Vombuz and Gunsmackk are two of the best Hunt Showdown streamers in the Bayou. The Conversion, but its bad at fanning and dual wielding. (you get used to the muzzle velocity after a while and know how much you need to lead your shots. In any case, a single-shot rifle with 300m/s feels real bad. #huntshowdown #gaming #highlightsI played the Ultimate Vetterli Silencer in this Video. no major drawbacks. I think the Vetterli has an awful cadence to the way it fires and I avoid any sort of bolt-action gun like the plague on principle. All rights reserved. The book is separated into six categories: Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns, Melee Weapons, Crossbows, and Gear. Holding 7 rounds and two-tapping to ~30m at 100rpm from iron sights, this gun singlehandedly broke close quarters combat even worse than the Dolch on account of being almost as good and twenty times more common. A Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. S with High Velocity ammo Depends on which ironsight you prefer, lebel has the downside of only getting 2 rounds from ammo crate but has 10 rounds in mag, mosin has only 5 shots but a fast stripper clip reload. Please note that strength and weakness here is often relative. Fun to run with hand xbow and poison arrows, or maybe anything with Fanning. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. With a rate of fire of 167rpm and a ten-round magazine with ten in reserve (plus a stripper clip if you use the whole thing) the Dolch hands out free kills left and right. Its main advantage is that it is the most abundant. A long ammo single-shot with a muzzle velocity of 400m/s feels like a bad joke, especially when the medium ammo single-shot does 490. Cookie Notice Helps it's more powerful than the vetterli as well. Capable of supporting dual pistols at longer range, but shines mostly with Quartermaster and a shotgun. The only way this thing could be worse is if you put a comically unstable scope on it. Excellent for harassing and damaging enemies while teammates fight them head-on from another position. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. e n j o y the video lads GAMER SUPPS ENJOYERS ONLY You can try GG today and save 10% with code GUNSMACKK Give it a try today with this link and support me at the same time!Use Code Gunsmackk at Checkout!http://gamersupps.gg/?afmc=gunsmackk MY LINKS Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/gunsmackkTwitter - https://www.twitter.com/gunsmackkInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/gunsmackkSmackk Pack Discord: https://discord.gg/VvH724rMERCH: https://streamlabs.com/gunsmackk/merchBUY HUNT SHOWDOWN FOR 50% OFF (sometimes 10%) Use Code GUNSMACKK at Checkout! D A All rights reserved. FMJ on a silenced vetterli is a bit strange choice to me as silenced weapons already have very low velocity (the second most important stat of a weapon in hunt after raw dmg) and the down side of FMJ is velocity. RIP to all the homies that begged Crytek to add this. With Levering, however, you get a very capable room clearer. Awful sway? High velocity ammo counters the lowered velocity somewhat but the Vetterli Silencer is still far superior. Takes the 1873s two biggest weaknesses sharp damage dropoff and low velocity and amplifies them even more for the dubious benefit of being silenced. First time that I do a gun review. A with High Velocity ammo BitLife How to Complete the Woeful Wednesday Challenge, Final Fantasy XIV Storms Crown Extreme guide, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Best Smoke Spots on Anubis, System Shock Remake All Puzzle Solutions for the Research Floor. Privacy Policy. SS These can still compete with S tier weapons, but their shortcomings will be noticeable and occasionally get you killed. Shotguns, in my opinion, are for close range reactive gameplay, and the Romeros single shot and tight spread means it will lose frequently in those split-second scraps. The Romero is an extremely popular and beloved shotgun, and my issue with it is one of philosophy more than raw stats. Afaik other ammo types do have downsides (poison / fire requires multiple hits, bleed doesn't but all 3 of them have lower damage and horrible penetration so you can't use them through walls as well, etc). Form. Vetterli is the most balanced weapon in Hunt. A otherwise But I do some other games as well. Functions as a mid-range option for shotgun users and gives Winfield users the ability to 1-tap downed players. Its good for camping corners, but any other shotgun playstyle will demand more margin for error a looser spread so that imperfect aim can still kill, an extra shot for emergencies and the Romero doesnt have that. C otherwise Winfield M1873C. Set in the darkest corners of the world, it packs the thrill of survival games into a match-based format. Vetterli has abysmal iron sights. S with High Velocity ammo and High Velocity Officer If you only want the crispy bits of the review, use the time stamps to navigate:03:20 First strengths and gameplay17:43 More strengths, weaknesses and gameplay19:38 More strengths, weaknesses and gameplay28:49 ALL strengths30:00 ALL downsides32:47 Answering the question: \"Should you play the Vetterli?\"37:00 Highlight as a bonus Drop-Off-Chart (hope link works): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470208978186665995/692884470503833610/Projectile_drop.png Buy Hunt 10% off with this code: PSYCHO https://eu-shop.crytek.com/?ref=1389 VR: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCzu4P7fM6p2-odWufbTeaA Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/psychoghost Twitter: https://twitter.com/Psychoghost_G Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PsychoghostGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/8hu3zrC Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PsychoghostGaming Merch: https://streamlabs.com/psychoghost/#/merchAs always, feedback in the comment section is highly appreciated. Other playlists / videos you might enjoy: Hunt:Showdown Funny Moments:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB5KeqKd7hc\u0026list=PLNvgySd4wCDNNaaER3PrF1-Y1SYRXwCZW Hunt:Showdown Guide(s):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaUJ1rOzhm8\u0026t=0s Hunt:Showdown voice over contest:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNt3-2RowII\u0026t=0s____________________________________________________Psychoghost Gaming is a multi-gaming channel.Uploads: If I have a time-consuming project (as for example montages) I will upload once a week, otherwise 1-3 times a week. The amount of effort spent getting good with this one gun would be better spent learning to get headshots at 16-43m or simply using a Rival with slugs. S An entirely purposeless weapon. D What if we took the Mosin and gave it abysmal sway so its only good at close-mid range? I will also be omitting melee weapons and bows. So your favourite gun has middle stats. very good value for the price. A comprehensive ranking of (almost) every weapon in the game from a competitive perspective. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Useless except as a dedicated headshot fishing rod. I don't play long ammo much, but I decided to finally give the Lebel Aperture a good shot , and this weapons is so versatile! it can reliably 2 tap in medium range and with Iron sharpshooter it's so satisfying to shoot. A shotgun substitute for before they added slugs. Scan this QR code to download the app now. A with Fanning or dual wield I was just wondering, what community thinks about these 2 rifles. The only weapon in the game with spread while in iron sights, every hit with this thing feels like a stroke of good luck. A short scope makes this weapon very effective at longer ranges. For more information, please see our For more information, please see our The only special ammo I get almost all the time is high velocity upgrade since as far as I'm aware it's a straight upgrade. Dragonsbreath is worse than any other ammo type for shotguns. Copyright 2023 Steams Play | Contact Us | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Game Tips | Gameplay | Report Abuse, Hunt: Showdown FPS Boost + Best Graphics Settings, Hunt: Showdown Disabling Steam Overlay + Optimization [1.7+], Hunt: Showdown Free Drops Rewards on Twitch, Hunt: Showdown The RevenAnT Discord Channel [Discord Bot], Hunt: Showdown The Definitive Perks Tier List Game Version 1.5. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. SS with spitzers A real puncher. Without slugs, its a rapid-fire rain of death in close quarters that compensates for high spread with unrelenting aimpunch and a giant magazine. 04/09/2022 League 1 . S Hunt: Showdown The BEST Loadouts for beginners! The Centennial looks decent at first glance until you realize its worse than the Vetterli in every way except for velocity and magazine size and only in velocity if the Vetterli isnt using HV ammo. Toggling between regular iron sights and Marksman-level zoom to aid in those 96m headshots is a powerful ability indeed. When paired with an Uppercut to one-tap downed players, the 1873 is the single most versatile primary in the game, with its only glaring weakness being a slow reload from empty. The weakest weapon I would label SS, but still veering into problematic territory. HV ammo gives it respectable velocity while allowing it to quickly dish out considerable damage from short to medium range. A The Specters spread is tight enough to be reliable, loose enough to be usable in CQC, and yet its fire rate isnt enough to make it feel like more than a fancy Romero. Its so much fun to use this gun in Hunt Showdown. D otherwise By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. B Underpowered weapons. With slugs, its like a Dolch that can one-tap. The new propellant powder, " Poudre B ," was nitrocellulose -based and had been invented in 1884 by French chemist Paul Vieille. Set in the darkest corners of the world, it packs the thrill of survival games into a match-based format. 15 m/s sounds like a lot, but at a distance of a few hundred meters this is absolutely not noticeable. The Winfield does a little bit of everything, and does it well. Its deadly in extremely skilled hands but most people will just waste all their ammo and die. C with Dumdum ammo and Dumdum Pax Levering allows it to compete with dual pistols and semi-autos and participate in close-quarters rushes. It trades the damage and range of medium and long ammo rifles for a faster rate of fire and the ability to have absurd ammo reserves when stacked with an Officer. Hunt Showdown: Mosin vs Lebel Advanced Weapon Guide - YouTube We use extensive testing and data to show which of these two long ammo rifles has the upper hand, and some of the results may. Earn 500XP with any Vetterli 71 Karabiner variant, Earn 750XP with any Vetterli 71 Karabiner variant, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. It doesnt hurt that the Lebels aperture is the least obtrusive in the entire game. A victim of Cryteks recent inability to make new guns that arent dead on arrival. The Lebel rifle has the distinction of being the first military firearm to use smokeless powder ammunition. S with High Velocity ammo The Marksman scope lets the Springfields middling velocity have some value and softens the impact of its low rate of fire, but other Marksman rifles will still wildly outperform it. Hunt: Showdown is a competitive first-person PvP bounty hunting game with heavy PvE elements, from the makers of Crysis. That's the first thing I noticed when using it and I never tried it again since. These weapons generally have a few considerable strengths and a number of significant weaknesses, and require the user to be significantly better than their opponent to win against A or S tier guns. A Mildly underpowered weapons. Gallery Saves me an extra tool slot as well. https://www.twitch.tv/theforgeryhttps://twitter.com/TheForgery95https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GuOOBJUmaeFh/https://www.tiktok.com/@theforgery?lang=enhttps. edit: basically Mosin has better resupply and sniper scope (you do see the same sector as a marksmans scope, just slightly bigger) Lebel has slightly higher firerate Dmg and MV differences are negligible Last edited by Avto=Surenhohn ; Aug 24, 2022 @ 2:05pm #4 A Winfield 1873 with a lightning fast reload. Slugs make it deadlier as a slow-paced predictive shotgun but Id still take the Rival most days. The Sparks has extremely high damage, great penetration, and high velocity, but its single shot and slow reload weaken it significantly to the point that its a flex weapon and not much else. Hunslet vs Dewsbury Championship 3:00pm Sunday 19th August South Leeds Stadium . I watched a video a while ago that showed the velocity difference between the two is so negligible, that it comes down to something like half a pixel difference in a player's movement. Description The Lebel 1886, groundbreaking for its time, is a bolt-action rifle with an internal 10-round magazine. Its not the Martini-Henry, but its also not the Mosin-Nagant. Id rather take an Uppercut any day over this thing. An aperture on a gun with 400m/s is harder. Only down side is the reloading and time between shots It has the best damage and range of the silenced rifles, but the Vetterlis fire rate edges it out. As with the 1873, the ability to toggle between irons and Marksman-level zoom is extremely strong, and its more appropriate for a long ammo rifle like the Lebel than the Winfield. mosin have a higer bullet velocity (just barely) the difference if mostly on how the ammo pool is managed, lebel bot 10 bullet in the rifle +5, when you open a create you usually get 1 or 2 bullets and reloading take forever mosin 5 bullet in the rifle and 10 as as spare, you usualy get 3 (if I remember properly) from the crates and the reload when the clip is empty just take a couple seconds. B 0. Welcome to Hunt: Showdown community hub! D Guns that use compact ammo can be usually fired very quickly using traits. it's bolt action and therefore benefits from most traits. A with Fanning *or* High Velocity ammo It can two-tap to 43m and headshot to 96, which is good enough for something using compact ammo. 3 Suppressed Vetterli announced! Reddit, Inc. 2023. For the sake of brevity and my own sanity, I will be omitting weapon variants that do not offer a significant change in performance or playstyle. 18 - 30 . B Worse damage and fire rate than the Pax, and worse velocity than even the Conversion, for a two-second faster reload and marginally better fanning. I'm still new to YT and therefore, I'm still learning regarding recording (currently using shadow play), editing (Sony Vegas, After Effects, ) etc.Main focus of this channel is currently Hunt:Showdown. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! A joke weapon and a relic from early access. In a comparison of two largely-identical rifles, the Mosins slight advantages make it the clear winner. Privacy Policy. The attached bayonet makes this a great choice for close combat. It's not a big difference. Still better than the Vandal, though. Which one is superior by your opinion? The Romero does have the longest effective range and tightest spread of any shotgun in the game; so that should make it the best, no? Cookie Notice Depends on which ironsight you prefer, lebel has the downside of only getting 2 rounds from ammo crate but has 10 rounds in mag, mosin has only 5 shots but a fast stripper clip reload. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments DarthTanyon Oct 19, 2021 @ 8:28am S with High Velocity ammo When you add Fanning and slugs, however, its an absolutely devastating CQC weapon, with high accuracy, a high fire rate, and a 9m one-tap. - Holds 8 round of ammunition. B The game was originally created by Crytek USA, who wished to create a spiritual successor to Darksiders a video game series developed by their predecessor, Vigil Gamesunder the title Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age. Plus Wolfs Bane looks clean asfTeammate: https://www.twitch.tv/hornetlulmuch love! Lebel vs Veterli I was just wondering, what community thinks about these 2 rifles. D D Trash. Contents 1 Weapon and Equipment XP 1.1 Notes Spitzers make absurd long-range headshots much easier, and even without them, this is still the most powerful sniper out there. For more information, please see our An 1873C thats even worse in several ways. The LeMat holds 9 shots that function identically to the Nagant, and one shot of the single worst shotgun in the game.