Klara can receive alpha waves by turning on her heels and pointing her hoop skirt in various directions. A World of Curiosities to Unravel Step into the curio cabinet of an ambitious inventor who defies the laws of time, space and dimension in order to reinvent everything around him. Inserisci la tua e-mail - t'invieremo una nuova password. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate and the Close button to close the dialog. The most famous of the Roman fountains: a jewel of water and stone, According to legend, the history of Rome begins right here, An unmissable opportunity to plan your own future in the field of Fashion, Rome is a perfect destination for tourism and in particular for school trips, The inestimable artistic heritage of Rome is the preferred destination for the many students who decide to benefit from the many cultural opportunities that the city offers, Rome is the perfect choice for a romantic and refined wedding, enriched by a millenary history, Tradition, sartorial mastery, and innovative technologies in a unique setting, Glamour, myth and beauty: a city where even fashion is a legend, Beauty and art, magnificent spectators of a thousand-year history, The endless opportunities for fun in Rome, Rome is the ideal destination for Tourism Business, On the outskirts of Rome, unmissable locations for memorable meetings, Presentati al Convention Center La Nuvola i risultati di FUTOUROMA, How and where to see live sporting events, How and where to train body and mind in the second greenest capital of Europe, History, fascinating facts, and useful information to fully experience the magic of the Eternal City. Quando Photo credit: Cirque du Soleil - Kurios (Photo courtesy of production), Originally published on Sep 22, 202210:11, Cirque du Soleil - Kurios sets European premiere in 2023. Countless exhibitions in Rome in public and private galleries, exhibition spaces and outdoor settings. We can't wait to sweep you off your feet! Cirque du Soleil's Kurios is still a steampunk sensation - but its clown routines belong on the junk heap J. Kelly Nestruck Published April 20, 2022 This article was published more than 1. Cabinets of curiosities are the ancestors of museums, also known as cabinet of wonder in the Renaissance Europe. This KURIOS youth t-shirt is a great gift for your little one! Another guest challenges him by piling up chairs in an attempt to reach the chandelier. There are still the young female contortionists, always a favorite, but these defy anatomical integrity of the human skeleton. Kurios Cabinet of Curiosities Please enable JavaScript in your browser. This website uses cookies. Inspired by the aesthetics of the Victorian era, Kurios follows a Seeker who believes a hidden, invisible world exists under his nose. Shared with Public Follow What a wonderful night we had this Wednesday for KURIOS by Cirque du Soleil's premiere in Rome. Or, check out the cities where your favorite show is playing. Impossible! Cirque du Soleil. Sul palco come sempre ci saranno personaggi unici e stravaganti che accenderanno limmaginazione e la curiosit degli spettatori trascinandoli in un universo parallelo di poesia ricco ovviamente di grandiose prodezze acrobatiche che vi lasceranno a bocca aperta. Periodically, a chorus appears as a group of assistants of odd sorts; they include three clownish mad scientists, a set of the quirkiest and most adorable leather-and-metal clad robots anyone would ever want to see, and a quartet of male swim-hunks dressed la mode (early 1900s) and sporting sassy wiggling fishtails. KURIOS - CABINET OF CURIOSITIES a ROMA TOR DI QUINTO LE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL TORNA IN ITALIA CON UN NUOVO SPETTACOLARE SHOW. 3 reviews of KURIOS by Cirque du Soleil "Had a really great time at the Kurios show put on by Cirque du Soleil. And boy, how we need this today! The organizations one goal is to achieve Victory Over Cancer by supporting cutting-edge cancer research. Thanks for helping us keep our content updated and accurate. Cirque Italia has designed for two traveling water shows - Silver Unit and Gold Unit - a stage that holds 35,000 gallons of water that performers dazzle over while thrilling the audience with every move. At Event Tickets Center, we strive to provide our customers with an easy-to-use, secure and friendly shopping experience. This comfy "Unlock the door to a world of wonders" with this ladies Cirque du Soleil's KURIOS short sleeve t-shirt. A copper colored coffee mug withCirque du Soleil's KURIOS marquee logo in black. View the current tour schedule here, and see if KURIOS Cabinet of Curiosities is stopping in your city! #KURIOS Archived Share this Premium Experiences available Discover a world of wonders at Cirque du Soleil 's European Premiere of Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities. 27 Jun 2023 14:44:27 I always like the content you offer on Facebook, but we aren't friends yet. This KURIOS t-shirt is the perfect way A navy short sleeve t-shirt feature the KURIOS marquee logo on the upper left chest. Clicca sul bottone di seguito per aprire il sito in una nuova finestra. At the same time, his curiosities come to life one by one before his eyes. Please select the account you would like to continue with. Siamo spiacenti, non ci sono eventi disponibili per Cirque du Soleil - Kurios. Lets get the party started! Kurios features 46 performers from 16 different countries. Kurios carries the audience into the co-creation of a world where discoveries are meant to delight us in this playground of man. Get Cirque du Soleil gear for your favorite shows: K, O, Alegra, Blue Man Group, Corteo and more. _____________________For more exclusive content, subscribe to the Cirque du Soleil YouTube channel: http://cirk.me/YouTubeCirque Stay in touch by following us on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CirqueduSoleil/Twitter: https://twitter.com/CirqueInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/cirquedusoleilTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cirquedusoleil Join the Cirque Club for FREE: http://cirk.me/1SfzkEU_____________________Subscribe to Cirque du Soleil to flip your everyday reality the CirqueWay, where everyone, everyday, is extraordinary. We will review your submission and make any necessary updates. This show program makes a A ladies fit t-shirt with a v-cut neckline. Il tuo browser non autorizza i cookies di terza parte. Lighting Design by Martin Labrecque Suddenly, the visible becomes invisible, perspectives are transformed, and the world is literally turned upside down. Whats happening in the city? Lo spettacolo sar in Italia, in esclusiva per la prima volta in assoluto in Europa, a partire dalla primavera 2023 (inizialmente programmato nel 2022, stato poi rimandato). This KURIOS logo hat is a great souvenir for any Cirque du Soleil KURIOS fan! If anything, the acrobatics are even more heart-stopping. both for participants and those who enjoy spectating. Or, check out the cities where your favorite show is playing. Making a selection with these filters will cause content on this page to change. Full steam ahead!
,Above a vast ocean, underwater creatures pirouette, bounce and rebound on a net that covers the entire stage. The food and drinks served in VIP were impressively good. I love most that it remains mostly human scale, while some of Cirque du Soleils other recent projects as featured in Las Vegas seem over-the-top, tech-driven. Per leggere la nostra Informativa sulla Privacy clicca qui. In an alternate but familiar past, where wonders abound for those who trust their imagination, a Seeker discovers that to glimpse the marvels beneath the surface hemust first learn to close his eyes. I highly recommend splurging on VIP and a great view (front and center). We recently launched a new prison-themed show in 2021, Cirque Slammer. In un passato alternativo ma familiare, in un luogo dove le meraviglie abbondano per chi si fida della propria . "Inspired by one of the most creative and forward-thinking periods in time, the second half of the 19th century, we created it with inventiveness in mind as a way to celebrate life and bring people together more, with the intention that the audience would reconnect with the optimism and the feeling that everything is possible.". Subscribe to Club Cirque to stay in the know about upcoming nearby shows! But when a girl-next-door (Anne Weissbecker) enters as the vlo arien act, riding an aerial bicycle, and suddenly the bicycle takes off and flies, and shes doing stunt tricks in the air like a rodeo-rider, I suddenly believe I just might try. The many fantastical, impossible, colossal, unimaginable worlds of Cirque du Soleil, are unfortunately, not in your city right now. Sat. (The team works closely together to hold the tension in the net so that it accentuates the trampoline effect.) Information When from 22 March 2023 to 29 April 2023 Viale di Tor di Quinto, 101 Contacts Structurally, it introduces the recurring characters in the evenings entertainment: The Seeker (Anton Valen), a white-haired irrepressible scientist; a Mentalist (Andrey Nikitin) with an oversized turbaned frontal lobe that lights up revealing gears for brains; a hugely rotund gentleman (Microcosmos) whose bathysphere-like stomach houses a little lady not three feet tall; the lady herself (Rina Hadchiti), who elegantly parades swathed in a fur stole and who has a special power and symbiotic relationship with Microcosmos; a hoop-skirted Klara (Kazuha Ikeda), who snakes across the stage and uses her hoops and wire-like arms to channel invisible waves; an accordion-pleated giant (Nico Baixas), who folds and unfolds himself gloriously; a Saint-Exuprystyled pilot (James Gonzales Correa), who shares his delight about early flight by sending paper airplanes out into the audience from high aloft inside the circus tent. Consistent with the vision of St. Jude founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay. Its a world born in nostalgia, a time when the world seemed manageable, and yes, to eyes full of wonder, hopeful. US & CANADA: GET FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $125, Customer accounts enabled in your Store Admin, Cirque du Soleil 38th Anniversary Unusual Poster, KURIOS Ladies Cabinet of Curiosities T-Shirt, KURIOS Reality Is Relative Balloon Magnet. This KURIOS marquee logo magnet is the perfect souvenir for any Cirque du Soleil KURIOS fan! A puzzle of voices and experiences: bloggers explain Rome, The collective novel that gives voice to the stories of people and places of an unknown Rome, Wealth, splendor and magnificence immersed in the magic of history, Discover the amazing city and its magnificent villas, An itinerary between millenary architectures and daring contemporary visions, Rome, the ideal setting for cinema masterpieces and great melodies, A trip inside the museums between Piazza Navona and its surroundings, An exciting itinerary for visitors with only a short time to discover the citys main attractions, Three intense days to experience the unmissable attractions of Rome, A perfect five day itinerary for an unforgettable Roman holiday, Indoor & outdoor activities and attractions, Discovering precious collections from prehistory to contemporary art, Rome's cuisine: intense and genuine flavors and a strong identity, Flavours and ancient traditions in a place where time seems to have stopped. Mad Apple Item 14 of 15. Sign up to receive exclusive offers and promotions: View When the outlandish, benevolent characters turn his world upside down with a touch of poetry and humour in an attempt to ignite the Seekers imagination, his curios jump to life one by one before his very eyes. CIRQUE ITALIA reflects a unique attribute under our tents, as the show featuresmanycustom designedelementsthat travels from city to city. With this unique feature under the tent, guests will be surprised, for its a show of its own! In a milestone partnership,ESPN Eventsnames TicketSmarter as the title sponsor of the Birmingham Bowl and the official secondary ticket resale partner of ESPN Events. Concerts, Sports, Theatre & Family Event Tickets About TicketSmarter.com. Stylish and sleek! The wriggling artists execute a series of incredible pyramids and figures at an astonishing pace using the Mechanical Hand as a platform.
,The perfect handyman, Nico is a little shy, a tad awkward, and extremely sensitive. To make an order, please change the cookie settings of your browser and reload this page. KURIOS -"cabinet of curiosities" del Cirque du Soleil conduce lo spettatore in un affascinante e misterioso regno, che disorienta i sensi e le percezioni, a tal punto da chiedersi: " tutto vero o solo frutto della mia immaginazione?". Have peace of mind knowing when you make your purchase for any sporting event, concert or theatre show that your tickets will be valid. Exhilarating. Data/e: 22 Marzo 2023 - 30 Aprile 2023 Yes, there will be KURIOS Cabinet of Curiosities products available at the on-site gift shop. Lo spettacolo porter lo spettatore oltre le porte dellarmadietto di curiosit di un ambizioso inventore, che sfida le leggi del tempo e dello spazio per reinventare il mondo intorno a lui. Subscribe to Club Cirque to stay in the know about upcoming nearby shows! Magnets? esclusa senza scatto alla risposta). Dove Prezzo Artists: @ facundogimenezofficial @ louissidebottom @ marat_dashempilov @ victor.deg Camera: @ yoyochihmin . We can't wait to sweep you off your feet! Da vedere almeno una volta nella vita. The many fantastical, impossible, colossal, unimaginable worlds of Cirque du Soleil, are unfortunately, not in your city right now. No local events found, change your location below. Whether for business or for fun, we offer different creative options to host your group of 10 or more. A Seeker believes that in his enormous cabinet of curiosities lies a secret, invisible universe of the most eccentric concepts and highest aspirations. Final show in Milano! KURIOS - Cabinet of Curiosities is a brilliant mix of bright colours, curiosities, and breathtaking acrobatic feats, a true blockbuster in pure Cirque du Soleil style ready to show you that anything is possible through the power of imagination.