Brains vs. Beauty, Winner If they made it to the final votein which three or, in earlier seasons, two people plead their case in front of a jury of eliminated contestantsthe numbers lean heavily in favor of men, no matter how you slice it. Reddit, Inc. 2023. This backfired, however, as she attempted to play the middle, only to be taken out at the merge. I'm older and much wiser. Tony then told Woo that LJ had been targeting him getting Woo on board to target LJ. On Day 38, Tony won the fire-making challenge against Sarah to reach the Final Tribal Council, where his dominant gameplay resulted in him winning the title of Sole Survivor in a 12-4-0 vote, making him the second two-time winner in Survivor history. At the Final Tribal Council, the jury scolded Tony. After her time on Survivor, her castmate David Samson called her up to see if she would consider running in a marathon to raise money for charity. Why You Think You'll "Survive" Survivor: Adapt and overcome! The production values on the series' re . While she was competing on Survivor the second time, Sarah and her husband got engaged. level 2. Tony and Ben both played their idols after her, resulting in a null vote. If the final three line up was man versus woman versus woman, a man won 57 percent of the time. After Ben informed Tony that Kim was the one who led the charge to take Tony out, Sarah, Tony, and Ben roped in Jeremy and Nick to vote out Kim at the next Tribal Council. When Ciera approached the group, Tony threw out Michaela Bradshaw's name, and Ciera accepted this as the plan for the night. It later resurfaced and became the dominant alliance of Survivor: Winners at War. So, what could be more fun than a little fashion show on the beach? She came in 11th place and was the first jury member in the show's 28th season, Survivor: Cagayan, in 2014. Survivor Spoilers: Sarah Lacina Hosts Fashion Show on Winners at War, Survivor: Winners at War: First Responders and Former Marine Return Jeremy Collins, Sarah Lacina & More. Offers may be subject to change without notice. But, he is a lunatic. At the revote, Tony got his way, and Denise was voted out. If hes out here and we play, were the only two people here to play three seasons together. Tony was happy with this development. As Survivor approaches Season 40 and celebrates 20 years on television, what does it mean to be a part of the legacy? In Cagayan, Tony played the game with ferocity, occupying a high-profile leadership role for much of the game, constructing "spy shacks" to eavesdrop on his tribemates, double-crossing his own allies, swearing on relatives both alive and dead, and finding several Hidden Immunity Idols, including one with "special powers". After winning, it catapulted me to a higher tax bracket, where I consistently stayed since! He just kind of started talking to me about it, so I came down to the gym and trained with Team Hard Drive, she told the Gazette, adding, I really enjoy boxing. Im a Sarah fan, so please take this all with a grain of salt but I think this is actually important, especially considering the stuff we heard from Sarah on Wednesday. Survivor: Winners at War airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. Her husband even appeared on the show during the loved ones visit and on the finale when Sarah was crowned Sole Survivor. This is right up her alley. Survivor champ and The Challenge: USA winner Sarah Lacina called out Tony Vlachos for his real job as a police officer, eventually leading to one of the most successful alliances in franchise. Cagayan and Winners at War Sarah Ayles is a contestant from Australian Survivor: Champions v Contenders (2019). At Tribal Council, Tony and LJ made a grand stand by playing their Hidden Immunity Idols for each other, though this was all for naught as the Aparri Alliance had actually targeted Jefra. It was also at this time that Tony's paranoia led to him finding a Hidden Immunity Idol with "special powers.". For her third time on Survivor, Sarah Lacina played a loyal and hon. Sarah considered this, but resolved to leave Tony out, as she wanted to make a move against Tony in order to increase her chances of winning. At Tribal Council, the tribe discussed how physical strength should be kept in the tribe to prevent further losses. The Iowa native intended to remain loyal to him but flipped once she heard him announce a final five that didnt include her. On: July 7, 2022 Asked by: Judah Kirlin Advertisement Season 28 of Survivor, Survivor: Cagayan Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty, found a cast of 18 competing against each other in the Philippines. Unfortunately, the skills I bring to Survivor are skills that will NOT make me a useful member. After Tony won the next Reward Challenge and picked Trish to share his reward with, Kass, Spencer, and Woo plotted to split the pair up. Despite still wanting Jeremy out, Tony shifted his efforts toward Nick because he viewed Jeremy as a shield. What happened to woo from Survivor Season 28? The alliance regrouped under Sophie's leadership and Sarah used her Vote Steal advantage to steal Denise's vote, ensuring that their group would have control of enough votes to split their votes between Tyson and Denise, sending Tyson out of the game. Shes an American police officer who snagged 11th place position during Survivor Season 28. A hesitant Tony eventually agreed to target Sarah after recognising that he had not succeeded in flipping her after she refused to swear on her badge. Survivor: Is This the End of Tony Vlachos and Sarah Lacinas Cops-R-Us Alliance? Despite Jeremy's critique, he followed Sandra in becoming the second two-time Sole Survivor with 12 jury votes to Natalie's 4 and Michele's 0. Soon after, he admitted to her that he was a cop and they bonded and formed an alliance called "Cops-R-Us". The next morning, Kass, fed up with Tony's double-dealing, got into an argument with Tony, in which Tony revealed that he had the Hidden Immunity Idol with "special powers." But first, she explains that shes not just a cop. Survivor: Is This the End of Tony Vlachos and Sarah Lacinas Cops-R-Us Alliance? The only time a woman was statistically favored to win was when three women appeared in the finale, which has only happened twice in the show's history. You dont believe you can do this, prove to yourself that you can,' she told the Wartburg College student paper. The next day, Tony reconnected with his fellow Cagayan castaway Sarah Lacina, and the two recreated their old Cops-R-Us alliance from said season. Natalie Anderson returned from the Edge of Extinction on Day 35, and she immediately put Tony on the spot by saying the jury loved him. She told him she could tell because she too was a cop. Instead, she will be engaging in a completely different kind of manipulation, the psychological kind. Read on for more info on Lacina on and off the show. Anyone can just throw a punch but to throw a punch correctly, effectively and quickly is another [thing], she said, adding, Im not a very patient person. At the Final Tribal Council, Sarah voted for Tony to win, contributing to him becoming the second two-time Sole Survivor. While Spencer played his idol, Tony bluffed using an apparently fake idol in order to ensure that he played it on himself rather than Jeremiah. This is because on, Tony holds the record for the most amount of prize money won in a. But a Midwestern woman speaking plainly about gender bias can make can impact. This prompted Sarah, Tony, and Ben to target Michele next. As the world slowly evolves and men ask, "what can I do?" EDIT: Andrea has now confirmed that this DID NOT HAPPEN Current Residence: Jersey City, N.J. Heres what fans should know about Sarahs husband and son. Yes. Survivor: Blood vs. Water Live Reunion Show. Current residence: Allendale, New Jersey While painting some fabric, the Survivor: Game Changers champion asks herself what happens after Sarah Lacinas a cop?. Sarah is an American police officer who appeared on the reality television show Survivor. Boston Rob, because I can be just as slick. Sarah then convinced Trish and Woo Hwang to come into their alliance and throw the fourth Immunity Challenge to vote Cliff out, followed by Lindsey. Personal Claim to Fame: Becoming a Jersey City police officer. Her persistence eventually paid off though and Tony admitted to his profession. [1], Age: 42 the series gives an answer to that in host Jeff Probst: recognize the issue and facilitate a conversation. Not only did Sarah Lacina create some new looks for some of her tribemates, but shes also going to have them walk the runway and model them for the boys. She has also crowned the champion of the 34th season of Survivor: Game Changers after receiving the majority of votes in the finale. Name (Age): Tony Vlachos (39) For example, she pointed out that producers are normal people and unintentionally repeat information from conversations theyve had with other contestants. Privacy Policy. She won the season in a 7-2-0 vote. At Tribal Council, Tony and Trish joined LJ and Jefra in blindsiding Cliff. Sarah would later win the season, which led to another reunion three years later in Survivor: Winners at War. What she said? In recent interviews, it seems like Sarah might be playing more of a villain role this time. In the end, it all fell into place and I became the Sole Survivor. In the early stages following the merge, Cops-R-Us controlled the first three votes, systematically eliminating Wendell Holland, Adam Klein, and Tyson (who had returned from the Edge of Extinction). Her alliance partner Sophie Clarke takes the role of the MC for the fashion show. This post is about one specific story Ive seen pop up reddit recently, not any other villainous or cut-throat stuff she might have done. Plus, they do their best impressions of professional models while showing off Sarahs Survivor Fiji Line. In 2014, she played in Survivor: Cagayan Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty, finishing 11th after being ousted. I had a long, hard sit down with myself, and I said, You know, you are always the one who tells people they can do anything they put their mind to. However, unbeknownst to Tony, Ben asked Sarah to vote him out that night, to which Sarah obliged. In another image from the heartfelt thread, Knox is posing with his father in a CrossFit gym. This plan failed however due to the challenge playing to Cliff's strengths as a former NBA player combined with Luzon's continued ineffectiveness in the challenge. along with Jefra and LJ at the previous challenge, which made her feel excluded. Reality TV stars from shows like Survivor have one major thing in common: they know how to push themselves to the extreme. A post shared by Sarah Lacina (@sarahlacina). Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: Russell Hantz, because I can be just as devious. Tony was initially placed on Aparri, the Brawn tribe of Cagayan. The tribe sent Tony and Woo to conduct the raid, with the two also receiving a clue for a Hidden Immunity Idol at the Solana camp. Mom and dad love you so much. Although the Hidden Immunity Idol with "special powers" expired at the final five, Tony bluffed by claiming that it could be used until the final four. She wanted to either shoot or get shot by her partner. He and Sarah make up the Cops R Us alliance, but she points out they have two different styles of playing. Of all votes cast for a winner throughout the series, 62 percent have been cast for men. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And it's multigenerational; parents and children watch the show together. Having learned from his past mistakes, Tony kept a low profile for a good portion in Winners at War by playing patiently: Reaffirming his Cops-R-Us alliance with Cagayan castmate Sarah Lacina, and building stronger personal relationships with his tribe. ), Paul Wesley Brings Captain Kirk Down to Earth, 'Yellowstone' Spinoff '1883' Airing on Paramount, Molly Gordon Is a Scene-Stealer In 'The Bear', A Guide to Every Guest Star in 'The Bear' Season 2, Coach K Is the Improbable MVP of 'The Bear' S2, Lionel Boyce Loves His Place in the Chaos. He was also confronted by LJ and Jefra for his blindsiding both of them. .css-gk9meg{display:block;font-family:Lausanne,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;padding-top:0.25rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-gk9meg:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.15;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 73.75rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}'The Witcher' S3's Journey Is Only Halfway Over, 'The Witcher' S3, Part 1 Finale Goes 'Ocean's 11', Henry Cavill Swings His Last Sword in The Witcher, Rejoice: We Found 'The Bear' Season 2's Soundtrack, I'm Ready For 'The Idol' to End. Tony lied to Sarah, saying that Cliff and Lindsey Ogle were gunning for her successfully manipulating her against her initial alliance. Financially! According to Sarah, she thinks other people dont talk about outside help as they might perceive it as diminishing their win. In past seasons, strong female players have met untimely ends, being dubbed difficult or malicious by fellow contestants. Archived post. Who is your inspiration in life? Dont forget to follow Soap Dirt for the latest Survivor news and updates. Wish me luck! Relationship Status March 23, 2023 at 12:33 PM Sarah Wade tells all about her short time on Survivor season 44 before her exit. So, whats her plan now? Distractify is a registered trademark. On Day 12, a Tribe Switch occurred, sending all of Aparri's members, with the exception of Sarah, to the new Solana tribe, along with original members Jefra Bland and LJ McKanas. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Cliff, however, single-handedly saved himself by winning the challenge for Aparri. Tony denied her claims, insisting that he was a construction worker. She actually revealed at the Cagayan reunion special that she was six months pregnant. Lacinagrew up in Muscatine, Iowa, where she was a four-sport athlete at the local high school. She graduated. In another shot, he's seen playing around in the sand with a toy. Sarah accepted the challenge and recruited Tony help her. My teammates were like, You have to put your time in before you can fight.. But it wasn't Tony's coronation that proved to be the episode's crowning achievement. Jesse, Sarah and Tony all clearly have been in situations where you need to gain peoples trust when lying to them in potential life threatening situations. On Day 25, Sarah and Tony initially argued on who to target, as Tony wanted Tyson out, while Sarah wanted Kim out for being too dangerous. The next day, Tony approached Aubry Bracco and the two decided that it may be best if they recruit other big threats in order to use them as shields and as allies. Desperate to gain back power, Tony convinced Nick, Jeremy, and Ben Driebergen to give him one Fire Token each, giving him enough to pay the extortion. I'm older, but definitely not wiser. Sarah and Tony compete against each other in the fire-making challenge in, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Biography Name (Age): Sarah Lacina (29) Tribe Designation: Brawn Tribe Current Residence: Cedar Rapids, Iowa Occupation: Police Officer Personal Claim to Fame: I'm most proud of graduating college in four years. What Ive typed above is my understanding of the situation based off of what Ive seen and heard. The plan, though, did not work because Jeremiah immediately recognized that it was the same clue that the original Solana tribe had received prior to the tribe switch, though it managed to cast suspicion on Jeremiah. In a rare moment of reflection, the long-running series discussed how the game has been riddled with gender bias. But it wasnt just one marathon, it was seven marathons in seven days on seven continents and at first, Lacina said no way. Survivorairs on CBS and is streaming on Paramount+. In both seasons this alliance appeared in: Tony contributed directly to Sarah's eliminations as he voted her out in, The Final Four consisted of two original members of. Lacina, of Marion, Indiana, won season 34 -- a season that featured returning contestants (including some . He was then lambasted by a furious Trish for swearing on his late father's grave, then proceeding to blindside her. In 2017, Sarah Lacina was crowned the winner of " Survivor: Game Changers," scoring seven of the jury's ten jury votes. What they're shown is a conversation among people who are somewhat removed from politics and entirely removed from cable news talking heads and Twitter vitriol. I feel like I have a target. Heres what you need to know about Sarah Lacinam, who is competing on Survivor: Winners at War. What skills do you bring to Survivor that will make you a useful member of the group and what skills have you been learning since you last played? Its obvious that they both enjoy spending quality time at the gym. What's going to be normal for me will be very stressful for the average castaway. Speaking to podcastChallenge Maniaduring a February 2023 appearance, Iowa-based investigator Sarah Lacina noticed Tony Vlachos during casting and felt he looked, dressed, and walked like a cop. Unconvinced by Spencer's argument, Tony joined Kass and Woo in voting him out at Tribal Counci due to him being a big jury threat. Tony, along with Lindsey, sat out of the challenge while the others (except for Cliff) attempted to throw the challenge. Both assigned to the Dakal tribe, Sarah and Tony reunited and made amends. People come out here, they want to play this game, and its hard, its grueling, its taxing, its physical, its mental its anything you can ever imagine all wrapped into one little thing. While both Tony and Sarah returned in Survivor: Game Changers, they were on separate tribes, with Tony assigned on Mana and Sarah on Nuku. This left Michele on the outs, and everyone was ready to vote her out next. He wanted to start playing hard, and so went back to the water well and continued to dig his bunker. It was the aura of a person self-assured of her upper-tier status in the. The two winners gathered their troops, and Jeff and Michaela became the two swing votes. Tony thought . But turned around and orchestrated Sierras blindside. Right after Tribal Council, Tony searched for the idol, but Natalie found it before he could. However, the only other person who had voted for Aubry was Sandra, and the rest of the tribe eliminated Tony. It's just not in my DNA. But will it end up causing his downfall? Cagayan: Day 6Winners at War: Day 5 Survivor Alliance For Tony, this meant low-level threats like Nick, Adam Klein, and Wendell Holland. When an advantage was indeed offered, Tasha backed out while both Tony and Spencer bid the maximum amount of $500 for a chance to draw rocks to win the advantage. The remaining castaways were then surprised by a visit from their loved ones. In the end, the plan worked, and despite Tony and LJ McKanas playing their Hidden Immunity Idols came for each other, Kass swerved the vote against Sarah in a 6-5 blindside, patently ending Sarah and Tony's alliance. Scroll down to learn more about Lacina's work and personal life. After Kass won the next Immunity Challenge, Spencer came up to Tony and told him that he believed that there would be a Final Two. Now she is breaking out His hyperactive strategic game won him the title of Sole Survivor in a 8-1 vote. I've played Survivor twice (Season 28 and 34)I won once, and lost once. After Mana narrowly lost the second Immunity Challenge, Tony and Sandra campaigned against each other. There are so many aspects to MMA, so I picked something to start with my striking and I really enjoyed the boxing so Im taking boxing matches, but I think after this, Im probably going to start training on the ground a little more, start getting into MMA., What I enjoy about [training] is the challenge of just learning. I wish I could have learned the skill of being able to be quiet and try to play under the radar, but I don't see that happening. Getty Cagayan Being a part of this unimaginable milestone of a season is HUGE! Well let's see. In a close battle, Tony beat Sarah and secured his spot in the Final Three, with Sarah becoming the final member of the jury. A few episodes ago, she called for backup like a cop, but then broke into Sele camp like a criminal. LilyBae Anthony "Tony" Vlachos is the Sole Survivor of Survivor: Cagayan and Survivor: Winners at War, and the second two-time winner in Survivor history. At the Final Immunity Challenge, Woo narrowly beat Kass by half a second to win immunity. Tribe Designation: Brawn Tribe In Cagayan, after Tony told Sarah that he was secretly a police officer, they agreed to form a secret alliance, with the goal of having two cops sitting at the end. Tony spent the first few days building a "spy shack," finding a Hidden Immunity Idol, and forming alliances with both Sarah and Trish Hegarty. Andrea's refusal to talk to Sarah has given Sarah some enormous emotional scars. Then, she voted for Tony Vlachos, a fellow officer in blue, who was crowned the Sole Survivor, despite him breaking a promise to her. Academic language about "intersectionality" and "implied bias" can fail to resonate with everyday people. In response, Sandra began recruiting for her own alliance, and brought in Michaela, Troyzan, Hali Ford, and Jeff Varner after being left out of Tony's alliance. Reason for Being on Survivor: My main reason: The MILLION DOLLARS of course. Inspiration in Life: My father for being the dad that he was. The next day, Tony won his third individual immunity in a row, and he later learned that Kim was targeting him. Sarah and Wyatt have one son together named Knox. As Lacina wrapped up her comments, Probst weighed in. It likely changes more opinions than we realize. Do You Consider Yourself a Brain, a Beauty or a Brawn? He also emerged as a challenge threat, winning four Immunity Challenges. However, after Tony told her that Jeremy Collins was gunning for her, Sarah agreed to target Jeremy, with the alliance pulling in Nick for the upcoming vote. Despite his rapid rise to power, he was able to consolidate trust with a strong alliance by forging crucial social bonds which insulated him from elimination. After her Survivor win, Cedar Rapids Police Chief Wayne Jerman told the Cedar Rapids Gazette that he was not at all surprised to see her win because she is such an outstanding officer. Survivor: Winners at Warairs on February 12 at 8 pm on CBS. Because unless that evidence exists, please stop spreading this story thats could deeply hurt both Sarah and Andrea. And if he goes rogue? However, Nick won Immunity, and, knowing about Michele Fitzgerald's 50/50 Coin, Tony decided to split the votes between Jeremy and Michele. At the next Tribal Council Tony suggested voting out Morgan McLeod as due to her laziness she was the least likely to have an idol. Though Sarah voted with the majority, Kass McQuillen remained unconvinced of her loyalty until she would target one of her fellow Brawns. Though Sarah initially believed that they would reunite as a pair come the merge, Sarah began to question her allegiance to Tony after he made a Freudian slip following his tribe's victory in the Day 16 Immunity Challenge where Tony yelled that his tribe will be the final five. Sarah is an outstanding officer who showed a tremendous will to succeed and understanding of the game, he said. People are looking at me like Im a criminal, so I feel like Im on probation now. If Tony voted Woo out and Spencer won, he would take Tony. In one photo, hes gearing up to start wrestling and in another, hes ice-skating without any help. The 46-year-old police officer felt that Sophie was getting in too tight with his friend, Sarah. Instead, it was a conversation that came at the top of the three-hour finale. The ladies are taking this pretty seriously because theyve actually created a runway out of sticks and logs. The two welcomed a baby boy named Knox Wade on August 22, 2014. Some things were based off of emotion, some based off of strategy, but nothing was based off of malice. He roped in former ally Jeremy, and minority alliance members Nick and Michele Fitzgerald, and the four blindsided Sophie. Sarah came into season 40 with a conviction and a confidence she did not have walking into her first two outings. Archived post. #SurvivorFinale A post shared by Sarah Lacina (@sarahlacina). Three words to describe you: Respectful, reliable, and responsible. Entering the game wanting to prove herself, Sarah often fell flat in the water challenges due to her past experience as a tsunami survivor. Survivor has been a financial blessing to me and my family, and we'll always be extremely grateful for that. He isnt content to pause the game. WINNING!! While the shows that followed it rarely delved into actual reality, Survivor has, in recent years at least, held itself up for scrutiny, comparing the behavior of its contestants with progress made in the real world, including .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}sexual assault and the treatment of LGBTQ people. You will see the same guy in this season as you saw in Cagayan. Enemies: She beat out former NFL player Brad Culpepper, who achieved three votes,. He pulled out the victory, sending his ally home a second time. Tony made it to the merge on Day 17 and became part of the merged tribe, Solarrion. He was a great role model and I hope that I can be the same for my children. Winners at War The next day, Tony received an advantage from the Edge of Extinction. They are the third pair to accomplish this feat, following, He holds the record for the most jury votes received overall, with a total of 20 in his, Tony is the oldest member of the original, Tony is the third returning player to win their first individual immunity on their third season of, Tony holds the record for the lowest-placing player to return for a future season, breaking the record that was held by, He contributed directly to Sarah's eliminations as he voted her out in. United States She also says she hopes her Survivor buddy Tony Vlachos is on Winners at War because they can re-form their Cops R Us alliance. Sarah is actually the reigning female winner the winners have all been men since Game Changers.. I will have my fingers crossed for sure! I hope I have what it takes to adapt right away and "go with the flow"if that's even possible for me to do. When it was time to vote, Tony voted against Aubry, in the hopes that a split vote may have been in operation and that by voting against his ally, he could save himself. And it's why a show like Survivor, as silly as it might seem to some, remains important and relevant. Sarah's Survivor journey began on one of the most iconic seasons of the show, Cagayan. Sarah and Wyatt both care about fitness in a major way so it makes sense that they are guiding their son to follow in their footsteps. All rights reserved. Realizing that Sarah's connections to both sides would make her a bigger threat down the line, Trish plotted against her by convincing Kass, the most suspicious of Sarah's loyalty, to steal the swing vote position from Sarah. On Day 16, host Jeff Probst announced that only the first tribe who won the challenge would be immune, and thus there would be two separate Tribal Councils for each of the losers. Sophie was blindsided that night and was sent to the Edge of Extinction. Sandra was rattled, and when Tony continued to campaign against her, she countered with reasons to take Tony out. Does Sarah Lacina have a husband rooting for her to win The Challenge: USA? [1] Lacina was voted the winner of the show's 34th season, Survivor: Game Changers in 2017. Despite it looking like Jeremy was going to go, a series of chaotic events led to Jeremy using his Safety Without Power advantage to leave Tribal Council without voting or being voted against. Maybe I wasn't the smartest in school, but I was always the sharpest!!!