Tzogvins Warband = great damage that gives better DPS than Medusa and easier to maintain than Kinras, coming from Frostvault dungeon. Hower, mythic are a good options in certain situations, and if you have the ability, time and patiences you definitely should collect them. With a flexible and EASY One Bar Rotation and No Trials Gear needed this is the ultimate starter build for PVE content! A stamina based ability which most folks will use Endless Hail skill to trigger its effect. Even with their magical abilities, Templars get even more powerful with the right piece of steel in their hand. Mothers Sorrow = great DPS set because of critical chance increase, comes from Deshaan overland EP Zone. A odd setup but you can use for magicka range casters since youll be far away anyways. Pros. Main Weapon: FLAME STAFF - Click on a Skill Name to learn more, Main Weapon: LIGHTNING STAFF - Click on a Skill Name to learn more, Backup Weapon: FLAME STAFF - Click on a Skill Name to learn more. Magicka Dragonknight The Magicka Dragonknight class places just above its Stamina counterpart, mostly due to the increased healing potential it receives from Burning Embers and the ability . The DEADSHOT Build is an easy Bow DPS Set Up for Mirri Elendis, one of the new Companions available to ESO players starting in the Blackwood Chapter. Well theres one more piece to add and thats our back bar weapon! Heres the next step! Molten Weapons and morphs can boost your damage while Obsidian Shield offers a party shield. This is a great setup for running double pet magsorc build. These cookies do not store any personal information. Your contact information will not be shared with anyone. The class's three skill trees, Aedric Spear, Dawn's Wrath, and Restoring Light, are each oriented around a different aspect of the Templar. The general rotation will be to apply your back bar DoTs while weaving a light attack (LA) between each one, swap to your front bar, apply DoTs, and go into light attack whip weaving. Its the item set that you really want! If you wish to focus on Fire damage and utility then picking a Dragonknight is your best bet. This guide will cover both the ONE BAR and TWO BAR versions of the build. I had little to nothing to start and made my way through a progression based gearing system with various loadouts at stages. Some setups are better for Solo PVE, other for Group Trials content and other for Battlegrounds or Open World PVP. Whether you're a new players or top tier end game, you'll want to watch this video for ideas and options on all the various gear setups in ESO regardless of class! RELATED: Elder Scrolls Online: Tips For Leveling Up Quickly. Solo or without a healer, survival setup. Youll get a very important buff, minor force which you wont have to activate a skill. Back Bar Weapons = infused with a weapon/spell damage enchant for massive burst even when bar swapping. Magicka Dragonknight PvP Build ESO - Inferno June 11, 2023 Dragon Knight PvP ESO Builds Magicka Dragonknight PvP Build ESO - Inferno Build Written By: Dottz Gaming - PC NA Role: Damage Dealer Patch: Necrom Table of Contents Introduction Setup Gear Attributes Skills Vampire vs. Mortal Champion Points This build has extremely strong Single Target and AoE pressure with the abilities we have at our disposal, but we do need to be in melee range to reach maximum potential in terms of damage. Your main goal on mythic collection is to obtain them for certain situations. Dark Elf and Breton are decent choices as well. Still will be meta if you can baby sit your max magicka pool. The Stamina Dragonknight on the other hand relies more on Poison based skills, combined with Weapon abilities to achieve the best results. The Dragonknight has three unique skill lines with abilities suitable for every role in the game. Do you want to primarily be a Tank or a DPS? 3/14/2022 no changes for ascending tide The THRASSIAN Build is a Magicka Templar Damage Dealer Build for Solo or Group content in The Elder Scrolls Online. Dual Wield = main hand nirnhoned, charged off hand with fire/poison enchants. Lava Whip and its two morphs Molten Whip and Flame Lash are vital for Magicka Dragonknights and work as the class main spammable. Since DK can fill different roles, you can even build an offensive healer or a ranged damage-dealer. Our main damage set on this build is Deadly Strike, which now buffs Spell Damage and Spell Critical in addition to its previous Weapon Damage and Weapon Critical Buffs. In the current meta, the Dragonknight class can provide high survivability on top of great damage. Increases Magicka recovery by 507 The best option for tanking. Blood Craze. Mechanical Acuity = advanced solo arena DPS set, craftable clockwork city 6 traits. Functional cookies are cookies that are essential for the website to work. Beaustrodamus Daggerfall Covenant 6 yr. ago PVE Magicka, But Stam DKs are still solid PVP Stamina; Mag DKs aren't very good for PVP Overall, Stamina is best if you want to explore all content. Accuracy (Passive): For most classes, Bows are looked upon in a very similar light: great as a secondary weapon, but not for the primary slot (aside from the Warden class). Amazing single target and area of effect damage. Weapon Enchant = dual wield setup go fire/poison or flame with fire staff. This simple Whip Rotation for Magicka Dragonknight offers an easy option for absolutely massive DPS in ESO - Flame on! . This insanely EASY build requires absolutely zero trials gear but still manages a metric ton of Critical Damage through Wardens innate passives. Magicka DPS Stamina DPS Tank Healer Excellent>Great>Mediocre>Poor ESO Best Companion In total there are six available Companions at the moment. Barbed Trap(Trap Beast Morph) is the skill you must unlock as soon as possible from the Fighters Guild, for your Dragonknight, Stamina or Magicka. The premise here is your front bar is active which procs an effect thus you save another two piece back bar weapon. Trainee = beginner 2pc item set for max stats, obtained in the starter islands in each of the factions. The BITTER CHILL Magicka Warden is quite possibly the most powerful Heavy Attack, One Bar build in ESO! Updated Nov 14, 2021 The best builds are always shifting in Elder Scrolls Online, so today we're curating the best current Dragonknight builds in ESO. For group PVE you want to switch to the Thief (better Critical Chance). Main Bar Dual Wield: Molten Whip, Burning Embers, Engulfing Flames, Flames of Oblivion, Barbed Trap, Flawless Dawnbreaker, Back Bar Fire Staff: Scalding Rune, Resolving Vigor, Elemental Blockade, Degeneration, Eruption, Standard of Might. Barbed Trap> Swap > LA > Scalding Rune > LA > Degeneration > LA > Eruption > LA > Elemental Blockade > Bar Swap > LA > Flames of Oblivion > LA > Engulfing Flames > LA > Burning Embers > (LA > Molten Whip [repeat while DoTs do not need to be refreshed]). However, it's not nearly as powerful as other options for the Templar, and some self-healing and support abilities in the tree overlap with Class Skills for the Templar. Nord is an interesting choice too as they provide extra damage reduction and ultimate regen. Pale Order = god mode solo play survivability set. While it's perfectly possible to try a Dual Wield build as a Templar, other weapons in Elder Scrolls Online are more natural fits for the class for their more useful abilities, passives, and morphs. Set bonus(2 items) Adds 129Spell Damage(3 items) Adds 1096Maximum Magicka(4 items) Adds 1096Maximum Magicka(5 items) While you are casting or channeling an ability, your damage taken is reduced by 15%. Disclaimer: is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. Sample templates later. You can earn Champion Points by simply playing the game and leveling up. Stonefists Morphs offer a Stamina DPS spammable in the form of Stone Giant and a weak heal skill, Obsidian Shard. Unlocking and leveling up your Class active skills and passives, should be your number one priority. The two passives should be your priority from this line. Welcome to's Solo Magicka Dragonknight Build PvE, The Wyvern, for the Elder Scrolls Online! It heals you based on damage done thus you can go ultra aggressive in solo arenas for huge scores and quick runs. So if the fire, dragons and following "pros" is what you are looking for, this build is for you! NEXT: Elder Scrolls Online: Best Necromancer Builds, Ranked (For 2021). The Dragonknight class in The Elder Scrolls Online is typically played as. What this means is that right before a DoT is about to end, you refresh that DoT, and you do this as needed. Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG's, Action RPG's and MMO's. Deadly Strike now buffs ALL Damage Over Time abilities by 15%, making it perfect for the Magicka Dragonknight because we have so many abilities that fall into this category including: Engulfing Flames, Burning Embers, Eruption and the Dragonknight Standard ultimate. It turns Dragonknight into a Melee DPS character focused on dealing massive damage with melee weapons. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The Elder Scrolls Online developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Champion Points Warfare. The massive damage output on this build is GREAT for Solo and even Group play in The Elder Scrolls Online! I usually combine one damage producing set with a resource sustain set starting out with low CP. Zaan can be used for very strong single target monster set instead of Grothdar, while Valkyn Skoria is also a nice choice thanks to all the DOT damage present on this build. They are located all around Tamriel and based on their offered buff are more suitable for PVE or PVP gameplay. The INVINCIBLE MAGE Build uses exactly ZERO class skills for a unique and off-meta approach to combat in ESO! A great option for early gameplay but also Solo content. The next up is jewelry and weapon which you have TONS of options and is very flexible depending on character. This ESO Magicka Dragonknight build melts packs of enemies with its emphasis on AOE fire damage. A mixed line with skills that assist in DPS, support and defense. If you have any questions about the build, join our discord server and ask @Dottz about the build! 5/27/2020 overhauled for greymoor Thanks for reading and be sure to bookmark this page as these gear sets change frequently! Then I worked toward converting that into a solo friendly build in order to farm arena weapons. i didn't see anyone mention it (maybe they did) but the dark elf racial of +% to fire damage goes very very nicely with a magicka based destruction staff using DK. This is a Members Only Build. Scalding Rune(Fire Rune Morph) especially can assist a Magicka Dragonknight with additional fire damage in PVE. If you notice any issues, typos or errors anywhere, or if you have any suggestions, dont hesitate to use the contact form and reach out! Thanks! This build can even be used in group content as a DPS! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. These are the big dog DPS sets that add a ton of value. Getting a strong spammable and a good AOE ability early will allow you to level up faster and more efficiently. This build is intended for all levels of content: normal and veteran trials, normal and veteran dungeons, and general PvE! Reddit, Inc. 2023. Break Introspection to recast your DOTS once they fall off. Set bonus(1 item) Adds 1096Maximum Magicka(2 items) When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to create lava pools that swirl around you, dealing 1800Flame Damageto all enemies within 8 meters of you every 1 second for 5 seconds. Khajiit characters can primarily focus on enhancing their stamina attributes, which is great for solo players that want to generate a lot of damage and stamina against their enemies. Harpooners Kilt= considered best in slot PvE DPS mythic IF NOT taking direct damage. This is strictly a PVE skill. ESO: Dragonknight as the Melee DPS, tips, skills This is a great set if you can deal with the negative resource sustain. The Mages Guild offers a few potent skills for Magicka Dragonknight, including a powerful Ultimate, Meteor. Youll want to use this primary on a Templar and it can work on a Dragonknight as well. -- Wear mostly Heavy Armor (5-7 pieces). There are a ton of options here for Monster Sets, resource sustain, damage, aoe, you name it. Medusa= great DPS set because of the buff it provides and increase critical damage, comes from Arx Corinium dungeon normal or veteran. The DEATH KNIGHT Build is the Ultimate IMMORTAL Stamina Necromancer Build for ESO! This build is intended for all levels of content: normal and veteran trials, normal and veteran dungeons, and general PvE! (Long Respawn Time) (click to see image). Pickup the build if you want an ultra simple, easy and hard hitting build that can dominate in any content. VENOM SHOT is a unique build for the Stamina Dragonknight in The Elder Scrolls Online focused on doing massive Damage Over Time! The beam deals 2010 Flame Damage every 1 second to your enemy for 6 seconds. This line is focusing more on defense and crowd control abilities making it vital for Tank Dragonknights.,, Templars excel when they can be in the fray of combat and can pump out cleaves, AoE abilities, and Tanking abilities while allies focus on taking foes down. A sturdy Class with several defensive and utility skills, that can help you survive and crowd control enemies with ease. This is hard to answer. Zaan = amazing single target damage if in melee, obtained from Scalecaller Peak. 8/22/2022 final gear loadout overhauled and skills/rotation changed The Dragonknight is one of the best beginner classes in ESO and thus, one of the most used. For more details on all ESO Races and passive bonuses be sure to check out our Full ESO Race Guide. Poison Injection will further enhance a Stamina Dragonknights ability to deal poison damage. 3/9/2021 updated CP & changed monster set. And since its craftable you can get it very early in the game. Elder Scrolls Online: Best classes & races for Tank, Healer & DPS Overall, Dragonknights are excellent Tanks, very beginner friendly if you wish to learn the role well and great Damage dealers for both Magicka or Stamina builds. I recommend Mirri Elendis for Companion on this build with the set up below. Average players stick with fire staff. Now lets give you a clear sense of how to accomplish this with crafting, overland, dungeons, trials, mythic and more! Dragonstar Arena Sturdy Silver Prongs Lead Dragonstar Arena last chest after endboss, Imperial City Carved Signet Base Lead Imperial City Upstair Bosses, Blackwood Warm Asymmetrical Ruby Lead Oblivion Portal final Chest, Cyrodiil Weighted Spiked Bridge Lead Rewards from the Worthy Mail Box, Craglorn Wide Barbed Shank Lead Anomalies in Craglorn in the reward treasure chest, Nirncrux Mines. Plus its just a lot of fun to play! This Dragonknight Beginner Guide will teach you everything you need to know about the Class in ESO! This is a Members Only Video. Potions = Alliance War or spell power potions but make sure medical use is maxed via alchemy. The RUNE WALKER Build is the EASIEST Arcanist Build you can play in ESO for both Solo and Group Content! The two primary roles for Templars in The Elder Scrolls Online are Tank and Support, that is to say, the guy that takes hits and the guy that heals them. The Craft CP points are entirely customizable to however you want, or you can follow the list below. Magicka Dragonknight can use its class skills to create a powerful Fire Mage build for PVE or PVP. Depending on when youre watching this, the set will be toned down to 12% increase damage from the original value of 15%. This will unlock the potential of your Class and allow you to combine them for better results. The strength of this set is you get massive max stats on your back bar. Its more damage than Julianos and preforms better sustain DPS than Mech Acuity. Our Guides are designed with New and Intermediate players in mind! Fireheart is a close combat Magicka Dragonknight PVE Build in ESO, relying on strong flame DOT damage. There are also several Guild lines in the game that offer strong and important abilities. Ilambris = another great range DPS option, from Crypt of Hearts 1 base game. Right Here! Advanced and beginner gear setups. Both Magicka and Stamina Dragonknights benefit from the Class skills and can use them to create strong DPS or Tank builds along with other abilities. Make sure you maintain 100% uptime on your potion since it is your source of major sorcery. And it works for literally every class! 3/13/2023- no changes for Scribes of Fate Build your character exactly how YOU want by following this simple process from start to finish and FINALLY start enjoying ESO the way you want to play it! Now, youre ready to sweat up ESO PvE! Written Post Here: Arzyel also publishes videos on his YouTube channel! Cornflower, Ladys Smock, Water Hyacinth, Class (all), Light Armor (all), Medium Armor (all), Destruction Staff (all), dual wield (all), Undaunted (all), Racial (all), Mages Guild (all), Fighters Guild (all), Alchemy (Medicinal Use). The strength of this set is the proc is direct damage, which is almost all classes main spammable attacks. This is a Members Only Build. Downside is, its not a mobile set but can work starting off. Balorgh = insane burst set for bosses or solo arenas, comes from March of Sacrifices. To create a Magicka based Dragonknight(DD or Healer) allocate all your available attribute points to Magicka. The Undaunted skill line offers mostly support spells for all roles but also two powerful passives. Youll want a flex option if Kjalnars is being used by another player like a mythic or a backup monster. If you like what I do and want to help keep the website running, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi! Scan this QR code to download the app now. This set does very good damage in any situation and works with any class. This is my go to when playing Dragonknight or Templar in melee range because it just melts mobs. Thus, using a stamina based ability in Update 33 or in the future, will still scale in effectiveness of your max magicka/spell damage. Note: If you feel the build has enough stamina sustain and you want a little bit more damage, feel free to replace Burning Embers with Venomous Claw. Dragonknight is a versatile fighter class which is based on the ancient Akaviri martial arts. Active skills - the first weapons set. The Templar's Rushed Ceremony and Ritual of Retribution achieve similar effects and can be mixed and matched according to the player's preference. 2019-2023 ArzyeLBuilds. Every second, this damage increases by 100%. Azandar, Bastian, Ember, Isobel, Mirri and Sharp. This will assist you with sustain and will allow you to use your skills for longer. CRIMSON - ESO Magicka Dragonknight 117k DPS Guide | The Elder Scrolls Online - DeadlandsBuild Page: - Introduction1:04 - Stats1:36 - Consumables2:58 - Item Sets4:41 - Gear Setup5:30 - Bahsei and Battle Roar6:29- Skills7:45 - Champion Points8:25 - Alternative Setups9:54 - Rotation13:26 - Combat MetricsHello everyone, NefasQS here today with more Elders Scrolls Online content! Summoned Skeletons and Ice Magic will put a fearsome chill into your enemies! 5. Iceheart = great survivability set and best for newer players, obtained in Direfrost keep base game. Magnus Gift= good sustain set, craftable 4 traits (Greenshade, Rivenspire, Shadowfen). While more advanced players will eventually create another character, the Dragonknight is some players . GREEN: The Green Craft Constellation is focused on crafting and utility-centered upgrades. Set bonus(2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka(3 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance(4 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance(5 items) Adds 1528 Critical Chance. Kinrass Wrath = considered best in slot front bar mag DPS gear, comes from blackdrake Villa dungeon. And eventually, Id progress towards a trials set on the body at all times, a front bar high damage set and monster or a mythic for optimal damage. (1 item) Adds 1487 Spell Penetration(2 items) When you deal damage with a damage over time effect, you have a 8% chance to summon a meteor that deals 9000 Flame Damage to the target and 3535 Flame Damage to all other enemies within 5 meters. Regardless of the five piece set bonus, the three piece comes with minor slayer increasing your damage by a flat 5%. I pair this with mechanical acuity on VMA/Vateshran boss fights for utter carnage and killing bosses within 5 seconds. Warfare is the constellation that is focusing more on combat and provides bonuses to Damage Dealers, Tanks and Healers. Welcome to The ULTIMATE Magicka PvE DPS Gear Guide for ESO! . This is thanks to their different skill morphs, that allow you to choose from Fire based or Poison based effects, depending on your primary attribute, Magicka or Stamina. Welcome to, I hope you enjoy your time here on the site! The Dragonknight is the Class of Fire, Poison and Earth in The Elder Scrolls Online. One of the ESO Classes, available with the base game, that can help you create a powerful, Fire Mage, a strong melee fighter and one of the best Tanks in the game! When playing into the Support role, the Restoration Staff is the best option for the primary slow by a landslide for its powerful group heals. If you dont know, Tamriel Trader Centre is a great place to look for available gear sets on traders. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). DK chains haven't worked for like half a year or more. The Flurry ability morph Bloodthirst heals a significant amount of health while also dealing decent damage, a good pairing for a close combat Templar, while Whirlwind and Blade Cloak grant AoE damage in close range for the class. It offers a different morph for Magicka and Stamina builds. Neither vampire nor werewolf gives this build anything it needs. Also itll work great on parse dummies or dungeons where youre not touched. The mythic setup changes your build a bit depending on what you slot. Below you will find the recommended Active and Passive Champion Point Stars for this build, broken down into 300, 600, 900, and 1200 CP ranges. This is because Templars, while good in close combat, thrive when given plenty of Tanking and Support abilities alongside their normal skillset. This is next level DPS and folks have very specific builds to not over sustain and keeping their max magicka right around 15-25% to take full advantage of this gear. The massive damage output on this build is GREAT for Solo and even Group play in The Elder Scrolls Online! This is great because it carries your sustain and healing when starting out giving you back health and magicka when you kill mobs. Support Templars using the Restoration Staff skill tree will find it relatively easy to keep a party alive and thriving and still have time to get a few hits of their own in. Some great abilities to spec into are Wall of Elements, which is both a damaging and supporting spell, and Weakness to Elements, which reduces Spell Resistance significantly.