Overseeing more than 2,000 Nippon Otis employees, he strived to foster a new management style that focused on human connection. Through its companies, Otis is in more than 200 countries around the world. Hong Kong - SAR ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School. Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160930/413963. Sonia is the Talent Development & Inclusion Lead for South East Europe and has experienced the impact of climate change firsthand in Italy, with hotter, drier summers causing difficulties with irrigation and winters being unseasonably warm. se.onload = se.onreadystatechange = function() { Copyright APAC-BUSINESS.COM All rights reserved. The new company which will be named Otis Elevator Service Company ("OESC"), will be the exclusive, authorized Original Equipment Manufacturer ("OEM") maintenance service provider of Schindler equipment in Japan and will have access to original OEM spares and solutions for continued maintenance and modernization for Schindler products in Japan. } It is now operated by Otis after the transfer of Schindler's Japanese businesses to Otis. Renaud had a clear vision for Nippon Otis: We will continue to focus on quality and to enhance our customer experience. At the same year, Schindler discontinued its escalator manufacturing and withdrew its operations from the country. In its first year, Made to Move Communities engaged schools in Brazil, China, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Russia, Spain, the United States and Singapore. var se = document.createElement('script'); se.type = 'text/javascript'; se.async = true; 13, 21020, , , 100 , San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley), This is the parent Organization of the sub-organization, Operating Status of Organization e.g. 13F. 50 million STEM jobs unfilled by 2030 due to skills gap. } University Zhejiang Made to Move Communities, the cornerstone of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, focuses on two issues that are vitalboth to Otis and to the communities where we live and work: STEM education and inclusive mobility. Nippon Otis Elevator Co. was founded in 1932. Proposed a variation of a composite roofing shingle to help reduce temperatures and lower energy consumption/cost for homeowners. /* Place your Hey Otis JS API code below */ The Otis Integrated Dispatch system works at the elevator group or bank level, allowing more flexibility to add robots, including different robot models from various providers, and increasing efficiency by having multiple elevators available for the robot to use. I think we all feel energized by their passion, and we also feel a huge sense of responsibility. Said Stephane de Montlivault, chairman of Nippon Otis and president of Otis Asia Pacific: Guillaume was a visionary leader who focused on driving innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of the industry, while putting people first in the decisions he made. Schindler is a leading global provider of elevators, escalators and related services. Under the mentorship of Otis employees, nearly 100 students spent eight weeks developing STEM-based solutions to address mobility challenges in their communities particularly those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. WE will ship NIPPON to any country in the world. Limited: Hong Kong: Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited: India: Otis Elevator (China) Investment Company Limited: China: Otis Elevator Holdings Limited: United Kingdom: Otis Elevator Korea: Korea, Republic of: Otis Far It produced elevators and escalators and were mainly sold domestically, although they were also exported to other Asian countries such as British Hong Kong and Singapore. ", About Otis Elevator Service CompanyAddress: 1-2-21, Ecchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo, JapanPresident: Tatsuya EndoBusiness: Maintenance, repair and modernization for Schindler elevators and escalators, and supply of OEM spares and solutions.Number of employees: 380Shareholder and share: Nippon Otis Elevator Company, 100%Website: www.oesc.co.jp. Active, Closed, Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit. se.src = '//storage.googleapis.com/heyotis/js/805ece96-717f-4e94-aacb-07d089e802fe.js'; Across 14 countries and territories, teams of Otis employee mentors and students created STEM-based mobility solutions ranging from connected wheelchairs and smart escalators to a device improving access to local water stations. His focus on shared challenges and cohesive teamwork brought fresh perspectives and creative responses from the team, thus facilitating the adoption of flexible approaches to support critical projects. 24-Hour Service for emergencies and service calls. Merck is expanding production capacity for highly-purified reagents at its site in Nantong, China, a major transportation hub in the Yangtze River Delta region. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(se, s); People provide some simple, personal health information to an online site to access and assess data on crowd levels at each location. (1991-2016) Its innovative and environmentally-friendly access and transit-management systems make an important contribution to mobility in urban societies. Elevators and escalators Attracting the younger generation was key and cementing a work-life balance environment would improve employee satisfaction. For more information please visit: http://www.otis.com/site/jp and http://www.otisworldwide.com/, Headquartered in Kagoshima Prefecture, Mercury Ascensore Ltd. is a maintenance and service provider for elevators, escalators and automated car-parking machines covering a service range from 24 hour emergency call systems to renewal. Schindler Elevator will remain in Japan as an entity to meet its legal and societal obligations with respect to ongoing litigation and investigation and will take all necessary actions until they are resolved. To drive stronger company dynamics, Renaud created open communication channels to encourage employees in sharing their ideas and feedback. Volunteering to Create More Vibrant Communities, Otis and Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology Announce Winners of STEM Robotic Competition, Students Tackle Climate Change Using STEM Skills, function heyOtis() { With a wealth of experience in business management and leadership roles, he relocated to Japan in 2017 where he was appointed president of Nippon Otis Elevator. }, Otis World Headquarters Thank you for signing up! 13, . Year established /* Place your Hey Otis JS API code below */ Renaud was born in Cameroon, where he spent part of his childhood in addition to France. Students created a QR code solution that monitors and improves the check-in process for people in public spaces. Additionally, research was done to find improved air filtration and purification systems for buses helping commuters feel safer during the pandemic. 104-0033 2-27-1 We have to support them because they really want to be part of the solution.. After the accident, new orders of Schindler elevators in Japan dropped drastically to almost zero, forcing the company to discontinue sales of elevators and switched to manufacturing and sales of escalators only. See their past imports and exports, including shipments to Otis Elevator Na Mfg in Florence, South Carolina. Subscribe to our daily morning update newsletter and never miss out on the need-to-know market news, movements, and more. The student team created a website and app to monitor crowd levels and help revive tourism in Shiramine, where the local economy has suffered due to COVID-19. His quality-focused change management and innovation mindset, combined with a high degree of cultural sensitivity, helped Nippon Otis adapt rapidly to a changing world. Nippon Otis Elevator Company manufactures elevators, escalators, and moving walkways. }, Otis World Headquarters Service locations The winning student team imagined the 'WheelySTIK' a motorized piece of equipment that mimics caregivers' actions to lift and support the movement of older, less mobile people, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the caregivers. The Japan Times LTD. All rights reserved. Discussing his open approach, Renaud explained that the company had been developing its work style reforms over the years, striving to achieve an open corporate culture. By participating in Made to Move Communities, students will get a glimpse into this exciting future and be encouraged to play a role in shaping the world we live in today and forgenerations to come. Nippon Otis is the Japanese subsidiary of Otis Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:OTIS), the world's leading company for elevator and escalator manufacturing, 1 Carrier Place It's authorized share capital is INR 15.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 11.81 cr. These shingles would be less expensive and require less maintenance than asphalt, reducing associated runoff waste. WebFind company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for NIPPON OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY of NIIGATA, NIIGATA. Renaud launched the Innovative Idea Contest, a trend-setting move that encouraged ideas from every level of Nippon Otis. Students from the winning team in Mexico proposed a portable bath to help prevent falls in the bathroom, a common location for falls due to slippery floors and often small, tight spaces. In 1993, the majority interest of Schindler elevator in Japan was increased to 75%. Web0:00 / 3:44 Otis Elevator - GeN2 Switch (English version) OtisFrance 1.2K subscribers Subscribe 41K views 8 years ago Otis presents the new GeN2 Switch Elevator. Sign up to get PRNs top stories and curated news delivered to your inbox weekly! "We are pleased to be able to further promote our environmental efforts and carbon footprint reduction with this solar project," said Nippon Otis President Thibault Lefebure. He launched a series of initiatives to support the business strategies in adapting to fast-paced changes taking place globally. One of the potentially most formative changes led by Renaud was to advance the Diversity and Inclusion Council at Nippon Otis, which began as the Womens Council and was renamed in February. In 1867, Otis sons changed the companys name to Otis Brothers & Co. and opened a $13,000 factory in Yonkers. Nippon Otis Elevator This The global leader in the manufacture, installation and servicing of elevators and escalators, we move 2 billion people a day and maintain approximately 2.1 million customer units worldwide - the industry's largest Service portfolio. }; I was able to hear innovative ideas from the students that I had never imagined.. En vous inscrivant la newsletter, vous consentez la rception de contenus de notre part. se.onload = se.onreadystatechange = function() {