france Which of the following is a characteristic of most national health insurance (NHI) systems? TiVA 2018: Gross exports by origin of value added and final destination, 5. The increase in the number of doctors per 1000 population since 2000 has been strong in some countries that had a low number in 2000, such as Korea, the UnitedKingdom, Slovenia and NewZealand, although the number in these countries continues to be below the OECD average (Figure8.4). We now have a COVID-19 section updated daily, International statistics Density of physicians, World medical association calls for systems based on physician led primary care, Colorado Investigation Finds Body Composition Testing Harmed Significant Number of Athletes, NBMC physician lends a hand to country ravaged by Hurricane Maria. Supply, Output and its components by industries, 41. Show publisher information Access to this content in this format requires a current subscription or a prior purchase. The data for most countries refer to practising doctors, defined as the number of doctors providing care directly to patients. 2022 Health of Women and Children Report. Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, 2019 archive, 14A. You only have access to basic statistics. Source: World Health Organization's Global Health Workforce Select one or more items in both lists to browse for the relevant content, Browse the selectedThemes and / or countries. 2022 Health of Those Who Have Served Report. The World Bank reports that there are only 1.3 doctors for every 1,000 people in Indonesia. 25% of inpatient hospital deaths were for patients aged 85 and over. The resulting SDG index threshold of 4.45 doctors, nurses and midwives per 1000 population was identified as an indicative minimum density representing the need for Incidence and composition of temporary employment, Table J2. What is this metric? This metric is important because it provides information on the quality of care the hospital has provided to its patients. Why? Debris found near the Titanic was confirmed to belong to the missing Titan submersible. Real wage growth of average gross annual wages per full-time equivalent employee, Table R2. Data refer to all doctors licensed to practise, resulting in a large overestimation of the number of practising doctors (e.g. So, although the ratio of doctors to patients in Indonesia is low, the quality of care is high. Community health workers (per 1,000 people), Specialist surgical workforce (per 100,000 population), Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution, age-standardized, male (per 100,000 male population), Total alcohol consumption per capita, female (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, female 15+ years of age), People using safely managed drinking water services (% of population), International Comparison Program & Purchasing Power Parity, International Household Survey Network (IHSN), Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building. The ratio of doctors to patients in Indonesia is about 1:1,000. How many doctors for 1000 person in Indonesia? Latest available data (2020-2023) Size. In 2013, the average salary for a doctor in Indonesia was only US$ 350 per month. This has prompted recommendations to increase by an additional 20% the number of students admitted to medical schools in France during 2021-25 compared with the previous five-year period (ONDPS, 2021[7]). However, a general rule of thumb is that there should be one doctor for every 100-150 patients. Incidence of long-term unemployment, 12 months and over - Total, Table M2. Which country has the most doctors? The long duration of doctors education and training, however, means that it takes about a decade to feel the impact of any increase in student intakes into medical education. Average wait time in an ER/ED: Some ways you can cut back are: Eat more fresh foods. The majority of doctors in Indonesia are general practitioners. Data refer to all doctors licensed to practise, resulting in a large overestimation of the number of practising doctors (e.g. (average score), Figure 6.3: Shares of emerging and traditional partners in Africa's trade from 1992 to 2009 (in percentage), Figure 6.4: Africa's total volume of trade and with traditional partners (1992-2009, in billion USD), Figure 6.5: African FDI inflows 1995-2008, Figure 6.6: Distribution of Africa's total trade with emerging partners (2009, in percentage), Figure 6.7: Perceived competitive advantage of various types of development partners in Africa, Figure 6.8: Africas exports of manufactured products by type of partner (1995-2009, in billion USD), Figure 6.9: Africa's exports of manufactured goods (1995-2009, in billion USD), Figure 6: Five types of labour markets for youth in Africa, Figure 7: Moderately and severely food insecure by employment status and country income level, Tabela 6.1: Pases africanos, por categoria, no mundo a quatro velocidades, Tabela 6.11: Etipia, dvida pblica em percentagem do PIB, Tabela 6.2: Parcela dos parceiros tradicionais e emergentes nas importaes, exportaes e comrcio total de frica 2000 e 2009 (em percentagem), Tabela 6.3: Fluxos de IDE para alguns pases africanos na ltima dcada, por pas de origem (em percentagem), Tabela 6.4a: Desembolsos brutos de APD (definio CAD/OCDE) de Parceiros Tradicionais, 2009 (milhes de USD), Tabela 6.5: Comrcio entre pases africanos e parceiros emergentes no valor mnimo de 10 milhes de USD anual, Tabela 6.6: Comrcio sectorial entre frica a os parceiros emergentes com mnimo de 53 milhes de USD anual, Tabela 6.8a: Distribuio das exportaes africanas por tipo de parceiro (2009, em percentagem), Tabela 6.8b: Distribuio das importaes africanas por tipo de parceiro (2009, em percentagem), Tabela 6.9a: Importaes africanas de produtos manufacturados por origem (2000-09, em percentagem), Tabela 6.9b: Exportaes africanas de produtos manufacturados, por destino (2000-09, em percentagem), Table 6.1: Number of African countries by category in the four-speed world, Table 6.11: Ethiopia, public debt in percentage of GDP, Table 6.2: Shares of traditional and emerging partners in Africas imports, exports and total trade, 2000 and 2009 (in percentage), Table 6.3: FDI flows to selected African countries over the last decade, by country of origin (in percentage), Table 6.4a: ODA gross disbursements (OECD DAC definition) from traditional partners, 2009 (in million USD), Table 6.5: Number of African countries in which emerging partners have significant trade (at least 10 million USD a year), Table 6.6: Number of sectors in which emerging partners have significant trade with Africa (at least 53 million USD a year), Table 6.8a: Distribution of Africas exports by type of partners (2009, in percentage), Table 6.8b: Distribution of Africas imports by types of partners (2009, in percentage), Table 6.9a: Africas imports of manufactured products, by origin (2000-09, in percentage), 2012 Figura 1.1: Anlise africana da situao econmica actual e expectativas para os prximos seis meses, 2012 Figura 1.2: Crescimento econmico de frica (%), 2012 Figura 1.3: Crescimento econmico mundial, 2012 Figura 1.5: Preos do petrleo e do ouro, 2012 Figura 1.6: Preos de exportao dos produtos agrcolas, 2012 Figura 1.7: Preos de importao de bens alimentares bsicos, 2012 Figura 1.8: Saldos oramentais e de conta corrente em pases exportadores de petrleo, 2012 Figura 2.10: O aumento das receitas fiscais baseia-se, sobretudo, nos impostos sobre os recursos (% PIB), 2012 Figura 2.1a: Recursos financeiros internos e externos (mil milhes de USD, 2010), 2012 Figura 2.1b: Recursos financeiros internos e externos (em % do PIB, 2010), 2012 Figura 2.2: O IDE ultrapassou a APD em 2005, mas est abaixo do pico atingido em 2008, 2012 Figura 2.3a: O IDE recupera na frica Subsariana e diminui no norte de frica devido incerteza gerada pela Primavera rabe (IDE para o Norte de frica vs frica Subsariana), 2012 Figura 2.3b: O IDE recupera na frica Subsariana e diminui no norte de frica devido incerteza gerada pela Primavera rabe (IDE para a frica Subsariana: exportadores de petrleo vs. importadores de petrleo), 2012 Figura 2.4: Os pases importadores de petrleo atraram mais IDE em % do PIB do que os pases exportadores de petrleo, 2012 Figura 2.5a: Os fluxos de IDE africano tm origem, maioritariamente, em pases ricos em recursos naturais e como destino pases da OCDE (Fluxos de IDE de frica, por regio) (% PIB), 2012 Figura 2.5b: Os fluxos de IDE africano tm origem, maioritariamente, em pases ricos em recursos naturais e como destino pases da OCDE (IDE de frica para pases da OCDE) (mil milhes de USD), 2012 Figura 2.6: Investimento em carteira versus IDE em frica (2000-2011), 2012 Figura 2.7: Fluxos de remessas por sub-regio Africana (% PIB), 2012 Figura 2.8: Manuteno dos nveis de APD em frica durante a crise internacional (mil milhes de USD, preos constantes de 2009), 2012 Figura 2.9: A percentagem das receitas fiscais no PIB cresceu na ltima dcada, 2012 Figura 5.1: Protestos pblicos, violncia pblica e ndices de preos dos bens alimentares, 2012 Figura 5.2: ndice de endurecimento poltico 1996-2011 (ano de base 1996 = 100), 2012 Figure 1.1: Africa Assessment of current Economic Situation and Expectations for the next six months, 2012 Figure 1.2: Africas Economic Growth (%), 2012 Figure 1.4: Growth of GDP by countries (%), 2012 Figure 1.5: Oil price and Gold price, 2012 Figure 1.6: Export prices of agricultural products, 2012 Figure 1.8: Current accounts and fiscal balances in oil-exporting countries, 2012 Figure 1.9: Current accounts and fiscal balances in oil-importing countries, 2012 Figure 2.10: The increase in tax revenue is mainly driven by taxes on natural resources, 2012 Figure 2.1a: Domestic and external financial resources (USD billion, 2010), 2012 Figure 2.1b: Domestic and external financial resources (% GDP, 2010), 2012 Figure 2.2: FDI overtook ODA in 2005, but is below its 2008 peak, 2012 Figure 2.3a: FDI to Sub-Saharan Africa recovered, while North Africa suffered (FDI to Northern Africa vs Sub-Saharan Africa), 2012 Figure 2.3b: FDI to Sub-Saharan Africa recovered, while North Africa suffered (FDI to sub-saharan Africa: oil-exporters vs oil-importers), 2012 Figure 2.4: Oil-importing countries attracted more FDI as a share of GDP than oil-exporting countries, 2012 Figure 2.5a: African FDI outflows mainly go from resource-rich countries to OECD nations (% of GDP), 2012 Figure 2.5b: African FDI outflows mainly go from resource-rich countries to OECD nations (USD billion), 2012 Figure 2.6: Portfolio investments compared to FDI in Africa (2000-11), 2012 Figure 2.7: Remittance flows per African subregion, 2012 Figure 2.8: ODA levels to Africa have maintained levels through the international crisis, 2012 Figure 2.9: Tax revenues in Africa represent an increasing share of GDP during the last decade, 2012 Figure 5.1: Public protests, civil violence and food price indices, 2012 Figure 5.2: Political Hardening Index 1996-2011 (base year 1996 = 100), 2012 Tabela 2.1: Resumo dos fluxos financeiros externos e das receitas fiscais em frica (2000/12), 2012 Tabela 5.3: ndice de Percepo da corrupo (CPI) por Transparency International 2010/12, 2012 Table 2.1: Summary of external financial flows and tax receipts in Africa (2000-12), 2012 Table 5.3: Corruption perception index by transparency international 2010-2012, Figura 1.1: Crescimento econmico em frica, Figura 1.10: Preo do petrleo e do ouro (base: Janeiro de 2000), Figura 1.11: Preo do cobre e do alumnio (base: Janeiro de 2000), Figura 1.12: Preos de exportao de produtos agrcolas (base: Janeiro de 2000), Figura 1.13: Preos de importaes de bens alimentares de primeira necessidade (base: Janeiro de 2000), Figura 1.15: Contas correntes e equilbrios fiscais nos pases exportadores de petrleo, Figura 1.16: Contas correntes e equilbrios fiscais nos pases importadores de petrleo, Figura 1.2: Situao econmica actual em frica e expectativas para os prximos seis meses, Figura 1.3: Variao em termos de trocas de alguns pases, ricos em recursos (referido a Janeiro de 2000), Figura 1.4: Variao em termos de trocas de alguns pases, pobres em recursos, Figura 1.5: Remessas dos emigrantes para frica, Figura 1.7: Contribuio das Regies para o crescimento Africano, Figura 2.1: Fluxos de IDE e APD em frica 2000-11 (milhares de milhes de USD, preos correntes), Figura 2.2: Fluxos de IDE para pases exportadores de petrleo vs. pases sem petrleo 2000-09 (milhares de milhes de USD, preos correntes), Figura 2.3: Investimentos directo e de carteira em frica (milhares de milhes de USD, preos correntes), Figura 2.4 Desembolsos lquidos de APD para frica 2000-09 (milhares de milhes de USD, preos correntes), Figura 5.1: Protestos e violncia pblicos e ndice de preos de alimentos (ano de base 1996 = 100), Figura 5.2: ndice de endurecimento poltico (ano base 1996 = 100), Figure 1.10: Oil price and gold price (base January 2000 = 100 ), Figure 1.11: Copper and aluminium prices (base January 2000 = 100), Figure 1.12: Export prices of agricultural products (base January 2000 = 100), Figure 1.13: Import prices of basic foodstuffs (base January 2000 = 100), Figure 1.15: Current account and fiscal balance in oil-exporting countries, Figure 1.16: Current account and fiscal balance in oil-importing countries, Figure 1.2: Assessment of Africa's current economic situation and expectations for the next six months, Figure 1.3: Terms of trade in selected resource-rich countries, Figure 1.4: Terms of trade in selected resource-poor countries, Figure 1.5: Migrant remittances to Africa, Figure 1.7: Contributions of regions to Africa's growth, Figure 2.1: FDI and ODA flows to Africa 2000-11 (billion USD, current), Figure 2.2: FDI flows to countries exporting oil vs countries without oil 2000-09 (billion USD, current), Figure 2.3: Foreign direct investment and portfolio investment in Africa (billion USD, current), Figure 2.4: Net ODA disbursements to Africa 2000-09 (billion USD, current), Figure 5.1: Public protests, public violence and food price indices (base year 1996 = 100), Figure 5.2: Political hardening index 1996-2010 (base year 1996 = 100), Tabela 1.1: Crescimento por regies (Crescimento do PIB real em percentagem), Tabela 1.2: Tendncias Demogrficas em frica (milhes pessoas), Tabela 2.1: Fluxos de IDE para Regies Africanas 2005-10 (milhares de milhes de USD, a preos correntes), Tabela 4.1: Elasticidades da pobreza em termos de crescimento e desigualdade (1.25 USD de acordo com a PPC de 2005), Tabela 4.2: ndices de desenvolvimento humano, Tabela 5.3: ndice de Percepo da Corrupo, Tabela 5.4: ndice de liberdade econmica em frica, 2003-11, Table 1.1: Growth by regions (real GDP growth in percentage), Table 1.2: Demographic trends in Africa (million persons), Table 2.1: FDI flows to African regions 2005-10 (billion USD, current), Table 4.1: Growth and inequality elasticities of poverty (USD 1.25 in 2005 PPP), Figura 2: Dvida externa total (percentagem do PIB) e servio da dvida (percentagem das exportaes de bens e servios) 2013, Figure 2: Stock of total external debt (percentage of GDP) and debt service (percentage of exports of goods and services), Figure 2: Stock of total external debt and debt service 2013, Tabela 1: Indicadores Macroeconmicos 2013, Tabela 2: PIB por setor (em percentagem) 2012, Tabela 3: Finanas Pblicas (em percentagem do PIB) 2012, Tabela 3: Finanas Pblicas 2013 (em percentagem do PIB), Tabela 4: Balana Corrente (em percentagem do PIB) 2012, Tabela 4: Balana Corrente (em percentagem do PIB) 2013, Tabela 4: Finanas Pblicas (em percentagem do PIB), Tabela 5: Balana Corrente (em percentagem do PIB), Table 2: GDP by Sector (percentage of GDP), Table 3: Public Finances (percentage of GDP), Table 4: Current Account (percentage of GDP), Table 4: Public finances (percentage of GDP), Table 5: Current account (percentage of GDP), Table 1: Indicators of growth, employment and inequality, Table 4: Annual real GDP growth per capita, Table 8: Projected youth education profiles, Table 10: Sectoral breakdown of the economy, Table 11: Indicators of inequality and poverty, Table 17: Growth decomposition by expenditure, Table 19: Trade by manufacturing intensity, Table 24: GVC backward participation by sector, Table 25: GVC forward participation by sector, Table 26: Origin and destination of added value, Africa's Development Dynamics: all tables, all indicators, Informal workers by household informality, Total population by urbanisation level and household informality, Total population in informal households by quintile, Workers living with less than the poverty line by informality, Households with workers living with less than poverty line by household informality, Informal workers living with less than the national poverty line, Workers living with less than the poverty line by informality and status in employment, Total population and workers with health insurance by informality, Households with at least one member benefiting from a pension by household informality, Workers contributing to pension by informality, Informal workers in food-secure households, Health expenditure as share of expenditure by household informality, Formal to informal worker hourly earning ratio, Dependents by household type and age group, Workers by weekly hours worked and informality, Informal workers by gender and level of education, Informal workers by gender and status in employment, Informal workers by gender and weekly hours worked, Workers contributing to pension by gender and informality, Workers living with less than the poverty line by gender, Persons living with less than the poverty line by gender and household informality, Workers living with less than the poverty line by informality, gender and status in employment, Economic Outlook No 109 - October 2021 - Long-term baseline projections, Economic Outlook - EO107 - 2 scenarios in one dataset, Economic Outlook No 107 - June 2020 Single-hit scenario, Economic Outlook No 107 - June 2020 Double-hit scenario, Economic Outlook No 103 - July 2018 - Long-term baseline projections, Economic Outlook No 97 - June 2015 - OECD Annual Projections, Economic Outlook No 96 - November 2014 - OECD Annual Projections, Economic Outlook No 95 - May 2014 - OECD Annual Projections, Economic Outlook No 93 - June 2013 - Long-term baseline projections - Graph, Economic Outlook No 92 - December 2012 - Flash file - by country, Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - Long-term baseline projections Graphs, Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - Long-term baseline projections Graph GDP, Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - OECD Annual Projections, Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 90 - December 2011 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 90 - December 2011 - OECD Annual Projections, Economic Outlook No 89 - June 2011 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 89 - June 2011 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 88 - December 2010 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 88 - December 2010 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 87 - June 2010 - Public version, Economic Outlook No 87 - June 2010 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 86 - November 2009 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 86 - December 2009 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 86 - December 2009 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 85 - June 2009 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 85 - June 2009 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 85 - June 2009 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 84 - December 2008 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 84 - December 2008 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 84 - December 2008 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 83 - June 2008 - Flash file, Economic Outlook No 83 - June 2008 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 83 - June 2008 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 82 - December 2007 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 82 - December 2007 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 81 - June 2007 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 81 - June 2007 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 80 - December 2006 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 80 - December 2006 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 79 - June 2006 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 79 - June 2006 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 78 - December 2005 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 78 - December 2005 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 77 - June 2005 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 77 - June 2005 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 76 - December 2004 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 76 - December 2004 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 75 - June 2004 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 75 - June 2004 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 74 - December 2003 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 74 - December 2003 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 73 - June 2003 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 73 - June 2003 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 72 - December 2002 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 72 - December 2002 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 71 - June 2002 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 71 - June 2002 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 70 - December 2001 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 70 - December 2001 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 69 - June 2001 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 69 - June 2001 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 68 - December 2000 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 68 - December 2000 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 67 - June 2000 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 67 - June 2000 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 66 - December 1999 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 66 - December 1999 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 65 - June 1999 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 65 - June 1999 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 64 - December 1998 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 64 - December 1998 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 63 - June 1998 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 63 - June 1998 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 62 - December 1997 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 62 - December 1997 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 61 - June 1997 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 61 - June 1997 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 60 - December 1996 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections, Economic Outlook No 60 - December 1996 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 59 - June 1996 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 58 - December 1995 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 57 - June 1995 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 56 - December 1994 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 55 - June 1994 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 54 - December 1993 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 53 - June 1993 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 52 - December 1992 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 51 - June 1992 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 50 - December 1991 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 49 - June 1991 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 48 - December 1990 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 47 - June 1990 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 46 - December 1989 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 45 - June 1989 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 44 - December 1988 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 43 - June 1988 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 42 - December 1987 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 41 - June 1987 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 40 - December 1986 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 39 - June 1986 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 38 - December 1985 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 37 - June 1985 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 36 - December 1984 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 35 - June 1984 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 34 - December 1983 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 33 - June 1983 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 32 - December 1982 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 31 - June 1982 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 30 - December 1981 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 29 - June 1981 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 28 - December 1980 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 27 - June 1980 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 26 - December 1979 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 25 - June 1979 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 24 - December 1978 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 23 - June 1978 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 22 - December 1977 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 21 - June 1977 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 20 - December 1976 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 19 - June 1976 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 18 - December 1975 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 17 - June 1975 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 16 - December 1974 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 15 - June 1974 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 14 - December 1973 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 13 - June 1973 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 12 - December 1972 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 11 - June 1972 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 10 - December 1971 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 09 - June 1971 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 08 - December 1970 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 07 - June 1970 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 06 - December 1969 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 05 - June 1969 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 04 - December 1968 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 03 - June 1968 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 02 - December 1967 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Economic Outlook No 01 - June 1967 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries, Participation in non-formal education and training - 4-week reference period, Participation in formal and/or non-formal education and training - 12-month reference period, Intensity of participation (number of hours), Willingness to participate in formal and/or non-formal education, Barriers to participation in adult learning, Distribution of fields of study selected among non-formal education participants, Percentage of employed adults participating in adult education and training, Participation in adult learning by gender (12-month reference period), Distribution of unemployed adults by duration of unemployment and educational attainment, Fields of study among tertiary-educated adults, by age group, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rates, by field of study, Percentage of young adults not in education and unemployed by duration of unemployment, Relative earnings, by educational attainment, Differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment, Level of earnings relative to median earnings, by educational attainment, Percentage of 15-29 year-olds with income from employment among all 15-29 year-olds, by student status, Percentage of full-time, full-year earners, part-time earners and people with no earnings, by educational attainment, Relative earnings of students with income from employment, by educational attainment, Trends in relative earnings, by educational attainment, Trends in the differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment, Trends in the percentage of full-time, full-year earners, part-time earners and people with no earnings, by educational attainment, Percentage of native- and foreign-born adults, by age at arrival in the countries, Differences in earnings between native- and foreign-born workers, by educational attainment and age at arrival in the country, Educational attainment of native- and foreign-born adults, by age at arrival in the country, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rate of native- and foreign-born adults, by educational attainment and age at arrival in the country, Percentage of native- and foreign-born full-time, full-year earners, part-time earners and people with no earnings, by educational attainment and age at arrival in the country, Percentage of native- and foreign-born young adults in education/not in education, by work status and age at arrival in the country, Educational attainment of 25-64 year-olds, Educational attainment of 25-64 year-olds, by programme orientation, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rate of 25-64 year-olds, by educational attainment, Employment, unemployment and inactivity rate of 25-64 year-olds, by programme orientation, Trends in educational attainment, by educational attainment and age group, Trends in employment, unemployment and inactivity rates, by educational attainment and age group, Percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by work status, age group and gender, Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education/not in education, by educational attainment, work status and gender, Trends in the percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by educational attainment, work status and gender, Trends in the percentage of young adults in education/not in education, by work status, age group and gender, Share of population by proficiency level and educational attainment, Earnings, by educational attainment and proficiency level (in USD), Educational attainment and literacy scores, by occupation, Fields of education and labour market outcomes, Frequency of use of ICT at work, by educational attainment, Labour market status, by educational attainment and proficiency level, NEETs, by literacy proficiency level and mean score, Proficiency, use and need of ICT at work, by main industry, Educational attainment of adults, by age group, parents' educational attainment and gender, Tertiary attainment of adults, by age group and parents' educational attainment, Intergenerational mobility in education, by parents' educational attainment and immigrant status, Percentage of adults working from home, by age group and educational attainment, Internet use, by age group and educational attainment, Trends in the use of the Internet for different activities among 55-74 year-olds, by educational attainment, Students attitudes and dispositions, by mother's educational attainment, Share of new entrants for each field of education by gender, Share of tertiary graduates by field of education and gender, Distribution of new entrants by field of education at each ISCED level, Distribution of new entrants into each field of education and ISCED level by gender, Share of graduates by gender in fields of education, Distribution of full- and part-time students, Distribution of students by programme completion and access to tertiary education, Share of vocational students in combined school- and work-based programmes, Share of vocational students in combined school- and work-based programmes among, Students' distribution by type of institution, International students by country of origin, International student matrix by country of origin and country of destination, Early childhood education and care enrolment, International graduates by country of origin, Distribution of mobile students by country of origin, Mobile student matrix by country of origin, Mobile student matrix by country of destination, Other indicators of international student mobility, Share of mobile students from neighbouring countries, Share of first time entrants below typical age, Share of first-time tertiary new entrants by level of education, Share of graduates by programme orientation, Share of graduates by type of institution, Share of first time among tertiary entrants, Share of new entrants below the typical age, Share of first time among tertiary graduates, Distribution of international students by field, Distribution of national students by field, Share of international students among all students, Share of women among international students, Educational expenditure by Source and destination, C1.1: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, C1.2: Public and total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, by type of institution, C1.3: Average annual growth in total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student (2012 to selected year), C1.4: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student for core educational services, ancillary services and R&D, C1.5: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student relative to GDP per capita, C1.6: Total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, by source of funds, C1.7: Cumulative expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student between the age of 6 and 15, C2.1: Total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, C2.2: Change in total expenditure on educational institutions and change in GDP (2008, 2009, 2011 and 2019), C2.3a: Total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by source of INITIAL funds, C2.3b: Total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by source of FINAL funds, C2.4: Change in public expenditure on educational institutions and change in GDP (2008, 2009, 2011 and 2019), C3.1: Relative share of public, private and international expenditure on educational institutions, by final source of funds, C3.2: Relative share of public, private and international expenditure on educational institutions, by initial source of funds and public-to-private transfers, C3.3: Trends in the share of public, private and international expenditure on educational institutions, final source of funds (2011, 2015 and 2019), C4.1: Total public expenditure on education as a percentage of Total Government Expenditure, C4.2: Distribution of sources of total public funds devoted to education by level of government, initial and final, C4.3: Index of change in total public expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure (2012 and 2019), C6.1: Share of Current and Capital Expenditure, by education level, C6.2: Current expenditure, by resource category (%), C6.3: Share of current expenditure, by resource category and type of institution, C6.4: Allocation of staff compensation, Capital and R&D expenditure between public and private educational institutions, C6.5: Average annual growth rate of current and R&D expenditure per full-time equivalent student, by type of institution (%) (2012-2019), Enrolment data adjusted to the financial year, GDP per capita - current prices and current PPP, Total Government Expenditure as a share of GDP, Total Government Expenditure - Constant prices (2015), Distribution of teachers by age and gender -ECEC, Educational personnel by type of institution, management personnel and teacher aides, Share of teacher aides among contact staff, Student-teacher ratio and average class size - ECEC, Instruction time in compulsory general education, Instruction time per subject by level of education, Trends in instruction time in compulsory primary and lower secondary general education, Trends in organisation of compulsory primary and lower secondary general education, Organisation of compulsory general education, Teachers' statutory salaries at different points in teachers' careers, Comparison of teachers' statutory salaries, Teachers' statutory salaries relative to wages of tertiary-educated workers, School heads' statutory salaries relative to wages of tertiary-educated workers, Trends in teachers salaries, based on level of qualifications, between 2000 and 2021, Teachers' actual salaries, by age group and by gender, Trends in teachers actual salaries, between 2000 and 2020, School heads' actual salaries, by age group and gender, Teachers' and school heads' actual salaries relative to earnings of tertiary-educated workers, Teachers' and school heads' actual salaries relative to earnings of tertiary-educated workers, by age group and by gender, Trends in teachers' statutory annual teaching time, Expenditure by funding source and transaction type, Expenditure by nature and resource category, International students enrolled/ latest year, Students aligned to finance and personnel data, The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning (Chapter A), Financial and human resources invested in education, Access to education, participation and progression (Chapter C), The learning environment and organisation of schools (Chapter D), Financial resources invested in education at sub-national level, Instruction time in compulsory general education (subnational data), Organisation of compulsory general education (subnational data), Average actual salaries of teachers and school heads (subnational data), Statutory salaries of teachers (subnational data), Teachers' teaching and working time (subnational data), Educational attainment of the population, by age group, Employment rate, by level of educational attainment and age group, Participation in formal and/or non-formal education and learning, Teachers working conditions, mobility and risk of attrition, Indicators of innovation as change in classrooms, Indicators of innovation as change in schools, Composite indices of innovation in classrooms and schools, Residence territory adjustment for air transport, Treatment capacity of wastewater treatment plants (DISCONTINUED), Waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE - e-waste), Generation, recovery and recycling of selected waste streams, Municipal waste - Generation and Treatment, Exposure to PM2.5 in large subnational regions, Exposure to climate-related hazards: Extreme temperature, Mortality, morbidity and welfare cost from exposure to environment-related risks, Depletion and growth of forest resources in terms of volume, Land cover in Functional Urban Areas - detail, Loss and gain of natural and semi-natural vegetated land, Conversion of cropland to artificial surfaces, Conversion of natural and semi-natural vegetated land to cropland, Land cover change in large subnational regions, Built-up area in large subnational regions, Built-up area in small subnational regions, Built-up area change in Functional Urban Areas, Technology development, number of patents, Technology development, share of patents invented by female inventor, International collaboration in technology development (rates), International collaboration in technology development (bilateral), Environmental protection expenditure and revenues (DISCONTINUED), EPEA (Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts), Fossil Fuel Support - Detailed Indicators, Environmentally related tax revenue accounts - additions, Environmental dimension of quality of life, Economic opportunities and policy responses, Greenhouse gas emissions from plastics lifecycle, Plastic leakage from mismanaged and littered waste, Plastic waste by region and end-of-life fate, Greenhouse gas emissions from plastics lifecycle - projections, Plastic leakage to the aquatic environments - projections, Plastic leakage to the aquatic environments by region - baseline projections, Plastic leakage to the environment - projections, Plastic leakage to the environment by region - baseline projections, Plastic waste by end-of-life fate - projections, Plastic waste by end-of-life fate and region - baseline projections, Plastics use by application- baseline projections, Plastics use by polymer - baseline projections, Plastics use by region - baseline projections, Carbon Emissions Embodied in Trade Under the Equal Carbon Intensity (ECI) Assumption, Scale, Composition and Technique Effects of Imported Carbon Emissions, Total central government debt (Million USD), Monthly monetary and financial statistics (MEI), Relative unit labour cost (overall economy) indices, Business written in the reporting country, Destinations of investments by insurance companies, Insurance companies' domestic and foreign investments by type of assets 2020, Insurance business by domestic and foreign risks, Insurance business written abroad by branches, Premiums written by classes of life and non-life insurance, Premiums written by classes of life insurance, Premiums written by classes of non-life insurance, Market share of branches/agencies of foreign undertakings in the domestic market, Market share of foreign companies in the domestic market, Administrative costs as a % of total assets, Autonomous pension funds' assets as a % of GDP, DB pension plans assets as a % of occupational assets, DB pension plans assets as a % of total assets, DC pension plans assets as a % of occupational assets, DC pension plans assets as a % of total assets, Employees contributions as a % of total contributions, Employers contributions as a % of total contributions, Investment expenses as a % of total assets, Non-OECD pension funds' assets as a % of GDP, Occupational pension funds assets as a % of GDP, Personal pension funds assets as a % of GDP, Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs: An OECD Scoreboard, Inward activity of multinationals by industrial sector - ISIC Rev 4, Inward activity of multinationals by investing country - ISIC Rev 4, Outward activity of multinationals by industrial sector - ISIC Rev 4, Outward activity of multinationals by country of location - ISIC Rev 4, Inward activity of multinationals by industrial sector (manufacturing) - ISIC Rev 3 copy, Inward activity of multinationals by investing country, total manufacturing - ISIC Rev 3, Inward activity of multinationals - Share in national total (manufacturing), Outward activity of multinationals by industrial sector (manufacturing) - ISIC Rev 3, Outward activity of multinationals by country of location, total manufacturing - ISIC Rev 3, Outward activity of multinationals - Share in national total (manufacturing), Inward activity of Multinationals in ISIC Rev 3 (services), Outward Activity of Multinationals in ISIC Rev 3 (services), Inward FDI statistics by industry - Summary, Inward FDI statistics by partner country - Summary, Outward FDI statistics by industry - Summary, Outward FDI statistics by partner country - Summary, FDI by partner country and by industry_BMD4 and historical BMD3 series, Inward FDI by industry_BMD4 and historical BMD3 series, Inward FDI by partner country_BMD4 and historical BMD3 series, Outward FDI by industry_BMD4 and historical BMD3 series, Outward FDI by partner country_BMD4 and historical BMD3 series, FDI financial flows, main aggregates BMD4, FDI financial flows by partner country BMD4, Inward and Outward FDI by partner country, Inward FDI by instrument and by partner country, Outward FDI by instrument and by partner country, Inward and outward FDI by industry AND by geographic region, Outward FDI by instrument and by industry, FDI income credits versus income on outward FDI, FDI income debits versus Income on inward FDI, Income on inward FDI (payments) and income on outward FDI (receipts) by partner country, Income on inward FDI (payments) by instrument and by partner country, Income on outward FDI (receipts) by instrument and by partner country, Income on inward FDI (receipts) and income on outward FDI (payments) by industry, Income on inward FDI (receipts) and income on outward FDI (payments) by industry AND by geographic region, Income on inward FDI (receipts) by instrument and by industry, Income on outward FDI (payments) by instrument and by industry, FDI liabilities versus inward FDI positions, Inward and outward FDI by partner country, Inward FDI by immediate and by ultimate investing country, FDI positions by partner country - Template A, OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index Chart, OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index Chart latest year, Trade by enterprise characteristics: exports by size class, Trade by enterprise characteristics: number of exporting enterprises, X - TEC by partner countries and size-class, Gross fixed capital formation in the health care system, Revenues of health care financing schemes, Inpatient/Hospital spending by disease (ICD), Outpatient/ambulatory spending by disease (ICD), Perceived health status by age and gender, Perceived health status by socio-economic status, Non-Medical Determinants of Health - Key Indicators, Foreign-trained doctors by country of origin - Stock, Foreign-trained doctors by country of origin - Annual inflow, Foreign-trained nurses by country of origin - Stock, Foreign-trained nurses by country of origin - Annual inflow, Hospital discharges by diagnostic categories, Hospital average length of stay by diagnostic categories, Long-Term Care Resources and Utilisation - Key Indicators, Formal long-term care workers in institutions, Beds in residential long-term care facilities, Total public and primary voluntary health insurance, High-Growth enterprises rate (employment definition), High-Growth enterprises rate (turnover definition), Wholesale and retail trade (By Size Class), Transport, storage & communications (By Size Class), Real estate, renting and business activities (By Size Class), Employer enterprise demography, Large TL2 and small TL3 regions, Enterprise Demography (all firms, incl.