Republican Selectman Rose Ann Hardy, an incumbent, was the top vote-getter among the Board of Selectmen candidates. About EAST HADDAM BOARD OF EDUCATION. ALL SERIES (Note there is no 8000 series) EAST HADDAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Do you have a question for one of our staff members? The vote total was 776 for Chmielewski and 719 for McKenney. Nathan Hale-Ray High School hosts thriving agriculture and technical education programs, which include courses such as auto CAD and 3D printing, engineering, app design, veterinary science, behavior and training of domestic animals, to name just a few. Our schools arent rated well, and Id like to see people work on improving that, because its important, Wright said. We give students the opportunity to experience a variety of world languages, numerous advanced placement classes, and early college experience classes. Dean is honored to be elected the next Mayor of the city of Danbury, and Roberto did concede, John Kleinhans, Espositos campaign manager, said. 2019-2020 2020-2021 description actual actual budget budget $ change % change fiscal services 3,428,945 3,465,353 3,940,018 3,752,219 (187,799) -5% . Lisa recently retired and now enjoys cooking, walking, traveling, and being with friends. In addition to these programs, students experience gifted and talented programs, instrumental and choral programs, athletics, and clubs that keep our students engaged in more than just academics. Member All I can say is, as a candidate, we put in the work.. We post public notices on this website for your convenience. Ive been trying not to be overbearing talking to voters, because at this point, you hope that theyve made their decision. External Applicants Start an application for employment Stott said he thought DeVoto had the best interests of the city because of his support for expanding walking and cycling paths, noting that sidewalks and bike lanes in Middletown are inconsistent at best, and nonexistent in other areas. Election Day was also a professional development day for area teachers, many of whom may have voted early in the day, Shoemaker said. The questions were given alternately to Griswold and Matt. A man wearing a black vest and jeans said he saw this as a critically important election. Matt Gordon, husband of Republican Board of Education candidate Jennifer Gordon, said that he and his wife were new in town, and that they wanted to give back to the community. The proposed complex includes a 6-lane, full-oval track with eight sprint lanes, a soccer field, an area for throwing events, concession stand, restrooms and a storage . This is for our community, this is to benefit our community., Hornyaksaid his goal if re-elected was to do the best we can for our children.. He said he noticed more people waving back than usual, including Democrats who he believes will vote for him because the Killingworth Democratic Town Committee isnt running a candidate for First Selectman. Chair GROTON (District 2) About 20 to 30 people had voted as of about 7:30 a.m., at a polling spot in Groton, according to a group of candidates assembled out front. We encourage all our students to engage in these programs as they support social emotional growth and wellbeing. Click the link below to view items and place a bid.Note bidding ends between 4/26 & 4/, Request for Proposals Tax Increment Financing Consultant - In reviewRFP Tax Increment Financing Consultant.pdfRFP Tax Increment Financing - Addendum #1.pdf, Request for Developer Qualifications (RFQ)RFQ_Document.pdfRequest for Proposal Document (RFP)-In negotiationsRFP_Document.pdf1 & 7 Main Street, East Haddam, CT, The Swing Bridge Landing proposal can be viewed at the following link:, Supporting Documents - 1 & 7 Main Street, East Haddam, CTAppendix A - Mobility Improvement Study for EH Village - Fuss & O'Neill 2004Appendix B - Town Office Site Re-Use Study - Harrall-Michalowski 2006Appendix C - East Haddam Village, EHVRC - Fellner Associates Architects 2010Appendix D - 2008 East Haddam Plan of Conservation & DevelopmentAppendix E - September 26, 2018 EH Village Revitalization Committee MinutesAppendix F - CERC Town Profile 2018Appendix G - Partnership for Strong Communities Housing Data ProfilesAppendix H - EH Zoning Regulations - Section 9.5 EH Village DistrictAppendix I - EH Historic District GuidelinesAppendix J - CT River Gateway Adoption of Village District Regulations 2005Appendix K - Survey 1 & 7 Main StreetAppendix L - Water Pollution Control Authority Regulations 2005Appendix M - Environmental Site Assessments, Appendix N - 1 Main Street Assessor CardAppendix N - 7 Main Street Assessor Card, East Haddam Village Concept Plan - Rob Smith.pdf. We only accept applications via our online system, AppliTrack. Send Email, Erik Anderson The chair or his designee will respond to all questions in a timely and appropriate manner at a later date. The mission of the East Haddam School District is to develop a community of lifelong learners who are prepared to become independent, creative and productive citizens for our diverse and ever-changing global society. She left to pursue owning a Curves fitness franchise and served the women of East Haddam and Moodus. Our district, located in Moodus, East Haddam, Connecticut, serves 1,000 kindergarten through 12th-grade students. We all pretty much get along, said one woman holding a Bisibikos sign. The East Haddam and Haddam Divisions meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at 8:00 AM at different locations. BOS Tim Griswold (R)- 1,700Matt Ward (R) 1,700Martha Shoemaker (D) 1,596, BOF Andrew Russell (R) 1,722Jude Read (R) 1,716, BOE Laura Dean-Frazier (R) 1,705Martha Shoemaker (D) 1,686Jason Kemp (D) 1,621Chris Staab (R) 1,578. Please check in often and help us celebrate our students many achievements. WESTBROOK Chet Bialicki, the Democratic candidate for First Selectman, said he expects the race for the open seat to be very close. State Rep. Joe De La Cruz, D-Groton, said that families move in and out of Groton depending on the timing of submarine and Navy projects. Lisa Cahill and her husband Tim have been East Haddam residents for 28 years. I like to think of it as Madison schools of the past and Madison schools of the future, she said. The programs at the high school span from entrepreneurial to advanced manufacturing. About 1,150 people had voted as of 1 p.m. Calle said that there were Republican voters who were voting for the entire slate of Democratic Police Commission members. Jackson, who works in operations, financing and Human Resources at a K-8 school in New Haven, said communication and collaboration between the schools and the community are extremely important and can be strengthened in Middletown schools. Send Email. I think we had a very good showing, and we have a lot of work ahead.. People here know me, and they know I could start the job tomorrow if need be.. Prior to her school board election, Terri volunteered for years as a Co-chair and Parent Advocate with The East Haddam Special Needs Parent Group. HARTFORD Secretary of the State Denise Merrill released turnout numbers as of 10 a.m. STONINGTON Dan Kelley, a Democrat running for Board of Education, stood outside of the polls with a sign for his candidacy. The East Haddam Public Schools Board of Education is comprised of nine board members elected bi-annually for six-year terms. Girl Scouts sold cookies near the entrance, and Democratic candidates stood just a few feet away from the Republicans. East Haddam Board of Education Appearing on behalf of the Student: Attorney Andrew Feinstein Attorney Jillian Griswold Feinstein Education Law Group 86 Denison Avenue . Green Party Kim Kimball also ran as a candidate for the Board of Education. POLICIES/REGULATIONS . Incumbent First Selectwoman Peggy Lyons told CT Examiner that shes seen lots of positive energy.. The biggest thing is, we want people to vote, whoever theyre going to vote for, Selectwoman and Board of Education member Eileen Blewett said. Its not too cold and its not raining, so people come out. Dyess, Rosario, Burke and Marx were cross-endorsed by the Working Families Party. Maynard-Adams and Cruz were cross-endorsed by the Working Families Party. Right now, people know Joe Biden is the one whos being detrimental to this country.Candidates across the state have done a great job, and I think they really have taken their messages to folks in their towns. Its difficult, because its not a sexy thing, said Bryan Avallone, a Democratic candidate for Zoning Board of Appeals. I think they should know history, he said. Terri is married to her husband Rob and they are parents to two beautiful sons. Just after noon at the Danbury high school polling location, Alves said he was energized by conversations with supporters coming out to vote for him. For City Council, incumbents Efrain Dominguez Jr., Reona Dyess, John Satti and James Burke were re-elected. Marc Pisciotti Robert Boris, a Republican candidate for Town Council, said that during his campaign door-knocking, many voters expressed an interest in a bipartisan town council. Diane Barber, a Republican candidate for town council who served on the council from 2015 to 2017, said the high school is effective in bringing all parts of the town together. GUILFORD A line is winding around the corner at the Guilford Fire Station. The pandemic, as far as the school system goes, wasnt all bad. STONINGTON Faith Leitner, a Republican running for Board of Finance (on right) with Stonington resident Jennifer Thornell (holding vertical signs) in front of Stoningtons Mystic Fire Department. On behalf of the Office of the Superintendent and the entire East Haddam Board of Education, congratulations to the class of 2023 . Rudy was honored to be elected as East Haddam's Tax Collector, serving for 23 years. The Board's exhibits were B-1 to B-38 admitted as full exhibits. Powered by Frontline Recruiting and Hiring , Powered by Frontline Technologies - AppliTrack, Applicant Tracking for Educators. . Thats the biggest bill you pay!. East Haddam Public Schools . She said running for the first time has been educational and a rewarding experience, especially being able to meet so many people in town. Currently Liza sits on the board of an industry employers association. I think its going to discourage parents who have a lot to offer., Meanwhile, the voters keep coming. Im a 1199 union member and he was the candidate that was selected by my union, and Im also a registered Democrat, so I trust that he will do a good job, Cannizaro said. But Maisano said that the fact that thousands of people had come out to support the Republican candidates meant that the Board of Education and the superintendent needed to pay attention to the fact that a large population of Guilfords residents was unhappy. MADISON A number of Democrats are standing outside Brown School in Madison, including State Senator Christine Cohen and State Representative John Michael Parker, who at one point realizes he has been holding his campaign sign upside down. Topping her list of priorities include three referendum items that will go to the voters in February: a school renewal plan, the repurposing of the old Academy School, and the sale of the former Island Avenue School to Our Lady of Mercy Preparatory Academy. If you do not have access to a computer or need assistance completing the online application, pleasevisit or call our district office. School Info Schools Events Departments Helpful Resources Contact Us Administration and Staff Our faculty and staff make every decision with your child's best interests in mind. She is currently the President of Action Steel, LLC headquartered in East Haddam. Athlete of the Week. Its not just Jayme Stevenson running unopposed. Edward Jacome, a Democratic candidatefor Town Council, said he was excited to see the final numbers tonight. A voter named Mary, who said she has three grandchildren in the schools, said that she believed the Republican candidates were racist and narrow-minded. She said she wanted her grandchildren educated properly.. At about 1:45, the count was 1,253, out of a total voting population of just over 10,000. You wouldnt know it by how many signs she has around town, but Laura Morello didnt have a lot of time to put together her campaign, deciding just two weeks ago to run as a write-in candidate afterallegations that members of the school districts senior administration harassed and intimidated school employees were made public by the Middletown teachers and paraeducators unions. The East Haddam Board of Education maintains three subcommittees to oversee business related to district operations, instructional policy, and personnel negotiations. This is the election that counts, he said. Now looking to serve on the East Haddam Board of Education. Republican Anne Santoro came in second. Like me, Dean has connections to everyone in the city, and knows who to talk to to get things done. She is the Athletic Trainer at NHRHS and Director of the East Haddam Parks and Rec Department. . Outside, Democrats and Republicans each have tents set up. Stott said he voted for current chair Stephen DeVoto who is running as an unaffiliated candidate and two Republican candidates. MIDDLETOWN Linda, a voter at Spencer School early on Tuesday, said she voted for all Democrats, and she said it was important to vote in local races. Theres a lot of sadness that she chose not to run again, but 12 years is a significant contribution and investment in the town, Young said. 1 & 7 Main Street, East Haddam, CT The Swing Bridge Landing proposal can be viewed at the following link: Supporting Documents - 1 & 7 Main Street, East Haddam, CT Appendix A - Mobility Improvement Study for EH Village - Fuss & O'Neill 2004 Appendix B - Town Office Site Re-Use Study - Harrall-Michalowski 2006 I am honored to be Salems next First Selectman and I look forward to working with everyone in town to move us forward., McKenney said he wishes Chmielewski success because if he succeeds, the town will, too.. By this time last year, we had a couple of hundred people, said Stephanie Ranks, assistant registrar. We havent had an empty room at all since polls opened, Coladarci said. Send Email, Bryan Perry She returned to her beautiful hometown of East Haddam where she and her husband, Shawn, have raised their sons, Matthew and Drew. Lyons said that, no matter whos elected, theres a lot of work that needs to be done. WESTPORT With two hours still left to vote, Westport residents had already cast more votes this year than in 2019s municipal races: 7,515 to 7,350. COLCHESTER Turnout was strong at 10:30 a.m, where voters will decide a contentious and sometimes personal fight for First Selectman between Democrat incumbent Mary Bylone and Republican challenger Andreas Bisibikos. Republicans Candice Carlson and Alisa Bradley earned seats on the board as well as Democrats Bill Dery and Laura Greenstein. Steven Pynn, a Democratic candidate for Board of Education, said he was getting texts from young people wishing him good luck. At Baldwin Middle School, the voter count had reached 425 by 10:15 a.m. Moderator Hersch Sommer said the turnout had been constant, a steady flow that hadnt stopped since the polls opened at 6 a.m. Several voters at Baldwin voiced their support for the Democratic and Independent candidates. They decided to go to war with parents, with education, with public health issues, and just cant get out of their own way. GROTON (District 1) By 6:30, about 25 or 30 peoplehad come out to vote according to bipartisan group of candidates standing outside of a polling place in Groton. Business & PlanningThis subcommittee oversees district operations in regard to finance, facilities, district planning, transportation, and communication. More typical years produce around half that, he said, although it did reach 41 percent in 2019. Dr. Mary Beth Iacobelli of Berlin, CT has been hired by the East Haddam Board of Education as an Interim Superintendent of Schools for the 2012-2013 school year. East Hampton Public Schools 1 Community Drive, Suite 1 East Hampton, Connecticut CT 06424 8603654000 8603654004. Connecticut State Department of Education, Valid Connecticut five-year renewable coaching certification, Current first aid, AED, and CPR certifications, Proof of concussion management training (. He said he was also interested in looking into the possibility of a municipal utility. Id hoped wed be able to maintain the enthusiasm from last year, but while you can make the statement that local elections are more important to a voters quality of life than national races, its still a challenge.. That means parent involvement, community involvement, collaboration with community agencies, whatever it may be to provide the most challenging and equitable opportunities for all students, Jackson said. Steinbergs statements on values and diversity, and calling out the anti-Critical Race Theory group, are great for Westport, said Westport resident Miriamne DeMarrais. Steinberg said it was maddening to not yet know the results, especially considering hes never lost a race, running for the Representative Town Meeting four times and the state legislature nine times. We offer our employees a competitive benefits package and will provide information regarding benefits during the hiring process. One Democrat also won a two-year term to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education, according to Heede. The moderator said there had been a steady stream of voters coming in all day. DANBURY Republican Dean Esposito beat Democrat Roberto Alves in the Danbury mayoral race, continuing decades of Republican leadership in Danbury. The Board of Education welcomes public attendance at all of their meetings. She said that she had four kids in the schools, and that winning the election meant a great deal to her. Liza attended RHAM High School in Hebron and is a graduate of Eastern Connecticut Sate University. NEW HAVEN Voter turnout has been slow so far, but with my people, its going to be high, because were highly motivated, said John Carlson, the Republican nominee for mayor of New Haven. The Board of Education welcomes public attendance at all of their meetings. KILLINGWORTH Turnout and spirits were both high in Killingworth, where camps from all three parties were optimistic about their chances as about 750 people had voted shortly after noon. Translate Translate . A man named Getch is handing out cards urging voters to vote for the Republican candidates. Gadon said he felt the media was not getting both sides of the story when it came to the Old Saybrook Police Department. Program. Republican newcomer candidates Katie Toolan reiveded 1,677 votes and Jeff Jordan received1,549 votes. GUILFORD The atmosphere is tense at Calvin Leete Elementary School. He said that one of the things the Democratic party wanted to do was to create a board of young people in town. It was a Republican sweep, Bylone said, although official results were not available late Tuesday. As of 4:45 p.m. just over a thousand voters had come out to vote at the middle school. Any written comments/materials must be given to the board chairman and may be distributed at a later time only after comprehensive review. Bylone, a nurse and health care administrator for 40 years, denied those claims earlier Tuesday, saying: Im a woman, Im assertive, Im intelligent and Im accomplished. Pagliano, who has two kids in the schools, said he was in support of the Democrat and Independent candidates for Board of Education. | Learn more about Ray Flaherty's work experience . Across the driveway was Tim Griswold, First Selectman, who stood near the Republican white tent decorated with stars-and-stripes elephants, red gingham tablecloths, extra large signs declaring Vote Row B, and a gas grill where hotdogs and sausages were being served. Norwich Fire Battalion Chief Marc Benjamin said about a dozen voters and polling officials were evacuated until the source of the smell could be found and the buildings air quality checked with meters. After casting her ballot, Trish Cannizzaro said her decision to vote for Roberto Alves was clear. Its been pretty steady, a little bump around lunchtime, a little bit of a lull now, were kind of looking forward to a big surge at 5 or 5:30 people want to get a vote in before dinner, Mock said. Samperi said there is usually a rush in the morning, and another in the evening, but on Tuesday there was a steady stream of cars throughout the day. We offer a variety of programs and services to support our students and take great pride in developing lifelong learners to succeed in life after high school. The acrimony between the candidates at the top of the ticket wasnt in evidence among their supporters outside Town Hall, where they gathered good-naturedly to wave signs at arriving residents. Fulton, who previously spoke to CT Examiner about her candidacy, said the turnout at Moody had been steady that morning. They raised three children in town and he has acted as a baseball, soccer and basketball coach for all three. OLD SAYBROOK Democrats won control of the towns police commission in a close vote. On behalf of the Office of the Superintendent and the entire East Haddam Board of Education, congratulations to the class of 2023!! He was identified as eligible for special education and related services under the category of Autism and has received services through the East Haddam Board of Education since May 2012. Terri also spent 14 years at Showtime Networks as National Accounts Director calling on major cable television providers and negotiating cooperative marketing agreements. Send Email, Tracy Delventhal Peggy Wright, a registered Democrat, also said that education was a deciding factor in her decision to cast her ballot for Alves. Please contact our district office for more information. You cannot categorize people.. According to the moderator, a steady stream of voters had been showing up at the town hall all day. He said, however, that he felt optimistic in the days leading up to the election. I think the wind is at our back, he said. The company positively impacts the lives of neurodiverse young adults with autism, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and related disorders by nurturing their unique skills, strengths, and preferences through customized programs which provide opportunities for job training , community connection, and support. We also offer live streaming of these events on YouTube. NEW HAVEN Three hours after polls opened at East Rock Community Magnet School in New Haven, less than 75 people had cast their ballots. The turnout looks good, were hoping to have a great win, the Republicans, said Gadon. Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. He said that the department had done an excellent job making COVID-19 vaccinations available to the local citizens, and he praised the departments response to the recent storms. I think someone needs to pay attention to the overcrowding in Danbury schools and Im hoping that Roberto Alves can do that.. We flipped East Granby, which hasnt had Republican leadership in years, and Brookfield was a huge win. We have two people the community knows very well.. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout outs. Im excited that hopefully tonight will prove that the public of Danbury is happy about the job weve been doing and wants us to continue it.. Republican Police Commission candidates Susan Quish and Katie Toolan both declined to speak with the Connecticut Examiner. Member June 2023 Newsletter; May 2023 Newsletter; . Lou also serves on the East Haddam Planning and Zoning Commission. Welcome to East Haddam Public Schools! I grew up in Middletown and my wife grew up in East Haddam and we both knew how great a town Haddam was, so it was our first choice . We post all agendas 24 hours in advance of our meetings. Municipal elections are about local issues, but were also seeing some state and national politics play into this. Definitely more than in the Democratic primary, said Democrat Bruce Jones, who is running for Town Council.Jones, who consulted a small notebook he kept in his pocket, said that he had knocked on 1,741 doors and walked 263 miles during the campaign.