This site is a program of Pro Bono Net and the Ohio State Legal Services Association, under a grant from the Legal Services Corporation. Litigants who need to fill out form FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration may now do so using a standalone HotDocs program, which is available in both English and Spanish. Completes the dissolution petition and disclosures. Call the court clerks office or family law facilitator for the court where you will file your case to find out about their local requirements. Answer to Governmental Child Support Complaint, Civil Harassment Restraining Order Petition, Civil Harassment Restraining Order Response, Dissolution Judgment-Default or Stipulated, Fee Waiver Request-Guardianship/Conservatorship. Washington Forms Online - DIY Family Law Forms | Printer-friendly Download. LSC's support for this website is limited to those activities that are consistent with LSC restrictions. Divorce law is the same all over the state. Legal advice depends on specific facts and circumstances. This resource provides access to a collection of online interviews for persons who wish to file for custody in North Carolina without a lawyer. LawHelp Interactive is a website that helps you fill out legal documents for free. A Connect Coordinator creates, edits, deletes and assigns Pro Bono Coordinators to their organization's . Go toour Disaster Legal Help page to learn more about disaster assistance, legal help in your area, and how to appeal a decision from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). You should contact an attorney if you need specific legal advice or help. This program will help you fill out the forms needed to ask the court to change the name or name and gender of an adult,the name of a child, or the name of a family group,and includes a fee waiver application if you need one. You want to change the gender of a child. Fill out your Health Care Directive online. Completes formFL Divorce 211 and others as needed based on your answers. ; Connect Coordinator is for organizations using LHI Connect. and state LawHelp sites are maintained by Pro Bono Net in partnership with dozens of nonprofit legal aid, pro bono, court-based programs and libraries across the country committed to access to justice. This program will help you fill out forms to respond to a government child support summons and complaint and provide financial information to the court. It will also tell you if there are other resources in your area such as legal aid offices and Self-Help Centers. If you have children, a lawyer can help you with a parenting plan and child support. When using this Website, you will be asked questions and your answers are used to fill out a form. Under no circumstances are we responsible or liable for what you do with the information from this web site. Once you have completed forms, you may scan and email them to the Self-Help Center for review at Computers occasionally stop working. Income and Expense Declaration. Visit theLegal Aid of NC websitefor information about clinics and workshops. Please see the links below for the court form you want to work with. Any local instructions ; Court Employee is someone who works for a court and who helps people fill out forms. Using Online Forms: How to Log In, Get Saved Answers, and Find Forms, State Court Administrative Office has many forms available on its website, How to Fill Out, Serve, and File Court Forms. This information is new for public use, any comments or questions, feel free to contact: Anishinabe Legal Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides free civil legal assistance to low-income individuals living on or near the Leech Lake, Red Lake, & White Earth reservations in Northwest Minnesota. All rights reserved. You must print your forms to file them in court. The program will also help the user request a name change with recognition of gender change for an adult. This program will help you fill out forms needed to respond to a civil harassment restraining order petition. LawHelp Interactive is available for use by people who cannot afford an attorney, legal aid lawyers, and pro bono lawyers. Create your own legal documents for free and without a lawyer. See our FAQ page for more information about what to expect. This site is for low-income people; the staff of nonprofit and charitable organizations; lawyers and their staff providing not-for-profit or reduced fee legal assistance to low-income people or nonprofit and charitable organizations. LawHelp Interactive forms are currently available in over 35 states and some of these forms are available in Spanish as well as Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. Consider using a public or a friends computer if you are concerned about someone else viewing your browsing history. You will also get instructions to help with your next steps. If the documents are word processor documents (not PDF), you can edit them in any word processor such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. Disclaimer: The use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. When you use our DIY Tools on LawHelp Interactive, you can choose to create an account to save answers and forms. To fill out the forms you need, complete the interview, Ask the Court to Waive Your Filing Fee. Local instructions To locate an attorney to help you with your case: To find your local court's self-help center: An adult who wants to change their name and their gender; One or two parents asking for a name change on behalf of a child or children; A family group that wants to change their name(one parent plus up to nine children). Commercial use is strictly forbidden. Local instructions Child Support Modification Request
Elder Abuse Restraining Order Petition
Courts that want to provide links to HotDocs programs on their local court websites should copy the specific program links below onto internal self-help center or public sites. LHI will prepare your form based on the answers you provided. Read our latest Newsletteror sign up to get a monthly update of what's new on the site. The interviews use a question-and-answer format to generate the forms needed to file for custody in North Carolina. 1. 1. Use the contact form located in the footer of pages at Its also used by pro bono and legal aid attorneys seeking to work more efficiently. 2023 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, Answer to Governmental Child Support Complaint, Civil Harassment Restraining Order Petition, Civil Harassment Restraining Order Response, Domestic Violence Restraining Order Petition, Parentage Petition (for unmarried parents needing to start a custody case). We currently do not support tablet or smartphone use. For the Virtual Self Help Center Divorce workshop participants must watch the online workshop video before filling out your forms below. The site also contains A2J Author and Neota Logic Interviews. LawHelp Interactive is a website that helps you fill out legal documents for free. If the box is already checked, please un-check it. Can I delete my answer files? Online Safety Alert: Be aware that websites you visit may be viewed by someone else. Self-helper is an individual filling out forms without help from a lawyer. 2001 - 2023, Pro Bono Net, All Rights Reserved. What do I do? Answer to Governmental Child Support Complaint
If you are not sure which program is best suited to your issues, please contact the Self Help Center. Legal organizations in more than 40 states use LHI to make their operations more efficient. Follow the directions on your state website to access available forms. Chat Now button in the right bottom corner of your screen. 2023 Pro Bono Net. The information on this site is not legal advice. Visit PAVictimsHelp.orgfor more information. You can also try This program will help the user fill out the forms needed to ask the court to establish parentage over up to four children. To create a legal document, you have to answer the questions in the interview and your answers are used to create your document. Now Available: self-help interactive court forms for Leech Lake and White Earth Tribal Courts! Fill out your Durable Power of Attorney forms online. We have more legal forms available to print or fill out online that are not part of Washington Forms Online. We will connect you with a community of courts using document assembly and ensure that you receive ongoing support and important updates to the programs. Different browsers and operating systems have different steps to identify how downloaded files will open. Your communications with the system and your answer files stored on the system are encrypted. The LawHelp Interactive Hot Docs program, which generates your paperwork through an automated online interview. For example, a court can make us share your information in certain circumstances. Please provide as many of the following details as you can: Try Please note, in most cases the forms are not automatically filed with the court when using LHI. LawHelp Interactive is an online platform administered by a nonprofit organization, Pro Bono Net, which provides access to HotDocs document assembly programs developed by the Judicial Council. Thank you for using LawHelp Interactive.To log in again, please click here. I forgot my password. Self-help online formand instructions. PDF documents cannot be edited. If you don't find what you are looking for here, go to the Legal Topics menu and choose a topic area or search. This website provides general information only. Then click on the Delete link next to the answer file you would like to delete. Please enter your city, county, or zip code. All of the DIY Tools are designed and updated by Michigan Legal Help, but they are hosted by this partner website. In order to view and print assembled PDF forms, you need to have a current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available as a free download from Adobe. Anishinabe Legal Services has offices in Leech Lake, Red Lake, and White Earth. This free program will help you fill out court forms to file for divorce. You can consult and select your state. If you are new to HotDocs and want information on getting started, jump to Getting Started with LHI and HotDocs. And other forms if needed, based on your answers. Note: Virtual Self Help Center Divorce workshop participants must email forms for review to the email address provided in our workshop. Fill out legal documents online for free. LawHelp Interactive Programs for Self-Helpers. The following programs are available for use in any countyto enable a program for your county, please contact us at to provide venue and court address information and for assistance with disseminating and displaying links to the programs. Report identity theft and get a recovery plan through the Federal Trade Commission's website. It includes a fee waiver application. Your choice of forms and answers are not being reviewed, and may be incorrect for your situation. Can I change the information in my documents? Do not use this Web site to break the law. Please keep in mind that this service is on the public Web absolute security is not guaranteed. LawHelp Interactive works with all web browsers, but the security settings of your browser and the type of word processing document you are using will affect your LawHelp Interactive experience. Login to the system and click on "Manage Answer Files". Your laptop or computer should be running the following browsers and browser versions: Your browser must accept cookies and not block pop ups. Name and address of the court where you will file your petition: Go to your county court website and look for court locations or filing locations, In most courts, Name Change Petitions are filed in the Civil Division, Name Change is an "Unlimited Civil" case type, If the court provides a mailing address for filing, you will want to enter this information as well, The full names as they appear on the current birth certificate of every person who is seeking a name change, (Optional but recommended) Save your answers so you can return at another time, When you have completed the interview, print your forms. Many counties require case schedules, classes, or settlement conferences. If you did not make an account and save your answers, you will not be able to access your forms after you leave the tool. To find a form, click on your state on the map below or select your state from the dropdown menu. Can be used when a guardian or conservator represents a ward or conservatee in a civil matter. Pro Bono Nets online tools, legal information and referral directories are always free to use. In California, HotDocs programs are offered at no cost to court self-help centers, nonprofit legal services agencies and other court partners that serve self-represented litigants. Finally, answer files for registered advocates and court personnel are saved for 12 months since last use. You can file a divorce petition in the county where you live, or the county where your spouse lives. This Web Site is intended for use by low-income individuals and their not-for-profit advocates to obtain legal information. Requirements may differ, depending on the type or stage of your case. Michigan Legal Helps Do-It-Yourself Tools (DIY Tools) are designed to help you fill out the court forms you will need to complete a legal process. LawHelp Interactive for Name Change Petition Program. Users complete a guided interview that then creates a legal documents packages. The publicly-available version of this program at. If you are an anonymous user, and still in the same session that you created the document in, click Go Back to Answers to verify whether you have answered all the questions. The forms are developed by local legal aid organizations, pro bono programs, and courts. How to clear (vacate) your drug possession conviction after State v. Blake. The length of time answer files are kept depends on the type of account you have. - Please note that LawHelp Interactive programs produce PDF documents only. Guardianship Petition
You can create an account before you start or after you finish the interview. This program will help you request to change an existing child support order. Get Legal Help from the your local legal aid office from the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network or your local Public Defender. When you fill out forms using a DIY Tool, you have the option of making an account and saving your information. Letter to Creditor to Dispute Charge Letter to Credit Bureau to Dispute Item on Credit Report Housing (Mortgage Foreclosure) Ask a Lender for Settlement Conference It is free to use LawHelp Interactive. This program will help the user fill out the forms needed to ask the court to change the name of an adult, a child or children, or a family group, and includes a fee waiver petition. 1. Click the Get Forms icon to download your forms. Click here for more information: Limited Conservatorship Workshop. Please choose the type of access for your connect account. Contact Judicial Council Staff to indicate your interest and provide the following information: a. Venue and filing locations b. They are available at your countys law library and often online at Contributions will be subject to the restrictions of the Legal Services Corporation. If you would like to request other orders not listed, please contact our Self Help Center. The DIY Tools help to explain what the forms mean. Assists proposed guardians to present a complete petition for guardianship for up to five children. If your court is new to HotDocs and LawHelp Interactive, please contact us This program will help you fill out forms to start a divorce and complete the preliminary declaration of disclosures, along with a fee waiver petition. If you have a legal problem, you should try to find a lawyer who will represent you. contain one special character (for example @,#,$,%, etc. Don't see what you need? You should make sure youre not blocking any pop ups and your cookies are enabled. Interviews to ask for Temporary or Immediate Orders and to Finalize Divorce are coming soon. This website provides general information only. Safari version 7 and later (Please note, to use Safari for LHI interviews you need to change a setting in your preferences by taking the following steps: Open Safari> Choose Preferences, then select Advanced; next deselect Stop plug-ins to save power), the name and URL of the interview you were using, the steps you took before you got the error message, a screenshot of the error message, if possible, the browser and browser version you were using. Please see the documents below for a LHI/HotDocs Overview and Instructions on setting up accounts. You can also find a state-by-state list of legal aid websites on Under Security, check the check box "Do not save encrypted pages to disk"; or. Self-helper is an individual filling out forms without help from a lawyer. If you want to use a blank form instead, the State Court Administrative Office has many forms available on its website. If you dont find the particular form youre looking for, you can visit for other help and resources in that area of law. We have more resources on the Family: Divorce/Separation page. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Completes formsGR 34.0100, .0300, and .0500 based on your answers. Information provided on this site may not always be accurate or complete. LawHelp Interactive allows subject matter experts to create interview templates that can be used to assemble court forms and other legal documents based on a user's input. We are working with our partners to increase the number of interviews in other languages, and if you cannot find a form in the language you need, you may need to contact the Court or a legal aid organization for help. You can also go back to change answers on your forms. Don't see what you need? Available in English and Spanish. On a desktop computer, there is a Log In option in the top right corner. We strongly recommend that you talk with a lawyer before filing for divorce. We have more resources on the Re-Entry, Criminal Records, LFO/Fines page. Making an account and saving your answers is usually a good idea because it lets you find your forms later if you lose them or need to change your answers. Click on Find Forms for a list of states that currently have forms. Theinterview asks questions and uses your answers to complete your forms. Contact Judicial Council Staff to indicate your interest and provide the following information: a. Venue and filing locations b. Available inEnglish only. * This information is reproduced from the LawHelp Interactive website, with minor modifications related to the links in the original, and was accurate at the time it was reproduced. Letter to Landlord for Return of a Security Deposit. Updated Follow To get started, click the Get Started button. If you log in to LawHelp Interactive using the instructions above, the first page it takes you to is the page with saved forms and answers. You will still be able to fill out forms and print them. Don't see what you need? The interviews were created by Legal Aid of North Carolina and are hosted on the LawHelpInteractive national server. Especially when accessing our site from a computer in a public location like a library or court, be sure to log out when done, close all browser windows, don't save files on the local hard drive, and don't leave printed documents behind. A Health Care Directive (also called a Living Will) lets you state what kind of medical treatments you do or do not wish to have if you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious and cannot make decisions for yourself. If you are an attorney, volunteer or advocate, use LHI to easily find legal documents and court forms for clients, review and edit a form a client has completed, manage case files and more, all in one place. Security measures are being taken with the server. It's simple: we ask you questions and use your answers to complete the documents you need, no lawyer necessary. And if you are a lawyer, we have tools for you too. Even if you cannot afford to pay one to handle your divorce for you, a lawyer may advise you about important legal rights your divorce may affect. Use this if you cannot afford to pay the filing fee to start new case. We take measures to keep your information confidential, but we can be compelled in some circumstances to provide your information to law enforcement. This program will help the user fill out the forms needed to ask the court for an elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order, This program will help the user fill out the forms needed to respond to a request for an elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order petition. On most mobile devices, you will need to click the menu in the top right (it looks like three horizontal lines) and then click Log In., If you do not remember your password, first click Log In. When you get to the log-in page, click the link that says Forgot Password?. Fee waiver applicants eligible based on receipt of public benefits or low-income status LawHelp Interactive (or LHI) creates free legal documents. Look for a Questions? If you are looking for a particular form in your language and your state, please visit LawHelp Interactive and click on the find forms button. If you are a registered user, you can also re-run the template interview, change your answers, and re-generate your documents. Weve received reports of Internet Explorer (IE) Version 8 users getting a problem getting data error when trying to start an interview. No other users can see your answers unless they have your user ID and password or you choose to share your answers with another person or email them the document from LHI. LSC's support for this website is limited to those activities that are consistent with LSC restrictions. Registering allows you to save your answers and use them again later. This program will help the user fill out forms to respond to a governmental child support summons and complaint and provide financial information to the court. It contains listings of pro bono and legal services programs listed by geographic area along with relevant self-help information. Visit to fill out the petition for a Limited Conservatorship. If you made an account and saved your answers, you can go back to your account to get copies of your forms if you need them again.