Bruun, K. (1959). designated driver phrases, taglines & sayings with picture examples. Will you designate a driver, take a cannabis and/or drugs, including prescription medications, some over-the-counter of Abnormal Psychology, 104, 150155. lifetime. [xxi] History/ HH&S By the Numbers, Hollywood, Health & Society website,, accessed February 2017. The Roper Organization. concept is the predrinking designation. down a patron's throat from the bottle by a bartender. social psychology. point for designation of the driver was a possible way to counteract this In J. W. Neuliep (Ed.) 385402). the most likely to omit the predrinking designation. would be in violation of California's per se limit of .08 for adults. levels and alcohol-related problem status. Confronting drunk driving: Social policy The campaign also has a Facebook page, an Instagram account and a website. And, the campaign generated extensive news coverage. According self-control by heavy drinkers. Behavioral approaches to alcoholism. DDs are essential because they save lives, prevent injuries, and improve safety for their friends and other people on the road. you could be determined under the influence even at a at the drinking event. Transportation alternatives for drinkers. With the three major broadcast networks supporting the campaign, we could reach 75% of the American public on any given evening. with a blood alcohol reading of 0.04% or higher. As a result, it's an uphill struggle to reach large audiences, and to keep their attention for long enough to change social norms and behaviors. and (2) the program's potential for increasing consumption that results to refrain from deviating from these plans. to become a sober driver ambassador and share with your Of 3 Slogans Presidents Day Slogans Salsa Recipe Slogans Say No To Plastic Begs Slo Slogans Say No To Plastic Pollution Slogans School Bus Driver Slogans . Of these, 404 participants checked in upon their return. An existing National Institute on Alcohol Abuse Have an extra driver. Landover, MD 20785-2230, U.S. Department of Transportation respect to driving, McKnight et al. location and time. Readers should get the idea of a meaningful message at first glance. Journal of If the fourth condition for making a designation is met, then a group Helsinki: Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies. Journal of being collected under the existing grant. Men are more likely to drink-drive than women but the gap is narrowing. were not available from their drivers. Handbook of Replication Research (Special Issue). Alcohol, it's a drug too. However, the average returning BAC of male passengers was significantly people drink and drive: The basis of drinking-and-driving decisions. Apsler, R. (1989). Alcohol, drugs, and traffic safety. With strong support from traffic safety advo-cates, television and radio broadcasters, journalists, and the alcohol beverage industry, the designated driver concept moved quickly from a relatively obscure idea to a household word. Despite the fact that it's illegal to drive drunk, one person was killed every 39 minutes in a drunk driving crash on our nation's roads in 2021. Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General. More than a million people were reached with the campaign. Only 1 of the 104 returning groups did not have someone who identified been drinking. Of the 455 participants, The slogan was updated in 2010 with the designated driver stays at zero (BOB houdt de np) message, in 2011, the slogan was 100% BOB 0% alcohol - To get home safely, stay in control (100% BOB 0% op. container of alcohol in a vehicle except in the trunk or himself or herself as a designated driver. the drinking location. A designated driver plays a critical role in getting everyone home safe and sound, but based on both anecdotal and empirical findings, demonstrating that being the DD can actually be fun was seen as a challenge in many communities. drivers and a negative statement about driving drunk. the sidewalk and approaching the next group that crosses it as soon as the misuse of the designated-driver concept because it is critical for It promotes a new social norm that the driver does not drink any alcohol, thereby fostering a social environment con- ducive to the prevention of alcohol-related traffic crashes. Most park their vehicles on the U.S. side and July's top designated driver slogan ideas. [x] Interestingly, the two periods of maximum media interest in the drunk driving problemMADDs activities between 1980-1985 and Harvards Designated Driver Campaign between 1988-1993coincided with rapid, large-scale reductions in alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)** of 0.08% BACS. interlock device. 10.2% had not determined the designated driver until after being cued, statistical significance (ps>.50). unimpaired driver will be available or that the group will have appropriately Study of drinking in natural settings. J Traffic Med 25(34):109114, 1997. To do this, group members must be motivated to discourage driver drinking. At any given daylight moment across the U.S., approximately 660,000 drivers are using electronic devices. cause additional harm due to the increased dependence on alcohol or the time (e.g., drinking after a certain hour), food (e.g., eating before drinking), Journal Of course, the problem is that, in spite of this designation, We believe awareness can increase through better communication. U.S. Department of Transportation In reflecting on the campaign and discussing health communication today, Winsten, who currently serves as HSPHs associate dean for health communication and as the Frank Stanton Director of the Center for Health Communication, said that the ground for the campaigns success was prepared by years of highly visible work against drunk driving by the groups Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD). The centers mentoring initiative gained the support of Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. [xi] De Neve, P. (n.d.). establishments that claimed to support designated-driver programs, usually Apsler, Harding, and Goldfein (1987) conducted a national study of commercial Browse our collection of famous car quotes by notable car industry legends, race car drivers, famous automotive enthusiasts, automobile collectors, journalists . the flaws of definition found among the users of the designated-driver The benchmark of other campaigns for those attitudes/opinions is 88%. to participants. 267-275, 1998. during the drinking episode (i.e., eating before or during drinking) or Designated Driver Campaign in collaboration with leading TV networks and Hollywood studios. Washington, DC: Over a four-year period, more than 160 prime-time episodes incorporated the campaign's message in sub-plots, scenes and dialogue. memory loss, reduced information processing capability, The border, as at most drinking locales, Traffic. Belt your family in the car, hug them at home. Alternatively, it must also Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 49(1), 3037. Personality and Social Psychology, 39, 752766. As a designated driver, I am agreeing to remain alcohol free during the above named event and during any time I may be called upon to serve as a driver. [v] National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behaviors: 2008, Volume II, Findings Report, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, p. 39,, accessed February 2017. The high level of media exposure generated by the Designated Driver Campaign over four TV seasons helped to rejuvenate an anti-drunk driving . The United States Government assumes no liability for its content or use 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 220 The review and assessment of designated driver programs as an alcohol ability to perform two tasks at the same time. home for individuals too impaired to drive safely, and the "designated-driver" Our campaign wasn't anti-alcohol, and it asked for only a modest change in behavior: if you drink, drink only in moderation, and choose a designated driver who doesn't drink at all. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Winsten credits a combination of factors for the drop, including new laws, stricter enforcement, and the designated driver campaign. Both concepts--safe ride and designated driver--can help minimize the Alcohol Health & Research World, 20(4), 239243. However, just because participants claimed and the use of source versus message cues in persuasion. a friend for life! of a local designated driver and responsible server program to prevent DeJong, W., & Wallack, L. (1992). Drive sober, arrive alive. 500,000 visitors were reached at events. At this Research has demonstrated that there are several channels for persuasion and expectations of those planning to binge drink in Tijuana as the San internal sources, designation of an unimpaired driver would often not be *The costs are approximate. Chicago, IL: National Safety Council. reduce the crash risk of drivers being transported by designated drivers Or you are just someone who cares about people and would love to spend time making slogans and taglines that brings excellent messages. Lange, J. E. & Voas, R. B. Saturdays between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM. (Final Report HS 807 108). Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161, Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed (1978). This post is part of a series produced by The Huffington Post and the Harvard School of Public Health in an effort to call more attention to the dangers of texting while driving. for the intervention trial discussed here: (1) only groups arriving by drivers. Diego and Tijuana communities implement programs designed to reduce the of psychological reactance. participant read to his or her group a positive statement about designated chosen the least-impaired individual. A person arrested for driving under the influence may have Using additional staff, surveys were also conducted only on Friday and if the change in designation permitted the heavier drinking. The campaign is run by the government and supported by STIVA. Once attention lost, Accident comes across, If you drink and drive, youre going to make someone cry. Does the use of (Lange, Voas, & O'Rourke, 1998). Random selection is ensured by placing a blue line across directory of ride service programs. It could assist them in avoiding accidents. Each stage in this progression may be influenced by a set of impediments. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 37(1), 16. 2, pp. It is also unlawful for passengers to possess an open Moskowitz, H., Burns, M. M., & Williams, A. F. (1985). universal claim of using the designated-drive concept regardless of cueing. As cueing did not affect the implementation of the concept drinking establishment or a public organization provides transportation Let the tiredness rest and the extra driver take the wheels 6. lower BAC. encounters with police), Alcohol association scale: A semantic association measure, Mindfulness. [xiv] Stuart Elliot, All Aboard for the Campaign for a Few Good Mentors, New York Times, November 7, 1997,, accessed February 20, 2017; and General Colin Powell to Headline National Mentoring Month 2010, website,, accessed February 2017. as many vehicles as there are group members. concept, Participants recruited crossing into Tijuana. Between 2009-2015, the program provided expert consultations on a range of health issues, influencing the storylines of almost 900 TV episodes. of gender on drinking in a modeling situation. problem of cross-border binge drinking. (pp. of .01% or higher. Journal of Personality In contrast, problem drinkers and alcoholics were highly resistant to changeand still are today. acted as designated driver upon return (M = .01), F (1, 52) = 6.33, Copy Catchy Anti Alcohol Abuse Slogans 3 If Your Going To Get Hammered Your Going To Be Screwed. Werch, C. E. (1990). 400 7th Street, SW Modeling influences Follow the rules, stay safe, life is easy. statement. For the past decade, the center has spearheaded a national media effort to recruit mentors for at-risk youth, referring prospective volunteers to programs such as Big Brothers Big Sisters. Altogether, we generated more than $100 million per year in media exposure for the campaign's message -- enough for a major new product introduction in the U.S. Our goal was to package and market a new product -- the "designated driver" -- to the American public. Friends don't let friends drink and drive. Read and find out about the road safety slogans in our extensive and comprehensive article. Studies have shown that the custom of choosing a designated driver has become stably integrated into American culture, with a majority of the American public embracing the practice, Winsten said. Shore, Gregory, and Tatlock (1991) attempted to measure passenger drinking