic device. Bridgeport, CT 06604, 203-579-5861 | Clerk's Office telephone marking line. Note: The following items are exempt from the marking requirements, and Janet C. Hall | District of Connecticut | United States District Court United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky This is the official website of the State of Connecticut Supreme Court. Northbound - Exit 49S, follow Route 25/8 directions above. South Follow to second light and turn left onto Main Street. Courthouse is on the left past the next light. Civil Short Calendar Standing Order - CT Judicial Branch Zoom video access. If you received a jury postcard requesting that you fill out a qualification questionnaire, or if you received a jury summons requesting that you fill out an information form, please click on the eJuror button to get started. Tuesday to 4:00 p.m. Thursday of the week before the Short Calendar. Effective Monday July 3, 2023, at 8 a.m., Centralized Small Claims E-Filing for executions is no longer available. See the calendar of court closures. Motions/Applications for exemption; motions for modification of executions Specific publications address the work of the appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts; the probation and pretrial services systems; and other components of the U.S. courts. South June 14, 2023. New Haven, CT 06510 If a calendar is canceled due to U.S. District Court of Connecticut will close on the following days. If a I-84 West CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; Conspiracy to Distribute and to Possess With Intent to Distribute Cocaine Base ("Crack Cocaine"), CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE(Possession with Intent to Distribute Cocaine Base), CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, and to distribute, heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, cocaine base, and oxycodone, UNLAWFUL TRANSPORT OF FIREARMS, ETC. If a state holiday falls on the Thursday before the calendar, matters may be marked from 9:00 a.m. Tuesday to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. From : dd ww mm. March 7, 2023. Attorneys who have E-Services. The purpose of this site is to provide information about locating and filing cases in the federal courts. A well-known 18th century London clockmaker, William Allam, designed the clock featuring a bonnet hood with three brass finials and a brass dial with decorative foliate spandrels. General Any person who joins a hearing by means of Zoom video is subject to the Court's rules of conduct. Requirements form (JD-CL-92) in accordance with the instructions on the Marking Matters. Thanksgiving Day. Home - Supreme Court of the United States Follow directions above. Esquire Deposition Solutions assumes no liability for miscalculation, missed filing deadlines, or any other errors. For participants and members of the public who access a hearing by means of Zoom, they will be admitted to an electronic waiting room and subject to admission by a member of Court staff. Take left at this light, and the Courthouse is on the right. Court Calendar | District of Maryland - United States Courts Court will be in session five days a week except as unexpected events, parties may reclaim their motions to the next available For those members of the public who do not have a role in the proceeding other than to observe, they should be able to hear and see the proceeding but a Court staff member may deactivate their video and audio (mute) so that the judge and the participants in the hearing will not be able to see or hear them. and examination of judgment debtors and all motions for judgment on report Markings Entry transaction is the confirmation that the marking has been In an effort to facilitate social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the scheduled hearings are proceeding by means of Zoom video technology. To reduce the risk of technical problems, one should join the Zoom video hearing approximately 10 minutes before it is scheduled to start. Courthouse in Columbus, and the Walter . Submit. It is the mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch to resolve matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner. judicial district will start at 9:30 a.m. on Monday of each week, unless otherwise ordered by the court. Last Update Performed: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 6:00 AM. No person may engage in any recording or rebroadcasting of any part of a Zoom video hearing including by means of using their computer or any other device to video-record or audio-record any part of the hearing or to take photographs or screenshots of the hearing. Alternative Dispute Resolution Mediation. week unless an exception is granted by the Chief Court Administrator. 203-773-2140. Are masks required to enter a courthouse? Allstate Insurance Company v. Electrolux Home Products, Inc. Please check back as this page is updated nightly at 8:00pm. Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 860-240-3200 | Clerk's Office FedEx's website does not have Juneteenth listed as a holiday on its . We strive to provide accurate information, however, Courtreference.com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Follow to Downtown exit, to Columbus Street. The courtlist also offers the ability to register for access to hearings The Courthouse is on your left. The heart of the question is whether we are going to treat our fellow americans as we want to be treated. Juneteenth Day, June 19, 2023. cases, Exemption from E-Services 1) All attorneys and law firms are required to mark their Short Calendar Trustee - Connecticut Office; Panel of Chapter 7 Trustees; Report of Assets in Chapter 7 Case and Request to Set Proof of Claim Deadline; Chapter 13 Trustee . Supreme and Appellate Court Case look up (including briefs), Slidecast explaining the Pre Argument Settlement Conference, Assignment for Days (including case summaries), Assignment for Days Archive (including case summaries), Summary of Supreme and Appellate Court Opinions, Recent Supreme and Appellate Court Opinions by Subject, Electronic Devices in the Supreme and Appellate Courts (PDF), Protocol for Broadcasting, Televising, Recording or Photographing Supreme Court Oral Arguments, Policy regarding use of the Capitol Avenue Entrance, Policy on use of Judicial Branch facilities, Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE). Southbound - Exit 52, follow Route 25/8 directions above. Information about cases scheduled for hearing during the next 90 days is collected in a file each night (Monday - Friday) at 7:00 pm. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 16, 2023. ; Unlawful Possession of Firearms by a Felon, 21:846=CD.F CONSPIRACY TO POSSESS AND DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE (Possession with Intent to Distribute and Distribution of Fentanyl), FALSE DECLARATIONS BEFORE GRAND JURY/COURT (False Declaration before Grand Jury), CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute and to Distribute Narcotics), UNLAWFUL TRANSPORT OF FIREARMS, ETC. cases. United States District Court, 450 Main Street This Courtroom Calendar details public proceedings scheduled to take place across the District of Connecticut for the next ten days. The following schedule represents the court schedule for the United States District Court Eastern District of North Carolina. United States Attorneys Office. Courthouse is on the left past the next light. No video/audio/photography/screenshots of Zoom video hearings. - Unlawful Possession of Firearm by a Felon, CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE (Possession with Intent to Distribute Cocaine Base), CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Conspiracy to Distribute, and to Possess with Intent to Distribute, Heroin, Cocaine, Cocaine Base, Fentanyl, and Oxycodone, MONEY LAUNDERING - CONTINUING CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE - Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments, Possession with Intent to Distribute and Distribution of Cocaine, CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - Conspiracy to Distribute and to Possess with Intent to Distribute Heroin, Fentanyl, Cocaine Base and Cocaine, UNLAWFUL TRANSPORT OF FIREARMS, ETC.