Were both reactionary, short-tempered, and impatient. A lot of South Parks storylines revolve around Stan and Kyle reacting to the zaniness in the world, reflecting Stone and co-creator Trey Parkers own reactions to current affairs. Tucker Family | SPS The mission ends after Human Kite and The New Kid giving Alternate Human Kite his kite back by getting onto the tree via Fartkour. Not for nothing, Mr. Hankey has since become one of the show's iconic characters. Click below to join the Official Discord and Wiki Discord! Cartman knows exactly how to get things that he wants and theres very little he wont do to get them. The player has to fight against Human Kite 2, only to discover that he shows no fear to cheat, e.g. He is also one of the main protagonists of the animated feature South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut. Hankey Family | First Infamous for his manipulative nature, extreme selfishness, and bigoted tendencies, Cartman is a divisive figure within the show. In Croatian dub, he is voiced by Daniel Samardi. Terrance and Phillip | Adults of South Park Timmy Burch | When he uses his Charge skill, he will push all enemies away from him with a blow of wind. Kyle always tries to learn a lesson from each of his adventures and share it with his friends. In "The Entity", Kyle described Cartman as "my sort of friend-ish", as his best explanation of their relationship. Kyle Broflovski Underneath his hat, he has red hair, much like his mother's. Cartman initially tries to comply with the agreement, but later makes a concentration camp joke in class, blowing the deal. Aliases Kyle is best friends with Stan. As the shows moral center, Stan often finds himself grappling with ethical dilemmas and navigating the complexities of the world around him. Being a student counselor at a school like South Park Elementary isnt a job that just anyone can handle. Kenny McCormick Kyle is kind of an asshole. Although his full name is Eric Theodore Cartman, he's usually referred to only by his last name (Cartman). In the end of the trilogy's first part, Cartman is seen with a photo of an innocent looking Kyle. Kyle's upper lip is pulled above his teeth and his brown "Jewfro" is parted in the middle. Kyle is diabetic but he eats tons off sweets and we've never seen him do his insulin injection, and Stan has Asthma, but we've never seen him take his drugs either. I'm just a nerd hoarding knowledge hoping to share what I've learned and be heard. The Musical." Despite being isolated from his male peers, Cartman stayed in contact with Kyle and Butters the most. Which "South Park" Character Are You Religion Kyle has an outsider perspective and generally has the highest moral standards of the four friends. Heidi breaks up with Kyle, and walks away with Cartman who makes an evil smile at him. 10 "Free Willzyx" Season 9, Episode 13 (2005) In this episode, Kyle tries to help an intelligent talking killer whale escape from captivity at a marine park. Cotswolds Family | Despite context being provided for instances of Cartman saving Kyle, as well as many actions Cartman has taken against Kyle due to hatred, there still is a subgroup in the South Park fan base that strongly believes otherwise. contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Maternal First Cousin Mr. Garrison | Hanging out with Stan MarshKicking Ike Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. However, there are many moments where they are at ends like earlier in the series, such as in the Coon trilogy. He is somewhat overweight, with a larger body profile compared to most other kids, seen by his outfits and particularly in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, where his stomach is shown protruding from his costume. Hearing this from Stan, a previously spurned Kyle rejoins him in picking up where they left off with renewed enthusiasm (only to be called fags by the game after hitting a million points). RELATED: The Best Cartman Episodes on 'South Park', Ranked. This leads to a zany subplot where he doubts his own existence. Age Much like Mr. Garrison, has a hard time playing by any established rules. The character of Josh is also a spoof of Hannibal Lecter. Mackey Family | Cartman also seems to have no qualms about seriously invading Kyle's personal space, as shown in a scene from "Manbearpig" wherein Cartman, while contemplating his hatred for Kyle, looms a mere inch or two from Kyle's face as he sleeps; soon Kyle wakes up and yells, "Dude, get away from me!". This is frequently manifested when there is a conflict between Kyle and Cartman, and Stan offers support to Kyle by siding with him. However, their adventure takes a dark turn when the evil forces of Imaginationland launch an attack. Tweek Tweak | Getting high just so happens to feel like the right option a lot of the time. A noble, selfless paladin - or Jew, depending who you ask - Paladin Kyle was selected to be a member of the Fellowship to protect the One Tape to the Two Towers Video Store, along with Ranger Stan Marshwalker and the future Grand Wizard King. However, they don't make up at the end of the episode like the other times, and with Stan not showing a single sign of getting better (along with the doctors diagnosis that he will never get better). Voiced by The player encounters Kyle Schwartz in the Broflovski's backyard, and is ordered by Human Kite to fight against the Alternate version of him another time. 4. Not only did Stone inspire Kyles unkempt hair, but he also based a lot of the characters personality on his own mannerisms (via The Jewish News of Greater Phoenix). original sound - south park oc! Kommunity Kidz He's cynical and easily irritated, but there's supposedly also an underlying sweetness to his personality. Kyle has been through a lot in the 20-odd years that South Park has been on the air. However, he always finds his way back to South Park. Kyles character brings a sense of righteousness and empathy to the group dynamic. He's loosely based on co-creator Matt Stone, while Stan is a stand-in for Trey Parker. In the episode "Le Petit Tourette" when Kyle (unintentionally) saves Cartman from shouting out all his secrets on Dateline (Cartman had originally intended to use fake Tourette's so as to deliver a hate-speech against Jews), Cartman hugs Kyle and thanks him, even saying "I love you, man." Liane Cartman | RELATED: 10 South Park Episodes That'll Never Get Old. WebPersonality [] Kyle's personality is representative of the stereotypical, nerdy Jew. Similar to Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski cannot be singled out as the exclusive main character of South Park. - Character art. Kyle is often put in the shoes of the protagonist to Eric Cartman's antagonist. Kyle Broflovski Morally Righteous Kid, Save Chef and bring him back to his old self (season 10; almost succeeded, but failed when he died).To rescue Ike from being taken away by Ms. Stevenson (succeeded; with Cartman's help).Burn the school to the ground (abandoned), Sheila Broflovski (mother)Ike Broflovski (adoptive brother)Cleo Broflovski (paternal grandmother)Unnamed paternal grandfatherMurrey Broflovski (paternal uncle)Kyle Schwartz (paternal first cousin), Stan Marsh (super best friend)Kenny McCormick (close friend)Eric Cartman (arch-frenemy and best friend)The New KidButters Stotch (good friend)Chef (closest friend) Craig TuckerClyde DonovanTweek TweakToken BlackJimmy ValmerTimmy BurchWendy TestaburgerHeidi TurnerBebe StevensRedNichole DanielsAnnie KnittsScott MalkinsonKevin StoleyJason WhiteFrancisDog Poo PetuskiLolaJenny SimonsPowderMillie LarsenMr. Harrison Family | Paladin Kyle Ike Broflovski Cartman has made a name for himself as South Parks most offensive and repugnant citizen. In response, Kyle says hed never be interested in who she is now, leaving her hurt. After a few turns, Alternate Human Kite attempts to do a special attack, which results in him jumping off Human Kite's bed and lying on the floor, granting the player victory by default. However, you can be irritable and impatient, especially because of some people's stupidity. Kyle later convinced Heidi to break up with Cartman, and they develop mutual feelings for each other. Kennys character is recognized for his recurring deaths, often met with dark humor and nonchalant reactions from the other characters. On the opposite end of the spectrum for South Park Elementary, we have Mr. Garrison. He is cautious and avoids troublethis may be the reason he keeps returning after all the times the boys try to send him away. South Park, with its cast of memorable characters, has left an indelible mark on the world of animated television. In this episode, Kyle and co. discover that the fourth-grade girls have made a list ranking all the boys by cuteness. Daniels Family | Stevenson (arch-enemy in Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy)PipCthulhuSaddam HusseinSuper Adventure ClubSatan (formerly)Mickey MousePC (Peter Charles) PrincipalHeidi Turner (as Cartman-like Heidi)Mr. Garrison (sometimes)Sheila Broflovski (sometimes). "South Park" The Entity (TV episode 2001), List of Minor Characters from Season Five, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The name Juan Schwartz is also a pseudonym used by Trey Parker, His need to eat fish instead of beef at dinner in ". However, like the other boys, he is not above using Butters as a "guinea pig" when it comes to experiments or undercover jobs, blaming him for writing The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs in the episode of the same name. WebKyle often wonders, how can there be a God if Cartman gets away with being such a terrible person? Rebecca was a girl Kyle had a crush on in "Hooked on Monkey Phonics". Stories and Storytelling have been my passions for as long as I can remember, whether it's the stories written about superheroes, villains, or just people living in this world doing incredible and meaningful things. Judaism South Park has evolved considerably since its debut. In "Ass Burgers", Kyle and Cartman have quite a few friendly moments together. Stan x kyle . Kyle Broflovski; Character Information Gender Male Age 10 Hair Red Occupation Student Comedy Central. He is voiced by and loosely based on series co-creator Trey Parker . High intelligenceAcademical KnowledgeComputer HackingStrategic LeadershipSkilled CombatantNigh Omniscience (After studying existentialism ("The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000")High Speed Flight (as Human Kite)Energy Projection (as Human Kite) Satan | Unbeknownst to Kyle, the killer whale, named Willzyx, is actually being voiced by two employees at the park. They put him on a sled tied to a bus headed for Connecticut, and later seal him in a box and place him on a plane to Antarctica. Sheila Broflovski South Park 2023 Comedy Partners. In The Many Asses of Dr. Mephesto, the player has to fight a giant, genetically mutated version of the Alternate Human Kite, who becomes vulnerable for a limited time when The New Kid uses their TimeFart Shift, causing the day-night-circle to speed up. He is a 10 year old boy who lives in the town of South Park, Colorado, where he is often seen with his friends, Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, and Kenny McCormick.