Why hasnt it been shut down already? Agnes in Rockville Centre by Bishop John Barres. Whenever The Church grants dispensations from the obligations of the clerical state, she acts with heartfelt regret (par. This Tradition contains three aspects, as aptly summarized in no. It is implausible. Danny Frost, director of communications for the Manhattan district attorney, declined to comment, writing in an email to NCR that the office "does not confirm whether investigations exist. I wish Morris all the best. Morro said that Presnell was taking care of her oldest son who was in a hospital intensive care unit in Tennessee for several days after a car accident, and that she had previously done depositions on the case. You provide nothing but shrill vituperation to support whatever case you think you have. That was one shiny apple with a very rotten core. I totally agree! At the left of your screen you will find posts from active priests, priests who have transitioned, laity, and those in relationships of love with priests. It was Mr. Stone who initiated the legal proceedings in Jefferson County Family Court in an effort to gain custody or visitation with his son. Then, as here, they may wish to not betray their obvious attachment to their Priestly life experience desiring to somehow work that into their next life or calling. Plenty of us married people have looked back and thought that we were too young to make a marriage promise unduly influenced by our parents, siblings, friends, the times ignorant of our spouses true shortcomings et cetera to infinity and yet, here we are. I wish Morris the affective maturity and vocational contentment he clearly was doing without all these years. What I see is someone who clearly has a personal axe to grind. He himself outed his decision, did he not? Saint Vincent DePauls Church, Miami FL. The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order. Seriously. I remember Bishop Sheen saying that the first thing that may tempt priests is not putting prayer first. It is an ongoing scandal that this religious cult is still in existence. Who are YOU to cast the first stone? I read this article with interest since I am a laicized priest. According to Gomez's account, Rutler entered his office to check the election results and then switched over to viewing pornography. Whatever some Laity may think of their inured sensibilities to difficulties its the young man considering a vocation who is adversely affected by Fr Morris words on FOX as well as the ordained priest in doubt. Msgr R Knox whom I learned of more closely on this Site gives the most pointed response to the question, Gods Antecedent and Consequent will. The hierarchy should be prostrate at Morris feet begging forgiveness for abandoning him and countless other men to such a corrupt man as Maciel and the cult he founded. Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word 5821 Old Leeds Road Irondale, AL 35210-2164; Categories. "I really don't think that he did it," Damsky said. Thanks to all who have commented and expressed empathy for Jonathan. She claimed that on the early morning of Nov. 4, the priest "aggressively threw himself on me and grabbed me sexually, aggressively, and I was fighting him off of me.". May the graces of the Immaculate Conception , the holy , non carnal joy of the parents of our Blessed Mother esp.related to this event , fill our hearts , by taking in same , for ourselves on behalf of our parents and generations too , to drive out the death spirits and every related spirits . PPS: Im still an orthodox practicing Catholic. I encourage everyone to read Skojecs blog https://onepeterfive.com/why-im-not-so-quick-to-judge-jonathan-morris-for-leaving-the-priesthood/. Gonzalez told News 12 that Rutler was "like a monster," describing the alleged attack on her second day during the job. Morris offered shallow commentaries; and he never seemed manly or priestly this is just my own personal impression. , It has been deemed quite necessary and quite healthy for centuries. publicly and crudely left the priesthood. Then there is the praise Morris offers to Cardinal Dolan for his role in the petition process. Father Michael Manning: A popular TV priest evangelist since 1972 and member of a religious order dedicated to preaching. In January 2020, president and chief operating officer of EWTN News, Dan Burke,announced his departure. One does not lightly place this in a desk drawer with ones Roman collar. It gave two more gifts of $250,000 each . Im just tired of people blaming the wrong people for the ills of the Church. I can tell you very blatantly that if priests were married and women more involved in the day-to-day matters, the scandals would be handled very differently. I just heard about Father Johnathan leaving the priesthood, so I am behind on this forum. Due to this lack of basic understanding, the statement of SNAP is replete with false information regarding the situation and Mr. Stone. At age 13 enter the Legion of Mary and at 21 in the Legion of Christ. Insight #1: The Kingdom of priests verses. Any of these situations are difficult.". In addition to EWTN, which has temporarily suspended Rutler's programs, the 75-year-old priest has been a regular contributor to Crisis Magazine and his weekly newsletter has been reprinted by the fringe right-wing website Church Militant. How its current members can still remember fondly the psychopath Maciel boggles the mind. I am a bit confused though why anyone would feel the need to be pushed into becoming a priest if his needs were not truly met in his heart. If this subjectivity is egoistic or self-serving we do not know but we shall continue to pray for him and all priests who are continually troubled with similar issues. I would hope our era is special enough to embrace reality rather than continue being willfully blind and ignorant about the reasons priests went from being allowed wives and families to not. Some men may dream of being a priest from the time they are young boys, and others may come to think of it later. We had so much hope for the future of the Church, but Johnathan leaving is another example of the disappointment we have been hit with lately in the Church. His ministry has been highly visible, including the authorship of books and articles on the Catholic faith, as well as his service as an analyst for Fox News. June 17, 2019 This is why we continually pray for the purity of priests. I cordially greet Cardinal Dario Castrilln Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation, and I thank him for his kind words addressed to me in the name of all present. In granting dispensations from the clerical state, the Church is not endorsing the departure of the priest, but rather is letting love conquer sorrow: There are some whose priesthood cannot be saved, but whose serious dispositions nevertheless give promise of their being able to live as good Christian lay people. Stone has been in a lengthy custody battle with Christina Presnell, the mother of his child, according to Jefferson County Court records.A spokeswoman for SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, was in Birmingham on Tuesday to discuss the case. It would strike me that is a frequent reasons for priests to leave the Priesthood. Fr. "If I didn't believe they were true, I wouldn't be representing her. Is there a reason for your plethora of periods? Your email address will not be published. I ask Gods mercy, and yours, as I repent and seek to do better while relieved of what has become a stumbling block.. Vows to Godwhat are they , really ? Thank you for your generosity! Knowing ones state in life, and the possibilities and limitations entailed in that state, help the discerning Christian to understand spiritual movements and the possibilities (and impossibilities) related to Gods will for him. Immediately upon reading this article the battered question of Benedict XVIs resignation flashed. Married to a woman, very unlikely. (par. Rather they are like the saints have always been. First, there are the verses my opponent has quoted about all believers being priests, that we are a "kingdom of priests" or a "royal priesthood." Evangelicals often think this is a uniquely Protestant doctrine, but it's not. In the words of Mother Angelica: "Our Blessed Lady, Mother of the Eternal Word, is the surest and safest means to Jesus. Certainly it is not the same Catholic rock Ive been sitting on.. This is particularly true if he wants to keep his career at Fox. Have not seen him on TV for some time and I wonder how his second career has worked out?? "The bishops in some states have not been taken to task. He fathered a child born in 2008. Following his graduation from Seminary, he entered the MFVA community in October 2004 and he . These are the moments that define our Church. What I find difficult to understand is why he continued to build up his very public media career AS A PRIEST even though he was having these doubts! All the while many Cardinals and other clergy in Rome (including JP2) knew full well what a monster Maciel was. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Stop worrying [however you got here] He wants you, now, to be a priest, and a good priest.. . George Rutler, following charges that he sexually assaulted a. Fr. I wish the best for him but cant help thinking that celebrity priests are more tempted than others may be. And, many of these situations may not have happened at all! This is sad in so many ways . What about them? At first glance, there seems to be a certain logic in Father Morris decision to announce and explain in such a public way his decision to petition for laicization. The day a man is ordained a priest, everyone congratulates him and exclaims: Hosanna in the highest. Years later, the same man perhaps unhappy, probably disheartened and possibly depressed, leaves the priesthood, what does he hear? It will take an amazing amount of strength to make the transition. She met Stone in 1998, went to confession with him as her priest and considered him her spiritual adviser, then began a sexual relationship with him in 2001. As a priest I was surprised and disappointed to read about JMs statement about now wanting to have a wife and family in his mid 40s. I would seriously consider reading the testimony of Dr. Gloria Polo on blog spot. Havent you looked at a parish lately? However, it must be pointed out that NOBODY really knows what lies ahead in their vocation. Not married couples, not monastics, not clergy. One difference between marriage and ordination is that no man is ordained a priest without years of training and discernment. What should we make of this? You rhetorically ask why he we should listen to anything he has to say once he is laicized. But as someone who loved Jonathan Morris and held a great respect for his spiritual views on contemporary problems, and as a woman whose atheist husband (we have been married 47 years) always made sure to listen to Fr. I use this title because Morris is still a priest, though he notes that his archbishop, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, has granted Morris request and suspended him from exercising public ministry as part of the process of petitioning for laicization. Everything is pending the outcome of the trials. The yearnings , thus the prayers of many for this priest could be serving as a The reality of Fr Morris. I'll take down either oneI'm constantly learning from the animals. Morris , I am much more than sad , disappointed, discouraged. For example, for the person who is basically maturing and growing closer to Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit is strengthening and encouraging, giving peace, comfort, joy, and delight, and sustaining growth. Starting at 8 a.m. Lets all say a little pray for Father Morris and all our good parish priests, who sacrifice for us every day of their lives. A person needs peace and separation from noise to see more clearly, especially when there is a murky past to be healed. As a friend recently wrote to me, Youre still working for the same boss!, For years I have preached and even written books on waiting in peace for Gods perfect plan and timing. In addition to its programming and staffing changes, over the last year EWTN has undergone a number of shifts at the top of the multi-million dollar enterprise. Stone's primary concern has always been, and remains today, his son's well being," Bradford and Ladner said in a prepared statement. **********. My name is Juan Rivas Pozas. But more complicated. First, God bless Father Morris, who seems to be a priest of sincere Catholic faith, animated by a strong desire to do Gods will. Instead he chose the long slow, diplomatic route while while young people were being destroyed by a Church approved cult. There is strong reason to believe that he was pressured into a vocation that he was not really not cut out for by some very unscrupulous people. Alberto Cutie (KOO'-tee-ay . Larry Richards. God bless him for his decision, and let the naysayers live their own life as they see fit. Physical custody for Stone "should be a viable option in this case," he wrote. His suit jacket was trim-fit. (remember we arent medieval peasants; were teachers, doctors, business people, infantry officers etc. Morris spoke about having coffee with his brothers. If you make a vow to God, you must keep it and so it is better not to make if you dont want to keep it. For his last "Mercy Friday" during the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis spent the afternoon visiting seven young men who have left the priesthood, as a sign of . I just feel that the catholic church is letting us all down.. to many years of lies and coverups .. Bless you for persevering in your vocation of marriage. Men must strive to be holy before they even think about becoming a priest. My bet is that Morris is married within two years of being laicized. The Lord said to me: Is it not enough for you, to be with me? Do we believe, He in in us and we are in Him? I hope though that whatever woke in his heart at that initial stirring may truly blossom perhaps at another congregation or maybe as a diocesan priest. Morris, I was in formation under the direction of a homosexual predator. The author presupposes that the Church and individual men cannot make mistakes, that whatever happens in the Church is Gods will, and that a man seeking to leave the priesthood is having a crisis of faith and is going against Gods will. If its you my welcome. Why are you so bitter about celibacy? I do not believe this represents idle gossip. Thank you. Naval offices before their commissioning: Post-decision steadiness is more important than pre-decision certainty. Fr. is in love, and trying to decide if he wants to leave the priesthood. I am particularly concerned about the possibility of scandal given to seminarians and young priests, as I am a seminary formator and faculty member. all incredibly faithfull Catholics and incredibly good people as well. Again, I do not pretend here to address every priestly crisis, but only to offer some general thoughts that ought to guide priests during times of vocational doubt and discouragement. The hierarchy let this lie fester for decades and as a direct result let many people get abused all for the sake of money, appearances and power. Learn more. After Morris ended his death penalty opining, Hemmer asked Morris about his change of state. Our Lady of the Atonement was founded by Fr. James Martin, an editor-at-large at America Media who is also a consulter to the Vatican's communications dicastery, told NCR that "Far too much of the commentary on EWTN is already reflexively critical of Pope Francis. They would tell people to join even if they had no desire to basically do the opposite of what you want because thats holier.. Why is our era so very very special? The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. All that is good seems gone. Is God really calling this man out of the priesthood and into a continued life of public commentary? Anthony was ordained to priesthood and served as Vocation Director, Novice Master, Postulant Director, MFVA Council, and was Community Servant for nine years. Maurice Maziers THE PRIEST TODAY Mons. In the most recent civil court filing today, March 25, a clinical psychologist's reports on both Presnell and Stone were submitted. Born in Quebec, Canada, 1924. I understand that the warped formation and despicable leadership of the LOC, the pressure to follow through, and the unstable times in the church and the world should be taken into account by those charged with discernment and judgment in this particular case; and, that further, we are called to show mercy and choose what will best lead to the salvation of a persons soul (including releasing him or her from vows and the mministry). An article on Fathers Morriss decision to ask for permission to leave the priesthood that omits any mention of his background in the Legionnaires of Christ is woefully incomplete at best. besides we are dealing with way, way, way worse issues than a priest who wants to leave, get married and have kids (all with Romes permission btw). Its just as likely that this priest made a mistake and so did the Church. The,at least, six years ofI seminary trading prepares a seminarian to be the Churchs authority on the spiritual world and not to confuse this calling with being an authority and interpreter about the secular worlds clash with the divine authority of the Church in the manner of a priest saving his own soul! (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[4]='MMERGE4';ftypes[4]='text';fnames[5]='MMERGE5';ftypes[5]='text';fnames[6]='MMERGE6';ftypes[6]='number';fnames[7]='MMERGE7';ftypes[7]='radio';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Cardinal Sarah offers five ways to deal with crisis of faith in the world, Indiana Supreme Court: Abortion ban does not violate state constitution, U.S. bishops praise Supreme Courts unanimous Groff v. DeJoy religious freedom decision, Catholic universities blast Supreme Court affirmative action decision, Former New Mexico priest indicted on child sex abuse charges, I would simply say the first movie was greatly comic book adventure with minimal true gore, while the following movies, Well, at least I know the difference between perpetrating and perpetuating. I know he did not make this decision without spending a great deal of prayer and personal anguish, to fully discern that he is doing what is pleasing to God and in accord with His plan for his life. 3. Leslie you have many comments so you must have vast knowledge. In May 2011, Presnell said that the boy told her that his father put his finger in the boy's anus, causing him to defecate on the bed. Morro filed an appeal of Norman's ruling on March 6.Morro, a former police officer, said his client's allegations of abuse against Stone are credible. Knox, above, got it right. Divorcing an abusive spouse, for example, is choosing divorce as the lesser of two evils. I do not intend in this article to say whether Morris petition itself is in harmony with Gods will. Morris isnt the first former LOC priest to seek laicization. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 4/4/2023), Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (updated 7/1/2023). In his interview with McCallum, Morris expresses his gratitude for the fatherly way in which Cardinal Dolan has supported him throughout this process. That applies here. God is the judge. I hunt varmints and I hunt food. One way to help priests remaining faithful until the end is to meditate the Word of God and read lives of saintly priests. What do you think of it all? Your contribution will help us continue to make CWR available to all readers worldwide for free, without a subscription. The Church can, and does make mistakes regarding ordination and so do individuals. He is a good looking man and Im sure there are many women who were in his parish just wishing that they may have the opportunity to find someone in life like him. My impression as I have read and watched Morris testimonials is of a relatively smooth transition from the clerical to the lay state. He had two choices, get out because he was forced, or, give himself to the Sacred Heart of the Son of God, the Merciful one. Rather, we attempt to understand, to plumb the depths of our common human nature. Tolkien and also the appendices to the books, then you arent nerdy enough. "Transformation happened in a decaying Roman Empire and it can happen in our quaking modern imperium, but only by facing reality. I read your comments on brainwashing in the Legion. Perhaps, in fact, such a statement can sow seeds of doubt in the hearts of men who might otherwise have trusted in the constancy of the Lord and the permanence of their call to His holy priesthood. Gerald Murray, pointing to the recent removal of a Puerto Rican bishop and the pope's refusal . Morris doing there? I couldnt answer her. I am married, have taken vows to love and honor and cherish this one woman, but I am now burning with desire for another woman, and therefore I should be allowed to divorce my wife and marry the other woman, because it is better to marry than to burn and I dont want to cause scandal?, Eastern Rite Catholics do not, nor do Eastern Orthodox Christians., But as I understand it they can ordain a married man a priest, but a priest cannot marry, and cannot remarry if his wife dies; and bishops must be celibate. Nor has he misrepresented himself or the Church in any way Personally, I think he is a very good example to the American public of an intelligent, faithful Catholic man. He certainly means you to be a priest now; your priesthood is contained, if not in his antecedent will, at least in his consequent will. THE FRIARS MISSION & HISTORY SPIRITUALITY & CHARISM RULE OF ST. FRANCIS & MFVA CONSTITUTIONS ESPAOL VOCATIONS ARE YOU BEING CALLED? A good priest in this modern age. Brainwashing was their experience. Starting at 8 a.m. Sign up to receive a weekly email with news, analysis, and commentary from a voice you can trust! It is not that divorce is in any way a good thing. Of course, a priest can live in grace as well. During his interview with Gordon, the EWTN priest was asked by a listener how to best engage with one's enemies. Maybe to much adulation, too much hubris, too many groupies leads to this. I agree with others here that, as a member of LoC, he was very likely pressured and manipulated into becoming a priest. And the ones who dont leave are doing a disservice to Christ and to their congregations. Because he appeared on tv? ET on EWTN: Holy Mass and Rosary on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Memorial of Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr Tell us where you're. "Presnell, 47, was widowed in 1999 after a 13-year marriage and had two daughters and a son with her husband. "The actions of SNAP in recent days are baseless, misguided, and driven by a lack of information as to the true and correct facts regarding Mr. Stone, his son, Ms. Presnell, and the ongoing litigation. Given the way in which he handled this, however, how could he have approached his exit in any other way than to put a positive spin on leaving the priesthood? Quan Tran is a parochial vicar at St. Bonaventure Parish in Huntington Beach, California, in the Diocese of Orange. The 18-second footage, obtained by NCR, shows the back of a man sitting underneath a cluster of religious icons and portraits watching a computer screen depicting a man performing oral sex on another man. John Paul quickly reversed that policy and stemmed the flow. Men are men and are yet, also very human. She brought Christ-and His saving Word-into the world and, therefore, we can rely on her . Vocation Prayer. he decided that this is not for him this is sad when a priest leaves, however he has to be happy and at peace if it is not for him, he must move on.., Depending on how you define happy and at peace. Tell me, would you say the same about a husband who decided this is not for him, he must move on?. I havent seen him, but if, as I suspect, he has been on television specifically because he is a priest (Now were going to hear comment and analysis from a priest as opposed to Heres Jonathan Morris, who is an expert on canon law or whatever), then youre quite right. Thats very true but in the case of the LOC, what type of training would one receive & how would that enable real discernment? That is ok, there is still opportunity for his salvation and redemption. Is the next argument going to be, Well, its just too mean that an Orthodox priest who is used to being married cant remarry if his wife dies, thats going to cause burning and scandal. Can you advise percentage of homosexual and pedaphile priests. He was born in Vietnam, but fled the country at age six with his family [], If you arent nerdy enough to read The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. I have not seen him make any mention of what he would do if he were instructed to return to the active ministry. BTW Father, I dont think giving scandal is an issue here. Yet as a public figure he is responsible for his public statements on this matter, and I am afraid that the impression he has given is that there is a relatively smooth path out of the priesthood for those so called by God. I believe our lives evolve as we mature and often in conjunction with our growing faith. Until this matter is adjudicated it is prudent to avoid comment and potential libel. Charles Fox I am catholic.. Except an annulment is actually a declaration of nullity, stating that the marriage was never valid to begin with. While in college he visited the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word and entered in 1993. The secular, unspiritual armosphere in which Fr. To that end, he continues to look forward to the true facts regarding this situation being brought forth in the courts as soon as possible. This is from it; For some taking the evidence seriously presents a snag, since it implies striving for this same kind of transformation within oneself as a starting point for improving the world. WE HAVE TO HAVE HOPE THAT MARYS IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH. Morris is not the problem. I am wondering how credible a vow till death do us part sounds coming from someone who took, and abandoned, a lifelong vow. In a chapel at the headquarters of EWTN Global Catholic Network in Irondale today, EWTN Chaplain Joseph Wolfe described the last three days of Mother Angelica's life and her death on Easter Sunday. To be honest, its refreshingly normal and wholesome compared to what the clergy have subjected us to these last 50 years. Mr. Stone adamantly denies all allegations of any wrongdoing regarding his son, and is of the opinion that the false charges are the result of an effort to gain advantage in the Family Court proceeding. Msgr. Morris says that he struggled for years with regards to his priestly calling, often discussing it seriously with his spiritual guides. Regardless, for him to address the nation on Fox News about his decision, seems entirely inappropriate and imprudent. The answer: because hes still a human being, a child of God and a fellow Catholic. Its nice to have such things settledlike indissolubility of marriage, which here involves more of the affected and possibly hanging-on faithful. These men hide their ambition behind their love and fervor for Christ. I have met many Catholic priests who are understanding, balanced, and down-to-earth; both in person, and throughout history. Morris reports that he has no ax to grind against the Church, and that God is not calling him away from public life, at least not in the long-term. We are devoted to Mary because she is, of course, the mother of the Eternal Word-Jesus. His wrist was adorned with a big bold flashy watch. Follow him on Twitter: @CWWhite212. Im thinking of Fr. | By EWTN | Facebook Log In Forgot Account? Those allegations have shocked parishioners and associates of Rutler, as they seek to reconcile the accusations with their own experience of the politically and theologically conservative priest known for his regular appearances on EWTN and prolific writings where he derided "abortionists and the sodomites," advocated for traditional liturgical practices and regularly criticized Pope Francis. Contact Us. I get the impression that Fr. "He is out of the ministry. I realized that the man-made sacraments of my church and my good works were in vain for salvation. Perhaps Father Morris decision to handle his decision differently from other clerics by making public statements has not been as helpful as he hoped it would be. I lived my life as a priest among men who were predominantly homosexual and homosexualist. PS: Dont laud Benedict for doing the bare minimum by making Maciel retire after decades of known abuse. Situation of the clergy before the tridentine renewal. She has permission from our church to share her testimony and judgement before God. Interestingly , the truth that is esp. Not all women could cope with this. In my congregation, all the doors open outwards, if you want to flee by day or night you can do it, but do not expect us to pat you on the back when the Church is waging a decisive battle against her enemies. Now I have a chance to live it!. Rather, I would like to offer some general thoughts regarding petitions for laicization, and a more specific critique of Morris public statements. His platform then becomes the devilish one of a man who left the Catholic priesthood for some fascinating reasons which, when fully known, will affirm everything bad we suspect about the Church. Saint Paul may have written in the Bible that it is better to marry than to burn, and of course scandal should be avoided; but the time to decide that is before being ordained.