Antonito is a small village with limited tourist services but it is my preferred departure point for trips on the Cumbres & Toltec. It was the coolest thing. | Privacy Statement |, Information Michael also creates architectural metal castings and does historic preservation work for the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad in Antonito, Co. At-Large Representative. What should I pack to go on the train Memorial Day weekend from Chama to Antonito? East bound from Chama, two locomotives my be at the helm pulling the heavy trains as far Cumbres Pass, the steepest portion of the track requiring harder work gifting riders with more puffs of steam and smoke. You can move around. -webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; These seats put you right next to the back door and people will be constantly opening the rear door to go out and stand on the rear platform, and they will be banging into you with the door pretty much each time they go out. min-height: 100%; More, 20 First Plaza NW, Suite 601, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
While riding the Cumbres Toltec train, a Native American rode b on his horse. Also given a gift. margin:0 !important; Which one has the more impressive scenery? 719-472-3984. Enjoy the scenery in comfort. Add a Day to Your Stay, ACE: Albuquerque Community Experience Professionals, Familiarization Tour & Site Inspection Tour, Albuquerque Community Experience Professionals (ACE), The Cumbres & Toltec 2022 schedule kicks off on July 1. travel by train the full line between Chama, NM and Antonito, CO and includes a 40-minute bus ride and lunch. Kudos to Verna! We had ridden the Durango-Silverton train before and this one beat it by leaps and bounds for scenic beauty. Upon our return, wed road trip our way to Chama, where wed planned to overnight. border: 1px solid #444444; The volunteer docents who ride along with you share their complete education of the history, the legends, and the lore of this region and the railroad. height: 150px; Thank you for this post, this was really inspiring! Owned by the states of Colorado and New Mexico, the train crosses state borders 11 . They tried putting sand on the tracks but that did not work. A National Historic Landmark since 2012, youll literally step back in history from the moment you board. Definitely worth the price (just over $120 US) and something unforgettable you can relive when you look at the (many) photos you will take. The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad is a National Historic Landmark. padding: 28px; display:inline-block; max-width: 240px; color:#CCCCCC !important;; The mid-way point between Antonito and Chama is Osier, Colorado, elevation 9,637 feet. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, 1-888-286-2737 Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions. what's the price for full day and half day for an adult ? We rode in a deluxe car (well worth the increase in price!) The train travels at a top speed of 12 miles an hour, and thats the beauty of it!You wont miss the aspen groves, the wildflowers, the steep mountain canyons, or the plentiful wildlife. section #origincode_videogallery li .infoLayer ul li { About. The ride was great, the scenery beautiful, and it was quite relaxing. Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad The 3 Best Scenic Train Rides In Colorado - Only In Your State section #origincode_videogallery li .infoLayer ul li h2 { Haha! (left to right) Cumbres Parking Lot - Railroad Crossing - Highway 17: CDOT Camera on Cumbres Pass (South) . For more information or to book, go to Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad website. My husband enjoyed the pork. transition: opacity 0.3s linear; } The only seats left together (on the only day we can ride it) were 9 and 10. Locomotive #489 at Milepost 305 by James Parfrey At 64-miles in length, it is the longest, the highest and most authentic steam railroad in North America, traveling through some of the most spectacular scenery in the Rocky Mountain West. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (2023) - I say this because a fair portion of the trip cuts along mountain sides and if youre not on the correct side youll be looking at the mountain side. Built in 1880 and little changed since, the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad is the finest and most spectacular example of steam era mountain railroading in North America. At 64-miles in length, it is the longest, the highest and most authentic steam railroad in North America, traveling through some of the most spectacular scenery in the Rocky Mountain West. , and we were very pleased with the service which included non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. margin: 1px !important; Yeah, going up the scenic mountain passes would be great, but coming back down would be like a scene from Speed, only in a train. .load_more_button3:hover{ Ive only read generally negative remarks about not being on the more scenic side. The trackage, in its entirety, was built west from Walsenburg, Colorado to Durango and . Powered by coal fired, steam locomotives and following the original Rio Grande Narrow Gauge line, a ride on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad is the best way to experience the authentic west. Please feel free to call or email us anytime! Chumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad - Chama, New Mexico | The Victorian A winter coat? Its equipment, structures and vast landscape exist today as if frozen in the first half of the 20th century. And thats when you see the smoke and hear the engines! We want to come back in the fall when the aspen trees are changing colors. Even in warm weather, bring a jacket so you can spend time on the open car without freezing. height: 150px; max-width: 240px; .clear{ Explore the extraordinary Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad traveling through 64 magnificent miles only seen by our narrow-gauge train. max-height:80px; We have done alot of train rides on the east coast and this was by far our favorite! -ms-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; I fractured my shoulder 2 weeks ago and am in a sling and quite sore. & Reservations. background:#8F827C !important; You may choose to ride from Antonito to Osier Station and return by train or ride through to Chama and return by bus. -moz-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; width:100%; border-radius: 5px; I used to work as a guide on the 1880 train in the Black Hills and the engineers/conductors all said this train ride was the best around. border:none; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s linear; color:#0A0202 !important; trips, which travel from either Antonito or Chama to Osier Station and then return to the point of origin. But it has to be believed to be seen. Kiowa poet N. Scott Momaday. We left Chama, New Mexico at 10:00 AM. Its a great deal of fun and training is provided! position: absolute; Highlights of the route include Toltec Gorge, where the tracks hug the cliffs 600 feet above the stream bed; Windy Point, the highest railroad summit in the West with its commanding view of the Chama Valley; two tunnels; and two 100-foot tall trestles. A wonderful train ride with great scenery! min-height: 100%; An unforgettable Old West style experience. border-radius: 5px; font-size: 22px !important; The Commission sets the policies for the management of the C&TSRR. Excursions run from Memorial Day weekend through mid-October. margin-bottom: 30px; Work Session Volunteers Copyright 2000-2020 RailsNW They don't get it. } She was able to switch our location to the Antonito station, which was much closer. To say I was excited to ride Americas longest and highest narrow gauge railroad, the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad was an understatement. When you visit, be sure to take the self-guided tours of the railroad yards. The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (C&TS) is another famous narrow-gauge tourist attraction based in southwestern Colorado/northwestern New Mexico which utilizes a former component of the Denver & Rio Grande Western's fabled San Juan Lines. } height: 150px; Well, you do know that train brakes are air brakes? While signs were posted that masks were required on the train and their stated policy on the website is that masks are to be worn except in rail cars where all windows are open, they neither stated nor enforced a mask policy, even when I asked them too. If it does, when it starts again, the jolt is pretty strong. You may take the train to the far end at Antonito, CO, or ride to the Osier Station and return to Chama. They then hooked us back up as 1 train and we limped into Osier at 3:00 where our aging lunch was waiting. Scenic Highlights; How To Get Here; Passenger Info. The bus ride back was pleasant with the bus driver giving interesting and different information than the train people. cursor:pointer; OF THE CUMBRES & TOLTEC SCENIC RAILROAD, INC. Members, Volunteers & Donors Tending to the Stewardship of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, PRESERVATION I INTERPRETATION I RESTORATION, DISCOVER THE JOYS OF BECOMING A FRIENDS VOLUNTEER, Everything We Do Is All About The Railroad. View all hotels near Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad on Tripadvisor. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE C&TSRR & THE FRIENDS! display:none; I recommend the Classic Coach and it is $99.75 per person. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad | Chama, NM 87520 - New Mexico Tourism The Cumbres & Toltec 2022 schedule kicks off on July 1st through October 23rd and features a mix of offerings, including: Originally built in 1880, the railroad offers an authentic 19th Century steam railroad experience. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. About the Center - Center for Railroad Photography & Art Get Involved - Cumbres & Toltec Railroad Volunteers & Contributions padding: 28px; This was truly the experience of a lifetime. max-width: 240px; The station and Osier facility were in good shape too.