That will simply create yet one more idiosyncratic Christian group expanding, rather than contracting, the divisions in Christendom. My guess is that the current post was theRead more . We are not all saying the same thing really. We are a decade and a half downstream from the first federal vision explosion. Thank you, John. What hai reputation like among outsiders? He published this absolute rotting mess, and yet evangelicals like Markosand the editors at Christianity Todaycant bring themselves to call him what he is. He is very dangerous, both theologically and pastorally. Nowhere, outside of liberal dogma, is any nation called upon to commit cultural and ethnic suicide. I imagine that since the term federal vision is a significant stumbling block to many, so covenantal vision may be too similar to it for a lot of peoples comfort, but I also know that youRead more , I think this is a positive move. Not only were some critics insightful in their critiques, but they tended to be the ones who also were fair-minded about other things. So I have finally become convinced that the phrase federal vision is a hurdle that I cannot get over, under or around. InRead more . Ask for the prices twice before you order. And so they were being labelled as people not holding to the Westminster standards and therefore attacked/undermined within the PCA. But also Id say what others said above too. Christ Church 8:30am & 10:30am at the Logos Fieldhouse (1221 W. A St.) Special note: If you're attending Christ Church in Moscow and are not receiving the emails from the office or Pastor Doug, please email and we'll set up a profile for you in our church management system (CCB). No, but thats where Leithart seems to be headed, and not a trajectory Doug wants to be on, imminent or not. About the only one I would exclude would be all the variations on postmodern mush. I countenance ideas I disagree with all the time. Yes, if you've read anything about his operations in Moscow, he comes off very much like a cult leader. I mean good god, this is Wilsons pamphlet: Slavery as it existed in the South was not an adversarial relationship with pervasive racial animosity. I've been engaging with Wilson since 2003. . Whatever this is, it is federal vision no mas. Look at the schools. Theological adjectives and titles have their place, but The Word always speaks for itself, as the Word is pure. Whether it involves talking about Chestertonian Calvinism (not an oxymoron), the benefits of a Classical Christian education (not in that order), or the latest pomosexuality farce, the plodcast aims to apply all of Christ to all of life, for all the world. Robert Lewis Dabney noted over a century ago that Southern whites recognized an obligation to treat Christian blacks (slave and free) as brothers in Christ, and to recognize their common humanity (original sin, all created in Gods image, etc.). The village of Bibbiena is an excellent base for those wishing to visit the splendid Casentino forests. Im not convinced that there is an absolute chasm of difference between visions of Protestantism or even the regeneration stuff. Wilson is known for his writing on classical Christian education, Reformed theology, as well as general cultural commentary. In his paragraph on criticism of Wilson, Markos does not mention that Wilson co-wrote his pamphlet with the founder and board member ofa white supremacist organizationthat was at that very time portraying blacks as subhuman animals. One more question what is patriarchism? Thus when I speak of the objectivity of the covenantwhich I will still continue to dothis is not a lite version of what someone else might mean by it. Three of the five Presbyterian churches I have been a part of (two PCA, one OPC) that have gone weekly over the past 25 years, all before FV was a known phenomenon. Our Leadership Team, as well as the entire Presbyterian Medical Services workforce, believes in the organization's mission and find it hugely rewarding to do a job that they love while knowing that it makes a . You dont see candles, incense, signs of the cross, etc. Here is a link to the start of Wilsons review of Guy Waters book, referenced above: My impression at the time was that both Beisner and Waters committed one mistake after another, and completely missed the central issues. One cannot equate a man like Doug Wilson with the Church Fathers. There's an, Among other very serious stuff the Vice Magazine acused him and his community of doing, some reformed people (specially the "Truly Reformed") denied the fact of, I do not know if Wilson has since gotten a legitimate calling and ordination from an established church body. I would hope, though, that you would agree that not only Rick Phillips Dick Gaffin, and I sought to be fair-minded but also Chris Hutchinson, George Knight, Joey Pipa, Carl Robbins, Morton Smith, and Fowler White, all participants in the Knox-sponsored colloquium I led (with you and John Barach, Peter Leithart, Rich Lusk, Steve Schlissel, Tom Trouwborst, andRead more , Wilson may be ready to acknowledge, in Beisner, Waters and others, a certain desire to seriously guide the Church through controversy. Second, and more worrisome to me, is that Wilson is not confined to Moscow, but is rather busy out in the wide world. Some people refuse to engage with him at all, even where he makes valid points, because of his theological aberrations. They accuse slave owners and overseers of turning plantations into personal harems. I could never go back to the tiny bickering Reformed world that believes 95% of relevant church history began in 1517. You could say (in my defense) that it is difficult, in the middle of a saloon brawl, to distinguish the motives of loyalty, manly principle, stubbornness, and cussedness. There are no degrees possible because a two legged stool will fall one way or the other (in this case, flesh or Spirit), but it can only fall. | Doug Wilson Canon Press 88.5K subscribers Subscribe 120 5.4K views 3 years ago In this episode of Ask Doug, Pastor Doug Wilson answers the. I completely agree on the justification, justification justification, grace, grace and more grace part. I always wondered how many sins your average baby had to confess at communion? I never read anything that was devastating. Waters work is particularly weak. Considering that the infant in the early stages doesnt even appear to be capable of understanding the concept of other beings as entities distinct from itself, I think Augustine might have been speaking out of ignorance there. And nothing is clearer the New Testament opposes anything like the abolitionism of our country prior to the War Between the States. 400-meter run: Maddox Mayfield, McMinn Central, Jr.; Koriona Boyd, Martin Luther King Jr. Lets define terms instead of projecting our works-righteousness into passages. Vice is jumping on the popularity of the Mars Hills podcast. There are Christians who, fleeing from that evil, hurry into the waiting jaws of wolves. Its goal is to work out a consistent covenantal (or "federal") vision for the church, especially by focusing on the objectivity of the covenant and its implications for other areas of our theology and ecclesiology. All my friends are still my friends. The above paragraph may be Markos attempt to acknowledge just that, but if that is what it is, its attempt it falls far, far short. This problem was one I contributed to, and I am seeking to undo what I can. Website stats down? For the overseer, the cost of sexual episodes in the slave quarters, once discovered, was often his job. Read more widely doesnt help, either. Well, I blocked him, so Ive been having them for a bit. It may not display this or other websites correctly. We are dedicated to our historic Creeds and Confessions because we believe they are faithful to the Scriptures. Im glad to see this post, to which a friend alerted me. Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, co-wrote a booklet defending antebellum slavery, The War Between the States: Americas Uncivil War. Baptists are Baptists all the way down. Doug Wilson. The warning passages are there for a reason. ID. So I have finally become convinced that the phrase federal vision is a hurdle that I cannot get over, under or around.The latter option is what I have decided to do. So, how did those who wanted to speak a Biblian dialect get hushed? Why do they feel the continual need to tip toe around him? Look at his family and their work. Much clearer than I was, but very much what I was trying to communicate. Why? If you want to know what sort of rhetoric was coming out of the League concurrently with Wilson answering this question, well, have a look: No less a man than Rev. I dont know yet, but I think continuing to use federal vision as a label for any part of what we are trying to do here is only confusing things. Just kidding. We would love to have you be . The church has undergone several name changes, and is now called Christ Church. I saw one picture of a recent one and unless you knew otherwise, it looked like the ordination of a TE or RE in a Presbyterian church; several guys laying on hands. It was comical when someone would post a quote that sounded Federal Visiony, and then ask, who said this?, and itRead more , Well dang. See Ezekiel 36:25. Good fences make good neighbors, and so do good nouns and adjectives.. I was wrong to treat all critics as though they were all more or less in the same boat. How much do personal/tribal relationships,Read more . In saying this, I trust everyone will recognize that I am talking about the destination of our respective theological projects in this life. Local brewery. Submit A Letter to the Editor. being done in even the most liturgical Presbyterian churchesas far as I know. But such relativism isnt Reformed because relativism isnt really anything. The Puritan Board is a forum dedicated to the discussion of Christian theology in a Confessionally Reformed context. 3. Share Watch on Clearly John believes that Wilson himself "gets the Gospel right." But I have some real doubts about this, especially, as I have already noted, given Wilson's adherence to Federal Vision theology. Drop anchor verbally into the solid rock of the thing. Hmmmm.that seems to imply that excommunication is the appropriate way to deal with transitory selfishness and bad temper. something else. A habit I actually learned from you and your dad. Submit A Letter to the Editor. When there is no fruit in his life, no peace and gentleness, you have at best a barren tree and possibly worse. He could not yet speak and, pale with jealousy and bitterness, glared at his brother sharing his mothers milk. Not to mention heretical and at times blasphemous. Attend a worship service at an FV church and you definitely see the resemblance. Being an abolitionists was racist! Im not criticizing them for doing that, but it did suck a lot of the air out of the room when all these ridiculous side arguments would get started purely due to 40s ridiculous propositions. No talking needed. Log in, Written by Rachel Miller | I have come to believe that my robust defense up and down the line contributed to the group-think that was going on. There were insightful critics and there were bigoted ones, and I should have given the insightful critics more of a fair hearing than I did, and I should have used the behavior of the ignorant critics as less representative than I frequently did. In saying this I am not saying that (even now) I would agree with any or all of their criticismsI am saying only that I did see a serious attempt at fair-mindedness. bridwellheightspca. Some of us in the upper gallery were anxiously looking forward to finding out what late discovery resulted in the reclassification of the amber ale and the stout in different taxonomical cubby holes. But let me say this to support the League (mildly), even though I do differ with them. Do Presbytery reports count? First, it was a consensus document. If he (or his followers) arent even willing to go Anglican, their liturgy will never get close to Catholic/Orthodox/Anglo-Catholic. It's not even supported by scripture. (I thank Rachel Miller for finding this. If Leithart is right that there is movement (repentance) necessary on our side, then it seems hes correct that we should do that without delay you cant repent for the other guy. Who knows? Reformation Presbyterian Home About Values Leaders Beliefs Apostles' Creed Westminster Confession of Faith Westminster Shorter Catechism Westminster Larger Catechism Nicene Creed Heidelberg Catechism And to flip it around, my glad cheer-leading for the principled retrieval of historic, classical Protestant orthodoxy is not going where Peter is headed. Youre taking this move as a retraction of something he formerly believed, but has now grown past? I doubt cats hold humans to feline standards. But it seems to me that we generally refer to those in other denominations as pastors as a courtesy. It does not represent any substantial shift or sea change in the content of what I believe. 24/7 Radio Stream. But it seems we ought to be able to let a fair amount of uncharitable, rude, even falsely accusatory and disrespectful commentary roll off our backs, in the name of charity if nothing else, and especially if its mixed with real ideas and arguments (however offensive we may find them). He and ashv have made me stop andRead more . And they all categorically disagree with Wilson on this point. But even in the midst of everything, I did find some things on the federal vision side of things worrisome, and in the same way as did some of our critics. Yes, Ive done that. If you get the definitions of male and female wrong, there are precious few other categories that will remain intact after that. In what follows, I will offer observations about what this means, and in addition to that, I will try to add some careful statements on what it does not mean. And there is a lot more that is more in common that groups you together that is in the FV Statement. Wilson is a white supremacist. Very well written and humbling, Doug. Think about that for a moment. Why cant evangelicals condemn Wilson and have it done? Is it valid, then, for Christians to side with a heathen God-hating scandal-rag such as Vice in this situation? Is there going to be a part two for this post? Any evangelical leader by which I mean someone like a minister or an elder who voted for Obama the second time, is not qualified for the office he holds, and . Would you accuse Jesus of making his creation worthless because he threw it away on the likes of an Eve, who took the easy route? As I say Im on a different continent, in a veryRead more , Good summary of the mechanics of the controversy. Here is the blog post that your friend may be confused about: Can anyone recommend a good book or article demonstrating that Wilson has not, in fact, renounced the FV? The word confederate is most definitely a stumbling block that prevents people from hearing what is said. Though the pamphlet condemned racism and said the practice of Southern slavery was unbiblical, critics were troubled that it argued US slavery was more benign than is usually presented in history texts. Christianity Today recently published an articleon the classical education movement, written by Louis Markos. I know youre right in youre nuanced explanations, but the word confederate is to todays culture as a squirrel is to Ups dog Dug. Probably best to start by reporting his comments, he may leave if enough get deleted. . Crying when theyre hungry? Since we appear to be heading back to Reformed sectarianism, shouldnt we reserve those titles for R.C Sproul and some of the Westminster professors? Then you have the controversies and damage done and continuing to be done in numerous other orthodox churches by his false teachings which are substantial. Its only on the past state whether he was ever truly in any sense in the faith that they differ on. Same with classical ed that was a growing movement before FV ever came along, and is pretty much separate from it, although again, the popularity of FVRead more . What I don't care for is when it's not based on a specific teaching but just because we don't like him and then acting like he's never done anything good. If it turns out he falls away from his duty here, we mayRead more . Unless in Hollywood where all Christians are represented as sign-crossing, priest-embracing, liturgists. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As Im just a spectator in all of this, my understanding is that some FV types were being criticised for using the language in its biblical meaning rather than its systematic theology meaning. There has never been a multi-racial society which has existed with such mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world. Wilson is a white supremacist. Thus, the infants innocence You are using an out of date browser. I think Leithart believes the movement has to come mostly from our direction, and Wilson is not willing to move far enough to meet them unless they move a lot more toward us. Reformed Baptists are flocking to him because James White (Calvinist baptist) has grown closer to him. It used to be that when I was asked if I held to the federal vision, I would say something like yes, if by that you mean . Mothers and nurses claim to charm it away by their own private remedies. And Wilson, who now calls himself a paleo-conservative and continues to argue that the antebellum South was the last truly Christian nation of the West, co-wrote a book with him praising the institution of slavery as practiced in the antebellum South. Wilson says he is not a member of the League because he believes the countrys problems need a liturgical and doctrinal solution, not a political or cultural solution. In short, I should have done more than I did to distinguish critics who sought to be responsible from irresponsible ones. I don't know what Baptist ordination looks like. That comment made me laugh out loud! Hardly. Radio Streams. If you disagree with Doug Wilson on a specific position you should know why and how to do so. As far as your judgment of Wilson's relationships and fruit of his ministry you're wrong. Gary is the father of Natalie Rose Greenfield**, the young woman who was sexually abused by one of Wilson's students from 2000-2003 when she was 13-16 years old. lies in the weakness of his body and not in the infant mind. FV is an onion with the 'Two Tiered election'. Warnings are one of many ordinary means God uses to keep and preserve His elect. Is it, really? Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, marriage of a convicted serial child molester, The Bible on Self-Defense: A Response to Doug Wilson, The Subordinate Place of Supreme Honor: A Response to Douglas Wilson, Rod Dreher on Doug Wilsons Scandal in Moscow, Doug Wilson: Women Who Reject Patriarchy are Tacitly Accepting the Propriety of Rape, Evangelical Pastor Doug Wilson Rips Southern Baptist Convention for Condemning White Supremacy, Quoting Quiverfull: Doug Wilsons Gay Advice, The Disk Horse Rides Again: Dawn of the Gender-Havers. This represents no change in my friendships or personal commitments, or denominational relationships. That is justhow bad Wilsons pamphlet is. But then a third tribe appears the critical but respected and respectful tribe. But Wilson does not say this. Posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Wednesday, June 28, 2023 by Douglas Wilson In the older covenant, there were two principal aspects of the prophetic word. Ive read the blog posts and listened to the recordings it sounds to me like both of you believe that one day, in the distant future perhaps, all branches of Christianity will be united and Protestantism (as well as the Roman church) will cease to exist as such. Well done. If you say one has to remain faithful to their church, take the sacraments, repent of their sins, etc., those are works. So what happens when someone has clear fruits and knows Reformed doctrines backward and forwardand still walks away from the church and refuses to repent?Read more , Like most Evangelicals, they ignore or explain away the many warnings of apostasy. The warnings are neither ignored nor explained away. Art and poetry are now regularly a part of the Reformed world. Wilkins, acting on these beliefs, co-founded The League of the South with Michael Hill. But they will continue to fail because so many Christians still refuse to acknowledge Christs ownership of their babies, refuse to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, refuse to teach them the glories of celebrating the Lords Day, and refuse to conduct their worship services as though our triune God is holy, holy, holy. Specifically, he hasn't apologized for the lives and ministries damaged and churches split because of his teaching. He argues that it would be racist to suggest that slave men would have let white masters and overseers have their way with their women. VCY America. Youve been absolutely clear: It does not represent any substantial shift or sea change in the content of what I believe, This represents no change in my friendships or personal commitments, or denominational relationships, I would still want [to] affirm everything I signed off on in the Federal Vision statement, I believe the statement was fine as far as it went, Yep In a 2002 article inCritique, he took the ACCS to task for being anti-Catholic as well as denominationally separatist. I agree. You won't find justice there. RB like White. bookslover Puritan Board Doctor Mar 9, 2019 #1 A friend of mine recently told me he thinks Doug Wilson has renounced the Federal Vision theology. While the church's previous controversies have centered on its founder and pastor, Douglas Wilson, a new generation of male church leaders - including Wilson's son - have found ways to expand. But Leithart seems to think that the burden of repentance is all on our side, and once were done repenting well be united, or very close to it. I have made my point manifestly clear already. Again, its not timing, its where the meeting point needs to be. One of the runways at Charlotte Douglas International Airport was shut down this morning after a Boeing aircraft, operated by Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL), touched down without its . That's what you would want, that's what you ought to offer. The reason for the error, I would say, is the prevailing Grace all the time mentality in Reformed churches these days. Should you avoid preaching these warnings altogether, as is usually the case in Reformed churches Ive seen? Your post here demonstrates similar grace,Read more , > in fact I am a firm believer in the Protestant ressourcement project under way in various places because I dont believe we have even cataloged all the options that Reformed Christians have developed in the past. This is really not that complicated, and yet here we are, over and over and over again. I think I can find official documentation for the following: It would only be right to source documentation now that you've posted this. The options are therefore limited. I was reporting plenty of 40 Acres for a while and that did nothing he didnt leave until he decided hed had enough fun. I have found myself in movements whose trajectory clearly indicated they were headed where I was not willing to go but disengaging can be a difficult and long process. That's an important point when dealing with FVers (or those that say they aren't but really are). The only thing that comes to mind would be the translation and discovering of Reformed works that are currently inaccessible in English, something that I think The Daveant Trust is doing, but Im looking for some more clarity on what you mean. He's a self-ordained cult leader. That doesnt fit at all :). The reason I ask is because I am seeing many reformed Baptists not only recommend him but cite him frequently. I am not a member of the League because I believe that the severe problems this nation has do not admit of a political or cultural solution. Doug Wilson hasn't renounced anything that he has taught. As for the folks in the League of the South and Focus on the Family, God bless them. TylerRay Puritan Board Graduate Mar 9, 2019 #2 Birrificio La Campana D'Oro. There is only one thing left to discuss: Markos description of Wilsons pamphlet was profoundly inaccurate and misleading. This is why I have tremendous respect for you and how you approach engaging people with whom you disagree. The League of the South participated in a funeral in 1995 at which Hill, referring to African Americans, spoke of elicit rights bestowed on a compliant and deadly underclass that now fulfills a role similar to that of Hitlers brown-shirted street thugs in the 1930s.. He has not repudiated the essence of FV, merely the name. I have personally watched and studied a jealous baby. Wilsons association with Wilkins didnt end then, either. Certainly! Didnt sexual exploitation undermine and destroy the black family? I guess well see. 15 people checked in here. Pastor Wilson says such elders have violated Westminster Standards 20.2, forcing on their people "the doctrines and commandments of men." How does he justify his view? Note: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser. But both sides do make valid points, and these cannot be resolved as long as you gents keep attempting to claim Abrahamic promises in a post-Abrahamic world. Is he really uninterested in moving toward unity? Who is unaware of this fact of experience? Such arguments overlook the real and potentially large costs that confronted masters andoverseers who sought sexual pleasures in the slave quarters. Markos description soundsnothing likeWilsons pamphlet. .. In the Plodcast, pastor Douglas Wilson covers anything related to theology and culture with his usual entertaining style. Why are there questions? It may not display this or other websites correctly. James White, Sye Ten Bruggencate, John Piper, RC Sproul and Jeff Durbin are all friends of Wilson and are rock solid on Justification. That is not what I am doing. Yet another excellent example of humility, clarity, and Christian charity from the pen of Doug Wilson. If youve read enough already, feel free to stop here. What I used to call amber ale federal vision should just be called . Enzo Oct 5, 2021 doug wilson ordination preaching Not open for further replies. The Christ Presbyterian Church of Salt Lake City, a congregation of the conservative Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), has criticized Wilson for "false reports," "misrepresentations," and defending himself with "sophistry and word games that should be an embarrassment for elders of a Church of Christ." Ive always been puzzled by my brethren that baptize infants and then refuse to share the Lords Supper with them. Jones is also one of many who criticized ACCS founder Wilson for his utopian views of the Old South, as outlined in a 1996 pamphlet he co-authored. Yes, Wilson condemned racism! I have come to the conclusion that the phrase federal vision is itself a stumbling block that prevents far too many people from hearing what is being said, however many metaphorical adjectives I use. I think you could recycle this exact wording only take out the term federal vision and replace with paleo-confederate. how many put their credibility on the line to defend the distinctives Doug, in my own walk, I almost never go to these theological neighborhoods. Furthermore, our surrender would ultimately be regretted by all parties as the remaining liberties were squandered by those who had no desire to preserve the Eurocentric, (and therefore racist), institution of the rule of law. So Jesus is guilty of works-righteousness (John 3:5)? I am not trying to start a fight, but rather to own my portion of a fight that ought not to have gone on as it did. Disqus aint perfect, but I think its better than facebook comments. The destruction gathers over time and can look like the path of a tornado if left to go too long. Because of its dominantly patriarchal character, it was a relationship based upon mutual affection and confidence. Doug Wilson Mocks Joe Morecraft April 2003 Friends, In the latest issue of Credenda/Agenda magazine, edited by Douglas Wilson, the juveniles-in-charge include a parody of an ad for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese: Craft Morecaroni and Cheese. I also appreciate the stronger view of the sacraments and at least a small nudge in a more liturgical direction. Greatest fathers of the church? This tends to be true in the PCA and even in Reformed Baptist circles. 828. I also think there are apostles and prophets (not to mention Christ Himself) who would fail the full of grace, seasoned with salt test as defined by many today. Doug, are you apologizing for or retracting what you said about Cal Beisners and Guy Waters work, such as this: He presented slaveryasbenign. I was, am, and will remain a Westminster Puritan within an irenic river of historic Reformed orthodoxy. A part of this post taken as the whole would be grossly misleading. My reasoning was simple: I hadnt learned these things from Calvin, I did not want to participate in any Paul/Apollos competitions, I just wanted to be biblical, etc.