The average salary in 157,697 Unemployment 6.6% Poverty 20.2% Median Home $280,300 Median Income $58,413 Median Rent $1,274 Search Homes For Sale In Lancaster, CA Lancaster SnackAbility 6 Overall SnackAbility Jobs 6 /10 Housing 8.5 Affordability That is why it is necessary to contact the housing authorities directly for local information for housing. What is the Median Household Income in California? This is a good way to get a general idea of the average income of a group of people, but it can be skewed by a very high or very low incomes. The list of occupation categories below will show you how many people are employed in each category and the median earnings of each profession. Hopefully you have found it very useful in your research of the area. What is the Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA? Under 25. $845.00: State of California Median Income: $91,100: State of California Median Metropolitan Income: $73,600: State of California Median Non-Metropolitan Income: $59,900: Lancaster, CA Low Income Housing: 24 Active Listings. Print. W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data. What is the Median Household Income in the United States? All Rights Reserved. WebMedian Household Income. Contact. That's because the median income in Lancaster is $47,000, which means if you earn more than that you're Web- The Income Tax Rate for Lancaster is 9.3%. - Tax Rates can have a big impact when Comparing Cost of Living. According to the PEW research center, the middle class is defined as a range from two thirds (2/3) of the To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. What is a good salary in San Antonio, TX. Lancaster has grocery prices that are 11% higher than the national average. What are the Top Zip Codes with the Highest Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA? determine if your income falls into the middle class or if your household income is considered upper or lower The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your career, its average salary and the real estate market of that area. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. What is a good salary in Philadelphia, PA? 93534. However, using the median income is only one way to calculate a good salary in Lancaster. Of those people, a total of 53.60% are working or actively looking for work. Educational attainment is a good indicator of the overall education level of a population, and can be used to compare against other metrics such as the average income, per capita income, and more to see how education levels affect income, unemployment rates, and more. The median age of Lancaster, California gives you an idea of the age distribution, with half of the population being older than the median age and half being younger. The average household income of Lancaster, California is currently $78,533.00. Some parts 2023 Advameg, Inc. Lancaster, CA (California) Houses and Residents, housing in Lancaster, California on our local forum, CA Cities(Pop 65,000+) by Median Household Income, 2019. Qualify for Public Housing and Income Based Housing are based on the local housing authority guidelines along with HUD rules. NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change. Median household income for houses/condos with a mortgage: $78,686. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. We can also look at how the population has changed over the last 5 years by each of the race/ethnicity types as defined by the US Census Bureau. 700 N Bullis RdCompton, CA - 90221Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (310) 605-3080Email: mantwine@comptoncity.orgLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 803Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 592Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 803Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 413 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 14.34% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 11.77% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $12,746.00 average per year for current residents. The chart below shows the number of properties in Lancaster that fall into a particular age range. In this section, we can also look at how people in Lancaster get to work. The average salary in Lancaster is $53,518. The table below shows the split between occupied and vacant units: 40.95% of the total 55,574 housing units in Lancaster are rental units. There are a fair amount of good paying jobs available. That's because the median income in Lancaster is $47,000, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Lancaster. Not. Percent with High School Diploma or Higher, 33 Irving Place, 4th Floor New York, NY 10003. We can also look at the age of properties in Lancaster. The median value of a property in Lancaster is $303,400.00. The total population of civilian employees that are 16 years old or older in Lancaster is 63,871, with median earnings of $42,956.00. 6615 Passons BlvdPico Rivera, CA - 90660Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (562) 801-4347Email: idelgado@pico-rivera.orgLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 517Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 389Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 517Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 229 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 22.32% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 9.34% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $16,056.00 average per year for current residents. Dashboard. California United States-$7404.48 +$3965.22: Household Income Distribution. Jump to a detailed profile, search site with google or try advanced search, Discuss Downtown neighborhood (subdivision, block, or community) on our hugely popular. Income and Salaries for Lancaster - The average income of a Lancaster resident is $19,703 a year. The US Census Bureau divides households into income tiers based on the median income for the area. 1998-2023 Los Angeles Almanac. It is calculated by dividing the total income of Lancaster by the total population of Lancaster. Orange County, California. The median rent for a property in Lancaster is $1,384.00. Sex Male 50% Male Female The total population of Lancaster over the age of 16 is 129,212. Median Household Income in the United States is $69,021. The national average salary is $56,310, so a good salary in Lancaster is anything over $63,630 by this measure. Find A Home With Your Housing Choice Voucher. Households must earn either less than 50% or 60% of the area median income (depending on the set-aside option chosen by Highest Median Household Income by Zip Code. Use at your own risk. $51,560 #3. The age and gender of a population is another interesting demographic statistic because it lets us track trends in the population over time. and how it The chart below shows the number of households in Lancaster that have a particular number of vehicles available. Updated figures have shown a sharp increase since last year, with Los Angeles County's median income for a four-person household rising from $80,000 in 2021 to $91,000 in 2022, and Orange County's rising Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media. A good salary in Lancaster, CA is anything over $47,000. Chart. Employment rates are all based around the total population in Lancaster that are over the age of 16. Arbor Grove is a 150 unit affordable housing community in Lancaster, California. WebPopulation 157,368 Housing Median Home Value $159,200 Half are $103,700 - $234,700 Median Monthly Owner Costs $1,670 With a Mortgage Median Monthly Rent $1,069 Includes Utilities Median Year Housing Built 1985 Employment & Commute Median Household Income $50,000 Poverty Rate 21% Unemployment Rate 12.7% Average That last metric is important because it can be used to look at the gender pay gap between men and women. Web19.0% of Lancaster, CA residents had an income below the poverty level in 2021, which was 35.1% greater than the poverty level of 12.3% across the entire state of California. Simply enter your median household income to Private Tour Select date and request your own property tour: 06 class. The participation rate is a useful market measure because it shows the relative amount of labor resources available to the economy. For owner-occupied housing units, a total of 28,834 are occupied by the owner - or 51.88% of the total. The US average is $28,555 a year. Top Zip Codes with the Highest Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA are: 93536 has the Highest Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA with $89,987. We can look at the employment rates by age to see how it compares to the overall employment rate. $415,800. WebThe median age of Lancaster, California gives you an idea of the age distribution, with half of the population being older than the median age and half being younger. There are currently 52,448 households in Lancaster, with an average household size of 3.15 people. That's because the median income in Lancaster is $47,000, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Lancaster. There are 38,256 families in Lancaster with an average family size of 3.72 people. Just like with rental rates, we can look at the number of properties in Lancaster that fall into a particular value range. Median household income (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021: $100,485: We can also look at the median income by age to see how the median income varies by age, and how it compares to the overall median income for Lancaster. Median Household Income. The median household income of $44,399 is compared to the rest of the country. 505 S Garey AvePomona, CA - 91766Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (909) 620-2311Email: Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 1032Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 903Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 1032Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 661 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 19.78% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 15.07% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $12,828.00 average per year for current residents. Per capita income is the average income of a person in a given area. Out of people who lived in different houses, 42.6% lived in this county. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Looking to Buy Land-Is it safe? Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 28% higher than the national average. 12700 Norwalk BlvdNorwalk, CA - 90650Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (562) 929-5653Email: nwatkins@norwalkca.govLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 720Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 588Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 720Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 299 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 37.87% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 7.06% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $13,644.00 average per year for current residents. Median Household Income. Median household income provides the best measure of the budget of the typical family or other non-family Note that the Native group includes both Native American and Alaskan Native people. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Web$56,675 Median Household Income 1,745.2/sq mi Local Population Density Map Information Lancaster, CA 5000 feet 1 km 2023 Microsoft Corporation Terms Area Information Lancaster, CA School Information Lancaster, CA show more schools Proximity to listed schools and their school district (s) does not guarantee enrollment eligibility. Size of nonfamily households: 11,589 1-person, 2,607 2-persons, 441 3-persons, 204 4-persons. Whenever we ask what is the average household income in Lancaster, we are actually talking about the mean household income. The cost of living in Lancaster is 12% higher than than the national average. WebThe median age of Lancaster, California gives you an idea of the age distribution, with half of the population being older than the median age and half being younger. Houses without a mortgage: 0, Median household income for houses/condos with a mortgage: $95,484, Median household income for apartments without a mortgage: $59,553, Latest news about housing in Lancaster, CA collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. 8650 California AveSouth Gate, CA - 90280Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (323) 563-9566Email: melguira@sogate.orgLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 654Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 363Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 654Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 98 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 45.25% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 9.18% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $11,842.00 average per year for current residents. The table below shows the latest poverty thresholds in Lancaster: There are 55,574 housing units in Lancaster, California. does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. There is some, but my commute could be shorter. The table below shows the same occupations from the list above, but we have split them by male and female to see how many male and females work in each occupation, the median earnings, and the male to female ratio of earnings. There is no public transportation in this area. 15,295 single-parent households (3,230 men, 12,065 women). does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. Income may not exceed 50% of the median income from the table below. - The Median household income of a Lancaster resident is $49,057 a year. 1922 Artesia BlvdRedondo Beach, CA - 90278Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (310) 318-0635Email: Angelica.Zavala@redondo.orgLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 633Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 449Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 633Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 113 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 40.90% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 12.43% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $17,039.00 average per year for current residents. What zip code has the Highest Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA? Key findings The income per capita in Lancaster is 36% lower than the national average The median household income in Lancaster is 14% lower than the national WebDowntown neighborhood in Lancaster, California (CA), 93534 detailed profile. * = Value is less than half of the smallest unit of measure (e.g. What are the highest paying jobs in Lancaster, CA? city, state and national median household income averages. 3031 Torrance BlvdTorrance, CA - 90503Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (310) 618-5840Email: drichardson@torrnet.comLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 700Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 483Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 700Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 135 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 43.17% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 9.59% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $14,638.00 average per year for current residents. This is different from the average or mean income because it includes and accounts for all people in Lancaster, California, including people like children, the elderly, unemployed people, retired people, and more. The Housing Authority must provide 75 percent of vouchers to those whose income does not exceed 30% of the median income listed below. Median Household Income in California is $84,097. Settings. Web- The Income Tax Rate for Lancaster is 9.3%. Median household income in 2019: Downtown: $38,004: Lancaster: $56,672: Distribution of median household income; 258 Less than $10,000; Can a Volcanic Eruption Occur in Los Angeles? 1901 Main St Fl 1Santa Monica, CA - 90405Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (310) 458-8743Email: James.kemper@smgov.netLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 1508Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 1334Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 1508Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 220 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 52.90% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 12.37% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $12,224.00 average per year for current residents. Lots of options, commuting to work is a breeze. What zip code has the Highest Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA? WebLancaster city; California is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in California. If you use any of the data found on this page, please consider linking back to as the source and if you have any feedback or data requests, click here to contact us. The most basic data is the total population, which is the total number of people living in Lancaster, California. Healthcare in Lancaster is 12% higher than the national average. Manage Settings High paying jobs are easy to find. (58.2% of them are naturalized citizens), Percentage of workers working in this county: 95.2%
93536. Comfort Index (Climate) 7.3 / 7.5. summer / winter. WebThere are 171,820 residents in Lancaster, with a median age of 33.3. In the table below, we can break down the population and earnings even further by occupation. A good salary in Lancaster, CA is anything over $47,000. Subscribe to Download Report. The median rental costs in recent years comes to - per month, and the median house value Good. WebMedian Income. Income Limits in Lancaster, Generally, households earning up to the income limit in the table below for their household size are eligible for units participating in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program in Lancaster but actual income limits may differ for units at Arbor Grove. 649 N Fair Oaks AvePasadena, CA - 91103Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (626) 744-6701Lancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 1484Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 1254Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 1484Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 296 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 46.02% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 15.32% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $11,988.00 average per year for current residents. Rosamond, CAActon, CALittlerock, CALake Hughes, CAPearblossom, CA. The chart below shows the number of people in Lancaster that commute to work in a particular way. What your skills are worth in the job market is constantly changing. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Lastly, we can determine a good salary in Lancaster by looking at the cost of living and comparing it to the US average salary. WebThe average household income in Lancaster is $70,646 with a poverty rate of 25.09%. Experts agree that you want to maintain about a 5 to 1 home price to income ratio. This is approximately 22,760 properties. 93535. I need to travel a long way to get to work. Another way to calculate a good salary in Lancaster is to look at the price of housing and use that to back into a good salary. Pay increases are a top concern for 2022 to attract and retain talent, Temporary employee laws: A guide to hiring contract roles, What to include in a termination letter: Template and examples, How to Manage Your Time and Prioritize Your Workload. 93536 has the Highest Median Household Income in Lancaster, CA with $89,987. In terms of accurately summarizing income at a geographic level, the median income is a better metric than the average income because it isn't affected by a small number of very high or very low incomes. PayScale's Cost of Living Calculator can help you find out more about how your individual needs will factor in when beginning your research to figure out how much it would cost you to relocate. $89,987 #2. Downtown neighborhood in Lancaster, California (CA), 93534 detailed profile, Rooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Downtown, Rooms in renter-occupied apartments in Downtown, Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Downtown, Bedrooms in renter-occupied apartments in Downtown. Topics in the Lancaster city; California data profile include: Populations and CSV. WebLow Income/Affordable Housing in Lancaster, CA statistics. WebArbor Grove is a 150 unit affordable housing community in Lancaster, California. Of this, 50.72% are males and 49.28% are females. The table below shows the rates for each of the ethnicity groups types defined by the US Census Bureau. WebGeneral Law city Incorporated: November 22, 1977 City Hall: 44933 N Fern Ave, Lancaster, California 93534 Website: Population (2020 Census): 173,516 (Also see latest State Population Estimates and Earlier decennial Census Counts ). A family is defined as a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together in the same household. 70.4% of residents of Lancaster speak English at home. 5.11% of households in Lancaster are classed as high income households (making $200,000+ per year). Of the 38,256 families in Lancaster, 15.50% are considered to be below the poverty threshold. WebMedian gross rent in Lancaster, CA in 2019: $1,316. Displayed above are the We've covered a LOT of demographic and population data for Lancaster, California in this article! WebIn 2020, the median household income of the 47.9k households in Lancaster, CA grew to $58,413 from the previous year's value of $55,237. A household defined bu the US Census Bureau is a group of people who occupy a housing unit. Web18 to 64 62% Under 18 18 to 64 65 and over Show data / Embed Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. More. Median household income for apartments A good hourly wage in Lancaster is $22.6 per hour. Median Household Income in Lancaster is $61,454. 25.7% of residents speak Spanish at home (59% speak English very well, 23% speak English well, 12% speak English not well, 5% don't speak English at all). The Los Angeles Basin - A Huge Bowl of Sand, Postal Zip Code Look-up for Los Angeles County, Court & Vital Records from Orange County, CA, Map of Los Angeles County with Cities & Communities, Racial/Ethnic Demographics for Cities & Unincorporated Communities, Median Household and Family Income and Per Capita Income. Income and Salaries for Lancaster - Take care with this statistic. Excellent. median household income to a multiple of two (2) times the median household income. 521 E 4th StLong Beach, CA - 90802Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (562) 570-6153Email: alison.king@longbeach.govLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 7544Lancaster Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 6803Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 7544Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 3414 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 25.81% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 15.09% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $13,512.00 average per year for current residents. Another very interesting employment statistic we can look at is the employment and unemployment rates by race in Lancaster. Including , the other Public Housing Authorities in Los Angeles County are listed below. A good salary in Lancaster, CA is anything over $47,000. WebBetween 2019 and 2020 the population of Lancaster, CA declined from 159,028 to 157,697, a 0.837% decrease and its median household income grew from $55,237 to $58,413, The US average is 4.6%. places to live around Lancaster, The median household income in Lancaster is 14% lower than the national average, Male median earnings are 41% higher than female median earnings, The unemployment rate in Lancaster is 7% higher than the national average, The poverty level in Lancaster is 60% higher than the national average. 21815 Pioneer BlvdHawaiian Gardens, CA - 90716Los Angeles CountyPhone Number: (562) 420-2641Email: gthomas@hgcity.orgLancaster Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 132Lancaster Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 132Number of Children residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 63 Seniors residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 30.24% of all aparments are for seniors.Disbled residing in Lancaster Public Housing: 7.80% of all aparments are for disabled.Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Lancaster: $13,876.00 average per year for current residents. The estimated population of Lancaster, California is 171,820 people, with a median age of 33.3. Based on the median home price of $261,400, a good salary in Lancaster would be $52,280. Median Home Price. best We can look at the total population in Lancaster over the last 5 years to see how much it has changed. WebLancaster city; California is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in California. WebCalifornia Los Angeles County Lancaster Median Household Income Lancaster, CA $ 47,684 2015 Rank 117th Highest in California California $ 63,783 Median Household Palmdale and Lancaster? Rents in these units are capped at a maximum of 30% of the set-aside area median income (adjusted for unit size). Our data is collected from local housing authorities as listed on the website along with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We are using the latest American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year survey data from the US Census Bureau, which is accurate up to 2021. In the chart below, we can look at the number of rental properties in Lancaster that fall into a particular rent range. Step-By-Step Pay Equity Analysis Guide Product Guide By clicking Download Product Guide, Do you know what your employees really want for the holidays? $46,875. Use at your own risk. and how it compares to the overall median income for Lancaster. Some rental units in this property may not be subject to LIHTC and therefore have higher rents and no maximum household income requirement. Short-Term Housing in Lancaster/Palmdale for Edwards AFB Employee, Lancaster city income, earnings, and wages data, Work and jobs in Lancaster: detailed stats about occupations, industries, unemployment, workers, commute, Races in Lancaster detailed stats: ancestries, foreign born residents, place of birth, Lancaster, California Houses and Residents, Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Lancaster, California, Bedrooms in renter-occupied apartments in Lancaster, California, Cars and other vehicles available in Lancaster in owner-occupied houses/condos, Cars and other vehicles available in Lancaster in renter-occupied apartments, Rooms in owner-occupied houses in Lancaster, California, Rooms in renter-occupied apartments in Lancaster, California, Unemployment rate for White non-Hispanic residents, Unemployment rate for American Indian and Alaska Native residents, Unemployment rate for other race residents, Unemployment rate for two or more race residents, Unemployment rate for Hispanic or Latino residents, Year of entry for the foreign-born population in Lancaster, California.