You are now ready to place your online bids. Call Jeff, Luke, Clay or Miles to consign. Whether you are just beginning the process of selling your Nebraska farm or ranch, or if you need assistance during any step along the way, our team at Marshall Land Brokers & Auctioneers can help guide you in understanding all of your options so that you can make an informed decision before signing any legal documents or agreements. Embracing the Digital Age: How Technology has Revolutionized the Land Auction Business In the What Makes Nebraska a Great Place to Own Land?When it comes to agricultural prowess, few states We Have Land Buyers! Our farms are the very breath of what makes Nebraska strong. TAP TO CALL 989-615-2170. Have a question about government services? Public used Cars, trucks for sale online in Harvey IL USA at First Marshall Auto Auction dealer, our customers can count on quality used cars, great prices, and a knowledgeable sales staff. The United States Marshals Service (USMS) is the primary disbursing agency for the Department of Justice (DOJ) Asset Forfeiture Program. We support communities by transferring certain types of forfeited assets to state, local and nonprofit organizations. We understand how personal generational land is. Includes 44 acres of tillable land plus 26.7 acres enrolled in CRP. The auction company will be seeking final approval from the U.S. Includes 44 acres of tillable land plus 26.7 acres enrolled in CRP. Marshall earned and proved worthy of our trust. Compare Close. Whether youre looking for excellent hunting for mule deer or ranches for sale, no matter what property types youre interested in, we can help you find it. Hibid has developed a rating system for Bidders to protect auctioneers. Updated instructions to receive Department of Justice (DOJ) Equitable Sharing Payments. The Miles Hall Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization EIN #84-345-1430 Our farms are more than just soil, seed and livestock. Engine . Please be sure to reference your CATS Party ID Number or, in the case of DOJ Equitable Sharing Program payees, NCIC Code in your correspondence so that we can assist you faster. Redfield Group Auctions, Inc. To learn more about what we can do for your property, contact our experienced brokers today and we will show you the difference we can make with your farms, cattle ranches, businesses, farm machinery and more! Rusty by Design 1288 Lots - Ends 7/1/2023 prev. This number is typically conveyed in the subject of the correspondence instructing you to complete the Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form. Department of Justice (DoJ) Asset Forfeiture Program participants include the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the Department of Justice Criminal Division; U.S. The farm can represent a lifetimes work and in some situations the work of 2 to 3 generations. First Marshall Auto Auction. ABOUT THE LAND: Excellent quality pivot irrigated cropland with nearly 70% rated as Class 1 and 2 soils. I recommend them to friends and family without reservation.". Miles Marshall Inducted into the Nebraska Auctioneers Hall of Fame. $1,900 . Dealer Only Salvage Auctions:Additional bidding qualifications on assets offered with salvage/ dismantler notations must be met prior to the auction closing. They always did what they said they would do when they said they would do it. 2015 Dodge Journey. Home; Auctions. $1,600 . For sale is pivot irrigated cropland with highly productive soils and electric well. LOCATION: From Campbell, 1/2 mile west on Highway 4, 7 miles south on 43 Rd and 1/2 mile west on N Rd. ", "Luke and Marshall Land Brokers were a pleasure to work with. Salvage dealers that wish to bid on these assets must submit a current copy of their State issued Salvage Dealer license for review. . SOLD - 74.84 ACRES - CROPLAND - DAWSON COUNTY, NE SOLD - $475,000 Looking to buy or sell farm machinery and other heavy equipment? Original title documents will be mailed to buyers. LOCATION: From Riverton, 2.5 miles east on Hwy 136 and 2 miles north on Road 200. Our Marshall Land Brokerage family is here for you! From Lexington, 15 miles north on Hwy 21 and 3 miles east on Rd. 1 miles . Learn more about Miles here: Miles Marshall Bio, Learn more about the Nebraska Auctioneers Association here: Nebraska Auctioneers Association, Marshall Land Brokers & AuctioneersPO Box 2612033 Central Ave,Kearney, NE 68847. Throughout his career, he has conducted countless successful auctions and has earned a reputation for being one of the most skilled and knowledgeable auctioneers in the state. 771 (blacktop). Government Auction - Apple Towing Co | Apple Auctioneering Co is conducting . These auctions frequently feature collectible vehicles, diamonds, certified Rolex watches, gold and silver, famous paintings, and much more. The U.S. LOCATION: From the Cozad I-80 Interchange, 3 miles south on Highway 21, 1 mile east on Rd. Please enter your username or email address. We are proud to bring his collection and others to public auction. Miles built his business and reputation on honesty and integrity, becoming one of the leaders & innovators of selling real estate at absolute auction. Our goal is to provide transparent and fair market prices on all real estate, farm equipment and heavy machinery that we auction. The reason for the cancellation/rejection and a brief description will be listed in the e-mail. Lincoln, NE The Nebraska Auctioneers Association (NeAA) has announced that Miles Marshall has been inducted into the Nebraska Auctioneers Hall of Fame. You've won! We are very grateful for Marshalls professional service and hard work. with payment instructions and our bank account information (options: wire, bank deposit, or cashier's check overnight. Several pre-populated versions of the Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form along with specific instructions located on the second page are located on the Forms tab for convenience. Asset forfeiture payees must submit a valid Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form to Here at Marshall Land Brokers and Auctioneers we're working with buyers and "Thank you for making our recent land purchase a positive experience. LOCATION: From Eddyville, .5 miles south on Hwy 40 and 2.5 miles west on Rd. ABOUT THE LAND: Well located cropland next to southwest Gothenburg. He began by helping his dad, Robin Marshall and uncle, Eugene Marshall who together operated Kearney Livestock Market. 1 miles . For each lot the bidder bids on it will list "successful" or "outbid." Near new fences plus a near new solar powered stock well. The Asset Forfeiture Program was created in 1984 when Congress passed the Comprehensive Crime Control Act, which provided federal prosecutors and agents the legal and regulatory tools necessary to keep up with, and ahead of, those who commit crime for economic benefit. As native Nebraskans, we understand the importance these family farms represent to the overall health of our state and of our nation. From the initial meeting to the closing, Miles and his staff took the time to make sure we were well informed, kept us updated as the process moved forward, and gave us the confidence we needed in knowing this was the right thing to do. $505.89 million was amount distributed to victims of crime and claimants in fiscal 2022. The auction company will be seeking final approval from the U.S. Please enter your username or email address. Rainbow City, AL. Whether you are a buyer or seller, we understand your needs and will strive to exceed your expectations. Please enter your username or email address. Conservation Reserve Program. It is important that your property be fully exposed to potential buyers far and near. U.S. More details to come. This No Reserve auction features all types of farm and livestock equipment, vehicles and trailers. From Riverton, 1/2 mile east on Highway 136, 7 miles north on 43 Rd. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. 444 (Overton-Sumner Highway). engine - Single axle - Rear duals - Serviced regularly - Decals to be removed by sale time - Showing 122,730 miles - VIN: 1FDXE45P05HB13805 Location: Near Lexington, . Our recreational brokers can help you find land near the Platte River, the Niobrara River or the North Loup River, whatever your specific needs are, we want to help you find the perfect land for your family. Once approval is received, high bidders will receive an email (from with payment instructions and our bank account information (options: wire, bank deposit, or cashier's check overnight). He has also mentored numerous aspiring auctioneers, sharing his expertise and helping them achieve success in the field. You may be asked to provide supporting documents to validate the Tax Identification Number. We know that you have worked hard to create the property and we are committed to helping you get top dollar for it. Includes 7 tower pivot system and electric wells. Payments to asset forfeiture payees could be delayed for several reasons. Recently Sold Land Sold Residential / Commercial DANA Farms Land Auction SOLD $4.79 MILLION Miles Marshall Inducted into Nebraska Auctioneers Hall of Fame "Our family was referred to Marshall Land Brokers and Auctioneers by another auctioneer in Nebraska who was not in a position to help us. ABOUT THE LAND: Well located tract of hardland pasture with excellent accessibility along a blacktop road. 1.7 (184 reviews) 398 E 147th St Harvey, IL 60426. Currently in the last year of the U.S.D.A. LOCATION: Next to southwest Gothenburg. ", "This all seemed quite overwhelming and complicated when we started, but you have been so helpful, supportive and on top of things that in the end everything has fallen into place more smoothly than I anticipated. 771 (blacktop). An official website of the United States government. 444 (Overton-Sumner Highway). The Tax Identification Number (TIN) entered on the Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form should be that of the person or entity who is legally entitled to the funds. 3.7L V6 . Conservation Reserve Program. During negotiations, Luke was always professional, respectable and prompt. Marshall Land Brokers & Auctioneers has you covered! LOCATION: From Overton, 1/2 mile north on Rd. Contact us today to see how easy it is to own a beautiful piece of our state! The induction ceremony took place on April 29, 2023, during the NeAAs annual convention at the Embassy Suites by Hilton in Lincoln, NE. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. 771 (blacktop). 1stbid. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. We provide broad based marketing utilizing the latest technology to bring buyers to your property. Marshall Land Brokers & AuctioneersPO Box 2612033 Central Ave,Kearney, NE 68847. Online Auctions Live Auctions Listings Miles Marshall, Broker Luke Huddleston, Sales Manager Jeff Marshall, John Childears Clay Patton, Jan Hinrichsen MARSHALL LAND BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS . More than $20 billion in economic value is added to Nebraskas economy from agriculture production and manufacturing each year. (308) 234-6266. Marshals Service seized vehicle and vessel auctions conducted throughout 83 districts across the nation. Marshall has been an auctioneer on Kearney Catholics GOLD fundraiser auction since its inception in 1994. Marshals Service processes more than 30,000 payments, typically exceeding $500 million to asset forfeiture payees. The National Agricultural Law Center defines Agritourism as a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or processing with tourism to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertaining and/or educating the visitors while generating income for the farm, ranch, or business owner. Types of Nebraska agritourism are: Agritourism is a growing sector for Nebraska farm owners. AAA Auction Gallery, Inc. Our agents and brokers are the lifeblood of our business, and we truly take pride in every single land transaction we get to be a part of. Listings (57) Reviews (0) Sort by: . For auction and real estate companies their most valuable asset is reputation. Each and every parcel represents a history of work and commitment. Typical reasons for pending bids are as follows: First-Time Bidder:New accounts or first-time bidders that have never participated in our auctions will be thoroughly analyzed and vetted. Agritourism brokers dedicated to find you the perfect property. ESTATE & REAL ESTATE AUCTION You will receive a link to create a new password via email. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT LICENSE. Marshals Service plays a critical role in identifying and evaluating assets that represent the proceeds of crime as well as efficiently managing and selling assets seized and forfeited by Department of Justice. ABOUT THE LAND: Grassland with a dam and newer fence on the east side. ABOUT THE LAND: Well located tract of hardland pasture with excellent accessibility along a blacktop road. Please note: these assets will remain in the name of the defendant in which they were seized, until the titles are processed with the state. Most items are located at our Auction Yard and some are located throughout Central Nebraska. What do you need from us to make this process seamless? Notification of successful Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Forms will include additional points of contact regarding your payment. Next to I-80 with excellent visibility. If youre looking for farms for sale in the Cornhusker State, we want to help you find it! LOCATION: From Riverton, 2.5 miles east on Hwy 136 and 2 miles north on Road 200. United States Marshals Service Auctions Upcoming Auctions Public (Edinburg, TX) Online Auction: ends 6/22/2023 1pm ET View Inventory! Furthermore, inductees are recognized for their professional achievements, leadership, and community service. Please see at the bottom of this page for other important reminders. Filter . See each item for location. Reach out to one of our Recreational Brokers for more info. Web: LOCATION: From Campbell, 1/2 mile west on Highway 4 and 1.5 miles south on 43 Rd. Auction Held Online Only with bids ending: Wed. April 20 th, 2022 Starting at 5 PM! Please note: these assets will remain in the name of the defendant in which they were seized, until the titles are processed with the state. Located 4 miles southwest of Beaver City (SE1/4 of 1-1-23). Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Linkedin. ABOUT THE LAND: Well located cropland next to southwest Gothenburg. $228 million was amount shared with participating state and local law enforcement agencies in fiscal 2022. We start our process by meeting with and understanding the why of the sell. Archived Auctions; Land For Sale. Fricke Farms, Inc. Kathy Fricke, owner For information on equipment contact Lonnie 402-984-5563 Auction Site: 2280 W. Sundown Rd. Postal Inspection Service; Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Department of Agriculture Office of the Inspector General; Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security; and Defense Criminal Investigative Service. Annually, the U.S. Payment must be RECEIVED within 48 hours of acceptance. Marshals Service processes Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture . Your farm can represent a lifetimes work and in some situations the work of multiple generations. ABOUT THE LAND: A well managed property in excellent condition. Once approved, the Auction Company will update the Bidder's account and any bids that are Pending will be approved/ accepted. Our goal is to work with our sellers to make this a stress-free transaction. Chuck Marshall Auction & Real Estate Co. Inc AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 1198 Chuck Marshall 4565 Maysville Rd. 14,067 was number of assets disposed in fiscal 2022. We have nothing but positive things to say about the entire transaction. The site is secure. Marshals Service (USMS); Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF); Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); and U.S. These bidding privileges will remain in effect until the expiration date on the license. ABOUT THE LAND: 80 Acres, more or less, Includes certified irrigation rights, potential home site, crop production and recreational possibilites. Annually, the U.S. Public (FEATURED) Online Auction: ends 7/18/2023 1pm ETView Inventory! Contact our team today or take a look at our featured properties and auctions ranging from farm and ranch sales to farming equipment auctions! Absolute Land Auction Excellent quality land with potential for tillable cropland. 76,737 miles . Please note, a CATS Asset ID Number (e.g., 19-DEA-123456) is not a valid entry for Box 24. This form must be electronically filled out, no handwritten forms will be accepted. It is very important that the titles be transferred with your localtax office immediately upon receipt. Marshall Land Brokers & AuctioneersPO Box 2612033 Central Ave,Kearney, NE 68847. From Riverton, 1/2 mile east on Highway 136, 7 miles north on 43 Rd. Water for livestock provided by an electric submersible well, underground pipeline supplying fresh water to stock tanks, plus dams. Asset Requires a Deposit:When a deposit is required, see Section (6) of the Terms & Conditions for step-by-step deposit instructions. The agency employs best practices from private industry to ensure that assets are managed and sold in an efficient and cost-effective manner. He has been actively involved in the NeAA, serving on various committees and holding leadership positions, including president, Auctioneer of the Year and past bid-calling champion. Submission of a valid Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form does not guarantee payment or payment within a specific timeframe. 100 Miles north of Norfolk, VA, 55 Miles South of Dover, DE, 100 East of Washington, DC and 18 miles West of Ocean City, MD. Marshals Service features hundreds of online and live auctions that are open to the public. Pre-registration required. ee Section (6) of the Terms & Conditions for step-by-step deposit instructions. ) ", "Our family was referred to Marshall Land Brokers and Auctioneers by another auctioneer in Nebraska who was not in a position to help us. Access from gravel Road 200 - only 2 miles off of Highway 136. 398 E 147th St Harvey, IL 60426 708-333-2266 Site Menu Inventory; Visit Us; Services. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. While our company has ebbed and flowed with the times, our family has stayed true to one mission; to take care of our customers and cherish family land, to protect it and keep it in good hands. Contact, is an official site of the U.S. Federal Government, U.S. Department of Justice. The submitter and, if different, vendor contact indicated in Box 20 of the Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form will receive notice via e-mail from Asset Forfeiture Division Forms ( indicating the status of the Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form. Marshals Auctions | Salvage Auctions | Export Auctions, General Online Auction Info | General Live Auction Info | Frequently Asked Questions| Sign up for email alerts, Press & News Coverage| Request Duplicate Title | Removal Extension Request| Technical Assistance|SubmitFeedback, Copyright- RBEX Inc dba Apple Towing Co. auctions conducted by Apple Auctioneering Co.- All Rights Reserved, Intellectual Property Statement|Licensing|Accessibility Policy| English | Spanish, Public (FEATURED) Online Auction: ends 7/18, In the menu bar, create an account by clicking, Once your account has been created select the auction that you wish to participate in by clicking on the title of the auction or by clicking the, Once registered, select the lot you wish to place a bid on. A-Lounge. Selling your familys land is serious business. Ayr, NE From the south edge of Hastings, 7 miles south on Highway 281, Pending Bids are bids that are placed that are not immediately accepted or put into effect by the Auction Company. Marshalls career started over 45 years ago after attending Missouri Auction School. Asset forfeiture payees are required to complete a valid Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) Vendor Request Form to receive payment. A list of Vendor Request Forms (Form) which have been partially completed for your convenience. Forms submitted between September 25th and October 10th may take additional time due to annual system maintenance. Once Property Release email received, buyer must immediately contact storage vendor to arrange property removal. Please enter your username or email address. For sale is pivot irrigated cropland with highly productive soils and electric well. A "soft close" means if any bid is placed within the last 3 minutes at the close of the auction, the bid will automatically extend the closing time an additional 3 min. Marshall, a seasoned auctioneer with over 45 years of experience in the industry, was recognized for his outstanding contributions to the profession, his unwavering commitment to excellence, and his exceptional leadership skills. The auction business is very important to our family, its what we do, its what we do for a living full-time, always have, and that makes this award that much more meaningful.. Selling your farm or family land is often very difficult for our landowners. J Marsh Auctions. Click on the"Register to Bid"button. 2012 Acura MDX SH-AWD w/Advance w/RES . Handwritten submissions, including pen-and-ink changes, will be rejected. Marshall Land Broker & Auctioneers of Kearney, Inc. Lexington, Nebraska. LOCATION: Next to southeast Hastings - corner of J Street and Elm Avenue, ABOUT THE LAND: A unique well located tract featuring cropland with irrigation well, grassland, natural habitat, recreational opportunities and potential site for building. What to expect once the auction closes: Once all items in the auction close, email notifications will be sent (from to all participating bidders with the final results. Click the "New Bidder? You will receive a link to create a new password via email. If you are unable to open the Forms listed below then please use the Basic Sharing Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form. LOCATION: From Overton, 1/2 mile north on Rd. Auctions & Appraisals of Illiana, LLC is your premier Illinois Auction Company. ABOUT THE PROPERTY: Land Investor Wanted! Exterior Color . and 1/2 mile west on N Rd. $3,300 . Email First Marshall Auto Auction about 2007 Acura MDX SH-AWD w/Sport w/RES. Access from gravel Road 200 - only 2 miles off of Highway 136. Antiques, Collectibles, Household, WILBUR COX Sat Jul 1, 10:00AM CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY Text First Marshall Auto Auction about 2007 Acura MDX SH-AWD w/Sport w/RES. Marshals Service processes Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program payments for various reasons, including but not limited to the payment of forfeited funds to victims of crime, State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies participating in the Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Program, and contract vendors that provide property management and disposition services. Online auction begins to soft close: 7/5/2023 @ 11am ET. Online bidding begins: 6/28/2023 @ 11am ET. Online Auctions Live Auctions Listings Miles Marshall, Broker Luke Huddleston, Sales Manager Jeff Marshall, John Childears Clay Pattton, Jan Hinrichsen MARSHALL LAND BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS . LOCATION: From Eddyville, .5 miles south on Hwy 40 and 2.5 miles west on Rd. $6,500 . Complete this form to learn more about land for sale and upcoming land auctions. Electric Hoist, dual wheel hoist, 1,300lb. Since 1945, our team has assisted numerous agricultural operators in buying and selling land, equipment and machinery, and even liquidating businesses. If you need assistance completing the Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form, please call and leave a voicemail at (703) 740-9326 or send an e-mail to The U.S. Technical bidding details to understand and consider: Soft Close:All lots end with a "Soft Close." Rare find in an excellent location! Case IH Maxxum 140 MFWD Tractor with L760 Loader & Grapple, showing 1,260 hrs., with skid steer quick attach, powershift, 3 hyd., rear wheel weights, 480/80R42 rear tires w/fluid, 380/85R30 front tires, Massey Ferguson 1655 Tractor w/DL130 Loader, showing 293 hrs., shuttle shift, Case 4890 Tractor w/Dozer, 4 hyd., 3pt., 20.8-34 rear and front duals, International 412 Paddle Scraper, 11yd., 466 diesel engine, International 584 Tractor, wide front, front weights, diesel, International 300 Tractor, wide front, gas, Farmall 806 Tractor w/340 Dual Loader/Grapple, diesel, wide front, SN: 33654, Farmall 806 Tractor w/loader bracket, diesel, wide front, cover, SN: 29342, Farmall 450D Tractor, wide front, diesel, approx. Marshals Service is responsible for selling intangible assets such as virtual currency, domain names, and other various licenses. Mileage . Price . They provided timely, expert advice and service from the beginning to the end. Please enter your username or email address. ABOUT THE LAND: A well managed property in excellent condition. 1 . Lincoln, NE - The Nebraska Auctioneers Association (NeAA) has announced that Miles Marshall has been inducted into the Nebraska Auctioneers Hall of Fame.