Required fields are marked *. Do not worry; beginners need to start somewhere. So before you try any tips, you have to consider how much your body and skill can handle. Instead, sit square in the seat and keep the weight distributed over the centre of the kart. The best way to brake in a kart is the opposite to on the road: you should hit the brakes hard initially so they almost lock, then as you get closer to the apex of corner, gradually and smoothly. The best way to brake in a kart is the opposite to on the road: you should hit the brakes hard initially so they almost lock, then as you get closer to the apex of corner, gradually and smoothly release them. Sprint go-karts - These are probably the most versatile go-karts. This is often overlooked and can certainly give you an edge over the other racers. When you finally get the feel of how to drive your kart, you can try to drive fast and even race against others. Traction talk aside, you will also have a much more stable kart compared to lighter drivers. If you get the entry right, you should be able to accelerate at the apex of the corner without running wide at the exit. That not only will improve your speed, but it will help you to get back on the gas sooner, which is crucial in go-kart racing. The track is defined by the white lines and kerbs. Heres a list of safety equipment that you should consider for your next go-kart race: The racing line is the path you follow around the circuit to maximize the effective usage of apexes and maximize braking/acceleration zones. No one kart racer becomes great overnight its all about the baby steps and ensuring that you can reach the goals youve set for yourself. Each of these formats can use different tracks. One thing that all successful racers are great at is maintaining their speed throughout a race. Go kart drivers may not know this, but there are 7 go kart tips that will help them drive faster and win their next race. go faster in kart Archives - Indoor Kart Racing Tips So while aiming turns, lean out of corners, or even you can just sit square to pass through the corners at maximum speed. But just keep practicing, and youll have a good grip on these in no time. Try and keep a fair distance between you and other drivers on the track. This means theyre not that forgiving when you make erroneous inputs. Get plenty of sleep the night before your race, stay hydrated, and remember to continually breathe if you become stressed. Things on a track happen within fractions of a second and your ability to react during these situations can help you avoid an accident or potentially overtake somebody. Along with getting familiar with a track, this is one of the most important things you will do and it forms the backbone of your racing strategies. You've just set a blistering lap time at K1 Speed, beating your friends and family by half a second or more. I enjoy building and customizing my go-karts in my spare time, always striving to improve their performance. Karting Tips For Heavy Drivers | Go Karting tips for Beginners TheNoobKarter 613 subscribers Subscribe 8.1K views 3 years ago #Go #KartRacing #GoKartRacing Part 1 of my Karting. It may sound daft, but you stand a much better chance of winning if you're enjoying yourself out on the track. Now sometimes, the sliding is not in our control, and lighter drivers can afford to slide. But, apart from these two scenarios, you wont usually need to press the brake on your go-kart. Practice makes a man perfect, and it cant get truer when it comes to go-karting. Related Article: Discover The 10 Best Off-Road Go-Karts For The Ultimate Adventure! It includes 8 group coaching calls per month where we will discuss tips and strategies to get you to winning races in NO time! That not only will improve your speed, but it will help you to get back on the gas sooner, which is crucial in go-kart racing. Watch on Want to drive a fast go kart? And never apply steering lock while braking! Never forget to give back! 12 Advanced Karting Tips for Heavy Drivers, to beat Lighter Drivers. But this is sort of another hidden trick to make the best turns possible. There are no two ways about it, from F1 down to karting, racing remains a dangerous pastime if youre not well protected. Crashing into your competitors is a sure-fire way to boil tensions. This is perhaps one of the most underrated tips in all of racing! You must wear closed-toe shoes (some places will never allow you to drive with anything opened toe). It is what defines the greats of motorsport. Most tracks are between one-half mile to one mile in length. For the steering wheel, hold it with bent hands at symmetrical points to maximize your control over the steering wheel. 6 Karting Tips That Guarantee To Make You Faster - YouTube No matter what your size is, avoid sliding as much as you can. Tip #1 Don't . Weight's effect on go karting lap times. - Page 2 - If you can master racing in these weather situations and become an expert at racing in the rain, this will give you a major edge over your competitors who are not used to it. 10 Ways to Win Your Next Go Kart Race | TeamSport Karting 101 - MICHIANA RACEWAY PARK Then, as soon as you are done, hit the gas again to regain the speed. Take a look online to find tips and tricks for improving your reaction time on a daily basis. The kart, including driver, weighs roughly four times less than an F1 car, so each 10 kg extra weight probably slows the kart down by at least 1.6%. It involves timing, reading the drivers pattern in front of you, and where you will overtake. That is why avoid sliding so that you dont lose your momentum during turns and curves. Go-karts are also built with special bumpers to withstand these types of collisions. Not sure how this works well for heavy drivers? Weight is extremely important in karting, which can leave heavier drivers wondering how to get the most out of their time on track without losing time to lighter competitors. Do not get distracted by other drivers! HOW TO WIN GO KARTING - Tips From A Professional Driver [Kart Racing Apart from casual go-karting, kart racing is also considered one of the most common ways to get into the motorsports scene and make a name. Its crucial to use the proper equipment when kart racing. In the case of the second driver the load transfer is bigger and should make it easier to lift the inside tyre. VAT Reg No. Another important go-kart racing tip is mastering overtaking. Go-karts can be powerful machines that could severely injure or even kill people. Get the right equipment. As a consequence, youll give your competitors less opportunity to catch up with you after theyve exited their corner. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. But this game also has its fair share of problems. If there is inclement weather, you do not need to drive your kart differently on an indoor track because the track is in a controlled environment. Each different type of go-kart track will require different handling. Go Kart Racing Tips: How to Drive a Go Kart Fast Indoors 2019 - 2023 Hypersupply Ltd. All Rights Reserved. At most of the tracks, you should strive to find the razor's edge of where the tires begin to lose grip, just like in other forms of racing. Dont be afraid to feather the throttle if the rear steps out on the exit of a corner. However, youth racers who are still growing often forget to adjust their seating position as they grow taller over time. Despite what Mario, a pixelated Italian plumber, suggests, go-karts can be challenging to handle. You want to avoid this at all costs, and as a heavier driver, accidental slides can really kill your momentum. When driving, you must take many factors into consideration, including your surroundings and road surface. Ive created an entire article on overtaking which I will link to below. Indoor tracks are stable grounds that are rarely affected by factors including weather. The inside rear wheel not lifting enough or at all is what we call the bind, and its hard to counteract, but it can be done. In fact, the only thing stress will do is ensure that your race does not go well. Unlike any other race, the fastest ones dont always win the race in go-karting. Let's see. The beauty is that over time, these seemingly small things really add up to make a difference in your skill levels. Go-karts are a source of fun for all ages. As a result, they gain back their lost momentum from the linear path. Because of that, there is no way someone can cheat in go-kart racing. Indoor Go-Karts at Urban Air | Thrilling Speed and Fun There are plenty of things that you can consider upgrading on your go-kart. Monday 14th July 2008. Given how important weight is in karting, it can be daunting for heavier drivers that feel theyre at a disadvantage over their lighter competitors. The best ones will be built with robust construction and strong suspension, ensuring that your experience at the track is smooth and exciting. The Ultimate Guide to Driving a Go-Kart - GoKartLife These speeds are not legal on public roads. With your back leaned and against the backrest of the seat you should be able to reach forward to grab the steering wheel without having to lean forward. It is hard to do anything if you are uncomfortable or even in pain. When overtaking, dont focus on the go-kart in front of you, instead focus on the gap so that you can time your overtaking maneuver. For now, heres a quick list of the basics of efficiently overtaking your opponents: Take note that there are plenty of overtaking opportunities on each track. Do you think that you can stand any chance of being fast if you end up in the middle of the road in the exit? Owner, Researcher, Writer & Editor at Following the racing line is the surest way of navigating the track in as quick a time as possible. Some of the tips can be hard to follow at first, but with time youll be able to gear a good grasp on them and gain an advantage over your competition. You will also have less room to work with. You are allowed to use as much of the road as you like, so utilise every centimetre to go faster. Karts are extremely low to the ground, making everything feel twice as fast, but often people compound this by looking only a few metres in front of the kart. Go-karting is a popular recreational activity that involves driving a small, open-wheel vehicle called a go-kart around a track. As soon as the race starts, your friend will notice something wrong with his go-kart. So, learning how to take turns is an important part of go-kart racing. I am sharing here all of my learnings. More Information: How to Tire Prep for Go-Kart Racing. To kick things off, I want to focus on one of the most prevalent things heavier drivers will encounter on a track where weight can make big differences. When riding go karts you should strive to carry as much momentum as possiblearound the track in most instances, but there will be a few compromises. Once you think youve found an area theyre particularly slow through, be sure to take advantage! But what I did and you can do is contact the track crew to tamper the go-kart your friend will be driving specifically. Once youve been shown your kart, adjust your seat using the lever under the front of your seat. When cornering, your rear wheel closest to the apex will typically lift off the ground by some margin and this is what helps karts in outdoor races stay consistently fast. Instead, pick a line for yourself so that you can go as far as possible without braking. If you are rigid in the seat, then the kart cannot flex as well. Additionally, analyze the pattern of karts surrounding you and overtake accordingly. When brakes are applied while turning, it generally causes the tires to lose traction easier and quicker. Driving a kart, however, is very different to driving your everyday car, and there are some common mistakes which will hinder your speed. But while it is a common understanding, there is still a lot of conflict on this matter. Is there a chance you can be fast by driving outside of the racing line and make 2-3 meters more distance in every single corner in the track adding up to 20-30 meters for a 10 corners track? Alternatively, why not study the driver in front over the course of a few laps and assess their strengths and weaknesses. You can know more about me from my "about" page. So unless you want to finish last and get beaten by all your competitors or friends, start to put this go kart tips into practice and make sure you win the next race! You have to slow down for sharp turns in a go-kart as it risks your kart to flip over and rig. Then again, if you can learn to implement all the tips I mentioned above, itll be hard to beat you at go-kart racing. And keeping in view the above information, we know that the more force we lose in this process, the slower your kart will be. While this is the most common practice it doesnt necessarily mean its the best for you and your style. They will handle very differently. Most of the indoor karting locations will have a map of the track, where you will be able to see all the turns, chicanes and straight sections. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. How to win go-kart races? Sometimes this extra gear helps to make sure there is nothing loose. We all feel passionate and sometimes intensity can get the better of us but at the end of the day were just a bunch of people who are looking to have a good time. But as a heavy kart driver, these kinds of mistakes and mixed inputs can land you in last place without a chance of climbing your way up the pack unless the others are really suffering in the corners. The more the weight in a kart, the more force it will require to accelerate. Copyright Solox 2022. This of course depends on where you live and what the racing conditions are like. All of th. But these factors also include weight. Theyll be forced to pass on the outside or inside of turns that are not optimized for these maneuvers. 4.2K 498K views 6 years ago Learn to go faster when Go-Karting by listening to a 5 time go-kart champion give you 4 quick and easy tips to go faster. Race safely and spot for good overtaking opportunities. And eventually, they cope up with the light drivers if they use the cornering technique smartly. Gloves, for example, will protect you from road debris and dampen the vibrations on the steering wheel. Discover The 10 Best Off-Road Go-Karts For The Ultimate Adventure! HAIRPIN TURN in Go Karting (tutorial) - YouTube Every race track has an optimal racing line, depending on its layout. More throttle does not necessarily equal more speed, particularly on the exit of slower corners. Just remember, being a quick driver comes from driving better, not driving harder, so try to contain your excitement when you get on circuit and build your speed up gradually. Imagine there is a cup of water in the kart that you dont want to spill. But just like any other sport, this one also comes with its fair share of lacking, one of them being weight difference. But how exactly did they get there? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Controlling front tire grip is generally more important than the rear, and it's usually acceptable to allow the back end to slide a little as long as you can maintain safe control of the kart. A lot of inexperienced drivers will turn the steering wheel sharply, causing the front to slide this is known as understeer, and the kart will feel as if it wants to go in a straight line. There are certain parts you should check after every race, apart from your regular maintenance schedule. But when it comes to a tight turn, youll have to brake hard, only to lose the top speed and start accelerating from the beginning. A Comprehensive Guide. As a heavy driver, the handling youll experience will differ from a lighter driver. Now that we are at the end, I hope my tips for go-kart racing come in handy to plan the strategies to win your next go-kart race. You see, while traction might slow you down, it also gives you stability. And that, as you can probably already tell, is all about how the kart handles. Helpfully! Whether you are just a novice or an expert driver, the inner driver within yourself always wants to win when you step into the racing track. Furthermore, practically every go-kart driving on an indoor track is electric, so there are no fumes and less noise. So, if you are racing on your own kart, you can fine-tune your kart chaise to lose some traction. KB is one of the many professional racers behind the Pole Position Raceway brand that helped inspire our motto Built For Racers, By Racers. 8 Tips On How To Drive A Go Kart For The First Time | Ace Karts The driver who will handle the turns better is most likely to win the race. If youre an adult, chances are that youll only need to set your seat position once. But the heavy drivers benefit here because their weight provides them a stable ride and helps them corner smoothly without losing much speed. Although it may look amazing in videos or in off-road racing, drifting through a turn on a go-kart is a quick way to lose your race because it disregards the optimal racing line and it causes you to lose momentum. Its also good to ensure that all your karting equipment meets required safety standards and homologation. Extra weight compared to others racing around you will keep the kart on the track far better, making heavier drivers a force to be reckoned with in wet weather (provided you know how best to tackle those conditions). This guide will illustrate how to drive a go-kart on any track. Position swapping, overtaking, and nailing each and every apex are just some of the makings of a perfect day at the track. They have small turns that dont provide much help with the cornering. Aggressive maneuvers are not only dangerous to drivers but also rarely perform the intended goal of getting around your opponents. Therefore, you will not be able to reach top speeds like you can on an outdoor track. Go-karts and setups for a go-kart team, including a pit crew and equipment, are less expensive than motocross or formula one. As well as causing spin-outs and slower lap times, simultaneously pressing down on the brake and accelerator can even cause some karts to cut-out altogether. Lets start with the lap time. One common thing you often see from both novices and more experienced drivers is turning into corners too early. Let me explain. But the format of the races can influence both the kart and track users. They should not be treated the same as any hard surface. The idea of a sprint track is to provide people multiple sprints to try to outrace other racers. This is kind of the fun part of this article. Does Body Weight Make a Difference in Go Karting Lap Times? Having better traction will be a huge boon in rainy, slippery conditions where your kart will be struggling to find any traction at all. The track surface can also make a huge difference when it comes to go-karting. Here is a list of must-check parts before racing: One of the most important things to consider when racing is the type of tire versus the type of condition that youre facing. Additionally, you might fail to pick a line initially. The best way to carry momentum is by using wide lines around the race track that allow you to carry more exit speed. How to Drive a Go-Kart for the First Time: 10 Essential Tips & Tricks You have long stints of straight track and high-speed corners to make up for it. Just cruise around the track a little. 14 Tips for Go-Kart Racing | You Should Know In this scenario, mass remains constant and multiple for the required speed. But that couldn't be. Karting tips: 7 mistakes that all novices make No matter who you speak to, go-kart drivers will always tell you that sliding your kart, while cool, isnt fast nor competitive. While racing, you want to make sure that you keep your focus on the task at hand. Not only that, but it can make steering difficult if your kart is all-but stuck to the track! This is a very fun class that uses a full size kart, along with a 125cc 2-stroke engine, or the 100cc air-cooled 2-stroke engine, in TaG, ROK, and Rotax. Although you may not be going for a championship on the world stage, its crucial that you remain calm and focused while racing around the circuit. In the world of racing, fortune favours the brave. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Do you think that its still fine to pass a couple of meters from it? Well, there are plenty of strategies and tips that you learn to help you improve your performance on the race track. Youll need different types of tires, understand the optimal wet racing line and youll also need to get used to the lack of visibility. But these are all worst-case scenarios and simply things to keep in mind rather than lose sleep over. So long as the hand placement is natural, ergonomic and symmetrical, youre good to go. Although there are several standard formats for race days, your league may run things a little bit differently. Especially for heavy drivers, sliding can be a huge issue. The most common way to grip the steering wheel on a go-kart is at the quarter to three position. It provides thrills for many people. My goal with this site is to share valuable go-kart racing information through guides, articles, reviews, track details and more. So, without further ado, lets begin. What is The Best Go-Kart Engine to Beat the Competition? Make sure you're familiar with the brake. Racing in motorsports involves knowing how to: Go-kart racing can provide people a sense of how these work in motocross and formula one. Obviously, achieving the best result requires a great deal of work by the tuner, who needs to be a professional and have considerable experience in the field. 765357793. Once you learn to keep your head clear, youll be making smart decisions on the tracks that will put you ahead of everyone else. Many drivers lose most time in the corners anyway, so thats where you can make big gains. Unlike straight paths where forces are linear, curves work on centrifugal forces. You should always be anticipating the next corner, especially since you memorized the track, and you should be paying attention to your posture, braking, and accelerating out of the corners. However, youll want to make sure to follow-through with a comfortable grip during your race because it will assist your smooth driving through corners because youll be able to transfer power evenly with your hands in this position. If you can shave time off your laps for a single corner, imagine the impact it can have on the entire race. It might not seem important at first, but a comfortable and straight seating position can make a huge difference. The lighter the vehicle, the bigger percentage the drivers weight factors in. Most of all, enjoy it. There are many pieces of advice to follow: First, you must understand that even though you are not moving much, you will be physically exerted during go-kart driving/racing. Want to drive a fast go kart? Try to take advantage of that too. None of these factors are related to your driving skill, but doing the homework on them can give you an upper hand over the competitors youll have on the race track. Join Goran at and immerse yourself in this exhilarating sport. In group races with friends, I think most track crews will agree to arrange something for you to cheat.