The practical significance lies in exploring and verifying the effective practices of reducing workplace cynicism in the Chinese context to reduce employees' negative work attitudes and behaviors and ultimately improve individual and organizational performance. Theories differ on what factors comprise job motivation. Herzberg F. first. Frederick Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory was used as the theoretical framework. This study was conducted to test the Herzbergs motivation and hygiene theory and its focus of this research was to know the motivational factors that employees consider important for boosting their performance and effectiveness. 0000016730 00000 n
The study applied Slovins formula, with 92 rank-and-file employees responding, and the data collected were analyzed using weighted mean and descriptive equivalents. Health Worker Motivation in Africa: the Role of Non-Financial Incentives and Human Resource Management Tools. %PDF-1.7
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environment are poorly understood. startxref Globalization is causing markets to transition from traditional to digital, and as new things are developed, product lifecycles are getting shorter. Herzberg two-factor theory was used as the framework for this study. Thus, salary is a clear prerequisite for motivation, indispensable for life and needed to satisfy the basic needs of survival and security. It is important in the work place. The upper west region is also bedeviled with low level of education, poor infrastructure and poor road network and for that matter northern Ghana has been the concern of many people, especially of northern exaction. Though senior members enjoy professional allowance, book and research allowance, free medical care, off-campus allowance and entertainment allowance they complained that the amount involved was insufficient. There are studies supporting the results of this research, which stated appropriate performance management (i.e., promotions, supervisions, continuous education and opportunities of new knowledge-skills) can positively influence the motivation of health employees. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 26.0. The situation is even more serious in developing countries where working conditions are unattractive. Lowe G, Schellenberg G, Harry S. Correlates of Employees Perceptions of a Healthy Work Environment. A combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators has been shown to improve health employee motivation, retention, and performance. In Table 3, it was found that a large number of respondents were mostly before March 13, 2020, the period before COVID and employees (2,973, 90.7% of the total) were mainly motivated by extrinsic factors 8.26 (Doctors 8.16, Nurses 8.35, Other health professionals 8.19) in relation to intrinsic factors (Doctors 8.03, Nurses 7.88, Other Health Professionals 7.44). Literature review showed that hospital performance is largely determined by the engagement of staff, especially regarding the increase of organizational effectiveness of a hospital. The Effects of Autonomy, Experience, and Person- Organization Fit on Job Satisfaction: The Case of Public Sector. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors and the balance between them seem to be important for motivating hospital employees (27). Scandura TA, Lankau MJ. Work and the Nature of Man. Effort 'I worked really hard today'. There are factors affecting student motivation and student achievement considerably on the basis of establishing effective and efficient learning-teaching process in education systems. Employee motivation has a direct impact on employee performance, with many researchers arguing that only motivated employees can engage with the organization and show commitment, efficiency and job satisfaction (9, 10). SPSS V.20 was employed for the data analysis. Nurses constitute the largest human resource element in healthcare organizations and therefore appear to have a great impact on the quality of care and patient outcomes. The most powerful motivation is intrinsic motivation, for no matter how favorable external factors are unless a student has set goals that they are determined to achieve, they can easily be sidetracked by factors such as peer pressure, complacency or simply indecisiveness. Specifically, the study sought to identify factors of motivation that can lead to teacher's job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in public secondary schools, assess . There is a general consensus that workers with feelings of resentment and exhaustion may have a low productivity or people's level of motivation effects on job's performance (Al, 1996, p.17). Sekhar C, Patwardhan M, Singh RK. 7th. A quantitative technique engaging a descriptive research method was used in the study. In light of these ranges, correlations were large in sixteen (16) cases (24%), while there were also thirty seven (37) medium (58%) and eleven (11) low (18%) values. government site. Okello DRO, Gilson L. Exploring the influence of trust relationships on motivation in the health sector: a systematic review. 0000004632 00000 n
Investments in training, retention, and sustenance of skilled health care workers in combination with recognition of their performance is a promising approach. Their existence is meaningful and needed to motivate employees into higher performance. In periods of crisis, the need of extrinsic factors of motivation increased. gave substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work in acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. In Table 1, phrases 1-6 covers the internal motivators, while phrases 7-12 correspond to the external motivators. UK: Prentice hall; 2005. The aim of the study was to examine in detail the factors which can affect motivation and work engagement, to assess the motivation levels of personnel working in public hospitals and to identify any differences between the various categories of healthcare professionals employed at the 1st Regional Health Authority of Attica. 0000016547 00000 n
Finally, the questionnaire was distributed from July 2019 to October 2020 to members of public sector organizations. Each participant was requested to rate twelve phrases for factors that motivated them in doing their work, on a Likert scale from 1 to 10; rate 1 corresponds to lowest motivating, and 10 to highest motivating. Low health employee motivation is characterized by poor practices, including negative attitudes towards patients, lateness and absenteeism, high turnover and migration. Armstrong M. Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan, Page. Kofi AA, Odoom E. Opoku M F. The impact of motivation on the work performance of health workers: Evidence from Ghana. Acceptable values of Cronbachs alpha are above 0.70 [17]. Thus, the healthcare administrators must address the motivation of health service employees by designing a bundle of strategies (a mix of both hygiene and factors of motivation) to respond to their motivational needs. Furthermore, job-induced tension in the less experienced nurses was found to be higher than in the experienced ones because less experienced nurses might have the first-line duty and responsibility to provide good quality of bedside care for their patients. Timmreck TC. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Empirically, all three of the study's hypotheses were confirmed. 2.1. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development,, International Journal of Research & Review (IJRR), International Journal of Organizational Leadership, Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development Publishing, Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan | Journal of Theory and Applied Management, Journal of Arts & Social Sciences (JASS), Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, Proceedings of the First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2018), International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), Expert Journal of Business and Management, Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Uluslararas ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Dergisi, International Journal of Business and Management, Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation, CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, International Journal of humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published biannually by New Archaeological & Genological Societ, Antecedents of Organizational Commitment That Influence Teacher Job Performance, THE EFFECTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CAREER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON EMPLOYEES REDUCED ORGANIZATIONAL CYNICISM IN BANKING INDUSTRY, The Strategic Role of Engagement and Positive Workplace to Sustain Employee Performance, Adoption of Telecommuting in the Banking Industry: A Technology Acceptance Model Approach, Impact of Proactive Personality on Affective Commitment: Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction, The Influence of Career Commitment and Workload on Academics Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of a Supportive Environment, The Effect of Toxic Workplace Environments on Employee Engagement: Mediating Roles of Employees Wellbeing and Organization Support, Horizon Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research (JHSSR), Organizational Commitment and Effectiveness of a Holding Company for a Conglomerate in Cebu City, Reflection on Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Antecedents of Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction, Unique Contextual Conditions Affecting Coworker Knowledge Sharing and Employee Innovative Work Behaviors, Unique Contextual Conditions Affecting Coworker Knowledge Sharing and Employee Innovative Work Behaviors - Syed Imad Shah, Bilal Afsar and Asad Shahjehan, Effort Reward Imbalance and its Impact on Employee General Health: An Evidence from Banking Industry, Relationship between leadership practices and labour turnover among private schools in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru-Kenya, Kariyer Tatmini Ve Motivasyonun rgtsel Deerler Aisindan Deerlendirilmesine Ynelik Kamu Ve zel Sektr Karilatirmali Bir Aratirma, Factors Affecting Employees Retention: Integration of Situational Leadership With Social Exchange Theory, The Relationship between Employee Attitude Towards Training and Employee Retention in Telecommunication, The Influence of Work-Life Balance and Perceived Organizational Support on Employees' Performance is Mediated by Affective Commitment at the Employment of BPJS, Medan Kota Branch, Examining a Moderated Serial Mediation Model of the Relationship between Phoenix Leadership Characteristics and Organizational Change, INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ASPECTS OF SUPPORT AND PERFORMANCE AMONG DAIRY EMPLOYEES, Aspects of Human Capital Management and Employee Job Performance: The Moderation Role of Perceived Organizational Support, Effect of HR Practices on Employee Retention: The Role of Perceived Supervisor Support, The Predominant Factors Affecting Frontline Employees Engagement: Case of the Lebanese Service Sector, Impact of Extrinsic Rewards on Job Outcomes: Role of Employee Work Engagement and Perceived Organizational Support, Effect of Work Environment Characteristics on Job Involvement in an Organization: An Empirical Review, Influence of contextual factors on turnover intention: examining the mediating role of civility, Influence of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence from the National Education Philosophy Towards Language Skills Among Secondary School Students, Management Strategy Swot Analysis of Lucky Textile Group in Facing Textile Industry Competition, The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Commitment of Banksr Employees in Padang, Situational Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, Work Stress on Employee Performance and Their Impact on Employee Performance, The Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and the Intentions of International Students in Hungary to Stay in Hungary: The Role of Conflict Climate and Intercultural Adjustment, Temporary staff performance in universities: How can the employeeorganization relationship be enhanced in an institution, Effects of Global Leadership Style on Employee Work Engagement among Sector of Tourist Attractions: Followership Styles as Mediator and Perceived Organizational Support as Moderator, Job Performance, Task Performance, Contextual Performance: Development and Validation of New Scale, JOB PERFORMANCE, TASK PERFORMANCE, CONTEXTUAL PERFORMANCE: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A NEW SCALE, Influence of the organizational support on Generation Ys work motivation, An Empirical Study Analyzing the Moderating Effect of Supervisor Support and Mediating Effect of Presenteeism among Eustress, Distress, and Innovative Behavior, Effect of Career Management Practices on Employee Performance in Murang'a Water and Sanitation Company Limited, Integrated Theoretical Model for Employees Intention to Participate in Non-Mandatory Trainings, Authentic Leadership and Teachers Intention to Stay: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Psychological Capital, Job Stress and Employee Performance Among Officers in Public Sports Institutions, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY: THE CASE OF AMSCORP CALL CENTER, IBA, ZAMBALES, Organizational Support, Communication Skills, and Job Satisfaction in the Learning Organizations, Temporary staff performance in universities, A Synthesis towards the Construct of Job Performance, PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: MEDIATING ROLE OF WORK PASSION OF THE EMPLOYEES, The Effect of Work Ethics of Employees on their Work Performance, The Effect of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance, EXPLAINING THE ROLE OF WORKPLACE BULLYING IN HAMPERING THE SUCCESS OF EMPLOYEES, The Influence of Training on the Work Performance of Employees: A Study Conducted in the Pharmaceutical Sector in Ahmedabad. The theory states that two sets of factors affect employees motivation. A Case Study of Banks in Yei Municipality, South Sudan, THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES- WA CAMPUS, Examining the role of motivation on employeeperformance in the public sector in Ghana, THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES-WA CAMPUS BY NCHORBUNO DOMINIC ABONAM B.A (Integrated Development Studies, IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF EMPLOYEES AT GTBANK GHANA, A Project on Employee Motivation by Shahid Kv chavakkad, ASSESSMENT OF MOTIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCE IN GOAL ATTAINMENT: A CASE OF VODACOM TANZANIA LIMITED, A Study Of The Impact Of Reward Systems On Employee Performance: A Case study of Tesco PLC, UK, The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance in the Manufacturing Industry in Ghana. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, motivation, public sector, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors. This study contributes to confirming the important roles of career commitment and workload in predicting job satisfaction. Employees with less years of work experience were more satisfied than employees with over 16 years of experience. According to this study, individuals' proactive personalities under the effect of perceived organizational support result in affective commitment by job satisfaction. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The International Journal of Human Resource Management. The role of social support in the process of work stress: A meta-analysis. The sample size of the research was 430 through a two-stage cluster sampling strategy. Research Journal of International Studies. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. 0000018783 00000 n
Oosthuizen TFJ. 0000001619 00000 n
Lastly, nurses (compared to the other categories of staff) pointed out the need for flexible working hours (MS=7.35). The Impact of Caring Climate, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment on Job Performance of Employees in a Chinas Insurance Company. As far as the educational level is concerned, the majority was university graduates (59.55%), 19.37% had post-graduate studies, only 1.53% had compulsory education and the remaining 19.55% had secondary education. hSYLAw`YxrxU. FOIA Understanding employee motivation and organizational performance: Arguments for a set-theoretic approach. Perceived organizational support was treated as the mediating variable in the current study. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Furthermore, each employee would be triggered by different motivator drivers to feel a sense of inspiration within his/her work and achieve tasks effectively. 2.1 OBJECTIVES After completing this unit, you will be able to: Define and conceptualise motivation; Explain intrinsic motivation; Elucidate the factors of intrinsic motivation; Manongi R, Marchant T, Bygbjerg C. Improving motivation among primary health care worker in Tanzania: A health worker perspective. Organizational citizenship behavior has recently received much attention among researchers, given its practical importance and implications for organizations. A Entrepreneurship Department, Moscow University for Industry and Finance Abstract - The factors influencing motivation and demotivation of employee of organizations are key to understanding why some are motivated, while others are not. This research will utilize a descriptive research method to identify factors affecting employee motivation. Motivation of healthcare employees was affected by factors related to supervision, financial benefits, job training and growth. A survey of selected Nigerian workplace, PERCEIVED FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN A DEVOLVED HEALTH SECTOR, A CASE OF DOCTORS AT MAMA LUCY KIBAKI HOSPITAL, The Effects of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance in Public Educational Institutions: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya The Effects of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance in Public Educational Institutions: A Case, Effects of Motivation on Productivity: A Case study of First Bank Nig. Looking closer at the results, there is a significant difference in professional experience of respondents with respect to all factors of motivation (p<0.05), but no significant difference with respect to nature of work (p=0.066), advancement (p=0.096) and organizational policies (p=0.114). Training, Salaries, Work environment, among other factors influences the employees motivation and performance. Motivation is crucial for organizations to function; without motivation employees will not put up their best and the companys performance would be less efficient. What are factors of motivation? Berdud et al. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the organizational performance. Definition of Motivation in Recent Decades Researchers and educators have long been interested in learner motivation since it is closely connected to achievement and desired outcomes. In the field of education, as educators prepare students, modeling effective For the acquisition of research data using documentation instruments and online questionnaire distribution. If the r-value is 0.30 to 0.49 (positive) or -0.49 to -0.30 (negative), there is a medium correlation between the two independent variables (16). This paper serves to study the influences of career commitment and workload on job satisfaction among academics in higher education. Reliability analysis included Cronbachs Alpha for internal consistency. Based on research r. See Full PDF Download PDF Fu Weihui, Deshpande Satish. In fact, hospital staff finds it difficult to meet the needs of their patients if their personal needs are not satisfied (4). Still, higher needs such as self-esteem can also be satisfied, as with money people are able to buy things that show their status and create a visible sign of recognition (20, 21). This present research aims to investigate the level of motivation of health care professionals in public hospitals of the 1st Regional Health Authority of Attica and further to assess its determining intrinsic and extrinsic factors and the underlying dynamics. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Managers and practitioners will benefit from this study's decision-making advice. Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics and factors of motivation. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Beugr CD, Offodile IF. A survey of ministries of health in many countries showed that low motivation was seen as the second most important health workforce problem after staff shortages (3). By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. diminishes the students motivation for learning. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Motivation may be defined as the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways for achieving personal or organizational goals . the factors influencing employee motivation and its impacts on employee performance i- n Keski Pohjanmaan Kirjapaino Oyj. 0000001803 00000 n
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In incentives such as responsibility and work itself (opportunities to take initiatives & exploit resources), men scored higher. The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. Appreciation by seniors on the job, by patients and the community was found to be one of the most important motivating factors and it seems like that it is directly associated with organizational achievement and engagement at work (25). Linn MW, Sandifer R, Stein S. Effects of unemployment on mental and physical health. Based on the fact that the needs of employees and the level of motivation may differ from organization to the other, an understanding of what promotes and boosts employee motivation and organizational performance is very important. and D.N. Horizon Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research (JHSSR), Pramila Thapa. Four factors, motivation, ability, roles, and situation, will be in-depth identified to explore how each factor positively impacts the organizational performance. After March 13, 2020, the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, for employees (305, 9.3% of the total) the gap between extrinsic and intrinsic factors seem to have increased compared to the pre-COVID period, as extrinsic factors were 8.62 (Doctors 8.51, Nurses 8.74, Other Health Professionals 8.42) in relation to intrinsic factors 7.45 (Doctors 7.90, Nurses 7.48, Other Health Professionals 7.13). You can implement several different factors of motivation within your team or for yourself to increase productivity and satisfaction. Extrinsic Motivation. Low level of health professionals work motivation is a critical challenge for countries health care system. Monetary rewards and a conduciveworking environment were the preferred form of motivation for workers revealed by the study. The studied career management practices were job rotation, mentoring and performance appraisal. Results: According to the findings of the present study, TWE has a negative impact on EE at work. Participation in the study was voluntary and the questionnaires were completed anonymously. Herzbergs dual-factor theory also known as Motivation-Hygiene Theory states that motivation is driven by different factors, which are defined by personal experiences and values and determine the basis for a coherent and vital sense of self-esteem and integrity (11). Motivation is not a fixed trait but a dynamic phenomenon as it could change with changes in personal, psychological, financial or social factors. 10th. D.K. In the present study, overall motivation had alpha equal to 0.89. Valentine SR. A Men and Women Supervisors Job Responsibility, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Monitoring. A better understanding into the factors influencing the motivation of ethnic minority students might help in preventing the achievement gap between ethnic minority and majority students. Download Free PDF FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN TANZANIA: A CASE OF NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND (NSSF) IRINGA REGIONAL OFFICES Benson James Lyimo 2018, DonSolva Those that had completed higher education scored higher for recognition, appreciation and reputation, more responsibilities, promotion and better salaries whereas those with lower education scored higher for job security and flexible working hours. Vol. 2.1. Herzberg F. One more time: How do you motivate employees? 0000002658 00000 n
Motivation levels were found to drop dramatically during the . Background: The studys relevance stems from the fact that telecommuting and its benefits have been assumed rather than demonstrated in the banking sector. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. The findings states that Personality traits positively correlated with Job performance and Conscientiousness is having attributes that directly relates to Job performance of employees with highest weights. Methods: The current study used a quantitative approach. WHO Director-Generals Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID-19-13 March 2020. This study concludes that positive workplace which contains Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), Perceived Org Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management. In the case of Greece, there is not enough research related to the needs of health workers and, consequently, the incentives that can motivate them. Research Questions To examine teacher motivation and teacher development, this study sought to answer two research questions: the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. The case-study approach was adopted for the study with both qualitative and quantitative techniques such as stratified sampling and accidental sampling techniques were employed.