Details here. What happens when you become a guru on GuruShots? Now, years later, Ive tried it again and competed in a contest where you had to show your photos which showed affection. Thanks to the support of some highly established sponsors, GuruShots competitions offer valuable prizes for winning photographers. Ill show you the best, the worst, and whether the community is worth joining. Here I go. The first one, (which is free by the way), is to simply participate in the challenge by voting. The short answer: Yes. GuruShots users include both males and females. Now, one way to increase your rank is to do well in competitions. If you apply too much compression when saving your photograph then you will get rainbows occurring. This is an important aspect of the program to understand. Hi Strelok, thanks for sharing your experience. If Im willing to go out and drop 50K for a new Cadillac and you spend nothing while driving a junker that your uncle gave you- Why should you expect to get the same ride? Then I received a message about a contest and the possibility to get your photos published in a travel magazine. It was admittedly pretty gratifying, in the same way, that receiving a like on a Facebook photo can be. bunch of hypocrites that deleted my acct for supposed porn violation but it was just nuditythese people have no clue about the art of photography the whole platform is rife with stolen photos and photoshopped bsfew real photographers can take this shit seriousno respect. While participating in a challenge, you receive a level depending on the number of votes your photo receives. Start Your Own Photography Competition | VIEWBUG - In every challenge there is a 24-hour window where you can score a free boost. Home Solutions. Yes As the proverbial rocket reaches altitude, the second stage ignites accelerating the speed of the rocket, so that it can punch through the atmosphere into space. After I told the truth about Gurushots, number of people they are able to fool declined drastically. It would be an impossible task to monitor them all. 10 Photo Sharing Sites for Photographers to Use in 2023, REAL ESTATE PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS FOR BEGINNERS, 16 Best Video Editing Software for Mac in 2023. If you submit images that are not your own they will be permanently removed from the website as well as your account. If you submit images that are not your. GuruShots claims that anyone can take great photosand become a photography Guru. To an extent, this is true. Ive been at Master level a year. upside down and sideways uploaded pictures are not going to get many votes from anyone. than others. If you want to get free things, you have to play. There is strong suspicion that the extra votes achieved from using Swaps and Keys are artificial votes injected by the GS operatorsed votes as opposed to actual I can see GuruShots getting quite of thumbs down (one star reviews) on the Google Play store and mixed reviews on the Apple store. Respect the theme. If you submit images that are not your own they will be permanently removed from the website as well as your account. Most residential solar panels have ratings of 250 to 400 watts. I have been a Guru in Gurushots for a few years. Required fields are marked *. It is worth keeping in mind that a click from a Master is worth 8 votes verses a click from Rookie which only gets the photograph 2 votes. The platform has problems, but what platform doesnt? Once the competition you have entered starts voting, you can not change your image. Enjoy fun and challenging gameplay that will test your creativity. Gurushots does sell Auto Fills, and I think this is where some of the grumbling occurs. I figured it out soon enough: Each user has a rank. If you dont want to wait a long time until you start gaining more popularity, you can pay a little money and thats it. Thanks to a large number of sponsors, Gurushots winners may receive $200, $300 and a super prize of $600, as well as great accessories for photographers from such companies as Adobe, Kodak, B&H, Adorama, Polaroid and Skylum. The 2021 edition is out NOW! If you choose the right moment, you will hit a big payday. Plus, occasionally there are photos entered that were clearly stolen off of some Internet website. Do you want to get a feel for how your skills stand up against other artists? They recently added Team competitions.. they are ALL about you paying for swaps/fils/boosts.. This feels a bit like deja vu to me. And thank you for sharing it here! But, if the challenge is in the locked state, youll need a key to unlock it and enter the challenge. If your picture gets selected, it earns 50 votes, increasing your chances of becoming a guru. Photo contest website called : photography - Reddit Anyone who is 17 or older can enter these challenges. Free participation in competitions is possible, No constructive criticism for users photos. While the site may provide a temporary morale boost, dont expect others to respond in any sort of constructive manner. Is gurushots any good? Explained by FAQ Blog The first thing was that the same small group of players were consistently winning games with very average images. Before swapping one of your pictures, wait for voting to stabilize. A winning photo could be awarded anything, including: Since theres no fee to enter, the game presents itself as a minimal-risk means for photographers to gain some exposure. I need 1 x Guru Pick for Champion, then 2 x Guru for Master, 2 more and 1 Win Challenge for Guru. So yes it is definitely pay-to-win. The exhibitions are held in many cities: Barcelona, Lisbon, Stockholm, Berlin, Budapest and others. Home Photography Business GuruShots Review: Truly the Worlds Great Photography Game? A Successful Swap is an achievement that is granted to users once the photo they swapped into a challenge gained more votes than the photo is replaced by at least 50 Votes. But sometimes in order to win, you will have to use the Gurushots store. Hey, my name is Zarinaand I am the founder of Digital World Beauty. Whatever you do, dont enter photographs that dont meet the rules. Thus, while downloading and joining the platform is free, it will cost you some dollars depending on how much exposure you want for your work and if you are looking forward to winning big. I wait a day or so, and the new one is doing even worse. App - How do I upload a photo? - Support The whole game is MANIPULATION ! As an online gaming platform for photographers, it emphasizes prize winning more than the participants talent. If you do spend a little money, it will enhance your experience. Click here to SUBSCRIBE to my new channel for video-based content! (2) Gurushots upsized a small image to fit the interface area and blurring and artifacts have occurred. You can become a real Guru and come up with your own contests and pick the winner. With daily task updates, users can choose the one that is closest to the theme of their work. The guru said and I quote: I will teach you how to be a multi-winner. Competitors spend a lot of time on the website to increase their visibility. These are just my tips about submitting photographs into Gurushot challenges. But heck, who among us works in an industry where everything is always perfect? Are you an upcoming photographer looking for avenues to make extra cash? Exposure Bonus and Auto Fills are tied together much like the Boost and Keys are tied together. GuruShots - Android Apps on Google Play As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Just look into their investors, Altair and Buran: Thanks for sharing your experience as a Guru in GuruShots! Its totally up to you. So photographers if we take our works serious, stop this way of exploring your pictures. The most efficient solar panels on the market are 370 to 445-watt models. The 2021 edition is out NOW! Ive been trying to enter pictures and not vote but I have yet to let an entry sit and wait to see what its worth. With a simple and intuitive interface, users can showcase their shots to millions of photographers from all over the world and get instant Gurushots rewards and comments. How . These tips make the basic assumption that the reason people submit photographs to Gurushots is to win the challenge they joined by getting the most possible votes. In . If I can make a friend who loves photography as much as I do, and they live in another part of the world- how great is that?!! First of all, the winning photo is a good example of how GuruShots is a game and not a legitimate evaluation of photography. GuruShots is a website/app that runs photo contests. Some users grumble about this feature, but I happen to really like it. One of the main concerns many newbies run into when starting out with GuruShots is finding whether or artists relinquish copyright when submitting images. I use the free boost and I just vote to get my exposure meter up. Im sure nog as much as a photographer himself, but still a smart way from gurushots to make money from alle sides of this photocontest story. Problems or glitches with GuruShots? IT IS DOWN. What other photography game have you ended up joining? . It helps you to engage any number of photographs in a challenge, and that gives you an outside perspective on your photographs. Having said that, I never expected to become famous or establish a clientele from it: thats not what it is about. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). Get Huge Discounts on Equipment, Software, eBooks, etc. Dont miss part 2 where I give two examples to explain how much time you should expect to play in order to be successful. There isnt a judge, or a group of judges, sitting around looking at every picture and deciding which image is best. Basically the commenters dont know what they are talking about, and seem to have personal problems from eating sour grapes. I take it as a feeling platform more than elite schooling. Certainly not from anyone above about Challenger status. Gurushots won't add watermarks to your photos or claim them in any way. Check out the GuruShots review below by Stalemate Studios: NO, GuruShots does not own photos. Thanks for commenting! Usually, they are locked during the challenge and only open randomly once during the challenge. So far, the reviews are mixed some hate it now, some love it. . But, after a quick check back, I did not find a similar post to this. Please note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Love taking photos? Theyre zooming along. . In order to vote for other photos in contests, you need to be their participant as well. Participate in the official contests. Its the same deal with GuruShots (in my mind)! There doesnt seem to be much of an effort to trim the fat and eliminate entries that dont fit competition guidelines. GuruShots, marketed as The Worlds Greatest Photography Game, may hold the opportunities youve been searching for. . My opinion. (7) Horizon is on a visually annoying lean to the right. As a guru, you can create your contests and decide on the winner. . If youre looking for a photography-specific platform, then you may look into GuruShots a fun game with daily challenges and rewards for photographers. These will allow your photos to get noticed, resulting in more votes in the competition. I did this earlier today, and to be honest, they are poor. The simple and direct answer is yes. While Guru is not a platform for selling artwork, you can still make money. Some people will spend money for these additional features and some wont- no matter how inexpensive it is. Here is what I expect for the upcoming WWDC 23 Keynote and some questions that need to find answers after the keynote is complete. Is GuruShots legitimate? Thus, the best time to use the boost is to join during the stated period and swap a lot. By submitting content to GuruShots you affirm, represent and warrant that the you own (and/or otherwise have the right to submit) the Content submitted or made available by you on GuruShots. However it can create adiciton I believe and it makes money go away quite fast. However, theyve also added a gaming component, and an educational element, to add value to the photographer participants experience. GuruShots is a website/app that runs photo contests. View my top shots and ranks. There is nothing fair or honest about this platform. The selected shots are immediately included in the contest Novice of the week. In any case, heres what people do to get more votes: Choosing the right time to vote or using auto-fill is the best strategy to maximize your photos exposure level. Some also call it a Guru Shots photo game. I picked a few favorites and sent them in. WWDC 23 keynote brought great updates to most of Apples operating systems and development tools and answered many questions but also ignited new questions about the spatial computing platform, where the first product is the Apple Vision Pro. Swapping allows you to change out your entries as many times as youd like, (as long as you have Swaps available), during the voting period of that challenge. In the end, you just have an empty feeling as the virtual interaction bypasses anything that one considers socially fulfilling. read more. Boosts allow the challenge participants to gain a lot of exposure to a particular photo. ==> Here are the 10 ways to make money with photography. Join daily photo challenges, get instant feedback, massive exposure and win real prizes. Why do this? Stay motivated. Be picky when selecting photos for a challenge. But, before long, I found that the attention tapered off entirely. I have yet to acquire one. There are exceptions to every rule, but if your picture contains obvious verticals or horizontals that are not as they should be (i.e., being true vertical or horizontal), thenin the interests of improving the chance of getting more votesgive some consideration to remediating that before posting it up. Did you, by any chance, find another photo game? Top 11 Photography Backdrops and Backgrounds to Elevate Your Photoshoots in 2023, Top Vaping Devices That Are Getting Popular On The CBD Market, How to Prepare and What to Wear to a Family Photoshoot, Receive Photographic Tips From World Renowned Photographers, Educate yourself By Seeing An Outside Perspective of Your Own Photography, Challenge yourself to Raise your Ranking both on the Website and in a Challenge, Entertain Yourself with the Gaming Aspect. I look at these five features as a Frequent User Rewards Program. TAKE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY - Anyone who is 17 or older can enter these challenges. Don't miss it and aim to become a GURU! When this occurs the person may scroll right on past it rather than wait for the image to be loaded and rendered (appear), which then results in no votes no matter how awesome the shot may have been. Photos. Eight Tips for Submitting Pictures to Gurushots Abalook This is an area where Ive noticed that a lot of photographers get hung up on GuruShots. Now I see those names as investors, but what makes you think they are the mafia group? You sign on, you upload images to a contest of your choosing, and watch the votes roll in. But, if you take it as a challenge, and build up your credibility, it can take you places you never dreamed of. Its very disappointing to know that little, if anything, has changed in terms of running this professionally. It plays on people wanting to see their images get more votes (?) Your email address will not be published. GuruShots wont add watermarks to the uploaded photos in an attempt to claim ownership in any way. I am at expert level and didnt spend 10Euros: all it took was (I hope good) pictures and time to.. vote. That is similar to entering a challenge. They involve a huge number of people from 3 to 5 thousand people in one. . Curated galleries to inspire you. I have played GuruShots for 3 year and am on a pretty good team we dont cheat or waste tons of money on swaps. I will try the exposition challenges to see if, indeed, its about money but after 3 years on and off, I like it. I have had several top contenders in the contest, only to have Gurushots basically remove them from the contest for a period of time thus encouraging others to cheat. Swapping at a specific time is the key to gaming and gaining the highest ranking. This is similar to Instagram but without the profile bios and website links. It is designed and permanently quirked to make money. Wed probably be on the website 8 hours out of 24 if we could. GuruShots - Boost Balancing Update! As GuruShots grows - Facebook what photography game is that? The more you vote, the more attention you will attract to your work. If you are an upcoming photographer looking forward to exposing your artistic work without spending GuruShots is your best option. Such submissions cannot expect to get many votes from other photographers in the challenge. GuruShots - Facebook faq - gurushots - Reddit - Dive into anything Anyone will be able to participate in Gurushots. The Exposure Bonus gauge is located on the My Challenges page of your GuruShots profile. I also work with other affiliate partners and may be compensated from the links below. To begin this Gurushots review, I should say that you will be satisfied with this service since it uses the game form to help photographers around the world develop their skills. This seems to be an unethical carrot designed just to sell more of these aids. GuruShots is a company, and they have employees. Still can't connect to GuruShots? I like the flee market feeling with mix qualities and I LOVE the surprises of some non edited pictures from non pros. GuruShots genuinely does offer real prizes A winning photo could be awarded anything, including: an awesome piece of gear I estimate in that in every four or five voting runs I do there will be at least one photograph that has been uploaded sideways or upside down. Over-compression often results from a photograph being saved, opened, and saved again too many times. What follows are not tips about how to take photographs. Solutions 2267 Status of GuruShots in the last 24 hours 80% server status 10 countries 147ms Response time ping service To update In Isnotdown, you will be able to instantly check if GuruShots works perfectly, or on the contrary, if it is registering some type of problem to offer its services. Thats quite an audience for your artwork. Most that I reviewed have no focal point and no composition. The privilege of running themed challenges comes with great responsibility for the community. Successful Swap. I enjoy photography primarily as a hobby (once again). As the competition is running, the guru pro creator will select a few of the best pictures. Why would you enter less than 4, unless you dont have 4 qualifying photos? So I followed them and studied their game play over about 6 months. Appreciate it , I Totally agree with Strelok. Ive heard that a lot of people learned how to manipulate the algorithm or play the GuruShots system, but couldnt say anything with 100% certainty because I personally never participated in this game. Gurushots Review 2023 - Photo Retouching Services I considered even my own photos more capable of winning and Im not that confident. It supports the highest quality image file formats, offers the ability to upload shots not only from the library but also from any social network. Five fills can expose all contest submissions to thousands of viewers at $1.99. After swapping a new image to replace the existing one, the new one gets an exposure bonus, the same as your other existing photos. Another common question is: Does GuruShots buy photos? GuruShots Photo Challenge | What is GuruShots? | Full Review Submit your photos and find out how good they really are. GuruShots is not a platform for selling photos. Why I'm leaving GuruShots : r/gurushots - Reddit To that effect, this platform hosts at least five real-life exhibitions for its users each month. This is the second article on GuruShots, the photography game. The more I explored, the more I realized that getting ahead would likely involve shelling out a few dollars. Does GuruShots own photos? Today, I would like to give you a user review of an online photography website called, Success is usually measured by how many hours you spend voting (honestly or just randomly with no concern for quality) or more importantly by how much money you spend to purchase Fills, Swaps or Keys to promote your image to the top of the voting list. Hence, such photos are unlikely to get clicks from those of us who use full sized desktop monitors and this becomes more true as the voting power of a click goes up (i.e., a Master is more likely to use a computer monitor than someone at Rookie level). For speed, challenges enter in the last 4 hours. Hi Nate. I have had to pass on so many photographs that would otherwise have been worth clicking on because the subject was just not in focus. This sometimes leads to technical glitches. GuruShots participants complain about this constantly.