Together, these changes have reduced mangrove loss to near zero, though local areas of depletion continue. Thepark protects thelargest remaining tracts ofintact forest inthecountry, harboring mixed deciduous forest, evergreen forest andpine forest. Global Conservation wasfeatured intheMarch 2023 issue ofNational Parks Traveller written byLori Sonken. Thepresident ofCosta Rica, Guillermo Solis, with hiswife Mercedes Peas Domingo, took advantage oftheir stay inGuatemala tomake several visits toUNESCO World Heritage sites inthecountry, travelling byhelicopter tovisit Mirador National Park. DaMaI 2020-2021 Progress Report: 30 poachers arrested, GC supports 6 ATVs. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. Wevebeen deploying newtechnologies, including command andcontrol, cellular trailcams, aerial surveillance andtargeted ranger patrols forincreasing theeffectiveness offorest andwildlife protection. The panel points out that a recent rise in GNSS spoofing and AIS cloning incidents could facilitate the trade of illegal goods and hamper authorities efforts to identify vessels engaged in illicit resource extraction activities such as fishing and dredging. The pursuit of alternative transportation fuels has taken many twists and turns, all with ancillary costs as well as benefits. GC Restores Ranger Stations During the War in Ukraine. Ourpartners attheLeuser Conservation Forum (Forum Konservasi Leuser, orFKL) made major progress intheconservation ofthis incredible ecosystem in2019. Itiswith great pleasure that wewelcome Dr. IanSingleton toGlobal Conservation'sSenior Advisory Board. Recent attention has turned to ammonia as a fuel for shipping. And thats bad news not only for the creatures themselves, but for those of us (that would be all of us) who rely on them for food, to produce oxygen, to hold soil in place, to cleanse water, to beautify our world and so much more. It has long been feared that human activity is causing massive extinctions. Request PDF | A 2021 Horizon Scan of Emerging Global Biological Conservation Issues | We present the results from our 12th annual horizon scan of issues likely to impact biological conservation in . Carpathian National Nature Park (CNNP) isUkrainesfirst andlargest national park andthelargest protected area intheCarpathian region. With Global Conservationssupport andmatching funding from Rainforest Trust, theprivate nonprofitFundaEco hasbeen working hard tostop illegal activities inParque Nacional Mirador RioAzul (Mirador-RioAzul National Park) andsurrounding areas. Used to control pests in agriculture, they have come under fire in recent years for threatening populations of bees and other desirable insects. Despite operating under pandemic restrictions, Global Conservation continued tosupport ourpark andmarine protection work around theworld inAsia, Africa andtheAmericas. A 2021 Horizon Scan of Emerging Global Biological Conservation Issues Global Conservation Mission to the Heart of Borneo, Sabah Malaysia, Board ofDirectors andScientific Advisors review 2018 progress todeploy Global Park Defense across DaMaIs1million hectares ofrainforest toarrests wildlife poachers andshut down illegal activities, 2018 Progress in Marine Global Park Defense in Palau Northern Reefs, April 2019 Mission with GCBoard andScientific Advisors finds increasing pressure from illegal fishing andtechnical challenges inMarine Monitor (M2) deployments, Global Conservation Mission to Cardamoms National Park April 2019. Review of2018 Progress deploying Global Park Defense toprovide 24/7surveillance andrapid response towildlife poaching andillegal logging. Copyright 1996-2023 The Pew Charitable Trusts. Increasingly sophisticated tools for detecting and identifying DNA are able to pinpoint the presenceor even past presenceof all kinds of organisms from bits of their genetic material floating through the air. Global Conservation Stands in Solidarity with Ukraine. The resulting changes could have negative effects on wildlife and human communities. And thats not all. GCfunding ishelping tofight conflict palm oilthat'sdestroying theLeuser Ecosystem, Indonesia. Sharing charts, maps, and more to show who Americans are, how policy affects the everyday, and how we can use data to make a difference. Global Conservation hasenabled strong progress towards Global Park Defense in2017 focused onprotecting the1Million Acres Bengkong Trumon Wildlife Sanctuary. Global Conservation Launches STOP Extinction Campaign with Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology, GCEvents atStanford Cantor andDisney SFattended byhundreds ofsupporters, Michael Finley, Global Conservation Board Director and President Emeritus Turner Foundation, featured in The Raider Magazine. It can reduce the demand for other habitat-harming energy sources such as hydropower, and the evaporative cooling water offers makes the panels more efficient. Disease from the deep freeze and 14 other emerging conservation issues to watch for in 2018. GChasjust released anewvideo allabout Asia'slast wildernesses andourefforts toprotect them. Inthis newvideo, weintroduce thepark andGC'sprogram there. Media campaigns and meat bans in some settings already have contributed to a decline in meat consumption, and the initiative has boosted innovations aroundsynthetic meats, with the countrys plant-based meat industry expected to grow 2025% per year in the foreseeable future. InJanuary, Myanmarsmilitary launched acoup against thecountrysmost popular political party, seizing full control ofthegovernment andending abrief period ofquasi-democracy that hadbegun in2011. Protecting these forests iscritical forachieving ourplanetsclimate goals. Global Conservation haslaunched anewGlobal Park DefenseProject inNgorongoro World Heritage Site, Tanzania, ledbyAfrican People andWildlife (APW). Seabirds often follow fishing vessels to score easy meals. A report from the global conservation organization, WWF, has suggested that since 1970 the pressure we exert on the planet has almost doubled and the natural resources upon which we depend have declined by more than 33% . The state government of Sikkim has adopted organic farming as policy, and the state of Andhra Pradesh, with 6 million farmers, plans to adopt natural farming practices by 2025. Leuser Ecosystem, Sumatra 2019-2020 Progress Report. The top 36 issues were discussed at . Global Conservation issupporting TrailGuard AI,arevolutionary next-generation trail camera alert system that will help protect against human-wildlife conflict andillegal activities like poaching andlogging. Now, they are seeing another variable: heat waves. Conservation Hero: Rudi Putra, Leuser Ecosystem. The benefits of boosting biodiversity conservation in Latin America and The potential to engineer building materials made of chemicals, polymers, and bacteria that can fix themselves when damaged could reduce the need for repairs and shrink the environmental footprints of construction projects. WAhasateam of110rangers whowork tirelessly toremove snares from CambodiasCardamom Mountains. GC Supports Global Park Defense in Komodo World Heritage Park. Engaging America's Leaders on Global Conservation Issues Global Conservation islaunching apilot Global Park Defense deployment inParque Nacional Natural LosKatos, Colombia, toassist inprotection against illegal logging, land clearing, andwildlife poaching. Methods for identifying and refining issues were the same as in two previous annual scans and are widely transferable to other disciplines. Global Conservation Delivers Ranger Gear for Long-Distance Mountain Patrolling, Borjomi Rangers Equipped with Long-Distance Kits forPatrolling Largest National Park intheMountainous Caucuses, Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Myanmar Progress Report, 2019-2020. Important progress hasbeen made during thelast four years since theformation ofthePacific Guardians program, andsignificant growth inimpact isprojected inthenear andlonger-term astheinitiative issolidified inPalau andhastheopportunity toreplicate inother Pacific regions. Sign upforournewsletter today andreceive free digital copies ofourbooks Saving theNewWild andtheGlobal Park Defense Handbook! New GC Video: Marine Protection in Belize. This isoneofthelast refuges forjaguars andscarlet macaws inCentral America, andissospecies-rich that National Geographic hascalled it"themost biologically intense place onEarth". 14 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2023 | Earth.Org Other states across the country plan to follow suit. Think human impacts on biodiversity are limited to the biosphere? Global Conservation hosted donors, board members andadvisors onaspectacular diving trip toJardines delaReina, Cuba with ourPartner inConservation Avalon whohasimplemented themost robust andsuccessful Marine Protection programs intheworld. A 2021 Horizon Scan of Emerging Global Biological Conservation Issues Indeed, marine issues previously identified through this approach include microplastics 4 . In this horizon scan, we highlight 15 emerging issues of potential relevance to global conservation in 2020. Now, scientists are hoping to exploit this behavior to help spot illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, which accounts for up to $23.5 billion worth of seafood every year, or 1 in 5 fish sold. Some produce potent greenhouse gases. Global Conservation advisor Gerardo Ceballos, aMexican ecologist andoneoftheworld'sleading experts onextinction, wasrecently featured onCBS's60Minutes todiscuss theearth'songoing sixth mass extinction. Global Conservation recently partnered with theRainforest Action Network, strategically investing $100,000tosupport their work intheLeuser Ecosystem ofSumatra. Think again. Emerging global conservation issues and opportunities Effectively managing marine ecosystemsby preserving biodiversity, protecting ocean-based livelihoods, and ensuring sustainable fisheriesrequires a lot of information about threats, and about species location, abundance, and food and habitat needs. Early evaluations indicate that these large-scale transitions boost crop yields and incomes, improve the health of farmers, and increase women's access to microfinance. Scientists demonstrated some success with using online videos, social media posts, and other open-source data to document the effects of the locust swarms in East Africa in 2020. In2019 and2020, ourpartners achieved zero elephant poaching, massive drops indeforestation, development oftheworld'ssmallest trail camera, andmore! A diverse international team with collective expertise in horizon scanning, science communication, and conservation research, practice, and policy . 120 likes, 0 comments - The Wheeler School (@wheelerschoolri) on Instagram: "After winning the Rhode Island state title this spring, Wheeler's Upper School . Scans for global conservation issues have been conducted for 10 years (e.g., Sutherland et al., 2018), and topics thus identified have had widespread salience. Toenable 'NoKill, NoCut' protection forendangered UNESCO World Heritage andNational Parks indeveloping countries. GC Project: Ngorongoro World Heritage Site, Tanzania. Horizon scans are an effective approach for pre-emptively identifying issues facing global conservation 3. In June 2021, the nation of Nauru notified the International Seabed Authority (ISA)an intergovernmental organization established to regulate all mineral activities in the international seabedof its intention to start mining mineral-rich deposits on the seafloor. Newsletter: New Film, "Defending Mirador National Park". The East AsianAustralasian Flyway, which extends along the eastern coast of Asia and Australia through New Zealand, is one of the top hot spots in the world for diversity and sheer numbers of waterfowl and other water-loving birds, including critically endangered species. This approach is now being extended to detect species through eDNA collected from the air. Discover world-changing science. Global Conservation recently released anewvideo highlighting theurgent threats andourwork toprotect Mirador National Park inGuatemala. New GC Project Manu National Park and Machiguenga Communities, Peru. A 2017 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation - PubMed Attheinvitation ofParques Nacionales Naturales deColombia, Global Conservation conducted aweek-long mission totheSierra Nevada ofSanta Marta andTayrona National Parks. While the advantages and limitations associated with this technique warrant further investigation, there is potential for airborne eDNA analysis to be used to support numerous conservation efforts, including monitoring protected areas and threatened species and protecting wildlife from poaching. Conserving Marine Life in the United States, International Boreal Conservation Campaign, Protecting Coastal Wetlands and Coral Reefs, U.S. Public Lands and Rivers Conservation, To Reduce Flood Risk, New Jersey Invests in Stormwater Utilities, To Save Right Whales, Congress Must Follow the Science, Biden Protects New Mexico Landscape for 20 Years. We highlight them in the annual horizon scan to raise awareness, spur discussion, and increase research efforts in the regulatory, scientific, and advocacy communities. We believe that the current pandemic, the subsequent lockdown, and the postlockdown flurry to return to normalcy will have vital positive and negative consequences for biodiversity conservation. New Discovery of Second Tiger Population in Thailand Found in Thap Lan World Heritage Park, Theworldssecond breeding population ofIndochinese tigers (Panthera tigris corbetti) wasdiscovered May2017 inThailandsDong-Phayayen Khao YaiForest Complex, $250 Billion Market for Illegal Wildlife, Logging and Mining Is Destroying Our National Parks in Developing Countries, A2017 United Nations report shows llegal logging, mining andwildlife poaching earned criminal gangs upto$258billion last year, Global Conservation Deploys new Mobile System for Marine Protected Area (MPA) Protection, First Mirador Jaguar Population and Density Study with Calakmul, Mexico. GC Video: Global Park Defense for Marine Protected Areas. Submit Search. 1. However desirable conservation may seem, in reality it is a struggle. As interest in ammonia fuel grows, the authors warn against false claims of it being a zero carbon fuel and potential downsides, such as increased air pollution, that might accrue from its use. Global Conservation Impact Report: Marine Protection. Currently, decommissioning practices vary by country and include full removal, conversion of platforms to artificial reefs, and abandonment.