It allows the claimant to receive benefits for the time they were unemployed, providing them with the money they need to cover basic living expenses. Note: The required documents for applying for UI are different from the required documents needed to verify your identity after you have already submitted an application. You should apply for PUA. Does anyone know if EDD sends you a confirmation email saying they accepted your backdate request or do they randomly just add the backdated weeks to your EDD portal to certify for? Whats the best way to contact them? We need the following information to make a decision regarding your request. It does say right before you submit, "The EDD will process your request to backdate the effective date of your new UI claim (or new effective reopen date) in the order received. If you have been trying to call daily to ask unemployment to backdate a claim you dont have to. Our staff do not have access to the EDD system nor are we able process claims, but you may be able to reach an EDD rep who does when you call. 6. You will receive a request if either: To find the time period for which you must provide documentation and your submission deadline in UI Online: If you need more time,log in to UI Onlineand selectRequest More Timein theUpload Employment Documentsection on the homepage. Show the pay period dates or the date the check was issued. I dont qualify for regular unemployment. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. I was scheduled to start employment and did not have a job or was unable to reach the job as a direct result of COVID-19. I had been diagnosed with COVID-19 or was experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis. Question 7 asks you to provide wages earned from the employer for the last year and a half. Sept. 13, 2022, at 11:33 a.m. Is Unemployment Insurance Retroactive? I was denied continued unemployment benefits because I either refused to return to work or accept an offer of work at a worksite that was not in compliance with local, state, or national COVID-19 health and safety standards, such as facial mask wearing, physical distancing, or access to protective equipment consistent with public health guidelines. Review the. To assist undocumented workers who have lost their jobs or income as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, Legal Aid at Work has also compiled a list of known relief funds for undocumented workers HERE. Once you have completed your online reassessment, you dont need to do anything else, and you will not be asked to complete a mailed reassessment. If we determine you are still not eligible for PUA benefits, you will receive a DE 238 referring you to your initialNotice of Determination for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance(DE 8598PUA-D), or a new DE 8598PUA-D explaining why you do not meet PUA requirements and information on your right to appeal the EDDs decision. PUC is a flat amount automatically provided to those on UI or PUA, including those who were receiving a partial unemployment benefit check. I was already receiving UI before the pandemic started. You may submit an appeal within 30 days. Considering that those on unemployment receive a $300 weekly federal top-up to their state benefits which average about $320 a week, the retroactive aid could result in a large lump sum payment near the end of March (the Department of Labor says that state agencies will need a few weeks to implement the changes). You may file a claim for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits with the California Employment Development Department (EDD). Documentation does not need to cover the entire period when you were working. To be eligible for FED-ED, you must have enough earnings in the base period of your regular UI claim. I was an employee and my hours had been reduced or I was laid off as a direct result of COVID-19. The maximum date is the latest date by which the EDD will accept applications for benefits. EDD Debit Card If the funds are still on your card, transfer them to your bank account and then repay them by sending a personal check, cashiers check, or money order made payable to the EDD. PUA included up to 86 weeks of benefits, between February 2, 2020 and September 4, 2021. I received a Notice of Determination saying that I was not eligible for unemployment benefits. If you are eligible, you may get your first PUA payment in about two days if you already have aDebit Cardfrom the EDD. If you were previously denied benefits for one or more weeks under the PUA program, you will receive a message in your UI Online account with instructions on how to complete the PUA Reassessment. If you have access to records that allow you to report their quarterly earnings, you should report that information as well. 24. For one, it can be difficult to prove eligibility for benefits if the claimant does not have the necessary documentation. Related forms. Business receipts or invoices. Required fields are marked *. 30K views 2 years ago. See this flowchart for more information on how extensions apply to UI claimants. In this case, you will likely to need to request a wage audit. You may receive fewer than 86 weeks of PUA benefits if: See this flowchart for more information on how extensions apply to UI claimants. In section 4, the EDD will ask you: Are you ready and willing to accept work that matches your work skills and educational background? The EDD has prepared videos in multiple languages that might help you out. You became the breadwinner or major support for a household because the head of the household has died as a direct result of COVID-19. Note: How you report your income is different for 1099 wages (self-employment income): W-2 wages: If you are not self-employed, report your income for the week you worked to earn the income, not when you were actually paid. We will add a 30% penalty if we determine that you intentionally gave false information or withheld information to receive benefits. I requested backdating on the basis of lack of knowledge and received a determination denying my claim for backdating. Additionally, claimants must provide sufficient documentation to prove their eligibility, such as pay stubs and proof of employment. PUA benefits ended September 4, 2021. We may need to ask more questions before . My situation changed after submitting my application or I realized I made a mistake on my application. 5. What does it mean to certify for benefits and how should I do so? (Note: Is this article not meeting your expectations? To request that your claim be backdated: Under "Select A Category", choose: Unemployment Insurance Benefits, After the page updates, choose sub-category: Claim Questions. You are unable to work because a health care provider advised you to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19. These are for items including: Office space, utilities, licenses and permits, or insurance. The claimant must meet all eligibility requirements, such as being unemployed through no fault of their own and having worked the required number of hours in the base period. How far back can I backdate my claim? EDD has told us that if your online application goes smoothly, you should be set within 2-3 weeks of re-applying. You will have 21 days to submit documentation. A child or other person in my household for whom I am the primary caregiver was unable to attend school or another facility that was closed as a direct result of COVID-19 and the school or facility care was required for me to work. tips for creating digital copies of documents. I was unemployed for a significant amount of time before I submitted my unemployment application. Am I still eligible for extensions and additional benefits? FOX21 turned to Traci Marques, CEO of Pikes Peak Workforce: According to Marques, you can backdate your unemployment claim to when it started. You can request to backdate your claim date to the week you became unemployed due to #COVID19. Finally, it is advisable to work with an employment attorney when filing an EDD claim. You can answer NO even if you could not find full-time work because the industry you work is non-essential. Many claimants have experienced issues with verifying their identity through, such as their documents not being accepted or experiencing long wait times to speak with an trusted referee. Can I fix it? To continue receiving benefits, you must reopen your claim. Can I backdate my claim? As long as you have sufficient earnings during your base period and an immigration status that allows you to work, you may be eligible for unemployment if your hours have been reduced or your employment ended. See Question 23 for more information on how to backdate your claim. EDD is aware of the issue. You may change or backdate your claim in one of the following ways: Note: If you submitted a new PUA application on or after December 27, 2020, the earliest your claim can start is December 6, 2020. IRS 1040 Schedule 1 Entry on Business income or (loss) line specific to self-employment income. If your account is frozen, you may need to verify your identity. If your company did not pay payroll taxes on your earnings, or you were misclassified as an independent contractor, you will likely have to provide proof of your earnings to the EDD, and it will take longer for the EDD to process your claim. You may also schedule an appointment with our Workers Rights Clinic via (415) 404-9093 to speak with an advocate who will help you interpret the EDDs information. You will need to provide: Note: If you were misclassified as an independent contractor (received a 1099), were paid in cash, or your employer didnt deduct payroll taxes out of your wages, your application will take longer to process. Reddit, Inc. 2023. I had sent the backdate request on 6/5, so in all it took 18 days to get it changed. If you dont submit the required documentation that proves you were employed, self-employed, or planning to be employed or self-employed during the calendar year before and up to the start of your claim, you may have to repay any benefits determined to be an overpayment. Note:The additional $300 was added each week as part of thecontinued federal assistancefor claims between December 27, 2020, and September 4, 2021. You cannot file a new claim in Washington until your benefit year is over, even though you may have received all of your benefits. My place of employment was closed as a direct result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. A potential overpayment could be all benefits you received, including the PUA benefits and the additional $300 Pandemic Additional Compensation added to your benefits each week. For more information, visit: If the EDD requires additional information to verify your identity, you will need to join a video call with and provide either: Visit the EDD HERE to learn what documents are acceptable to submit. EDD told me I wasnt eligible to receive benefits or I was disqualified from receiving benefits. In general, the EDD has recognized that the pandemic has resulted in confusion and substantial delays that warrant good cause for backdating claims. Al completar este formulario, solicito a la Oficina de la Asamblesta Aguiar-Curry (la "Asamblesta") que me ayude a trabajar con el Departamento de Desarrollo Laboral (EDDpor sus siglas en ingls) en mi reclamo. You have 30 days to appeal (unless you can show good cause for the delay). When a worker files a claim, he or she must provide certain information such as addresses and dates of the former. This does not cancel your claim; this means you need to reopen your claim when/if you stop receiving excessive earnings. Take advantage of steep discounts on this household essential during Prime Day 2023. Benefit check not cashed Return the original check to the EDD. The employers name and contact information. Disability Insurance: Call 1-800-480-3287 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific time, Monday through Friday, except on . Prior to the pandemic, claimants receiving regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits could collect up to 26 weeks of benefits within a 12-month period. 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If you collected PUA benefits, new federal requirements require you to respond to our requests and may impact your eligibility for those benefits, or could make you eligible for benefits previously denied. We recommend that you certify for benefits through your UI Online account, but you can also certify for benefits by phone, using Tele-Cert at 1-866-333-4606, or mail, using the form DE 4581 that should have been mailed to you. Im on UI but now Ive gotten sick and am too sick to work. Q. I was misclassified as an independent contractor.