Since the whole meat slicer can't go in the solution, we recommend using a spray bottle with sanitizing solution to spray off and wipe clean the entire machine. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Severe cases can lead to hospitalization. But there are small and large food particles youre not getting rid of. When I'm at home I try cooking healthy but love blending dishes I've learned with fresh local ingredients. Step 1: Disassemble Your Meat Slicer The first step is disassembling your meat slicer after you're done using it. Used for slicing cheeses, meats, vegetables, and other sliceable foods, meat slicers are versatile and reliable equipment that needs proper care to last longer. Even if you're slicing cheese, you should clean the blade after! [1]. Cleaning products are always food grade so they don't contaminate food items. This can scratch the blades and damage them. During continuous usage, it's vital the slicer be cleaned every 4 hours or so. Once the parts have been thoroughly cleaned and rinsed, allow them to air dry. Blade Guard: Food soil accumulation on the inside of the blade guard at the white plastic piece. Can you guess one of the dirtiest places in your commercial kitchen? If you keep yours clean, the process is fast and won't require lots of special products or very much work. Most home slicers that are used only occasionally can go anywhere from a month to several months without sharpening the blade. I know I cant resist them, and I know Im not alone in this. It can damage the machine. A big cause of many frustrating slicing experiences is not the quality of the slicer or even the cleanliness, but how sharp the meat slicer blade is. Make sure to detach the blade from the slicer after making sure the slicer is unplugged. Weve thought ahead and written an entire guide with a meat slicer sanitizer routine that is comprehensive and easy to follow, from step 1 to the end. If you operate your slicer more than four hours daily, you should do this multiple times per day. Many smaller meat slicers likethe 7.5-inch slicer from Meat Your Makerwill require that you remove the machine face plate to properly clean all of the large food particles from the slicer. This should be done at least once per day, if not multiple times per day depending on the volume of operation. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Deep cleaning your slicer is the key to preventing foodborne illness. Unless you can identify these problem points on the machine, it can become rather difficult to keep your machine clean. The manufacturer can tell you what steps to take and what things to avoid when cleaning your meat slicer appliance. You should never, ever store a wet meat slicer. Disconnect the machine from its power source and set the blade to zero. Ring Guard Mount: Food soil accumulation at the ring guard mount. For this, you will need one quart of cold water (don't use hot water!) Be careful with the sharpening stone and make sure it's not in the way. The site is secure. Take a clean cloth also and insert it in the area between the blade guard and blade making sure you remove all the remaining dirt particles. Despite their wide use, most owners fail to properly sanitize the meat slicer; at least half of deli slicers don't meet the FDA food code guidelines. Basically, that all depends on how often you use it. Therefore, your meat slicer or meat grinder should be cleaned regularly to keep it safe for use. You can also use a degreaser spray instead. Take all these parts to a prepared dish sink of hot water and detergent. , potentially risking your familys life in the process. You can use a commercial food-grade sanitizer that is available for home brewing or you can use a weak bleach solution to ensure bacteria are eliminated. when handling hot pots and trays, you should wear protective cut-resistant gloves to clean your meat slicer. Food Safety Magazine discussed in an article the importance of sanitizing contamination-prone equipment in the kitchen as it relates to health and passing health inspections. While it involves taking apart the unit and cleaning all parts thoroughl. I knew workers at the grocery store were masters at this, cleaning their machines every four hours every day, but I didnt even know where to start. Many slicers have built-in provisions for a sharpening stone, while there are also universal products to sharpen the blade of a slicer. Use a small brush on parts of the main unit like the knobs, receiving tray, screws, controls, seams, gaskets, and handles. Be sure there arent any other dishes in the sink! If you didnt have an idea on how to clean your meat slicer, the process of cleaning meat slicers has been presented to you in a simple and comprehensive way. The Bearded Butchers are dedicated to providing as much information as we possibly can to help you understand how to best process and prepare meats of all kinds. What should you not do when you clean the slicer? The first step is disassembling your meat slicer after youre done using it. Simply wiping down a slicer to remove visible debris is not a substitute for thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the equipment. Understanding the why of cleaning your slicer is only half of it! Let them air dry in their own area before reassembly. These seams can become worn, degraded or removed as a result of the heavy use and cleaning process that deli slicers undergo. **USA ONLY**. Wipe away large food particles with a cloth or paper towel. The . It is vital that you spend time ensuring that food particles are not left in small parts of the slicer or behind the face plate. ; Recent outbreaks of foodborne illness have been associated with the build-up of food soils and disease-causing microorganisms on areas of deli slicers that are difficult to clean and sanitize. While meat slicers involve a lot of steps to clean and can be challenging to take apart, its crucial that your slicer is sanitized regularly in order to prevent foodborne illness. 40 Ideas to Jumpstart Your Healthy Dinner Revolution! You can either buy a sanitizing spray for meat slicers or make your own at home. One that is too harsh could eventually eat away at the meat slicer parts and make them more susceptible to rust. This is an area that tends to have lots of nooks and crannies for bacteria to hide in. Find a gentle scrub pad to wipe both sides of the meat slicer blade. Fast forward many months later and here I am, ready to help you sanitize and clean a meat slicer in just ten steps. Step 6: Oil the slide rods using a spray lubricant. Simple Guide to Cleaning an Electric Griddle. In most cases, these bacteria cause upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, and cramping. Make sure that you remove all the food particles from the blades. Because I want you to be as safe as possible when cleaning and sanitizing meat slicers, I have five more safety tips for you. Taking an extra minute or two to clean the slicers parts thoroughly may be the make or break of your cleaning routine. It requires you to use the right materials and supplies otherwise you won't get quality results. The only way to get rid of it is to use hot water and soaps or bleach. At home, things are a little different. I know you are a busy person and you may never get the time to clean your food slicer but never forget that its one of the reasons your business still exists. Remove the disassembled parts from the sanitizer and use a soft brush or sponge to clean them. Use a clean paper towel to make sure the slicer is dry. Step 4: Clean all the slicer's exterior and other remaining parts with a fresh, clean rag. Remove the tray and the slide rods, clean off leftover bits, and place the parts in the sanitizing solution. Once you get a routine established of cleaning your slicer, it will be second nature to you and your staff to keep it sanitized. Eating contaminated meats - like the ones found in an unclean meat slicer - may lead to listeriosis. Again, avoid using steel wool on these parts. December 26, 2022 Tutorial Meat slicers are not only a nice addition to your kitchen, but are also essential to the deli, sandwich shops, and grocery stores. ready for use after the slicer is clean but. Meat slicers have a ton of places where raw meat can hide, and even if the slicer looks clean, there may be unseen food particles hiding out. A cleaned and sanitized slicer will last longer and perform better, so it is worth protecting the investment by properly cleaning the machine. Light cleaning should be done after every use of your slicer, at least once per day. This process uses cleaning products to kill harmful bacteria that could build up and go unnoticed. After Using a Meat Slicer You Should Do These: Get your machine disconnected from the power socket and set its blade thickness to zero. Who doesnt love cold cuts straight from the deli, in a sandwich or on a platter? How to Clean a Meat Slicer in 6 Easy Steps - WebstaurantStore Meat slicers that are used continuously (like the ones at grocery stores) need to be cleaned and sanitized several times every day. Carnivore Style may contain affiliate links. Your email address will not be published. The FDA has guidelines for how often must a meat slicer be cleaned. Its important to stress that those cleaning the machine should. Sanitizing removes microorganisms, whereas cleaning only removes the dirt sitting on the surface. If you find out the gasket is damaged, it's best to replace it as soon as possible. To help you, we maintain a blog and Youtube channel with lots of free, high-quality information. Rather, a detergent solution made by mixing hot water and dish detergent will work wonders. Meat slicers that are used continuously (like the ones at grocery stores) need to be cleaned and sanitized several times every day. These materials can scratch the parts, giving bacteria a hard-to-clean spot in which to grow and spread. how often should a meat slicer be cleaned, 6 Clever Ideas For A Small Kitchen Makeover on A Budget. Click to reveal Step 7: Using a lint-free towel, dry the parts where water accumulates. Soak a clean cloth in warm water, and detergent solution then wipe the surface of the meat slicer. Many people don't realize that not cleaning your meat slicer properly is incredibly harmful to you and your family. Right after using a meat slicer, you should clean it. For those using a meat slicer for commercial purposes, regular cleaning enables them to pass a health inspection. Don't forget to make sure that even areas of the slicer that don't regularly touch food are perfectly cleaned to prevent cross-contamination and the spreading of disease. Dont submerge the device completely. once per day, if not multiple times per day depending on the volume of operation. Use a clean towel to wipe down the housing, on/off switch, and food chute on the back of the slicer. Grab a scrub pad and a small brush (never use steel wool brushes, they're too harsh) and get to work. These workhorses are essential everywhere from small cafes to busy delis. Prepare the solution in a wash bucket and place it next to the slicing machine. Light cleaning should be done after every use of your slicer, or after every product change. The blade plate, product tray (or food chute), blade guard, and knife sharpener or sharpening stone should also come off. ; Machines used in the kitchen always make processing easy. Raw meat goes rancid rather quickly and breeds harmful bacteria like crazy. If youre only using the meat slicer for less than four hours at a time, you can clean and sanitize it only when youre done. Simply wash and dry the meat slicer blade and make sure there are no trapped bits of food in the guard or in the gaps around the motor cover. How to Clean a Meat Slicer Step By Step | Food Guide Pro First and foremost, cleaning your slicer is a food safety requirement regardless of what you are slicing. This prevents food and juice build-up as well as bacteria growth. (7 Things to Consider), How Often Should You Baste Turkey? As these seals and gaskets become degraded, spaces can be created that can trap debris and moisture, which can lead to areas that may not be able to be adequately cleaned and sanitized under normal cleaning conditions. Remove the slicer blade from the slicer machine. A huge food safety no-no. Before you go ahead and clean your meat slicer machine, it is important to remember these things: Here are some simple steps to cleaning your meat slicer machine efficiently: Step 1: First, set the cut thickness to 0. Learn here how to cut meat against the grain for the perfect meat slice. Your email address will not be published. Secondly (and most importantly), raw meat can leave behind. Once done, coat the machine with a spray bottle and let it dry for some time. Build-up will not only encourage the growth of bacteria on your slicer but can also prevent the parts from working as they should. Employees may find meat slicers are hard to clean and sanitize, but thats no, excuse for skipping this task. How to Clean a Meat Slicer - The Bearded Butchers Giving your meat slicer a thorough cleaning is much easier when you do it regularly. Preserve sanitation on your slicer by using a, Choose a Commercial Meat Slicer Like a Pro. To help you, we maintain a blog and Youtube channel with lots of free, high-quality information. You can replace these parts before they become worn out and damaged. Your email address will not be published. Step 5: Dry the slicer. You don't want to cause corrosion problems by letting too much water enter the housing. Let air dry completely in the dish drying area. Not only are meat slicers used for meats, but they can also be used to slice different deli items such as cheese, fruits, and vegetables. for how often must a meat slicer be cleaned. What Are The Major Plumbing Maintenance Benefits Homeowners See? Im willing to bet you clean your meat slicer after every use, but you likely dont sanitize it as you should. Read our guide! For individual purposes, meat slicers and other kitchen equipment should be cleaned and sanitized well after every use. There are certain guidelines that should be observed while cleaning this piece of equipment to maximize user safety. This fosters meat slicer blade maintenance, thus prolonging the lifespan of your heavy-duty appliance. We're a news, analysis, and opinion platform for everything related to the carnivore diet and lifestyle. Subscribe to our newsletter for Sales Alerts, New Products, Promotions, Blog Posts, and more! Weve laid out two types of cleaning that you need to incorporate: light and full cleaning. When it's time for your meat slicer to be cleaned, there are a few parts that should be handled with special care. Wash the blade, food carriage, and other removable parts in warm, soapy water, using a soft brush or cloth to scrub away any food particles. You need to understand how to properly clean a meat slicer to prevent foodborne illness, keep it running smoothly, and pass health inspections. If you regularly clean your meat slicer, it will always be ready for use and look as good as new. importance of sanitizing contamination-prone equipment, Ways to Securely Store and Transport Dish & Glassware Racks, Merchandising Refrigerator and Freezer Buying Guide, Employing Minors in the Kitchen: Know the Laws, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cotton Candy, How to Keep Wrought Iron Furniture Rust-Free, Vent vs. Ventless Dishwashers: Pros, Cons, and Considerations, How Much Dinnerware, Drinkware, and Flatware to Order: Recommended Estimates. How often should a meat slicer be cleaned? Use a paper towel, gentle scrub pad or cloth to wipe out all the big food particles stuck on the machine. Employees may find meat slicers are hard to clean and sanitize, but thats noexcuse for skipping this task. According to an. The United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA) actually does not recommend washing meat before cooking it. Ensure the blade guard is completely clean. After that, scrub all of the parts with a soft brush or sponge to remove any built-up residue. Wipe down the entire meat slicer properly, making sure to go over all of the nooks and crannies that can harbor raw meat particles. Food Pan Buying Guide: What is a Steam Table Pan? Before you start the cleaning process, make sure you have worn the right protective gloves. We can't stress enough how important food safety is, particularly in the home kitchen. You should never have to use steel wool to clean a meat slicer and it isn't a good idea anyway since the steel fibers can get trapped in the slicer. Mishandled food often leads to the growth of common bacteria called Listeria Monocytogenes (LM), which can also be found in cooked and processed foods. Weve thought ahead and written an. Carefully monitor these areas for any cracks, broken, missing or unattached parts: What YOU Can Do You'll often notice that butchers who are using a commercial meat slicer clean the machine regularly. This isnt a task you can just ignore; I even wrote a comprehensive guide of how often a meat slicer should be cleaned (spoiler alert: after every use). Thus, theres no need to clean the slicer every 4 hours. A gentle scrub pad and a bleach water rinse will work well to get the large food particles cleaned up. When a meat slicer goes uncleaned, food residue can build-up, leaving behind a nasty growth of harmful bacteria. Required fields are marked *. Eating my way around the world and always trying to recreate my favorite dishes with a barbecue twist. Many seams between the connected parts and components of a typical delislicer are sealed with sealants and gaskets. Cleaning meat slicers is a lengthy process. You will want to get into the habit of taking apart the slicer and cleaning each part and also cleaning the slicer before using it to prevent disease. Enhancing Style and Comfort in Your Living Space, Unplug the meat slicer form the power source, Wear cut resistant gloves, especially when cleaning the blade, Read and follow manufacturer instructions, Avoid using steel wool to clean the machine. Keep the instructions posted near the slicer location and follow them closely. How To Clean A MEAT SLICER - YouTube How To Clean A Commercial Meat Slicer - Simple 7-Step Process The biggest one was (you guessed it) how to clean a meat slicer. Your IP: Never use steel wool to clean your slicer, and never put it in a dishwasher machine. This means that The Bearded Butchers may receive a commission if you click on a link above and make a purchase on Dish soap makes a great soapy water solution for removing most of the dangerous bacteria on the slicer. Cleaning a meat slicer means removing food residue from your machine. Always wash them by hand, one by one. This is too rough on the appliances parts and will do more harm than good. All repairs should be performed by the manufacturers authorized service representative or using repair kits available from or provided by the original manufacturer. A bleach water wash will sanitize and clean. How to Clean a Meat Slicer to Prevent Foodborne Illness To make sure the meat you eat is clean, go with leaner cuts of red meat, like sirloin or lean ground beef, and leaner poultry options like chicken (over something like duck). 5) Always Follow the Manufacturers Instructions. Make sure there are no grease or food particles left. How to Properly Clean a Commercial Meat Slicer - YouTube If you dont do this, you could put your health and that of your loved ones in great danger. Clean the ring guard thoroughly to remove particles hidden before . Required fields are marked *. Welcome to Carnivore Style. Fortunately, that ends now. However, experts say washing it does nothing but possibly spread contamination. Cleaning at this frequency, and inspecting for damage and debris, can reduce contamination of food sliced on the slicers.". The slicer should be moving, that's why it's essential to wear those protective gloves! Never use abrasive cleaning sponges/cloths like steel wool. ; A meat slicer must be cleaned and sanitized every 4 hours, during shift change, and every end of the working day. Once you've managed to remove all the large food particles, you can unplug it. When your meat slicer is properly cleaned and maintained, youre going to get positive feedback from health inspectors. when cleaning the slicer blade, especially when removing the blade for deep cleaning. The FDA guidelines are for slicing machines to be cleaned and sanitized when in constant use. If constantly used, every 4 hours. Check the manufactures manual for specifications in which parts can be washed safely. The most obvious is the slicer blade. A solution of bleach and water is another great way to make sure that 99.9 percent of bacteria that cause food poisoning are killed when cleaning a meat slicer. Neglecting its health shows that you dont want it to serve you for long. . y, deep cleaning is an important task to complete at the end of every day: Disconnect the machine from its power source andset the blade to zero. You can grab a small brush (or even a toothbrush) dipped in hot water to help you get to every crevice. Your email address will not be published. How Often Must A Meat Slicer Be Cleaned And Sanitized? Check both the face and the back of the blade to make sure they are clean. Particularly stuck-on bits can be removed with a gentle scrub pad. As you can guess, this isnt good. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. Find out here! If you want to get fine and quick results, you may need to use a. The final step to cleaning a meat slicer requires that you wipe the machine down with a damp rag with clean water, then dry off the surfaces with a dry towel. The goal here is to get rid of the food pieces you couldnt remove with a brush. If you dont do it properly, you could inadvertently cause. You need to understand how to properly clean a meat slicer to prevent foodborne illness, keep it running smoothly, and pass health inspections. Food and travel occupy most of my time in my never ending journey for the best steak in any given country. This should be done at. Generally, for home cooks, it should be cleaned after every use. There will always be food residue youre missing, while will fester in the blades of the machine. As with all proper cleaning strategies, theres a side benefit: when you clean and maintain the meat slicer on a routine, your food processing facility will pass health inspections. Not only is a clean slicer going to run more efficiently, but it will also help you prevent foodborne illness as well as pass health inspections. Fast forward many months later and here I am, ready to help you sanitize and clean a meat slicer in just ten steps. The meat slicer blade is incredibly sharp and can lead to accidents in the home relatively quickly. Take a new cloth, food-grade cleaner, and hot water and wipe down the blade, carriage, food chute, product pusher, and product catcher areas. How to cut frozen meat with a high-grade meat slicer? How Often Should You Clean and Sanitize A Meat Slicer? Wear protective cut-resistant gloves before handling and cleaning the meat slicer. (If your unit does not include a knife removal tool, read your owners manual for recommended ways to deep clean the slicer blade.). This safety tip is meant to keep your meat slicer in tip-top shape, rust-free. But this meat-cheese-slicer craze could have worrying health-endangering consequences. How to Clean a Meat Slicer: How Often Should a Meat Slicer be Cleaned Even though you think they didnt get dirty, they might have. Once done, reposition the sharpening stone to pave way for you to disconnect the slicer from the product tray, guard and blade plate. The only way to get rid of it is to use hot water and soaps or bleach. Its important to do a full cleaning of a deli slicer at the end of every day of use. How to Clean a Meat Slicer: How Often Should a Meat Slicer be Cleaned? How to clean a meat slicer properly? Ensure that the servicing includes examination of all seams and the routine replacement of seals and gaskets. Carefully take out the slice deflector, product tray (food chute), and center blade plate. They let home cooks everywhere try new flavor combos in their sandwiches and neatly arranged charcuterie boards. You cannot get by with only light cleaning your slicer! Any equipment thats well maintained will increase the useful life of your unit, and this also applies to meat slicers. Some manual meat slicer models come with a knife removal tool. But, it is also crucial to understand the correct methods to clean meat slicers. So, if you already know how important it is to clean your meat grinder, you'll also understand why you can't skip cleaning and sanitizing a meat slicer. Then, youll need to wipe away all food particles that got stuck on your food slicer. **USA ONLY**. It is recommended you get cut-resistant gloves that are approved for use when handling foods. If you use your slicer daily, it should be thoroughly cleaned afterward. if you dont sanitize your meat slicer well enough. Heres how you can clean meat slicers in your food preparation area and keep consumers and employees, Light cleaning should be done after every use of your slicer, at, If your team uses the slicer for more than four hours each day, trained employees should perform multiple light cleanings. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. An official website of the United States government, : Once your meat slicer or meat grinder becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, it can contaminate food, causing food poisoning and other illnesses. Now that youre familiar with the steps of cleaning your slicer, weve listed some tips to help make cleaning easier. Meat Slicer Blade Sharpening Tips & Tricks, How Often Should You Eat Red Meat? Take another new, clean towel and rinse the areas with hot water, letting the slicer air dry before use. Make sure you have everything before even running your machine. Be sure to clean the ring guard, meat slicer handle, slicer blade guard, and so on. It is also a good opportunity to make sure the blade is sharp. Lubricate the parts to prevent corrosion, and replace the damaged components. You should also know how often must a meat slicer be cleaned and sanitized when in constant use. You may decide to remove it or clean it while still held in position. Step 2: Next, soak all of the parts in a sink full of hot, soapy water. Get the best fitting wash and rinse bucket for the job. Disassemble the slicer according to manufacturer directions, removing the blade, product tray, carriage, and product pusher. Kelseys background is in technology and marketing with particular experience in SEO and E-Commerce. to properly clean a meat slicer to prevent foodborne illness, keep it running smoothly, and pass health inspections. A slicer that is in constant use will need to have the blade sharpened about every two weeks. Disassemble your slicer by removing the blade (if the unit includes a knife removal tool, see owners manual), product tray, carriage, and product pusher. If you notice that your meat slicer has some parts that are wearing down and not as smooth as they once were, go ahead and lubricate them. entire guide with a meat slicer sanitizer routine. A well-run meat slicer will keep the operator safe, too. More About Me, COPYRIGHT 2020 The Daring Kitchen, All Rights Reserved. Heres how you can clean meat slicers in your food preparation area and keep consumers and employees safe. If you clean the blade while in a fixed position, clean the blade in an outward motion starting from the blade's center. Any equipment that is well maintained will have a longer life. Q&A: Do You Have to Give Up Meat if You Want to Eat Clean? - Women's Health A 7 Step Guide to Cleaning a Meat Slicer Machine.