Overseas inquiries should be made at the nearest Sudanese Embassy or consulate. The U.S. Department of State issues travel advisory levels for more than 200 countries -- continually updating them. Sign up to get email notifications when this travel advice is updated. Certain regions of Sudan have been locked in conflict for decades. If you are a British national planning to cross into Egypt at Argeen or Qustul and you do not have valid documentation with you, please contact the British Embassy in Cairo on + 2 (02) 2791 6000. According to Numbeo, the crime that people in Sudan worry about the most is corruption and bribery, with 80.32% saying that this is a problem. Armed opposition groups are active in Central Darfur state and parts of Blue Nile and South Kordofan states. The safety index is based on travel advisories from independent 9 sources. Off Sharia Al Baladia Large numbers of people are trying to cross the border from Sudan into Egypt. Contact your provider with any complaints about tourist services or products. Do you wonder if your destination is safe? Remain vigilant at all times, including around large crowds. Consider taking medication to prevent malaria. Sudanese passport holders have different visa and entry requirements for Egypt. Western Union operates in Khartoum only. There are two main land border crossings between Egypt and Sudan, at Qustul and Argeen. Any travel options, including convoys, are taken at your own risk. Sudan has a current risk level of 4.7 (out of 5). Sudan's border with Chad and Eritrea are closed. FCDO advises that no one should travel to Sudan because the risks are too high. There are commercial departureoptions fromPort Sudan and Port Suakin. To protect yourself from visa scams, you should only deal with official Australian Government channels such as the departmental website, reputable travel agents, Australian Visa Application Centres, or the Australian High Commission or Embassy. In practice, dual Australian-Sudanese nationals are treated as Sudanese. Previous Travel to Israel: Travelers with Israeli visas or exit/entry stamps are now permitted entry following a change in relations between Sudan and Israel in 2020. Seeour webpagefor more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Same-sex relations, extra-marital relations, and trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity are all illegal. Police normally do not intervene in domestic disputes. Avoid demonstrations and public gatherings. Criminal Penalties:You are subject to local laws. When it comes to this level, the State Department says: "Avoid travel due to serious risks to safety and security. Recent changes to the law made it legal for non-Muslims to drink alcohol as long as they are not in the presence of Muslims, but the exceptions are so narrow its not worth testing the boundaries for a beer. Anecdotal evidence from other travelers says that petty crime in Sudan, such as pickpocketing and mugging, is actually quite low. You aren't allowed to transit through Jeddah during Hajj season unless you have a through ticket to your final destination (where the flight into Jeddah and flight out are on one continuous ticket). There is some risk in any international travel. Mexico's travel advisory warns of "violent crime -- such as homicide kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery," which according to the State Department is both widespread and common in the country. Get a guide Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc. Visas are not granted automatically. Carry photo identification with you at all times. Airlines yet to confirm when they'll recommence their normal flight schedules. You can get consular assistance from the Australian Embassy in Cairo. Armed opposition groups are active in Central Darfur state. Medical facilities in Khartoum are adequate for routine care, but the hospitals are not suitable for more serious medical problems. Comprehensive insurance is recommended because many local drivers carry no insurance. South Sudan Travel Advisory: Level 4: Do Not Travel: October 5, 2022: Turks and Caicos Islands Travel Advisory : Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution: October 5, 2022: . All rights reserved, U.S. Department of State issues travel advisory levels, recent deaths of a 9-year-old New York City boy, missing man from Indiana who was found dead in a clandestine burial pit in Mexico, Two 14-year-old boys died subway surfing exactly one week apart, NYC officials say, Alleged Yeezy thief runs into NYC ribbon-cutting knocking lawmaker to ground, North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) Travel Advisory, Democratic Republic of the Congo Travel Advisory, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Travel Advisory, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, its travel advisory reads, Biden, DeSantis arrive NYC for separate events; roads closed for visit, Video shows touching moment lab chimp sees the sky for the first time in 28 years, Air quality map: See how bad Canadian wildfire smoke is impacting your area, 4 Suffolk County beaches close to bathingbecause of high levels of bacteria. Violent skirmishes occur between local communities and armed groups in Abyei. If you have significant concerns for your welfare, or that of another Australian, contact the Consular Emergency Centre on 1300 555 135 in Australia or +61 2 62613305 outside Australia. Get vaccinated against yellow fever. Recycling of plastic waste is a major problem for most African countries/Vlad Karavaev/Shutterstock. Travel with a copy of your U.S. passport and Sudanese visa to prevent the originals from being taken. Save. If you do travel, get professional security advice. You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than six months. It also warns travelers to "exercise increased caution when traveling to: Israel due to terrorism and civil unrest" as well as "West Bank due to terrorism and civil unrest.". Do not travel to Sudan due to armed conflict, civil unrest, crime, terrorism, and kidnapping. Roadblocks and checkpoints continue to be imposed throughout Khartoum depending on the security situation. They are among over 6,800 Sudanese refugees who have crossed the border to seek safety in South Sudan since the fighting erupted in mid-April. Email:Our navigator assistant at the following link will guide you to the information you need. The U.S. government cannot provide routine or emergency consular services to U.S. citizens in Sudan, due to the current security situation. Emergency After-Hours Telephone:+249-18 702 2000 Due to the war in Tigray, avoid the area near the Ethiopian and Eritrean borders as well. You aren't allowed to transit through Jeddah during Hajj season unless you have a through ticket to your final destination (where the flight into Jeddah and flight out are on one continuous ticket). Ousman, 45, fled the conflict in Khartoum, Sudan's capital, with his four children and pregnant wife. The daily updated warning index is currently at: 4.7/5 and is based on 9 advisories. Check local media for updates and traffic advisories. Check with your travel insurer whether your policy covers riding a motorbike. Maintain several days supply of food andwater andstay indoors until the demonstration has passed. We advise against travel. Even with a permit, it's illegal to photograph certain areas, including military installations, infrastructure and slums. In our opinion it's not safe to travel to Sudan. Non-Muslims are sometimes convicted of offenses based on officials interpretation of Islamic law. Check with yourairline or travel provider before travel. | Safety Concerns, Are the Canary Islands Safe to Visit in 2023? Do not attempt to force your way through it. Terrorists and other armed groups frequently kidnap people to use as hostages. Protests are ongoing in the country and could erupt at any time. We continue to advise do not travel to Sudan. Conditions in other countries may differ from those in the United States and may change at any time, the State Department's website says when it comes to Level 1. Website:www.ukinsudan.fco.gov.uk/en. You cant convert outside the country and its illegal to export it. AntiLGBTI sentiment remains pervasive in society. For emergency services in Sudan, dial 333. Keep in mind that many governments have limited consular support in Sudan as well as a long-standing policy not to negotiate with kidnappers, so dont rely on your government to bail you out of trouble. Travel Alert Status Level 4: Do Not Travel Safety and Security The Department of State has issued a Travel Warning for Sudan advising U.S. citizens of the risks of travel to Sudan, urging U.S. citizens to avoid all travel to the Darfur region of Sudan, the Blue Nile, and Southern Kordofan States, and advising U.S. citizens to consider carefully the risks of travel in other areas of Sudan. In the instance of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, its travel advisory reads, that there are terrorist groups, lone-wolf terrorists and other extremists plotting possible attacks, with some areas having more risk than others. Is Tonga Safe to Visit in 2023? Have alternate means of communication in the event of disruptions to telecommunication services. Military conflict in Khartoum and other parts of Sudan is ongoing. Shorts are not appropriate. On the anniversary of the last coup, as in October of 2022 protests again erupted, which again brought up the question of if it is safe to travel to Sudan, with us and our local partners deciding that indeed it was safe to travel. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. BLANK PASSPORT PAGES: 2 pages. In most of these regions, the population identifies as Black South Sudanese and is in conflict with the Sudanese, often Arab, government. Theyve researched everything you need to know before visiting Sudan to plan your trip safely. During Ramadan, eating, drinking and smoking may be illegal in public during the day. Local ATMs draw on local banks only. If you have recently left Sudan, and develop fever or flu-like symptoms, you should seek urgent medical attention and tell them that you have recently left a malarial risk area. Unfortunately, violent crimes such as terrorist attacks and kidnappings are more common. You won't be allowed to enter Jeddah unless you have a valid Hajj visa or are a resident of Saudi Arabia. Sudan is not the safest place to visit right now. People are only moderately concerned about theft and not concerned at all about violent crime. | Safety Concerns, Is Seychelles Safe to Visit in 2023? You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Australians should strongly consider leaving Sudan as soon as possible. Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Martin, and Saint Barthlemy (French West Indies), North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea). There are no British consular staff in Sudan. Do not take photos of Sudanese without their permission. Service is basic and crowded. Overview Safety Other governments, such as New Zealand, advise against all travel for certain regions and all but non-essential travel for the rest of Sudan. Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. Bring US dollars to change when you arrive. "This is the lowest advisory level for safety and security risk. You must possess a vaccination certificate recognised by Sudanese authorities or a negative PCR test certificate dated within 72hrsbefore you arrivein Sudan. A fake visa wont be recognised in Australia. Sudan's border with Chad and Eritrea are closed. You need a permit for any photography. Sudan operates on a cash-only economy; U.S.-issued credit and debit cards do not work. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Traffic Laws: An international driving permit or Sudanese license and third-party liability insurance from the government is required. Sudan can experiencesevere weather, including: Recent heavy rainfall has intensified in Sudan, causing flooding, displacement and deaths. Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. Take care not to offend. You should consider the risks carefully for any departure route, including during ceasefires. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Alcohol is mostly illegal in Sudan. Knowing which regions to avoid can help you stay safe. It is also one of the safer parts of Sudan. Flights between Port Sudan and Jeddah will be restricted during the Hajj season (30 May 28 June). The U.S. Embassy will not receive notification of your arrest. Forget the bad things you have heard about South Sudan or the question: Is it safe to travel to South Sudan ? If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia. However, this problem has started to bleed into the rest of Sudan. All forms of shipping are attractive to pirates, including: To protect yourself whentravelling by boat: All Sudanese-registered airlines are banned from operating in European airspace. The U.S. government cannot provide routine or emergency consular services to U.S. citizens in Sudan, due to the current security situation. You can't use credit cards, debit cards or traveller's cheques anywhere. With all those dangers in mind, if you are an adventurous tourist who takes the right precautions and only visits safe areas, you will come out of Sudan with a story to tell. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Reissued with updates to the security situation and post departure status. International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (. Violence in Libya sometimes bleeds through at the border, so thats another region to avoid. u should confirm the exact requirements with your transport provider. Heavy gunfire and explosions have occurred across the country, resulting in numerous casualties, including civilians. Do not travel to Sudan due toarmed conflict, civil unrest and the volatile security situation. Of violent crimes, kidnapping is the most serious. Reconsider Travel to: Nairobi neighborhoods of Eastleigh and Kibera, due to crime and kidnapping. "This is the highest advisory level due to greater likelihood of life-threatening risks. Stay alert in areas frequented by Westerners. Australia doesn't have an embassy in Sudan. Armed actors may transit Sudans shared borders with Chad and Central African Republic. Sudan is safe to travel specially the North and East, You don't need to worry about anything. The temperature in Sudan can be extremely high. There is a risk of kidnapping. Government offices and businesses follow an Islamic workweek (Sunday to Thursday). Take steps to reduce your risk of exposure to the virus. Do not carry a large amount of cash because travelers carrying large amounts of U.S. currency have been detained and currency confiscated. Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad. Currency:The Sudanese pound (SDG) is the official currency. Drink only bottled water. Some of the larger hotels will do this for you, but you should ask when you check-in. Its important to regularly check the rules in the destinationsyoure travelling to and transiting through. Violent killings still happen, many people are displaced, and the instability has made the region a hotspot for violent crime. Eastern Sudan (Kassala, Gedaref, and Red Sea States): Escalating tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan have prompted a sizeable build-up of military forces along the disputed border in Gedarefs Fashaga region as well as recurring military-to-military engagements, clashes involving Ethiopian militias, and intercommunal reprisals over farmland. Many regions are embroiled in active conflict, including Darfur. Theres not much you can really do to prevent terrorism by yourself as this crime is, by definition, random and can affect you anywhere (even in your home country). Intercommunal clashes can occur throughout the country and can result in the declaration of localized States of Emergency. If youre in the UK and worried about a British person in Sudan, you can contact us 24/7 on: You can also submit a written enquiry, or contact us on Twitter or Facebook. 1 - Wadi Halfa 2 - Abri 3 - Dongola 4 - Karima 5 - Atbarah 6 - Shendi 7 - Khartoum Provisional travel documents (PTDs) or IMMICards will not be accepted. Darfur Region: Flares of deadly intercommunal conflict continue, as does violence perpetrated by bandits and militias. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. You may not have to be on your guard against theft in Sudan, but you should be careful of these more dangerous crimes. Carefully consider the risks for any departure route, including during ceasefires. Start Here Africa Sudan Is Sudan Safe to Visit in 2023? Visitors should travel only on main roads, unless a competent de-mining authority has marked an area as clear of mines. Road traffic accidents are common in Sudan. ATMs only accept local bank cards. Conditions in any country may change at any time," the description for Level 2 reads. (PO Box no.801) Some airlines are stopping all flights on this route until after the Hajj season and have not confirmed a date when they will restart (See 'Travel'). Change money through banks or official exchange bureaus. Avoiding all of Sudans land borders is a good idea. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Driving is hazardous due to excessive speeds, erratic driver behavior, pedestrians, animals in the roadways, and vehicles that are overloaded or lack basic safety equipment. If we link to any product, you should assume that we'll receive a commission when you buy it, at no extra cost to you. See our webpage onhelp for U.S. victims of crime overseas. In certain regions, violent crime, including the kidnapping of foreigners for ransom, is widespread. There's a threat of terrorism. Curfews are imposed with little or no warning. The best way to protect against kidnapping is to be careful about your movements. If you are a British national in Sudan, you can contact us on our 24/7 telephone helpline on +44 1908 516 666. Do not travel to Sudan due toarmed conflict, civil unrest and the volatile security situation. Spousal abuse is common. The situation is violent, volatile, and extremely unpredictable, particularly in the capital city Khartoum. If you're a Sudanese passport holder check the visa and entry requirements with the Sudanese and Saudi Arabian Consulate or Embassy or directly with your travel provider. Avoid walking or traveling alone, especially after dark and particularly outside of Khartoum. Public transportation - Traveling around Sudan by public transport is pretty straightforward. If you venture outside of Khartoum or urban areas, make sure you are not going alone, as kidnappings often happen in rural regions or on roads. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes. We do not have a presence at the Egyptian border and our ability to provide consular assistance is very limited. We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic. | Safety Concerns. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crime. Women should wear a headscarf and loose clothing covering the arms and legs. Seeour travel tips forWomen Travelers. You will need to show proof of onward travel with a transit of less than 12 hours. Sudanese passport holders have different visa and entry requirements for Saudi Arabia. Medical facilities are basic in Khartoum and inadequate elsewhere. You're responsible for your own safety and that of your family. Mexico's warning is broken down specifically by region, as follows, as outlined by the U.S. State Department: Exercise Increased Caution When Traveling To: Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling To: For additional information the countries listed, or those in Level 1 or 2, visit the U.S. Department of State's website, or click here. See ourwebpagefor further information. Travel Advisory October 5, 2022 South Sudan - Level 4: Do Not Travel O K C Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS FOR EXIT: None. You may need a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to enter Sudan. Sudan is not the safest place to travel; however, taking precautions you can do without serious risks. Armed conflict is ongoing throughout Sudan and includes heavy fighting between various political and security groups. Carry a copy of your passport and visa and leave originals in your hotel safe. Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. Mysterious Sudan is an off-the-beaten-path gem in Eastern Africa. Students: See ourStudents Abroadpage andFBI travel tips. Check. Violence continues along the border between Chad and Sudan and areas near the border with South Sudan (including the disputed Abyei area). Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:Access to transportation, lodging, and public buildings is limited for people with mobility issues. On April 22, 2023, the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum suspended its operations, and the Department of State ordered the departure of U.S. direct hire employees and eligible family members from Embassy Khartoum due to the continued threat of armed conflict in Sudan. If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible. See Safety. Armed conflict is ongoing throughout Sudan and includes heavy fighting between various political and security groups. Crime rates in Sudan are not that bad, which surprises many people who assume that the country is full of danger. Sudans borders with Chad and Eritrea are currently closed. Let us be your guide! Medical evacuation can be very expensive. Consult theCDC website for Sudanprior to travel. That being said, adventurous tourists still come to Sudan. Browse all destinations in the Middle East. Please see Fact Sheet for this country/area. Victims of Crime: U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault or domestic violence are encouraged tocontact the U.S. Embassyfor assistance. You may need to get medical help outside Sudan. Review your personal security plan and visit our page on travel to high-risk areas. If, despite our advice, you travel to Sudan, you'll need a visa to enter. Australia doesn't have an embassy in Sudan. Kilo 10, Soba The government enacted legislation in July 2020 that removed flogging as a punishment for criminal and civil crimes. If you're not fasting, avoid these activities around people who are. Non-Muslim women are not expected to wear a veil or cover their heads. You should carefully review our travel advice for any neighbouring country, including Egypt and Ethiopia. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Overland travel is becoming more dangerous, including to border areas. Reply. However, there are two countries on the list, as of Tuesday, that have a travel advisory that is out of the ordinary: Israel, the West Bank and Gaza as well as Mexico. In Khartoum, home invasion, pickpocketing, purse snatching, theft from vehicles, and other petty crime occur, and the number of petty crimes has increased over the past year. Find information ondual nationality,prevention of international child abduction, andcustoms regulationson our websites. Terrorist groups have previously stated their intent to harm Westerners through suicide operations, bombings, shootings, and kidnappings. Kidnapping is a serious risk in Sudan, even in Khartoum. For how we can help you overseas see the Consular Services Charter. The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has today asked key figures in Thames Water to come to parliament to explain the issues in the company and wider water industry. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are. Review the, World Health Organization (WHO) card with yellow fever vaccination when arriving from a yellow fever infected area, High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc. With the recent deaths of a 9-year-old New York City boy who was shot and killed less than an hour after arriving in theDominican Republicfor a spring break family trip and the discovery of a missing man from Indiana who was found dead in a clandestine burial pit in Mexico after a traffic accident led to his alleged murder are just some of the recent headlines that has caused pause for some people to travel abroad.