.. .. .. .. .. .. . B: That's unlucky. 2 Kate hasn't been to the dentist's for six years. B ti liu thuc Pearson Longman - nh xut bn sch hc ting Anh kh uy tn. . 5 "Robert appears (overtake) John on the last lap." However, we never have two -ing forms together. 3 You needn't wear a tie to the interview. She might be on holiday. , . Why don't you try 8) '. 6 You should take care your teeth. B: Yes , but (tell) you the truth, I don't think he did very well. 10 He's been complaining for / about a terrible headache all day. .. .. . new round up 1 teacher book. He never worked at weekends. tl.W~.Y. Stations are clearly signposted and maps are 6) available at ticket windows. into the cause of Andrew's accident. In a book-signing Thursday evening at a Huntington Beach Barnes & Noble, Bob May will reflect on growing up gay in 1960s Orange County, surviving the AIDS pandemic and finding a new life on stage. 5 Your friend always looks tired . (Shall I pick up your laundry?) Why are you staring at it like that? It 9) ,.""" He said I didn't remember 3) reversing. 19) are you smelling, 20) smells 11. . Modal Verbs , f\ 8 II Listen and repeat. A will have taken B will take C take @ 'm taking 2 A will be having B will have C are having D having 3 A will be leaving B leave C will to leave D leaves 4 A arriving B will to arrive C arrives D will have arrived 5 A will find B is going to find C are finding D find 6 A will have recovered B will be recovering C recovers D are recovering 7 A until B by the time C by then D by 8 A happen B is happening C is to happen D happens 9 A go B are going C will have gone D will go 16, Tense Forms Time Words Ago is used to refer to past time (used with Past Simple). Round Up Level 6 Students' Book/CD-ROM Pack Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley No preview available - 2011. . Don't worry. .. . don't feel guilty about your situation don't stop attending university get a job as a babysitter/waitress save money cook your own meals walk instead of using public transport apply for money from the Students' Support Fund You shouldn't feel guilty about your situation. . .. sit outside, look up at the night sky and see thousands of stars. She must have been working. . (negative; I'm sure she isn't over forty.) You shouldn't have served my soup with a dead fly in it. But very quickly, you'll appreciate 8) . . Would you like me to make lunch? 2 How else can you express the following? new round up 1. english grammar book round up 1. new english file elementary students book workbook 1. new english file intermediate students book part 1. english grammar book round up 1 pdf. . try. : 9 He has been talking on the phone for/since : an hour. If I hadn't moved just then, that cyclist would have hit me. 11 I wouldn't phone Lisa after midnight. OR He denied killing James. B No, thank you. Also we do not say we reach a record - you reach a destination. 'If too many people have a hairstyle, I avoid it. .. (try) to go on a diet, like the doctor said. Litter attracts rats and this in turn 6) .. cause water contamination and widespread sickness. . 4 I'm sorry, I don't agree by / with you. He doesn't own one. f?~t:..rl .wQr~il')~ . Write a story in the first person narrative describing what happened. (work) long hours in the office. He might want some more food. Ashley Audrain's new book 'The Whispers' a razor-sharp thriller examining contemporary morality and . .. Could you hold this for me, please? It's the first time he's ever driven a Porsche. He has to put some petrol in the car. . . Tom stopped . t9. 7 What's the use of / with 8 As well as / with . I want to help with the preparations. moment. In really bad cases, peanuts can cause a condition known 4) . . anaphylaxis causing your airways to block and stopping you from breathing. I was happy to hear you're going to Paris this summer. . How about inviting Sally and Mary? . 4 I've just been on . Although I really don't remember 4) Oh. To finish the race, runners must 4) . ambulance to a hospital at once. (eat) so much chocolate, you'll make yourself ill. 3 Try (phone) John at the office if he's not at home. . have fifteen-minute breaks every three or four hours. B: Don't laugh! Why don't we go for a ride? I will. (help) me. Clear grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learner. . 8 I was very upset when I failed the audition, so you can imagine how delighted I was . 2 He finds it difficult to address large audiences. 8 Can I park here? (give) a second chance. . .. . He needn't have worn such heavy clothes. 5) .".""""." . Yet is used with Perfect tenses in negative sentences after a contracted auxiliary or at the end of the sentence. Revision 6 (Units 1-12) . 6 This situation calls immediate action. 10 Children must not play football in the streets. 2 If you don't stop . .. . .. (protect). Take care, David 27 , e The Infinitive / -ing form / -ing/-ed adjectives 13 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive infinitive or -ing form. . Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. since How long heard from him? (50% certain; it's possible they are still at school.) . (single action) (NOT: ) Could is used in statements to express general ability in the past for repeated actions. It's down the street on the right. t.a . Even as a young girl, she was always keeping her relatives 2) . (publish) in England. thick-skinned: insensitive to criticism thorn in one's side: sth that causes trouble/anxiety pet hate: sth one particularly hates a wild goose chase: search for sth with no result all fingers and thumbs: very clumsy In Other Words My student debt is a real .. . thQt:IJ.in roy. 'Changing my hairstyle is quick and cheap and it always 3) a smile on my face: she says. Explore ; Templates Features ; Solutions . ive) life to the full , they are the only type of sport? They ought to be home by now. 1 told him what the letter said. 4 I saw him give you the letter. Bibliographic information. Progress Check 9 Question Words .. Adjectives Adverbs of manner Progress Check 10 rm Comparisons .. And / But / Or / Because Progress Check 11 .. 'I'm the type of person who likes to 7) . How does he think the problem should be dealt with? ROUND UP LEVEL 3 STUDENTS' BOOK/CD-ROM PACK Paperback - January 1, 2013 by Jenny Dooley (Author), V Evans (Author) 4.7 out of 5 stars 42 ratings . Remember 8) . . English In Us. . have I . h~y~. . . 5 There's no point in / about . There is no cure for food allergies other than staying 7) . I'll never forget 7) . a) He is probably at home. D a) We will definitely play football tomorrow. 12 Tim was too young to see the film. .. open the door. replied his wife. Each Students' Book now comes with an . 3 I came myoid photo album while tidying up. No one guessed, however, that by the age of eighteen she would be dancing in 3) . . .. Shall we go to the basketball match? . I think it's really 2) boring / bored, but my mum's hurt her back and she was 3) concerning / concerned that the garden would become a mess. . New Round-Up 6 SB. 8 A can B should C may 9 A have to B might C shall 15 Read the situation and write what you would say, using could, should, might, ought to, don't have to, have to, must or may, and the correct tense of the infinitive, as in the example. Our team has won all our games this year and if we continue to do so there's a good chance we will go on 6) . Look at Claire's notes to Ann and make comments and speculations using modals. .. at hairstyle magazines. Still is used in statements and questions after the auxiliary or before the main verb. Student s Book with CD-Rom 2010 .. .. . . No eBook available. . (ask) you. , maths and from work by stealing the computer. 3 Sarah prefers skiing to ice-skating. . (90% certain) They could still be at school. . 14) " "" """, lessons for six months, so I'm glad I finally have my licence. . It was likely that he had arrived the day before. What do you say to him? He wanted 3) . ), 1 _W_e_c_ould leave if you_w_a_n_t. (clean) his room, Bob also did the washing-up. 6 We are obliged to wear a uniform at work. We all have to make 7) .. responsible for maintaining high standards of cleanliness on our streets before 8) .. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. . (still/sleep). But what did we do before 1) . 25 Fill in the gaps with a suitable time word: ago, before, since, for, already, yet, still. . . . . 12 I don't remember (tell) the news before. shaw.. .. (show) their ticket upon entering each section of the museum. 2 I'm afraid I haven't posted your application form still/yet. He (get up) early on Saturdays. . Visitors are not permitted 2) .. (touch) works of art or to lean on the cases. . 11 Fill in: must, can't, should, may, might, or could and the appropriate form of the verbs. You shouldn't feel guilty about your situation. to. (buy) any milk since I later discovered that Brian had picked up some that morning. . . .. . As you know, my family and I usually 8) "'" """'.,""'. 2 She will probably pass her exams. I feel like I 5) may / ought to be giving them money to help them instead of getting money from them. Make sure to take into consideration various prefixes and suffixes, as well as negative forms. . Fred: I've been trying to phone Rupert all day, but there's no answer. . Look at the four choices given for each gap and try to reduce the choices by eliminating the obviously incorrect ones. B She was fired. . @ Not at all. He never works on Sunday. Of course, you 3) buy a telescope to get a better view, but isn't it a pity that we 4) .. .. . just look up on a dark night and see the amazing sights of the galaxy? .. ask you the time? . . . A: Oh, I understand now. . .. fashion trends rather than simply follow them', she says. 7 Kim and Fred are very attached with / to each other. . 12 Have you heard from / of your new pen-friend yet? . finished Mary . 2 A: Are you coming out with us this evening? Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services Electronics and Appliance Retailers Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers Software Publishers Motion Picture and Video Industries Sound Recording Industries Computer Systems Design and Related Services Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services Media Streaming Distribution Services . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (we/go) for a walk? (see) his face when she told him the news. . Ed Araquel/Lionsgate. This requires reading product ingredients carefully and making sure that the food you order in a restaurant is safe. 2 You need to be very . . Two million people and more than 100 music bands cheer them on from the streets. . He was likely to have arrived the day be e. o Modal Verbs Use probability logical assumption permission necessity Present/Future They will be home soon. Would you mind moving your car, please? Try the new Google Books. YO,l.J e!h0J.1Jd/9l.Jt3bt. 1 It was difficult for Laura to get used to / with 2 David is looking forward about / to 3 In addition of / to . It rain. Audio corresponds to each page of the bookNew Round Up - Starter: https://youtu.be/L9LCt9i_pFYNew Round Up 1: https://youtu.be/atcQrYhnvU0New Round Up 2: htt. .lQU. 6 If Gordon . new headway elementary student book pdf free download. I'd prefer OK. No problem. How about going for a ride? . He might have forgotten. kind Would you be . A word of advice though; it is best to avoid the rush hour, 8) in the middle of summer. Look at the words which are close to each blank or in the same sentence but consider other words as well. 2 I broke my leg skiing, so I will be .. . work for two months. b) Are we allowed to use the phone? He 8) .. Fred: I suppose so, or he 9) Jill: That's it! .. . . They ought to have arrived an hour ago. What do you say to him? She must be working. b) I don't think Sarah is his sister. I'm really sorry 2) (hear) that. my cap 2 Unfortunately, diplomats have come to in their attempts to find a solution to the crisis. Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. So head to a dese rt and try i ut. . I must get to the airport before 9.00. "J'm afraid you can't leave. " . 7 it is fixed 3 he had worked . 8 he will type 4 it was read 9 he was cleaning 5 they have been informed 10 she will be sleeping 21, to infinitive. I mean 5) . a dead end: sth leading nowhere 6 One hundred thousand dollars may seem like a lot of money, but a false alarm: an unnecessary warning it's compared to the millions the basketball star earns each year.