Menu. 20. ; a 100 pound student-athlete should drink 33.3 ounces (about 1 liter) of water per day. If you ever feel the situation warrants intervention from an AD or Site Administrator, please contact an AD immediately. It was HOT. Sean Pettis was up next in the 1600. Have been a league champion, at any level (Varsity or JV), including relays, 2. As an organization of educationally-based athletic programs and, therefore, an extension of the classroom, The following behavior is unacceptable at all CIF/CCS high school contests: Complaining about officials calls (either verbally or by gestures); Body painting that either would or would not necessitate the removal,or partial removal, of what a reasonable person would consider to be normal clothing (this prohibition does not include face-painting). FREMONT HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES. Proceeding onto the playing court or field before, during or after the contest. Contribute to the enhancement of all segments of a multi-cultural student body. Michael Schleicher Assistant Activities Director Assessment / Registrar . The Boys team earned 1st place finishes in EVERY sprint event: (100, 110 HH, 200, 300 IH, 400, and 4x100) and EVERY Field event: (Shot Put, Discus, High Jump, and Long Jump) The Eagles SWEPT the 100, 200, 400, and Discus, taking all 3 places. Realize that co-curricular activities and sports are part of the educational experience, and the benefits of involvement go beyond a single performance or the final score of a game; Encourage our students to perform their best, just as we would urge them on with their class work; Participate in positive cheers that encourage our co-curricular students; and discouraging any cheers that would redirect that focus - including those that taunt and intimidate opponents, their fans and officials; Learn, understand, and respect the rules of the game, the officials who administer them and their decisions; Respect the task of our coaches face as teachers; and support them as they strive to educate our youth; Respect opponents as co-curricular students, and acknowledge them for striving to do their best; and. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Prescription opioids carry serious risks of addiction and overdose, especially with prolonged use. All other incidents will enter/exit from the pool parking lot located on 10100 Finch Avenue. fremont athletics. Their involvement in classroom and other activities contributes to thatdevelopment. While performing in an activity the student violates Education 48900 and/or BP5144, the coach/advisor may remove the student from the team; the reasoning supporting the coach/advisor's decision is: the student's actions are detrimental to the reputation of the team and/or to the need to maintain an harmonious environment for the other team members. There is an ethical value system - established in the home, nurtured in the school - that young people are developing. Cannot be on an athletic scholarship going to a college/university, 1. Tolerancemeaning you might need to take more of a medication for the same pain relief, Physical dependencemeaning you have symptoms of withdrawal when a medication is stopped, Low levels of testosterone that can result in lower sex drive, energy, and strength, History of drug misuse, substance use disorder, or overdose, Mental health conditions (such as depression or anxiety), Benzodiazepines (such as Xanax or Valium), Muscle relaxants (such as Soma or Flexeril), Pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen, Some medications that are also used for depression or seizures. Join / Login Home Fall Winter Spring Calendar LIVE STREAM Get Alerts Directions Contact Packer Backers Announcements FinalForms (External Link) Fremont Public Schools (External Link) Menu Cross Country Football Golf Soccer Swimming Tennis Volleyball A student may be placed on probation when he/she fails to maintain a "C" (2.0) grade point average, or the student fails to be passing the equivalent of a minimum of 25 credits each grading period. The Board recognizes that each League within the Section, through the several League Boards of Managers, has undertaken leadership in the matter of upgrading the atmosphere in which all interscholastic athletic contests are conducted. Fremont bested Reed CIty in a high-scoring affair, 14-8 If Kash4Kids 2022 Sean Pettis-4x800, 1600, 4x400 The combination of high temperatures and humidity severely impair the cooling mechanisms, especially evaporation. These are the principles of good sportsmanship and character. Fremont High School exists to provide a safe, inclusive environment to: - Educate students for individual success Work out in early morning or late evening. Reduce the intensity and duration of your workout. The school also supplies the competition uniform, but these uniforms are to be returned at the end of the season or families will be billed for the uniform item. Get an AED to the location-send someone to get it immediately (see AED map), Principal -Kami Tomberlain -408-366-7371, Assistant Principal -Yukari Salazar -408-366-7375, Assistant Principal - Steven Puccinelli-408-366-7374, Athletic Director -James Gilmore -408-366-7314. Each season has 2-3 grading periods between 5-7 weeks. Please go to the "School Records" page to see our real school records which have been carefully recorded, researched and handed down by quality Fremont coaches since the 1950's, through the inconceivable barriers of pencils, pens andpaper. 2. Talk about the other kids on the team and the other team in the same manner you want other parents to talk about your child. This includes coaches, administrators and other athletes. Six individuals and two teams will be inducted Saturday into the Fremont High School Athletic Hall of Fame. It maximizes heat loss by using radiation, convection, conduction and evaporation. There were pre-season meetings, and fliers, stating these items need to be handed-inon, or before, the firstday of practice (Feb 3). Blake Taylor 4x800, 3200 Complete Physical Exam Form Part 1 and Part 2. 2. Login / Join. 0. In the the 110 hurdle semifinals Daniel Romero (Jr) ran close to his Pr but came up a little short in qualifying for the finals. If you or someone else displays these symptoms: Contact a health professional or your sport safety certified coach, It's not so much the heat, it's the humidity. This unsportsmanlike act carries the following possible penalties because we insist that: safety of the competitors, fans and personnel conducting the event is a priority at all our events; respect for the game and the championship playoffs is part of our pursuing victory with honor sportsmanship program and the behavior of all involved at our events should reflect that respect; the focus of our events should be primarily on the participants in the competition and not on the crowd.out of respect for the competitors and their efforts. If you must make noise at games, shout only praise and encouragement. The following recommendations from Dr. Amadeus Mason, M.D. Weber School District adheres to: 34A-5-106. Ross Athletic Calendars (Monthly View) | Little Giant Athletics Good footwear will limit foot/ankle injury and shin-splints. Newaygo County Champions, Congratulations Junior Tee Ward!! Wed 9:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Office They also placed 1st in the 4x800. Mark Sherbondy, Principal Cal Stone, Athletic Director Holli Miller, Guidance Counselor Ashley Miller, Secretary & Treasurer The Tri-County Vikings came to Fremont for the final match of the regular season on Monday afternoon. Fremont High School 701 W. Toledo St. Fremont, IN 46737 Voice: (260) 495-9876 Fax: 260-495-1838. Two vital aspects are involved in supporting Fremont High Schools academic and athletic community: parental support and character development. Directory of Title IX Coordinators 2016-2017, NAIA - National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Demonstrate cooperative attitudes and participate to personal capacity, Demonstrate high standards of ethics and sportsmanship, Understand and strive to maintain academic excellence and participation eligibility, Engaged in any school suspendable offenses (violations of Education Code 48900 and Board Policy 5144.1), Involvement in cheating, gambling, accepting gratuities, Engagement in disrespectful conduct including profanity, obscene gestures, offensive remarks of a sexual orslanderous nature, trash-talking, taunting, boastful celebrations, or other actions that demean individuals, theactivity or the school community, Demonstration of poor sportsmanship and/or retaliation against teammates, coach, staff, parents, members of othersteams (including coaches), Use of any illegal substances including alcohol, tobacco and drugs. It is important that you positively represent our school and our programs 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Never sell or share prescription opioids and never use another persons prescription opioids. However, do not feel that you are alone in this. These medications can be an important part of treatment but also come with serious risks. 4. Elly ONeill scored two goals for the Packers while Natalie Jamieson, Kaley Wyant, and Paige Kinsey added single goals. Must have been a team captain or co-captain in one of their years on the team; Must be accepted to a 4-year college/university, but not on an athletic scholarship - OR have plans to attenda community college, followed by continued education at a university. We know you will do the best you can. Find someone calm to call the parent/guardian or the emergency contact. Athletics is an integral part of what we do as a high school and it is important that athletics is always kept in the proper perspective to the mission and philosophy of Fremont High School. Keep one copy for yourself. The state of CA only accepts physicals that are signed, stamped and dated from a MD, DO, or PA. NP and RN signed physicals are not currently allowed. 0. The state of CA only accepts physicals that are signed, stamped and dated from a MD, DO, or PA. NP and RN signed physicals are not currently allowed. The Fremont girls soccer team lost to Spring Lake Thursday evening 8-0 in a loop-sided event. Arie Beecham finished 8 th with a new PR in discus throwing 994. Sean and Gary both earned All-State honors by placing in the top 8. Both on and off the playing fields, our teams and coaches will always represent our school in the highest fashion. Fremont Famous - Athletics Parent Complaints: Please inform the Athletic Director of any parent complaints (the ADs will do the same for you). Audrey Johnson made 14 saves for the Packers while Kamryn Lewkowski made a save for the Lakers. Secondly, the environment needs to be conducive for heat transfer from the body. Established in 1923, Fremont High School is a WASCaccredited, fouryear public high school that offers a comprehensive educational program to students from Sunnyvale and Cupertino in the heart of Silicon Valley. Crowd Control: Make sure the athletic trainer and all emergency personnel have room to tend to the injured athlete. Coaches are expected to handle complaints in a mature fashion and listen to what the person has to say. The athletic department has installed a Pixellot camera system in our gymnasium and stadium. Eligibility for freshmen in the fall will be established at the end of the first grading period. A person who can take a loss or defeat without complaint or victory without gloating, and who treats his/her opponents with fairness, courtesy and respect. The student will still be responsible for the 90% attendance. Student must adhere to district academic eligibility policies as outlined inBP/AR6145 (see below). The banquet is scheduled for 11 a.m . Apply Here! Click HERE and follow the steps!! Insulting your opponents school or mascot. This letter should contain the following information: 1. This will allow you to be cleared all year round for your entire high school career. If you are not a good sport at the games, neither will your kids. 1600 Sean Pettis (Champion) PR Victoria Ekkel was 10 th in the 100 with a time of 13.48. They can do many off the field tasks that will enhance your program. North Fremont High School, 3581 E 1300 Rd N, Ashton, ID 83420, USA Map. Never take opioids in greater amounts or more often than prescribed. The state of CA only accepts physicals that are signed, stamped and dated from a MD, DO, or PA. NP and RN signed physicals are not currently allowed. Competitive co-curricular activities mean more than competition between individuals representing different schools. Insulting officials verbally or through gestures. 16. Always practice good sportsmanship and mutual respect towards competitors. Baseball - Iowa Lakes Community College, Congratulations 25. Home Fall Winter Spring Calendar LIVE STREAM Get Alerts Directions Contact Packer Backers Announcements FinalForms (External Link) Fremont Public Schools (External Link) Menu. Parents and their athletes will need to visit the site, create anaccount, and register for each sport they plan to play. home of the packers. 3. 8. The site is greatfor current information. Eligibility will be determined based on grades from the most recent grading period (on the Monday following postingof grades to Infinite Campus). Early Kindergarten 23-24 Enrollment Fremont High School Explore Schools Translate Info Academics Guidance Athletics More Live Feed programs Early College Alliance Career & Technical Edu. Includes being a member of a relay; ORhave 4-year Winter Conditioning, T&F, Summer Conditioning combined workout percentage of 100% or break into the FHS Top-15 all-time in an individual event. The T&F Potlucks are always good times, good friendsand good food, Saturday, Mar 11th, Willow Glen Invitational, Out of 35 high schools at Willow Glen; VB's 2nd, VG's 5th, FSB's 8th, FSG's 11th, Thursday, Mar 16th, double-dual; Mt. Build student morale and promote positive support for the school. UPCOMING EVENTS FOOTBALL. To that end, the CIF/Central Coast Section has adopted the following sportsmanship and crowd control recommendations. The student will not be allowed to participate in any contest during the appeal process. The Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a persons actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, Vietnam Era Veterans status or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Student-athletes and their parents are expected to show mutual respect and trust for coaches, school administration, teachers, meet officials, parent-supporters and teammates. Jeff is an accomplished masters distance runner, The Tiscareno's, our Team Parents. announcements are all appropriate venues. Please try to let us know at least two weeks ahead of time, if you can support us, so we can plan the support. 1. Know the warning signs of heat related illness and dehydration syndromes. Step #3:Complete a baseline concussion assessment. - Exception:Seniors who are on target for graduation and are enrolled in, and passing, courses totaling 20 or more credits. will coordinatethe Carpooling for the weekday-away meets and our Saturday meets. Dr. William Stitt, Superintendent Shelby Miller, Treasurer Stacey Harris, Accounts Payable Jacqui Mundy, Corporation Secretary Caleb Frederick, Technology Director . Owen Hertel-110H, 300H If transported make sure you know which hospital. Parents have the right to ask a question about practice schedules, how playing time is decided and what could their child do to improve. Recent Track & Field scheduling, meet results and team/league/regional activities are linked to the Athletics.netwebsite. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer:Graham Clark, Superintendent, 589 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale, CA, (408) 522-2201; Title IX Coordinator: Trudy Gross, Associate Superintendent, 589 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale, CA, (408) 522-2279,; and Section 504 Coordinator:Nancy Sullivan, 589 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale, CA, (408) 522-2232, Steven Puccinelli Your first responsibility is the classroom and the commitment to be successful there. They will be expected to maintain the highest level of decorum at all CIF/CCS school contests. Discuss how to manage pain that dont involve prescription opioids. If such procedure is not followed, the offender shall be considered to have exhibited Unsportsmanlike Conduct, and will therefore be subject to the appropriate portions of the aforesaid-mentioned Rule Book that address such conduct, which may include possible ejection from the contest and contest site. Practice schedules days and times, as well as where those practices are to be held. Fremont, It took the Packers 60 minutes before finally breaking open match Thursday evening against the Lions from Newaygo. Fill out an incident report while things are fresh in your mind. The Track team pays for each student-athletes entry into the Saturday Relay and Invitational track meets. All student athletes must submit the proper paperwork to be physically eligible to PLAY OR PRACTICE. All sports teams not allowed to participate in CCS Playoffs. The following sanctions may be imposed for such a violation: Only do award presentation for non violating team and other team can make arrangements with the CCS office, Violating team apology letters to other school and CCS, Formulate plan of how to communicate to their fans and students the inappropriateness of this and share with league and CCS, Loss of home field advantage for that sport, Loss of home field advantage for all sports, Specific sport team not allowed to participate in CCS Playoffs. He was ready for the gas on lap three and held position with a 63 3 rd lap, and was still able to move up to 5 th with an attacking final lap of 61 to finish in 4:17.05 making him 3 rd on the Fremont all-time list. It is important to work with your health care provider to make sure you are getting the safest, most effective care. Girls Soccer. Athletics, band, instrumental and vocal music performances, drama productions, speech contests, all honorary and elected offices (e.g. Fremont High Athletic Hall of Fame to induct 2010 class We look forward to serving you in the year ahead, and appreciate your continued support. 9. 1. Join / Login. Don't forget the concussion test and IK12 Form. Fremont Community Schools. FREMONT - Fremont Ross High School and Oak Harbor High School were among nine schools across Ohio Department of Transportation District 2 that participated in the annual Paint-the-Plow contest. The 2020 class of David . Digital registration must be completed via the Athletics Clearance website. Athletics - Fremont Community Schools Physicals are available with your doctor or through Wellness Mart. Fremont, NE Joined August 2012 328 Following 2,700 Followers Replies Media Official Athletic Website Address: 1100 North Street, Fremont, OH 43420-1132 Principal: Brian Zeller | Office Phone: 419-332-8221 Athletic Director: Chad Berndt | Office Phone: 419-332-6462 | Email Team Schedules Map to Fremont Ross Schools Twitter Feed Tickets Fremont Ross TRAC Championships Baseball (0): none Boys Basketball (0): none All scholarships qualifiers will divide 100% of the total of Gate, T-shirt/sticker sales and contributions to the Firebird Relays (after all season pay-outs). 5421 S Warner Ave The cost is$11.99 permonth or$79.99 per year. Ada Forest Hills Eastern Track NCAA Eligibility Center:Information about playing a sport in college. Ross Football - Little Giant Athletics | Fremont City Schools FREMONT SUMMER ATHLETIC WORKOUT INFO All athletesare encouragedto get there physicals inJulyfor ALLsport seasons. Cognitive behavioral therapy, a psychological, goal-directed approach, in which patients learn how to modify physical, behavioral, and emotional triggers of pain and stress. The game ended a minute and a half early because of the mercy rule. FHS will be adding to its Athletic Hall of Fame. official Fremont High School Discriminatory or prohibited employment practices -- Permitted practices. 6. Parent Limits: Be very careful to avoid showing favoritism towards specific parents. Criteria for being selected to play on your team.