Current Mass Schedule - St. Catherine Labour Catholic Parish St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - The Shrine of Our Lady of Review . Check out St. Catherine's mentioned in the latest edition Tell us more about your advertising needs? What type of advertising are you interested in? I'm New . Daily Mass; 12:00 PM. If you like the content and purpose of this site, please consider donating. St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - Gerona, Tarlac | Gerona 6 times/year. Weekday Schedule: Monday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. Anne Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. Anne Thursday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. Catherine 23504 State Route WW Coffman, Missouri 63670 Phone: (573) 883-2923 Website: Enter into the One, Holy, Perfect Sacrifice of our Lord. Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Friday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, Memorial of Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr, Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, St. Anne Church (of Blessed Trinity Parish). 845-359-0542.
StCatherine - Mass Schedule A schedule of today's Mass times at Catholic churches in southeast Wisconsin. . National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents Daily TV Mass from Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario. St. Catherine of Alexandria Mass Times - Milwaukee, Wisconsin While our parish livestreams in no way substitutes the calling to worship our Lord in person, we offer these videos for anybody who physically cannot attend Mass for reasons beyond their control, especially due to illness or disability. I'm New. For corrections, email us at No reviews yet. Please ask a sacristan for a set and how to use it. The site is not connected to this church, please transact business directly.For corrections, please e-mail to or through our Facebook page. Catholic Mass Times Church Near Me Find Mass Times Near Me . Mass Schedule | St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Saturday 4 pm--St Catherine Sunday 8:30 am--St Anne (75 King St., Littleton MA)Sunday 10:30 am--St. Catherine, Weekday Schedule:Monday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. AnneTuesday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. AnneThursday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. CatherineFriday: 8:00 a.m. Mass - St. Catherine, (The Church and Parish Hall are Handicap Accessible. Daily Mass Mon-Sat at 9:00 am Holy Day Masses 7:00 pm Vigil Mass 6:30 am, 9:00 am, and 12:05 pm on the Holy Day Confessions . Please indicate what problem has been found! THANK YOU! Please contact the church if possible. Weekday Mass Schedule Thursday 8:00 AM Friday 8:00 AM Mass Schedule for Holy Days No Information Available Confession and Adoration Times Confession Schedule Saturday 3:00 PM Church Description Church Staff Questions & Answers Are the posted Mass times correct? St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Temecula, CA "Do this in Remembrance of Me" Join us for Mass this Sunday. One of our sales represenatives will follow up with you shortly. . WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE: SATURDAY 4:00 PM SUNDAY 8:30 and 10:30 AM. You can then receive sacramental confession at soon as you're able to celebrate the sacrament at your first opportunity. Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Veneration of Our Lady of Namacpacan. St. Catherine of Alexandria | Discover Mass If you are a parish representative and would like to learn more about making your weekly bulletins available on, complete the form below and we will followup with you shortly. Do you feel called to connect with our Lord electronically in worship during the week? Mass Schedule: Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 8:00am - No Mass on Wednesdays - There will be no daily Masses from June 26-30 while Father Danny and Father Dario transition to their new positions. Poblacion, Carcar City, Cebu (show location map).
St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Chuch, 3450 Tennessee Street, Vallejo, CA, 94591, United States (707) 553 1355 What do I need to get copy of Baptismal certificate. Please see below for Mass times; We look forward to celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with you. Mass Times Schedule for Masses, Confessions, Adoration, & Devotions. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Sync with not available for this listing. Map Contact Us 414-365-2020 414-365-2021 Online Donations Help us continue to provide important ministries to our community. Mass times for St. Catherine of Alexandria are below. 17, 2023. Call 541-582-1373 for schedule. Mass Schedule | St. Catherine Mass Schedule - OUR LADY OF GOOD HOPE CATHOLIC CHURCH SCA Contact Update Information Form.pdf. Reviews for Contact Info Continuing for the forseeable future,Masses will be live-streamedon the following days and times: St. Louise now has available receiver head sets that individuals having trouble hearing in church and who do not have hearing aids, or have aids that do not have telecoils, can use. By promoting the teachings of Jesus, Saint Catherine of Alexandria welcomes Mass - Live Streamed | St. Catherine of Alexandria | Morgan Hill, CA Mass - Live Streamed LIVESTREAM OF HOLY MASS TRANSMISIN EN VIVO DE LA SANTA MISA YouTube Facebook Find the Weekly Readings here . The site is not connected to this church, please transact business directly.For corrections, please e-mail to or through our Facebook page. Mt 16:13-19: Peters Confession About Jesus. Click here:, Click here to access St. Catherine streamed Masses Our History. St. Rocco, Epidemic Protector, Follow the Order of the Mass here. Watch daily Catholic Mass for Tuesday, June 27, 2023 celebrated by Fr. The Grotto at Lourdes in France is one of the most visited sacred shrines in the world, where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in the hollow of the rock in 1858. Data may not be accurate or updated. Mass Cards: Please call the Rectory office at 708.425.2850 Mass cards can be mailed to your home or the home of the family you are requesting the Mass for. Click here. St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - Catholic Church Directory St. Leonard Daily Mass. Find Catholic Mass Times with church maps, masses and worship services near you. If you would like to donate a small stipend for the . Weekend Mass Schedule. You may visit the St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Facebook Page ( @100064422202957) for updates. Upcoming Events Jun 25 Gym Floor Refinishing - Closed from June 23, 2023 till July 16, 2023 All Day - Jul 16 1:00pm - Baptism (2) - Jack Kelly Borisy - Charlotte Catherine Andrasco - C All Day Data by Schedule Sunday Masses 5:00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday. Be the first to comment on St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church. The official Facebook page of St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac. Copyright 2023 Mass Schedules Philippines, Oratio Imperata against Covid-19 (Revised), Our Android app is now available on Google Play. Mass schedule of St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - The Shrine of Our Lady of Namacpacan for Jun. All are welcome! Blessed Trinity Parish Mass Times. Request access on the Bulletins tab of a church listing. faith, to bring all closer in relationship to Jesus and creating friendship and These third-party Catholic providers are happy to help. Home - St.Catherine of Alexandria Parish Weekend Mass Schedule:Saturday 4:30 PMSunday 9:30 AM, Weekday Mass Schedule:Tuesday Noon MassThursday Noon MassFriday Noon Mass on the first Friday of the month(After Friday Mass Eucharistic Adoration 12:30 - 1:00 pm), Sacrament of Penance (Confession):Saturday 3:30-4 PM, or by appointment. If you like the content and purpose of this site, please consider donating. Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm 6: . Also, be sure to check out the 'Daily Mass & Adoration Online Resources' links at the bottom of this page if you would like to watch a pre-recorded video of todays Daily Mass from a third-party provider or to virtually visit our Lord anytime via one of several perpetual adoration livestreams. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Pray for Us, 10621 S. Kedvale, Oak Lawn, IL 60453 | Phone, Check out St. Catherine's mentioned in the latest edition,, Click here to access St. Catherine streamed Masses. Pray for Us Rejoice in the Lord in song safely in your car, on your way to church, or at home online, anytime. Parish Livestreams | St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Temecula Confessions: Saturdays at 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm (in Church), 7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 | (951) 781-9855 |, St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church|Designer/webmaster: rb, St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church, Church Address: 3680 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506, Office Address: 7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506. We are pleased to welcome you to the parish of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Riverside, CA. Our Story. Tuesday Mass | Saint Cyril of Alexandria - CatholicTV no ratings
Search Mass Times - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops To watch from home, click HERE. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Temecula, CA Daily Readings; Listen to Podcasts; Watch our Videos; About USCCB. Please see below for Mass times; We look forward to celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with you. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Temecula, CA Federico Cinocca in CatholicTV's Chapel of the Holy Cross. Mabuhay!
St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church - Mass Schedule page . Some historians are of the opinion that Catherine suffered under his father, Maximian. Ecclesia Dei - Traditional Mass Directory By promoting the teachings of Jesus, Saint Catherine of Alexandria welcomes all people to share in our blessed sacraments to strengthen and inspire our faith, to bring all closer in relationship to Jesus and creating friendship and unity in ethnic groups and committees as we walk in His footsteps daily. all people to share in our blessed sacraments to strengthen and inspire our MASS SCHEDULE Please Continue to join us for LIVESTREAM MASSES via St. Catherine's Website or Facebook page at Daily Mass Monday - Saturday: 8:15 am Monday - Friday: 5:30 pm (Except from Memorial Day thru Labor Day) Wednesdays 5:30 pm Mass is in Espaol/Spanish Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:15 pm 3680 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506. Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 9:30 AM Weekday Mass Schedule: Tuesday Noon Mass Thursday Noon Mass Friday Noon Mass on the first Friday of the month (After Friday Mass Eucharistic Adoration 12:30 - 1:00 pm) Sacrament of Penance (Confession): Saturday 3:30-4 PM, or by appointment Looking for today's Mass readings. Mass times and detailed church information for St Catherine Of Alexandria located in Temecula, California. St. Catherine of Alexandria - Milwaukee What do I need to get copy of Baptismal certificate? ABOUT . St. Catherine of Alexandria | EWTN St. Catharine of Alexandria Blauvelt | eCatholic LIVE - StreamSpot Join us in worship and we appreciate your contributions to Online Giving. address: Poblacion, Carcar City, Cebu (show location map) telephone number: (032) 236 2422 priest: confession: links: Facebook Page additional info: last update: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:12AM Read today's gospel before going to Mass. Livestream Mass Schedule. St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish is located in Mambusao. 2023 St. Catherine of AlexandriaAll Rights Reserved. Never permit me to be separated from You.
Like us on Facebook. You are invited to make a Perfect Act of Contrition and celebrate Spiritual Penance to immediately remove the guilt and punishment caused by sin. Milwaukee, WI 53223-2697 map. The shrine sits today near Tepeyac Hill in Mexico City where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Juan in 1531. Due to technicalities, YouTube links of Masses will be uploaded withinthe day, but you can always access theParish Facebook page even without an account to be live streamed at: Please call the Rectory office at 708.425.2850. Mass cards can be mailed to your home or the home of the family you are requesting the Mass for. In addition, well broadcast our Friday morning devotions including Mass and First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Gym Floor Refinishing -Gym Closed from June 23, 2023 till July 16, 2023, 11:00am - Student Volunteer Meeting - FLC, 1:00pm - Baptism - Brendan Sean Estand - C, 2:15pm - 3:15pm - Apostolate of the Returning King DPOT - Prayer Group - R-FLC,, Click here for the 2023 Mass Intention Form. St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Philmass had collected the St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish mass schedules for 2023 as of the date indicated below, from various sources which we believe to be accurate, including the church social media accounts if available. Through our parish's Liturgical Mass Media Ministry (M3), Saint Catherine's is pleased to broadcast selected weekend Masses live via YouTube. While our parish livestreams in no way substitutes the calling to worship . Schedule - St. Catherine of Siena View Schedule; Regular Weekend Mass Schedule Resumes 4/10 Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm 6:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday 8:00 am | 10:00 am 12:00 noon (Youth Mass) 2:00 pm (Spanish) 5:00 pm* Monday - Friday 7:25 am
Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Parishes Mass . St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Again, we welcome you to St. Catharine of Alexandria! Welcome to St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church.. All are Welcome to worship with us .. Website is operated by St. Catherine of Siena Church . Victoria, Luna, La Union (show location map). St. Joseph, Hope of the Sick, Tuesdays at 8:00am - St. Joan. Archdiocesan Shrine of St. Catherine of Alexandria - Mass Schedules Parish Office Hours Monday 10:00 am - 05:00 pm Tuesday 10:00 am - 05:00 pm Wednesday 10:00 am - 05:00 pm Thursday 10:00 am - 05:00 pm Friday 10:00 am - 05:00 pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Church Address: 3680 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 Office Address: 7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 Wednesdays at 8:00am - St. Joan. 484 talking about this. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish mass schedules this 2023 In response to fight the spread of COVID-19, please follow the guidelines set by your respective parishes and LGUs. (1 Reviews), Copyright 2023 Catholic Church Directory. Mass cards can be mailed to your home or the home of the family you are requesting the Mass for. Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Friday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, Memorial of Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr, Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. Weekends Saturday: 5:15pm Sunday: 9:00am* & 11:00am (English), 6:30pm Spanish/Espaol (0 Reviews), 0/5
Are there specific Churches you would like to advertise on? 8661 N. 76th Place. 523 Western Highway, Blauvelt, NY 10913. Reconciliation: 3pm Saturdays at St Catherine Church or contact one of our priests to schedule an appointment YOU ARE WELCOME No matter what your present status is Copyright 2023 Mass Schedules Philippines, Oratio Imperata against Covid-19 (Revised), Our Android app is now available on Google Play. (replaces 10:30 AM Mass at St Stephen Church) Verona Our Lady of Good Counsel Church W . Fill out the following form to request more information on becoming a sponsor of this listing. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church, Riverside, CA -. Portland Holy Rosary Church W Sunday: 11:00 AM; 1st Fri: 7:30 PM . Mass Schedule | St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Temecula Mass Times Celebrate the Season of Easter From April 9, 2023 - May 28, 2023, the church celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and reflects on the earliest days of the church in the Acts of the Apostles. Friday at 9:00am - St. Louise. In addition, we'll broadcast our Friday morning devotions including Mass and First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Be the first to comment on St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Write a Review . Please call the church at. Aid users need to check with their audiologist to make sure they have a telecoil and that it is turned on when they enter the church. EWTN Global Catholic Network is the largest religious media network in the world. Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 9:30 AM Weekday Mass Schedule Thursday Noon Mass Friday Noon Mass on the first Friday of the month (Eucharistic Adoration after Frist Friday Mass 12:30 - 1:30 pm) Pray for Us Click here.
Mass - Live Streamed | St. Catherine of Alexandria | Morgan Hill, CA 10:30 AM Mass is also live streamed into the Parish Hall and to your home! St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - Catholic Church Directory St. Catherine of Alexandria Daily Mass. If you would like to request a Mass please click the button below and fill out the request form. Phone: 215-672-2881 Fax: 215-674-1025 .
The Center for Prayer for Peace, opened in Niepokalanow, is part of the great work of creating 12 international prayer centers for peace--the 12 Stars in the Crown of Mary, the Queen of Peace. St. Catherine of Alexandria Moved to Guardian Angel, Louisville OWENSBORO Diocese . Make a Gift Mass Times Change Dates>> Saturday June 17, 2023 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass St. Catherine of Alexandria 8661 N. 76th Place Milwaukee, WI 53223-2697 Reconciliation from 3:30 - 4 p.m. For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Due to technicalities, YouTube links of Masses will be uploaded withinthe day, but you can always access theParish Facebook page even without an account to be live streamed at:, July 2, 2023 Bulletin.pdf Located at Victoria, Luna, La Union. Satruday at 9:00am - St. Louise. The Star of the Immaculate Adoration Chapel is a sacred place of perpetual adoration for peace flowing from Poland to the world with a continuous livestream broadcast. Mass Times | St. Catherine of Alexandria | Morgan Hill, CA Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information. Click here to view the Mass. 7:00 am, 9:00 am, and 11:15 am on Sunday morning. Mass Times - St. Catherine of Siena - Shelburne, VT Get Directions. Current Mass Schedule Daily Mass: Monday to Saturday *8:15am Wednesday 6:30pm Spanish Sunday Mass: Saturday 5:30pm English 7:00pm Spanish Sunday 7:15am, 8:45am, *10:30am and 5:30pm in English *12:15pm Spanish *Masses are livestreamed on our YouTube Channel & Facebook Page. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church, Riverside CA In 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Ftima, Portugal. Like the others, he tried to crush what he considered the dangerous institution of the Catholic Church. St. Catherine of Alexandria Church (of Blessed Trinity Parish) Mass Mass times and detailed church information for St. Catherine of Alexandria Church (of Blessed Trinity Parish) located in Westford, Massachusetts. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Your Rating for this listing. W173 S7743 Westwood Dr. Muskego, WI . Register now for our K-12 and Adult Faith Formation programs. Mass Type. Your name* Email* (will not be published) Review Title. St Catherine Of Alexandria Mass Times - Temecula, California Continuing for the forseeable future, Masses will be live-streamed on the following days and times: Mondays at 8:00am - St. Joan. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron Saint of the Americas and the Diocese of San Bernardino houses Saint Juan Diego's Cactus Tilma which contains the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Mass - St Catherine Church Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Mass - St Anne Church Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Mass - St Catherine Church Holy Day Masses: As announced. Also, if you need directions to St. Catherine of Alexandria, please click here. 3 Maxentius was one of several rival emperors who struggled for mastery during the first dozen years of the fourth century. We are located in Blauvelt, NY; Directions to our parish can be found here. Send Message Mass Times Weekend Mass Schedule Sunday 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:15 AM Interpreted for the Deaf 12:00 PM 1:45 PM Spanish 5:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM 5:15 PM Vigil Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Thursday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Mass Schedule for Holy Days, Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Friday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, Memorial of Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr, Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time. Watch live and on-demand content from St. Catharine of Alexandria Blauvelt Find a Mass near me - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee Marriages: Contact parish office at least SIX months before the desired wedding date. Mass Schedule | St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Temecula Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM; Saturday 4:00 PM; Weekday Mass Schedule. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church - Love Catalina Dive into God's Word. Through our parish's Liturgical Mass Media Ministry (M3), Saint Catherine's is pleased to broadcast selected weekend Masses live via YouTube. Is there a specific Church you would like to advertise on? Since the apparitions, the healing waters at Lourdes has contributed to more than 7,000 cases of unexplained cures, 70 of which have been recognized as miraculous by the Catholic Church. St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - Gerona, Tarlac | Gerona - Facebook St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church - Home 11,999 were here. Please Continue to join us for LIVESTREAM MASSES via, St. Catherines Website or Facebook page at, Monday - Friday: 5:30 pm (Except from Memorial Day thru Labor Day), Wednesdays 5:30 pm Mass is in Espaol/Spanish, Please contact the parish office at (951) 781-9855, Visit us online: for up-to-date information Please ask a member of the welcome ministry.). St. Catharine of Alexandria | Discover Mass There are currently no bulletins available for St. Catharine of Alexandria. In Spanish: Sundays at 6:30 pm. Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm (Spanish), 5:00 pm (Korean Mass officiated in addition to the English Mass on 2nd and 4th Sunday) Monday - Friday: 7:25 am, 6:30 pm Thursday (Spanish) Please stay connected to our faith community! The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB's) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Home About. In addition, our livestream recordings are available on demand 24/7 for anybody desiring to meditate on any of the readings, reflect on the weekend's message, or to listen to a homily. The church now has a loop system in place that those using hearing aids with telecoils can set their aid to have the sound from the microphones go directly in their ear. The faith community of St. Catharine of Alexandria welcomes you! Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm, 6:30 pm (Spanish)Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm (Spanish), 5:00 pm (Korean Mass officiated in addition to the English Mass on 2nd and 4th Sunday)Monday - Friday: 7:25 am, 6:30 pm Thursday (Spanish), Confession=========Wednesday: 6:30 PM (1st Wednesday Penance Service w/ Examination of Conscience; please arrive early),Saturday: 8:00 AM (1st Saturday Penance Service w/ Examination of Conscience; please arrive early),or by Appointment, Devotions=========Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday Exposition 8:00am - 12pm, and 5:30pm - 6:30pm;Thursday Exposition: 7pm-7:30pm (Spanish)Blessed Sacrament Chapel Hours: 7am-7pm Daily (or until the conclusion of the last scheduled event of the evening on campus, whichever occurs last)Liturgy of the Hours: Friday 7am. Weekend Mass Schedule Our Lady of Good Hope, Saturday - 4:00pm & via Zoom St. Catherine of Alexandria, Saturday - 4:30pm St. Catherine of Alexandria, Sunday - 9:30am St. Bernadette, Sunday - 10:30am & via Zoom We offer a Praise Mass the second full weekend of each month, excluding Advent and Lent. Mass Schedule for St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish - Thursday at 8:00am - St. Joan. Having Masses offered for a special intention or for a family member or loved one, living or deceased, is a wonderful way to express love and concern and is a powerful means of intercessory prayer. . Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), Faith Formation Forms, Registration, Calendar & Sessions, CHOSEN 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Sessions, First Reconciliation & Eucharist Registration, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Fellowship and Faith Development Meetings, Community Outreach and Volunteer Initiative, Celebrating Your Marriage at St. Catherine LabourParish, St. Louise de Marillac (Please note: There will NOT be a 7 a.m. mass on Tuesday, July 4th)), Mass Live Stream from St. Louise de Marillac, St. Louise de Marillac (Please note: There will NOT be confessions on Tuesday, July 4th), Saturday Vigil Mass at 6:00pm - St. Louise.