Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate on the basis of sex. This migration will take critical student learning information and put it in the hands of our teachers and administrators literally at their fingertips. School contact numbers can be found at in the Schools link. This requirement not to discriminate applies equally to employment. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Want a sneak peek? I DO NOT have a User Account Registered I Have an Account and Would Like to Login I am a Current Employee I Forgot My Password. OCSD FOCUS Educational Portal 4+ - App Store The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and act as the Okaloosa County School Districts Title IX Coordinator: Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, 461 W School Avenue, Crestview, FL 32536. Department of Children and Families The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and act as the Okaloosa County School Districts Title IX Coordinator: Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, 461 W School Avenue, Crestview, FL 32536. The OCSD Focus Help Desk can help you with these technical issues and more. FOCUS Portal - Gulf District Schools Form Type *. Department of Children and Families Okaloosa Technical College - Focus School Software Online Employee Portal 2. Haga clic aqu para crear/actualizar su cuenta de portal de padres de Focus en espaol Clique aqui para criar/atualizar sua conta em portugus brasileiro no Focus Parent Portal. The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate on the basis of sex. The Controlled Open Enrollment application window for the 2022-2023 school year will be open from February 23rd, 2022, until the tenth school day. Stay connected to your childs education with the Okaloosa County Public Schools FOCUS Educational Portal. Has Your Contact Info Changed? FOCUS Help DeskNeed help accessing your account or finding information in your account? I am finished adding students, Please take me to the Portal. Login - ClassLink The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and act as the Okaloosa County School Districts Title IX Coordinator: Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, 461 W School Avenue, Crestview, FL 32536. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and act as the Okaloosa County School Districts Title IX Coordinator: Instructional Materials and School-Based Media, 2022 Meeting Agendas/Minutes & Live Stream Links, The 2022-23 school year will begin for students on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. 2. Copyright 2023 Okaloosa County School District. School contact numbers can be found atwww.okaloosaschools.comin the Schools link. The district's student information system allows parents to access grades, progress reports and attendance. Focus Parent Portal provides parents and guardians access to their child's Attendance, Grades, and direct communication between teachers, school, and families. FOCUS | Okaloosa County School District - OKALOOSA SCHOOLS Use of this network, its equipment, and resources is monitored at all times and requires explicit permission from the network administrator and Focus Student Information System. Click here to view instructions. The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in the programs and activities that it operates and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. and are experiencing difficulty accessing the information on this site, please contactus. 5. If you have questions, we are here to help! The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and act as the Okaloosa County School Districts Title IX Coordinator: Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, 461 W School Avenue, Crestview, FL 32536. FOCUS is new to the Okaloosa County School District so parents will not have access to the amazing tools FOCUS offers until September 2022. Parents FOCUS Portal FOCUS Portal FOCUS Portal FOCUS Portal Focus is Duval County Public School's Student Information System. Okaloosa County School District has been recognized as a district-wide AdvancED accredited agency since December 9, 2006, with previous accreditations occurring at each individual school. Parent portal okaloosa Get the up-to-date parent portal okaloosa 2023 now Get Form 4 out of 5 20 votes 44 reviews 23 ratings 15,005 10,000,000+ 303 100,000+ users Here's how it works 02. FOCUS Help | Okaloosa County School District Sign it in a few clicks Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. We invite and encourage parents to register for a Focus Parent Portal account in preparation for our full system roll-out which will occur throughout the Fall of 2022. Help Abuse Hotline 1.800.962.2873. If you cannot fully access the information on any web page of this site, please let us know the accessibility issue you are having by calling (407) 870-4007, or by email at ], Steps for Registering NEW 2022 - 2023 Students in FOCUS, Visit FOCUS University for step-by-step instructional videos. Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved -Okaloosa County School District-Privacy Statement E-mail Disclaimer: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, eye tracking device, voice recognition software, etc.) The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in the programs and activities that it operates and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. You can: . Student's Birthdate *. 2023 School Board Meeting Agendas/Minutes & Livestreams, School Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes Archive, Return on Investment for Industry Certifications, HB 545 Reproductive Health & Disease Education, Instructional Materials And School-Based Media, AICE - Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education, Newsletters- Employees, Parents, and Community, Florida Prepaid Superintendent Scholarship, Access your Student or Parent Portal Account. 4. Board Meeting Agendas and Resources (Archive), Connect with our Superintendent on Social Media, Getting Ready for Kindergarten - List of Schools, Administration/Chief of Staff for Teaching, Leading, and Learning, Human Resources and Employment Information, OASIS Volunteer & Partners in Education Programs, Office of School Improvement and District Accreditation, Purchasing / Property Records / Warehouse, Safety, Security and Emergency Management, Special Education (Exceptional Student Education), Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS), 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC), Osceola Talent Identification Program Summer Academy, Academic Support & Acceleration by School, Middle & Multi-Level School Summer Bridge Opportunities, High School & CTE Summer Bridge Opportunities, The School District of Osceola County, Florida. User Registration - Okaloosa County School District - Focus School Software Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, A more precise workload for district users, Minimized need for additional third-party systems, Convenient ways to communicate to parents and students. The OCSD Focus Help Desk can help you with these technical issues and more. Sign in with Microsoft Sign in with QuickCard. . Inquiries regarding Section 504, Teri Schroeder, 850.833.3108, or 202 A Hwy 85 N, Niceville, FL 32578. on social media; facebook; twitter; youtube; Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline 1.800.962.2873. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Okaloosa County School District Parents can also use the registration kiosk in the front office of the enrolling school to complete this step of the process. The Okaloosa County School District is committed to providing websites that are accessible to all of our stakeholders. You will need to use your childs legal name and have a valid address. Welcome to FOCUS. This requirement not to discriminate applies equally to employment. Parents/Guardians/Students: Log in above to view student information. The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate on the basis of sex. One of the most popular Gradebook systems in the State of Florida. Focus Parent Portal | C.W. Ruckel Middle School - OKALOOSA SCHOOLS (850.683.9002). If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, eye tracking device, voice recognition software, etc.) Student's First Name *. This site is for OCSD employees to have a chance to preview the program, ask questions, and get updates on the process. Parent Portal Registration. New feature previews are added to this page often. Okaloosa County School District120 Lowery PlaceFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone (850) 833-3100Fax (850) 833-4237. Copyright 2023 Okaloosa County School District. Okaloosa County School District has been recognized as a district-wide. The Okaloosa County School Board is excited to modernize our Student, Finance, and Human Resources data infrastructure. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity. 6. To complete the online portion of the registration process on FOCUS, you will need to use your child's legal name and have a valid address. [Read More!]. User Registration. Tools Parents will have access to beginning mid-August 2022 (after the start of school), Connect students to your account using a two-factor verification system, View your students class schedule and grades, Steps for Registering NEW 2022 - 2023 Students in FOCUS, Learn more about FOCUS School Software (YouTube Video), Visit FOCUS University for step-by-step instructional videos. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and act as the Okaloosa County School Districts Title IX Coordinator: Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, 461 W School Avenue, Crestview, FL 32536. Focus is web-based which means you can access it anytime, at home or on any mobile device. The App is available for download on the Apple and Google Play App stores for free! FOCUS Home | FOCUS Facts | Sneak Peek | FOCUS University | FOCUS Help | FOCUS Parents. Schools will notice the changes beginning in the spring and different parts of the FOCUS system will come online periodically until the completed system is fully operational in October 2022. and are experiencing difficulty accessing the information on this site, please contactus. Okaloosa County School District is in the process of transitioning to a new Student Information System called FOCUS. 2023 School Board Meeting Agendas/Minutes & Livestreams, School Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes Archive, Return on Investment for Industry Certifications, HB 545 Reproductive Health & Disease Education, Instructional Materials And School-Based Media, AICE - Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education, Newsletters- Employees, Parents, and Community, Florida Prepaid Superintendent Scholarship. Get access to important links to help manage lunch payments, extracurricular activities, bus routes, and more. 8. You can also emailFOCUSHELP@okaloosaschools.comor call the enrolling school with your questions. Steve Chatman, Equity and Title IX Coordinator, Connect students to your account using a two-factor verification system, View your students class schedule and grades. The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate on the basis of sex. Pinellas County Schools This requirement not to discriminate applies equally to employment. Log-in with your single sign-on to get started! For district staff that uses the AS400 every day, it is a significant change. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, eye tracking device, voice recognition software, etc.) If you already have a Focus Parent Portal account: Go to Username: Email address used to set up Parent Portal account Password: (Parent determines). The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in the programs and activities that it operates and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Receive real-time notifications of grades, attendance, upcoming assignments, and test scores. For more information, families can call the school at which they are seeking to register. Focus Parent Portal provides parents and guardians access to their child's Attendance, Grades, and direct communication between teachers, school, and families. To complete the online portion of the registration process, please click the Focus Parent Portal Icon above. Online Employee Portal If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity. Please be sure to register for this NEW system. This requirement not to discriminate applies equally to employment. The School Board of Okaloosa County, Florida is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate on the basis of sex. We invite and encourage parents to register for a Focus Parent Portal account in preparation for our full system roll-out which will occur throughout the Fall of 2022. You will not be able to access your Parent Portal from your Employee Portal or vice versa.