Some can be container-grown, adding versatility and mobility to their charms. The white undersides of the needles, combined with their long form and soft feel, make this evergreen look like a shaggy green Muppet. What do you think of the Dwarf Alberta Spruce (Picea glauca Conica)? Their year-round interest begins in spring with white, pink, or yellow blossoms that resemble apple blossoms and nourish pollinators, followed by blue-green foliage and edible red and purple berries favored by birds. A post shared by Southlands Nursery (@southlandsnurseryvancouver). I took this photo years ago in a garden in Oklahoma City. Spray hawthorns with neem oil in the spring to prevent infection. Witch hazel is a shrub or small tree with a unique flowering habit and even more unique properties. Clouds of feathery white flowers that perfume the garden in the evening with a sweet fragrance similar to lilacs are the fringe trees main attraction. Like other balsam firs, this compact selection has dark green needles and densely packed branches. Your email address will not be published. Plant these hardy pines in rich, sandy, well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH. Theyre very vulnerable to this tiny pest. These are hardy, slow-growing trees that like partial shade or dappled sunlight. will add a fresh twist to your evergreen landscape. They are also a fantastic choice for borders around a patio, camouflaging a fence, or bordering a driveway. Though its fast growing, it tops out at just 10 feet in height with a width between 5 and 10 feet. This compact tree grows gorgeous white flowers and small edible red fruit, known as crabapples. Making your zone 5 property beautiful is a worthwhile pursuit, and planting trees is often the best way to do it. Since the seed pods are toxic, this tree is best for homes without small children or pets. 12 Small & Dwarf Tree Varieties for USDA Zone 5, 1. The best choices of Dwarf trees for growth zone 7. Thank you! This ornamental tree is native to North America, growing in zones 5 through 9, and produces pink or white flowers each spring. Zones: 5-9. It can also be grown in a container or trained on a trellis, where its mimosa-like leaves add to the airy effect of its soft, fuzzy flowers. Do you know about the width range of the root system of say, North Star? Goldcrest Cypress can be grown in containers if watered regularly. With this dwarf cultivar, you have a guaranteed showstopper without needing to sacrifice much space. In zones 7 and 8 they will appreciate partial shade, while they can handle full sun in zones 5 and 6. Go for a dwarf Japanese maple. There are different varieties of small trees that can range anywhere from 5 to 10 feet in height are perfect for accenting your front lawn or backyard. Here are some of the best small and dwarf tree varieties for your property. Though tall trees are lauded for providing shade and cooling the spaces around them, theres plenty of good reason to plant some of their slighter-statured cousins on your property: Dwarf ornamental trees have plenty of visual impact and attract birds and pollinators to the area, while still offering some shade. They grow wider than tall and into a balanced, round shape. Their fruit and leaves are both used in alternative medicine remedies to relieve menstrual cramps and balance hormones. This tree is picky about its soil, and an average or medium pH will suffice. The lavender twist weeping redbud grows best in fertile, well-draining soil with access to full sunlight or partial shade. Theyre also great choices for anyone who doesnt want to spend their weekends pruning overgrown plants. Its tapered form means its a great exclamation point accent plant for smaller landscapes. 8. Mature Size: 8 to 10 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide. Dwarf palms are classified as palm trees that are under 20 ft. (6 m) tall. The yellowhorn is a little bigger than the other zone 5 trees on the list. This small tree reaches a maximum height of 10 feet and has light green horizontal branches covered in golden yellow tips. Dwarf Alberta spruce is an evergreen with dense, light green foliage that grows upward in a pyramid shape. The red pygmy offers all of the beauty of the original flowering dogwood but in a smaller package! Do you know which of these varieties would do well in a large pot? Reaching ten feet at maturity, this small tree produces dark red, sweet fruit. The foliage has an aromatic smell of lemon. This article may contain affiliate links. Dwarf Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii Kotobuki): Fully winter hardy to -20 degrees F, this needled evergreen reaches just 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Slow growing with a beautiful form, this small evergreen tree is columnar in shape and densely branched. Growing Zones 5-10; Quick Fire Hydrangea Tree Growing Zones 3-8; Tonto Crape Myrtle Growing Zones 7-9; Pink. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Size: 5 to 6 feet tall (1.5 to 1.8 meters) and 3 to 4 feet in spread (90 to 120 cm). We have compiled an A-list of all the most elegant pine trees just for you! Its safe to say that in the latter half of the year, the witch hazel will be one of the most alluring plants in your landscape. has a traditional palm tree look but in a smaller form. The smaller varieties will also produce fruit sooner, a year or two earlier than a traditional peach tree. The small trees listed grow 10 feet or under in height at maturity. Many of these plants are available from commercial growers from whom smaller, local nurseries purchase their stock. It thrives in full sun conditions but will also tolerate some shade. Viridis Waterfall What is a dwarf Japanese maple? This tree grows in zones 5 through 8 and surprisingly requires very little maintenance. Its growth habit is narrow and conical, and like all of the other dwarf evergreen trees on this list, Tip Top requires zero pruning to maintain its small stature. However, if you live in an extremely cold climate, I would suggest insulating the pot for the winter to keep the roots shielded. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Growing up to 10 feet high, the redbud does best in zones 5 through 9. The fall color is exceptional. 11. The trees listed below are just that unique showstoppers that are sure to satisfy. North Star . This highly textured evergreen dwarf shrub is the dwarf Japanese cedar, a variety of cryptomeria which is part of the cypress family. The tree prefers shade to full sun, though it doesn't do well in full sun for extended periods of time. Other Common Names: Fothergilla Major, Large Witch Alder, Large Fothergilla, Tall Fothergilla, Average Size at Maturity: 6-10 feet tall, with a 5-9 foot spread. The compact evergreen trees on this list are low maintenance and tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions. Hardy in zones 4 through 10, this magnolia is a true compact, multi-stemmed star. The Pygmy date palm has a traditional palm tree look but in a smaller form. Before I introduce you to 15 of my favorite small evergreen trees, lets take a look at some of the perks these plants provide. Contact Us ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING! It blooms earlier than saucer magnolias, on old wood. The weeping redbud has lavender-pink, red, or burgundy colored blossoms that burst open in early spring. It's a very dense tree and works perfectly to cover up first-floor windows or backyard patio doors. We hope that this post has helped provide you with a few great options to consider. RELATED: 10 Signs a Tree in Your Yard Must Be Removed. For the smallest Dwarf Flowering Trees look to grafted plants like Hydrangea Trees and Rose Trees. Apple Mature Height: 20 feet Dwarf Height: 8 to 10 feet Zone: 4 Apple trees usually grow up to 20 feet tall while dwarf varieties grow 8 ft. to 10 ft. tall. The cherry dazzle is a dwarf crepe myrtle plant that is native to growing zones 6 to 9. tree is a winter-hardy flowering tree that produces fragrant blooms in the spring and small tart cherries that can be used to make jams and jellies. They are intolerant of salt and warm weather and do best in cooler climates. Check out this plant container on Amazon. Though its non-flowering, Japanese plum yews have dark green needles that are densely spaced on bottlebrush-like, upright branches. 12. Chalet Swiss Stone Pine (Pinus cembra Chalet): Swiss Stone pines have long been a favorite of mine, and this dwarf variety is no different. Suitable for USDA zones 5 through 8. 1. I want my home to reflect the natural beauty of a woods but have a very small lot surrounded by garages and power poles in the back yard so need dwarf tree varieties that can help screen the bad views. Dwarf Mugo pines are perfect for zone 5 gardeners that want an evergreen groundcover like juniper, but with a more unique twist. I have always been near excellent sources in the past; unfortunately, my local suppliers are limited in selection. trees are the perfect solution to having fresh fruit without giant space. Average Size at Maturity: 5-7 feet tall, with a 5-6 foot spread. These large, conical . It also has a neat, rounded shape and a wide, spreading growth habit that makes it almost twice as wide as it is tall. It works particularly well in borders, rock gardens, container gardens, and foundation planting. By Savannah Sher and Lori Lovely Published Jun 8, 2023 4:05 PM. Be sure not to plant his tree in an area that receives full direct sun for hours a day, as doing so may cause the foliage to burn. A wonderful very showy Acer palmatum that emerges with bright orange-yellow spring leaves that has pink margins. Female plants may produce blue berries in the fall as well. They produce fruit and grow quickly, making them better for shorter growing seasons. Dwarf Japanese Maple Trees Online Ordering, Fast Shipping! Moderate grower to 10 to 15' tall and wide. Many popular small trees for landscaping have non-invasive roots, making them ideal for planting near houses, walkways, or other structures although they should still be placed at least 10 feet from the house. Naturally, they are most often grown as specimen trees, though they also work well in shrub borders and foundation planting. 18662570749. Plant your dwarf spruce in moist, loamy, well-draining soil with a neutral to acidic pH, in an area with full sun exposure. Shannon has always loved looking after trees and plants since as long as she can remember. Average Size at Maturity: 3-5 feet tall, with a 6-10 foot spread, Fruiting Season: Cones first appear in Spring. Required fields are marked *. Will they grow indoors :)? A good cherry tree ( Prunus avium) for backyard growers is the semi-dwarf 'Stella' cherry tree that uses a Colt rootstock. Cherry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrle Lagerstroemia The cherry dazzle is a dwarf crepe myrtle plant that is native to growing zones 6 to 9. It has an average spread of about 6 to 10 and an average height of around 8 to 10 feet tall. Japanese maples are popular because of their brightly colored leaves, which provide a visual centerpiece for landscaping in several seasons. The Randy is a hybrid of the M. liliiflora Nigra and M. stellata Rosea. The bright green leaves are heart-shaped. All of the trees on this list grow well in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8 unless noted otherwise. The foliage is reminiscent of fern branches and is flat and feathery. By clicking accept you give us permission to set cookies. It reaches 5 to 6 feet wide after many years of growth. A sheltered spot is best, to protect the large blossoms from late frosts. This type of magnolia cultivar is especially good as a specimen plant, foundation plant, shrub border, and even as an informal hedge. It does best in hardiness zones 4 through 9 and likes moist, well-drained soil. Some popular types of Hawthorn trees include Crimson Cloud (C. laevigata) and Washington Hawthorn (C. phaenopyrum), the latter of which is more resistant to disease. FREE SHIPPING. In spring the red pygmy erupts in different shades of red and pink white-tipped flowers, or bracts which surround the less distinguishable true flower. This beautiful tree has vibrant green light leaves, and it prefers acidic soil that is moist and well-draining. Grow redbuds in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil with a moderate moisture level. 10. These shrubs produce subtle yellow ribbon-like flowers in late spring through to early winter, long after the flowering season has come to an end. Dwarf Serbian Spruce (Picea omorika Nana): The dense growth of this compact evergreen tree makes it a super choice for small garden beds and foundation plantings. Additionally, its spring flowers add a lovely floral fragrance to its surroundings. It is a slow-growing tree that takes many years to reach maturity. This extremely hardy dwarf birch can be used as a specimen plant, a foundation plant, or to accessorize a water feature. Japanese maples are known for their beautiful, delicate foliage and bright colors from spring through to fall. At summers end, flowering dogwood trees produce bright red fruit that birds love, so ornithophiles should consider this option for their yards. The upright candles of new growth in the spring, coupled with its narrow growth habit, make Kotobuki an excellent choice for containers and small gardens. Unfortunately I do not. Mugo pine can even be used to prevent soil erosion! We have included ornamental trees, evergreen trees, flowering trees, and dwarf fruit trees in this section. Native to the southeastern United States, Carolina Silverbells do best in hardiness zones 4 through 8. These trees need full to partial shade and like moist, well-drained soil and regular water. Want to plant dwarf pine trees but unsure of which species to opt for? Light exposure: full Sun or partial shade. The branches and leaves cascade down in an umbrella shape and have stunning foliage that changes color each season. It prefers well-draining soil, and it thrives in a mix of partial shade and only a little full sunlight. Average Size at Maturity: 4-8 feet tall, with a 4-5 foot spread, Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills. According to the NC State University Extension, you should avoid planting these trees in areas with high heat, humidity, air pollution, and salt spray. It can, however, tolerate dry conditions for short periods of time. Most small palm trees grow from a single trunk, but some have multiple trunks. naturally grows in a narrow column shape perfect for hedges, borders, containers, or to create privacy in the landscape. Align with picture windows or glass doors to enjoy its seasonal changes from indoors. When shes not reading, writing, and gardening, shell be out fishing and foraging for edible flora and fungi in the countryside around her home. With an average height of 5 feet and a width of just 1 foot, this sun-loving evergreen has blue-green needles. Height at maturity: 6 to 10 feet Varieties to look for: Tamukemaya, Rhode Island Red, Shaina Jacky Parker Photography // Getty Images 2 Sargent Crabapple Tree This low, horizontally-spreading dwarf tree has pretty white or pink springtime blooms, which become dark red fruits in fall. The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova Cryptomeria japonica can grow as tall as 60 feet. The good news is, there are plenty of different types of dwarf palm trees to pick from! I would shoot for a needled evergreen, like a conifer of some sort, rather than a broad-leaves evergreen like a boxwood or azalea. USDA Growing Zone: 5 to 7. RELATED: The Best Trees to Plant for Fall Foliage. It's a short shrub that has eye-catching purple foliage and will definitely add character to your front lawn or a backyard. The sargent crabapple can grow in a wide variety of soil textures but prefers well-drained soil. On average, it has a lifespan of about 20 years and is native to growing zones 8-10. Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum var. Dwarf Flowering Trees in the 6 to 10 feet range are Redbud, Hydrangea Trees, Pink Velour Crape Myrtle, Rose of Sharon (Althea) Trees and the Crape Myrtle Magic series. If you have a lawn on the smaller side, a dwarf tree or a bush can fit perfectly in the space and may seem less obtrusive than larger trees. Fill in the gaps in your landscape design, Create a layered landscape, with eye-catching color and texture at a lower level to complement the treetops, Require less watering, pruning, and overall maintenance. The sand cherry prefers full sun to partial shade and needs regular water. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It has small glossy green leaves and beautiful red stems that stand out. The needles are long and blue-green, lending a soft look to this compact evergreen. These drought-tolerant trees prefer full sun and are self-pollinating, which means they can stand alone. The foliage changes color seasonally, and the branches are attractive even after the bright leaves drop in autumn. It is also resistant to most diseases and even pests, making it a relatively low-maintenance addition to your zone 5 garden. Whether you want a tree to stand alone, create a privacy border, provide food, or dramatize an entrance, there are many varieties to choose from. Blooms attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. You can grow these trees in containers on your patio, yard, and. Little King River Birch (Betula nigra Little King), 5. We have limited space to work with due to the location of our septic system. In spring, the magnolia produces large, showy blooms with a pink and white hue. They are extremely cold hardy, able to thrive in climates as cold as zone 5, and their delightfully soft light green needles add a stroke of color and an almost fuzzy texture to the winter landscape. In fall and winter, their red berries attract songbirds. There are many benefits of planting small evergreen trees in your yard and garden. Dwarf Hinoki Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Nana), 10. Turning from dark green in spring to yellow in summer all the way to reddish rusty bronze in fall and winter, they add plenty of interest in the coldest parts of the year. Dwarf Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea Nana): A squat, rounded fir with lush needles, this compact plant deserves a place on every list of dwarf evergreen trees. I lost two large spruce in my yard due to fungus recently. RELATED: 22 Fast-Growing Shade Trees to Plant in Your Yard. Not only that, but their lovely gold fall foliage provides plenty of interest too. One is starting to look limp and dry. Slowly reaching 6 feet in height, Blue Wonder is only 3 feet wide at maturity and has a naturally dense conical form. Check with your local nursery to see if they can order any of the plants from their suppliers. You dont have to have a small yard to consider planting small trees. It gives the plant an almost feathery texture. I love the look of the Dwarf Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii Kotobuki). Easy to grow and tolerant of all but the wettest soils, North Star is among the finest dwarf evergreen trees available. They do well in small spaces, and in contrast with other . Every herd eats differently, so I suggest heading to a few local nurseries and asking about their experiences with those two trees and your local deer. Zone 5 gardeners with smaller properties will be pleased to know that there are several options for dwarf Japanese maples that thrive in colder conditions. This amazingly beautiful shrub has brightly colored cherry-red flowers that blossom in the summer, and it is one of the most easily recognizable shrubs in home gardening. 15 Best Trees for Firewood: Good Burn Rate and High Heat, How To Dechlorinate Water for Plants 2 Fast, Easy Methods. Japanese and European are the two most common types of plums. The small stature of these plants make them easy to plant; theres no wrestling with a huge root ball or long branches. Like other Serbian spruces, this dwarf form has green needles with white striping on the undersides, giving the tree a soft appearance. The weeping varieties of Japanese Maple are beautiful year round. Hardiness: USDA zones 5 to 9. This hardy hydrangea tree has creamy white panicle blooms that fade to green. Randy Magnolia (Magnolia stellata x liliflora Randy), 3. The sand cherry tree is a winter-hardy flowering tree that produces fragrant blooms in the spring and small tart cherries that can be used to make jams and jellies. The crabapple tree a relatively slow-growing one, and it only reaches about a foot a year. Your email address will not be published. Cherries grow best in USDA Zones 5 to 9. How can I save them? Crimson Spire oak (Quercus robur x Q. alba 'Crimschmidt'): This unique oak tree is very tall up to 40 feet but remains fairly narrow at just 15 to 20 feet wide (yes, that's quite narrow for an oak!). Named for the fragrance of its waxy, purple-edged, creamy yellow flowers rather than any relation to the banana, the banana shrub produces dense, glossy foliage on multiple stems, for a lush, tropical look. 03 of 18. Zones 5-8. Though the fruit of the highbush cranberry does resemble the fruit, it is actually not a true cranberry and, instead, is part of the honeysuckle family. The foliage has an aromatic smell of lemon. The spot is sunny, raised on the berm, with river rock around the plantings. As you can see, there are several short trees to choose from if you're looking to accommodate a small lawn or provide more privacy around your home. Growing up to 20 feet tall, fringe trees thrive in full sun or partial shade in wet river bottoms in zones 3 through 8. I have a literal degree in horticulture and I could count on one hand how many dwarf evergreens we learned about.