By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Cookie Notice Good AOE, your main attack will keep you at full health always. I'm new to ESO and I'm having difficulty choosing between the two classes. I will say DK all the way if you plan on doing everything solo. So I should stick with my imperial templar? Cookie Notice Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me! Thanks! Dragon Knight skill, Spiked Armor: Increases Armor by X for X seconds and returns X Physical Damage to melee attackers. IDK about you but I mainly just let's keep PvP out of this.I'm trying to play "Something different" after having 1300h gameplay mainly on my Mag Necro and after that Sta Blade Scan this QR code to download the app now. The only thing I can do is to run away. I know that every class can basically be whatever if you try hard enough. Both can tank, but Templars make much better healers and DragonKnights make better melee dps plus dragon wings and fire breath. Sure, you can play anyway you like but would you play class named "fire mage" as you would play a knight? but its more than plenty for solo. Dragonknight Nightblade Sorcerer Templar Warden Necromancer Player vs. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. but its more than plenty for solo. Which would be better in the long run? Dragonknight. Privacy Policy. TBH since latest patch release when it goes to my encounters I've met pretty strong both templars and DKs most of them (like 95%) are pretty manageable to kill, but only hmmmm FlameDKs (I'll use this term since divide into stam and magicka is less relevant) are the ones that cause more threat than I can take. ESO PvP Masterclass | Dragonknight Vs Templar - YouTube For more information, please see our Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. and our ESO - Murder Of Fire - Hybrid Dragonknight PVE Build - YouTube Any ideas of whom I should use? Reddit, Inc. 2023. DK, because they make PvP'ers who can't adapt cry. Reddit, Inc. 2023. Templar vs Dragonknight for beginner leveling and endgame - Reddit About DK - you can be a dd without staff. Templars vs. Dragonknights Elder Scrolls Online Templar has some good AOE and crowd controls as well as some good pulling attacks. Decent but definitely not the best at tanking and DPS. Also Stamina or Magicka? I was thinking to do that because I feel like it'll last longer with the shields and healing, but my DK has fairly good damage so I was stuck. Forois - Imperial Sorcerer of Ineptitude. I have at least two of every class and have more bugs, glitches, etc with him than any of the others. Description: Welcome to the Templar category, here you can find all the skill-lines related to the Templar class. Elder Scrolls Online: Best classes & races for Tank, Healer & DPS Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He wanted dual wield melee. Can you guys help me figure out the best choice for me? and our For solo pve, either are fine. Dragonknight | Elder Scrolls | Fandom #1 DargonBlak Mar 15, 2021 @ 11:03am 7/7 heavy armor, main set: Hunding's Rage, secondary attributes about evenly split between M and S, spell damage enchant on jewelry. You can really start to rip through stuff pretty quick that way. ESO Werewolf Builds - ArzyeLBuilds Templar or Dragonknight Elder Scrolls Online Templar A good mix of melee, ranged, and healing class abilities Stamina Regen for party/spell power buff (passive on ability use) so everything you are telling this guy, is magic and spell damage. All rights reserved. Fastest PvE toon I have played. I want to create two characters, one to pve and one do pvp, same class.Who is better to pve and pvp stamina dps? stamDK's rely heavily on dots and lack an class execute, so if you want an executable skill you will need a 2h. Now that I found out there was a massive balance update that turned everything on its head, I'm not even sure if any of the guides I read are worthwhile. Yep, unless you don't want the heal and your running a Stamina Templar. I want to roll as an Argonian, since I haven't done that in a while. Hey guys this is episode two of the master class series where I show you all how to beat every single class in the game on the DK. Reddit, Inc. 2023. This guide will also assume you are playing with two bars instead of the popular one-bar Oakensoul builds. Play whatever fits your character best - and you may end up changing later on anyway as you find abilities you enjoy. Definately recommend magicka temp. Environment Group (PvE) Stamina DPS & Tank Dragonknight DPS I've seen all classes kicking butt in both PVP and PVE and in my opinion the most important parts are the player, the build and skills used. I apologize for making a noob spam topic like this, but I also don't want to find myself having to repeat XX hours of content to make a character that doesn't suck. Dragonknight. For more information, please see our Once you figure out the mechanics and what to do, roll a DK too and play that. Archived post. Magplar because it do has an execute ability which heals you as well. Templar vs Dragonknight? Reasons? : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit Dragonknight | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki Actually I've played all these classes and I've come to the conclusion that the class isn't as important as the game-style. With templar, even a total noob can be unkillable. Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on September 25, 2014 5:02PM, Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main -, Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main, Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites, Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat), Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler, Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites, Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites, Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina, Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka, Edited by david.haypreub18_ESO on September 25, 2014 11:40PM, Edited by Curragraigue on September 26, 2014 12:27AM, ESO Best Races For Magicka DPS - Hack The Minotaur All rights reserved. Stamplar is generally considered to be in a better spot than stamDK this patch in PvP--but if you are making characters based on what is strongest, well bot DK and Templar are as stamina on similiar position in PvE as DD and in PvP are both in position under categor Bad, Adraria Argentum Draco - imperial Stamplar. I want a character that I can solo PvE and eventually be able to do PvP with when I get better. I like stam builds but hate mag builds, Some people like mag builds but hate stam. I would recommend a Templar for your first character. Dragonknight Class in ESO - Everything you need to know! Also, DW isn't anything spectacular in dps unless you stack a ton of sets that boost weapon damage. The Stamina Templar PVE build offers insane single-target damage as well as AOE damage. I want to be able to put out a lot of damage yet be able to sustain and survive. It is not going to change anytime soon. I'm having issues choosing between my imperial templar and my nord dragonknight. I know you didn't ask about NBs, but for straight solo play I've loved it strictly because the invisibility option. In the meantime I've been reading some guides and trying to figure out what's the best way to play the game. sDK will be way much better once we get stamwhip. Magplars edge out magdks by a bit but you really can't go wrong with either one. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Edit: I understand every class can do every roll, I'm simply trying to find out which roles these classes most easily lend themselves to. I've bought the game on sale, but haven't started playing it yet. Dragon Knights can specialize on three distinctive class skills. Bow, 2 hand, 1 hand & shield and dual wield damage, scales with max stamina.. (so does fighters guild skills I believe). #3 TropicalCreeperz May 22, 2018 @ 2:13am Originally posted by Seven ate you: Dragonknight vs Templar : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit Both classes have their advantages and disadvantages. I would say it's more important what you do with that class after you choose it. They also have many melee DPS abilities. For offensive capability, Magicka Templar has arguably the best spammable in the game in Puncturing Sweep and the best execute ability in Radiant Glory. Maintenance for the week of June 19: PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance - June 19, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance - June 19, 10:00PM EDT (June 20, 02:00 UTC) - June 20, 5:00AM EDT (09:00 UTC) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Stamina Dragonknight is a strong, poison-based DPS Class that can deal massive damage in melee range. I hear DKs are stronger in PvP, and certain PvE situations, but your Templar will cruise through PvE without ever stopping. When you push them, they have insane heals and defenses, when they push you even with capped resistances your HP melts down within seconds. Having a hard time choosing either templar or dragonknight. - Reddit Templar has some good AOE and crowd controls as well as some good pulling attacks. Powerful Dragonknight Builds for ESO. Your main attack also heals you, so death is rare. Dragonknight PvE DPS Guide | Update 35 - Lost Depths | ESO Coming from a nightblade and trying to decide which one to pick before I invest a lot of time. [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance - June 16, 00:00 UTC (June 15, 8:00PM EDT) - June 16, 4:00 UTC (12:00AM EDT) Leave a Reply Edelner This game is bragging about the play as you want style.. How can you combine stamina weapons with class skills and do damage? All rights reserved. Just kite dks and youll be fine also. The Magicka Templar class is one of my all-time favorite builds for Solo play in ESO, with a great mix of offense, defense and sustain. 0:00 16:04 Dragonknight PvE DPS Guide | Update 35 - Lost Depths | ESO Skinny Cheeks 49.3K subscribers Join Subscribe 38K views 6 months ago DPS Guides for ESO Thanks for watching my PvE DPS. Right Here! Back then they were not in a good place in PVP where as Templar has always been strong to a certain degree. and our These bonuses allow them to adapt to anything. Privacy Policy. I prefer my Templar because their intrinsic healing abilities just get me out of sticky situations more often than not. Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on August 23, 2018 5:42PM. And for my templar I converted puncuring jabs to biting jabs instead of puncturing sweep.. was that a mistake? The physical damage returner to melee attackers, is higher if you have more spell damage or/and magicka. Dragonknight Class Builds for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) - AlcastHQ And I'm going to sound really stupid and I'll realize once you say it what it is, but what do you mean when you says buffs and buff food? Stamina templar or stamina Dragon Knight PvP :: The Elder Scrolls I personally play as a DK but both are fine for solo. Templar vs Dragonknight? With the Dragonknight, you bring ruin in the form of molten metal and fire. Jun 20 2023 ESO Solo PvE Tier List 2023 The ESO Solo PvE Tier List 2023 compiles the best and worst build rankings for The Elder Scrolls Online Update 38, Necrom Chapter. Alright thanks. I am facerolling stuff with my level 23 DK. Pairing perfectly with either the Nord or the Imperial, this class prioritizes strength, and resistance, and has some fantastic bonuses. Btw a question for all of you guys, would you recommend stamina or magika build? I put 3 points in magika, 3 in health, and 1 in stamina but from now on I'll pump all,my points into health and stamina. The Stamina Dragonknight is the strongest Stamina DPS Class in ESO right now. And I'll focus on stamina then because I've only morphed biting jabs to stamina and one other which is Magika, so I can just continue to morph skills to stamina and pump points into stamina. Its very tedious and difficult up to level 42 dawns wrath but once your there and get jesus beam its game over for people. ESO Grind Build for Magicka Setups - AlcastHQ A easy build to get started in ESO. Thanks for any responses! The only reason biting jabs is nice on stamina is if Im low on Magika I usually have full stamina to spam that. While we're waiting for servers to come online.. Best Magicka Grind Build for ESO. The meta is changing all the time, so templar and DK may not be nearly as strong as you expect by the time you've finished grinding skill points and leveling skills. By Deltia | Updated for Necrom Chapter on June 20th, 2023, Update 38 All rights reserved. pls tell me like, I am wondering the same thing as this guy posting questions you can't answer.. What Is The Best ESO Class in PvP? He's a great. A templar can be a tank and still be viable plus they feel more like a traditional paladin compared to a dragonknight. 3 14 comments shadowheart62 3 yr. ago If you are looking to tank, dragonknight would be your better choice, however the major drawing point of eso is that any class can be any role. The rededication shrines are in Mournhold in the Central Building that houses the Bank. And of cause templar class. Tomorrow I'll pop by and let you know what skills I have on my bar, for all we know one makes a big difference. Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop! Dragonknight or templar? ESO - Skillbook | Templar By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Cookie Notice Not super interested in PvP but I'll probably mess around with it at some point. All rights reserved. Elder Scrolls Online Templar vs Dragonknight? The class I've found is easiest to play solo is a sorcerer. !"Those who Slay To. If you are not min/max-er, then you can do anything on every class/race. Templar and Dragon Knight comparison : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit Full Magicka Grind Build for all Classes. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It sounds like you want to do primary magicka, so I would recommend the same as. When it comes to PvP there are very strong builds for both Templar and DK. Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina Guild Master - ESO Traders Union Last Updated: 2023-03-23 Should you play this build? 5 17 comments Draymont 2 yr. ago Well, "fun" is really relative. Help Me Decide Between Dragonknight or Templar : r - Reddit As noone else has jumped in I'll say what I said the last time someone asked this - you can find that thread if you flick back a bit. PvP Duel Templar vs Dragonknight for The Elder Scrolls Online Consider how likely you are to want to change roles in the future. I recently started up a 1hand and shield DK and am not having the troubles you are saying (just hit 11). Dragon Knight has some good 1vs1 attacks and just 1 good heal (The other heals aren't that great.) I was wondering if those who played in beta could give me a run down on the difference between these 2 classes. Playing as a DPS Dragonknight in The Elder Scrolls Online has NEVER been SO MUCH FUN!The Murder of Fire stamina Dragonknight is BACK but is NOW a full HYBRI. Reasons? Which would be better for a new player? What should I know before I hop in, what should I prioritize/watch out for, and which class would work best for this kinda play? VaIerius. Do you just morph your abilities to stamina based instead of Magika based ones or how would you go down the staMina skI'll line? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Is the second zone pretty deep into the game? This ESO solo Stamina Dragonknight build deals poison and fire damage and utilizes the same abilities that make it the best tank class in the game to make in an unstoppable force while soloing! If the reason you're planning on switching is to chase the meta, you're likely to be disappointed. Probably I'm not going to touch PvP. Bc I know armor and potions make up for health like you said. I say wood because knockback is available early for bows and destruction staves. Templars are the only class to have direct healing abilities outside of the Resto Staff skill line. The basicmost problem w the tank role is that--at least at PvE games w PvP--you won't have good dmg cuz otherwise it would spell disaster, as experienced players would eat the rest of players w extremely tanky DPS's at PvP. Is one noticeably better/more fun? Pesky trolls. just laugh and smack them down. What skill line is rapid strikes? Beginning of february. What are the pros and cons of each? Name of the DK is a bit misleasing and that is why people are playing it the wrong way. For a noobie, this is what you can expect: Solo PvP'er, GM of Holy Grail Seekers. 146 Dislike Share Deltia's Gaming 129K subscribers You wanted duels, you got one as I take on Dizzy friend of my stream. If you want to go stamina with one of those two and play both PVP and PVE, the clear answer is templar. All I'll say is in MY exp the dk survival is better (in large part because purging as a templar right now can be FUUUUUN. This is mainly because of the Molten Whip spammable, that allows the Class to use half stamina and half magicka to cast it! most here will suggest you DK, but in learning the game you also may think the templar is a good choice, becouse of his powerfull survivability heaingl spells, since level 1. it will keep in life your alt, easily, just in the most important step aproching the game: the begin. Wait! Which one would you advise? Skilllines: Ardent Flame Draconic Power Earthen Heart Ardent Flame Draconic Power PvE and PvP Meta and Beginner Guides for the Dragonknight Class in the Elder Scrolls Online. Some people say DK is OverPowered in PVP but I can neither confirm or deny this. Privacy Policy. But I'm really just wondering what the strengths of each class are along with the roles they fill the best. 0 28 comments Best Add a Comment space_cadet_cake 2 yr. ago Templar because fwoosh fwoosh heals. The ESO Solo Templar Stamina Build for PvE is for players that are looking to complete solo content with a solid, survivable stamina class. 9 21 comments Best Add a Comment JMadFour 8 yr. ago To further this discussion.. - If anyone is in the JST timezones and wants to play with a chill noob who loves questing and chilling out, hit me up! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Category: Dragonknight Other skill lines in Dragonknight : Draconic Power and Earthen Heart The Ardent Flame skill-line is part of the Dragonknight toolkit and has a focus on offensive abilities. . One thing myself didn't know before I was actually vet 3. It also relies on strong DOT abilities . First I recommend using a high elf, however dark elf also works fine. Templar. Just *** a level 41 sorc people dont realize but evlipse is like a lock down killer for sorcs. ESO Solo Stamina Dragonkight - ESO | Just Loot It by Lucky Ghost Just play what you enjoy - Templar is a very 'Paladin' like class, with lots of light/holy abilities, healing and bubbles. Dragon Knight or Templar? : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit Whereas DragonKnight is more fire and rage. And then a Sorcerer and then a Nightblade. During the stream he challenged me (and for the last week). Can someone help me out a bit? Both excel at being tanks, although many say DKs are better by a larger margin. Solo PvE, Templar. Dragonknights are found amongst the ranks of the Imperial Legion, as this book details. The Akaviri heavily influenced Imperial culture and interbred with the Imperials, with the result of many Imperials now having some Akaviri blood. Either class is good enough. The best ESO class for a Tank is the Dragonknight. Have not rolled a Templar yet, but my DK completed the Leveling zones/Coldharbor/Molag Bal at L46, where my Sorc and NB were at VR1 and struggled a bit more than the DK did. If you're splitting your DPS between magicka and stamina, you might find your damage output is lower than it could be if you specialize in one.