The Dryad is the last of her kind. Powerful beasts, they are capable of spewing deadly purple flames. Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages! They are either washing the deck of their ship of seaweed and ale, or wiping the dirt with the faces of unsuspecting Terrarians. These Martian soldiers brandish crude laser weaponry that releases dangerous short-range radiation, hence the protective helmets. These buoyant terrors of the darkest crimson depths most definitely, without question, are both floaty and gross. If the Princess is killed, she will automatically . These hyper, demented, slug-like fiends serve the crimson horde with an unstoppable appetite for blood and flesh. In life, this torch-wielding zombie joined an angry mob to hunt the undead. A specific, powerful sea creature is insatiably attracted to these. She is connected with nature and can analyze its purity worldwide. Those that do can become lost, wander into cold caverns, and become icy undead fish men. Cookie Notice An unseen deity responsible for a torch's eternal flicker, however easily angered by the unsightly, ungrateful abuse of torch placement. He's brought his most volatile and dangerous chemicals, and he's buzzing to try them out. The elves aren't just flying toy helicopters, these are fully combat ready. One that is on fire, of course! When used, it creates glowing pink circles at the cursor's location, which expand and then collapse into sparkles over the course of about 1 second. An aquatic pigron mutation from the depths of the ocean who surfaces in search of a rare, savory type of worm. The most unexpected gift this holiday season, the Present Mimic is a nicely gift-wrapped box of teeth and death. Common footsoldiers of the Goblin Army, these foul creatures are good for little more than cannon fodder and breaking down doors. They often carry diseases, such as rabies. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Terraria 1.4.1: The Princess and Lava Photon 132K subscribers Subscribe 13K Share 576K views 2 years ago Terraria 1.4.1: The Princess and Lava Short animation about sacrificing your NPCs. There are four stages of progression for each entity, each unlocked based on a player's current experience level with that entity in the world: Progression is tracked by various methods, depending on the entity type: At the bottom of the Bestiary is a bar that fills as the Bestiary is completed, allowing players to track their progress. Shy and innocent, this happy young lady sees the positive in everything, and everybody. She sells party favors and flashy things. Perfectly content both on land and underwater. Mice squeak around harmlessly, looking for small insects in damp underground locations. Glides elegantly along the surface of calm bodies of water searching for smaller bugs. Mythical Beasts & Where to Farm Them: Exploring Terraria's Bestiary, Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplvar parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplreplace parser function, Pages with information based on outdated versions of Terraria's source code, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The desert is home to one of the largest varieties of worms across the land. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones. He carries a big stick. Size variants are also not given unique entries, likely due to how widespread they are and their potential to bloat the bestiary far beyond any reasonable comprehensiveness benefit. There is an empty house. Their secretions stain many materials in a beautiful violet color. Fish are especially attracted to these. Thick are the streams of blood squirted from their bodies. They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait! A worm-like parasite spit forth from the Wall of Flesh, filled with the lifeblood of its host. This menacing nightmare rides out into the night to harvest living souls on his seeing-eye horse, for he has no head of his own. Why? A remarkable display of ingenuity constructed by the Lihzahrd clan. r/Terraria is currently restricted in protest of Reddit's recent API changes which would kill third party apps Luckily, they tend to swarm their victims in large groups! Blessed with the prismatic light of the Hallow, the Illuminant Bats are a vibrant pink blur arcing across the darkness of the Underground. In distant history, these mighty undead knights once guarded a prosperous city before a massive curse befell them. Most spiders operate independently, but ones touched by the Crimson hive coordinate together to consume life. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives. While you are here, read ourguide onevery Grappling Hook in this game. Fast moving and erratic woodland creatures with grayish-brown fur. Trivia The Star Princess Set and its companion item, the Celestial Wand, are a reference to Rosalina and the Lumas from the game Super Mario Galaxy. Eccentric and rather snobby to a fault, the Dye Trader has expensive tastes. Pets, mounts and minions which one may expect to have dedicated entries do not have them either. It has a voracious appetite for careless explorers. Powerful winds have blown this tumbleweed around the desert, and it is none too pleased. . They eagerly blow themselves up, hoping to take their foes with them. This beastly celestial arachnid rapidly spawns swift and relentless offspring to distract its prey as it prepares to devour them. . Becomes a lawn ornament when exposed to sunlight. The intense hateful energies emanating from these spirits grant them the ability to move objects, truly for the purpose of killing. Useful Guides about Steam, Terraria, Minecraft, StarBound and another sandbox games. Lazy, devious, might bring presents. The shadowflame magicks are powerful spiritual remnants of twisted goblin ancestors, wrought from powerful summoning. Just one of these sharp-toothed fish can easily end a life. Easily the coolest slime around, no question. His hearty leaps become quicker the more he is carved into. A Terrarian girl possessed by the most evil of spirits, she gains superhuman abilities and behaves both arbitrarily and violently. If you play on servers, also can earn Terraria dollars and use in NCP shop to purchase clothing, weapons, pets, accessories, expensive building materials, components for machines or something else. Only vanilla. This slow-moving celestial soldier fires cosmic rays at unsuspecting invaders, defending the pillar without hesitation. These acrobatic celestial warriors can deflect incoming threats whilst spinning with their solar-infused blades. Rarely, exposure to jungle toxins causes certain moths to mutate to enormous size. Home Game Guides Princess in Terraria: Where to Find, and Why They Are Needed. Long before there were pirates, stories tell of powerful vikings who raged the seas. Still, it is one of the hardest weapons to obtain in Terraria Hardmode. The Resonance Scepter is a Hardmode, post-Plantera staff which has a 12.5*1/8 (12.5%) chance of dropping from the Princess NPC. No one knows who dressed these demon eyes up in cute costumes, but the whole process hasn't made them any friendlier. With this feminine form, her tornadoes tear all asunder. By means unknown, this silvery metamorphic sphere levitates about on its own. The still-animate severed pieces of an injured Corrupt Slime, Slimelings can still put up a fight, and have strength in numbers. A seemingly ordinary goldfish, until it decides to rain. These fuzzy rodents sniff about in putrid locations scavenging for food. These celestial beasts harness the power of the sun, releasing violent flares towards any intruders nearing the pillar. The update also contained some other content, summarizing the results of the costume contest. Slimes normally aren't intelligent, but occasionally they merge together to become a powerful force to swallow all things. Its reach spans the entire jungle. Unlike their lesser brothers, they cast shadow magic rather than hell magic. Also, Queen Slime has nothing to do with the Princess moving in. Might possibly become a hat. Some fish exposed to glowing mushroom spores become a curious mushroom-jellyfish hybrid, glowing softly in the watery depths. A slimy mollusk that thrives in damp, dark places. It is possible to complete 15% of the Bestiary without killing any. Despite its menacing appearance, it is quite docile unless threatened or facing smaller prey. An oversized cousin of the bat found only in the Jungle, giant flying foxes hunt the night skies looking for prey. The Guide always offers useful advice and crafting recipes. Penguins make their home in the coldest regions of the world, waddling around looking for tasty fish. This one is especially violent. While the Love Potion is essentially useless, Princess Fish can also be crafted into Seafood Dinners, which grant the Plenty Satisfied buff. That is, if horses could fire lasers from their eyes. Reddit, Inc. 2023. If it's fashion that's desired, he's the man! They look primitive, but are quite advanced. All listed requirements have been met all NPCs are moved in/alive: demolitionist Nurse Merchant Guide Goblin tinkerer Mechanic Clothier Arms dealer Dryad Party girl Dye trader Steampunker Truffle Wizard Stylist Pirate Witch doctor Painter That strange tingling sensation in the water may be the unwelcome surging of electrical death from a brainless jellyfish. These aren't your typical elven archers. These enormous fish thrive in the jungle waters near veins of unstable magicks, which make them unusually strong and hostile. Lightning Bugs from Etheria aren't just named that for their pretty lights! A powerful zombie-like creature whose eye can see for miles, and blow away opponents with powerful lasers. Skeletons get by with just the bones on their back, just as deadly as more fleshy foes. He will, however, move into the first house built. In ancient times, a saltwater river once ran through the desert. Mimics which fall to Corruption grow larger and more powerful as a result. The Princess is an NPC vendor that will spawn once the following conditions have been met: There is an empty house. The Princess is a Terraria NPC focused on selling a variety of items centered around the theme of fairy tales. And so fancy! ; All other town NPCs (not including Santa Claus or town pets) are present, meaning that she can only spawn after defeating Plantera which is when the Cyborg NPC can move in. Certain NPCs (Golfer & Princess) in worlds made before 1.3. It lacks a corporeal body. She is rumored to grow wings. If you don't yet know they way to get the Princess you need all other NPCS, yes all. Elves that used to work for Santa, but have since been zombified. Doomed to watch over the Dungeon, these mages teleport to confuse their prey, before striking them down with a blast of water. Might explain the backfired polymorph! Surprise! These sneaky pests have a knack for invading even the most airtight of homes, projecting their cilantro-like stench everywhere if disturbed. A betentacled marine creature which discharges a thick, black ink when threatened. For a guide to completing the Bestiary, see, Miss the old Hydra Skin? The drop rate for the Resonance Scepter is 12.5% which is considerably higher than many other items. Sub-zero temperatures, blinding snow flurries, and being blasted apart by an icy construct are some of the dangers of blizzards. This Ice Slime has large ice shards in its mass from excessive exposure to the cold. Fish are especially attracted to these. Capable of teleporting and hurling phantom fireballs towards their foes. Clinging tightly to their parents and rarely seen, these miniature slimes will swarm anyone who harms their mother. The Princess has no preference for biomes or neighbors. Slimes that spent too long in arctic temperatures may begin to partially freeze, developing a shifting layer of ice on their surface. While the world's inhabitants celebrate festivities, gangster snowmen party by slaying everyone with their tommy guns. Wearing costumes isn't fooling anyone; these zombies are clearly way too old to be trick or treating. Unlocking all information for the entries is not a requirement for this, as long as the entries themselves have been unlocked. Magicked through the pure hatred of the Corruption, this weapon flails about attempting to smash anything that breathes. It seems like we have a new NPC in Terraria, but she. Resembling a large, sentient meteorite, Corites are infused with celestial energy and will charge at anything that moves. Who needs muscles, skin, or even eyeballs? They are avoided in fear of diseases they may carry. Kept as pets and guardians by the Lihzahrd race, the flying snakes will attack any who trespass on the Temple's protected grounds. Only present during a specific time of year, Santa Claus makes a big entrance and an even bigger, rather explosive exit. And when he is not working, you will find him fighting with his friends about how good of a gamer he is. An enchanter in life, this funny fellow won't give up his robe or wizard hat without a fight. Winged, demi-human women defend their territory against invaders by impaling them with their razor-sharp feathers. Just a smidge cleverer than other slimes, this slime discovered how to coexist with humans. Also she has a "Left" message instead of "Was slain". Hallowed slimes consolidated into a haughty, crushing force adorned in dazzling crystals. This is a new NPC in the Terraria 1.4.1 update. Useful Guides about Steam, Terraria, Minecraft, StarBound and another sandbox games. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Without bringing items over from a Hardmode world, the maximum completion percentage is 49.81%, or 269 entries. Loves the rain. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives. A pirate captain's love for riches is only rivaled by his obsession with heavy gunpowder and large, rampart-shattering cannons! During a Blood Moon, the normally docile penguins fall under the hostile influence of the Corruption. Those who are deemed unworthy to enter shall not pass! Switch titles. Steeped in the power of Corruption, these slimes can survive being cut apart into smaller pieces, unlike their untainted brethren. Where this sinister snow falls, so shall her icy judgment. Strengthened by ancient magicks, it can devour a spicy Terrarian quicker than they realize. These brain-like celestial beings have psionic capabilities, phasing through space and summoning powerful optical minions. A hero amongst slimes, it wields the greatest arms and armor known to its kind. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force. The fungus controlling the minds of these zombies wants only one thing: brains! The creatures which burst from the eggs laid by mothron can be as deadly and as relentless as their daunting mothers. Rapid damage is dealt to any enemies within the circles throughout the animation, and they are knocked back away from . Like a cancer, the putrid creatures born from the Corruption mutate and grow into bigger, more deadly forms which discharge acids. Serving as the world's core and guardian, the towering demon lord exists to keep powerful ancient spirits sealed away. Ho! The Steampunker has a particular taste for steam-fueled machinery and gadgets. Older, though not necessarily wiser, the other slimes look up to the Elder Slime. The elite specialists in the Martian Invasion Force are equipped with more precise and deadly laser rifles; effectively snipers. Terraria 1.4.1 - How to get The Princess NPC! The lamias have found their prey. A dormant, yet powerful floral guardian awoken by the fallout of Cthulhu's destroyed machinations. The 0-5 Star system in the top left corner reflect the rarity of a given creature. How to get: Merchant appears when players in the world have a combined total of 50 silver coins What they offer: Merchant sells basic items Biome preferences: Merchant likes the forest biome but dislikes the desert Neighbour preferences: Merchant likes living with the Golfer, Princess, and Nurse, dislikes the Tax Collector, and hates the Angler Feel free to check out other Terraria communities over at: Visit. Pop their balloons to bring them back down to earth. Dinraal: Often seen around Eldin Mountains and Deep Akkala. Built from parts of deceased Terrarians, this stout monster resulted from a crazy man's desire to create life with his own hands. Ahoy! Nevermore. This slime was a little confused when the other slimes started putting on hats and accessories. Martians who show great potential in close combat are equipped with powerful energy spears that can atomize anything. A mechanical simulacrum of Cthulhu's spine decorated in laser-armed probes, which detach from its body when damaged. Part man, part fly, all doctor. A brilliant red insect often associated with luck. At the same time, for complete comfort, she needs from two to three neighbors. How to get the Princess : r/Terraria 2 yr. ago Posted by AHugeDragonFruit How to get the Princess Hey all. Farosh: Often seen around Lake Hylia and Gerudo Canyon. Rare, red-furred hyperactive rodents which scurry about the woods. It doesn't actually know how to use them, but its a start. It's said at night he transforms into a horrific demon which guards the Dungeon. Its touch leaves its victims defenseless. Hailing from a distant land, this cyclopic monstrosity lurks in cold places, wreaking havoc on those who disturb it. 15 A Little Wisp The Wisp is a light pet that is a little skull engulfed in blue flames. Nurse: Have more than 100 health. Thats all for now. The Bestiary displays a description and basic statistics for each entity, including health, damage, defense, and knockback resistance, as well as advanced information like item drop rates. Slimes in the Dungeon became powerful by feeding off the cursed energy throughout the place. Taking on the consistency of congealed blood and flesh, Crimslimes seek out and digest more raw material for the Crimson. These small, annoying creatures aren't to be underestimated. Wanders aimlessly to infest the living with undeath, unaware of its own maggoty infestation. The most intense sandstorms draw forth powerful earth elementals. Soulless and cruel, this pig-masked psychotic killer brandishes a powerful chainsaw in which to dismember every living thing. Tall, handsome, and dead. An unusual amphibious bipedal lizard which inhabits the dark caverns. This highly aggressive monstrosity responds violently when her larva is disturbed; the honey-laden hives are her home turf. These highly aggressive celestial soldiers carry a large, fiery spear that can melt nearly anything it penetrates. Sensing growing power on the planet, otherworldly beings send space-age technology to scan for advanced lifeforms. Changing the device's date allows skipping the time that would have to be waited otherwise. A swift-flying insect which hunts mosquitoes. A skeletal husk is all that remains. Terraria Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Still, it is one of the hardest weapons to obtain in Terraria Hardmode. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things. She sells seeds, too! A piece of Cthulhu ripped from his body centuries ago in a bloody war. The Resonance Scepter is a staff-type weapon in Terraria. This cranky Kringle's gone postal. With thick armor and mighty boomsticks, it's clear these bones are prepared for a siege.