As I continued to read about the Resurrection, a glow came to Roberts face, a smile graced his lips, and his tired and ill body slept. They had their girlfriends with them saying good-bye to them. The Ernest Angley Hour - Classic | Only God Could Have Done ItIs there anything you think is too hard for God? 2023The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. It is He, Jesus Christ, who stands at the head of this Church which bears His sacred name. In a remarkably short time, this untutored young man translated a record detailing 1,000 years of history and then prepared the Book of Mormon for public distribution. Football when you're a quarterback your base is the biggest thing -- being able to throw and follow through, having your ground really centered, where the ball's going to go and how hard it's going to travel. I invite you to listen to the testimonies of these special witnesses. The press featured new technology over the common presses of the day and offered the Prophet Joseph Smith the prospects of printing the Book of Mormon closer to his home. When you go to Birmingham its almost like the city and then you go elsewhere you got that country life and in Hawaii the North Shore is kind of a country life and then you go to Waikiki and that's the city life. He is our perfect example in all things. A lot more ownership for the quarterback room! I love my brethren. Retail: $49.99. [And] we saw the Lord standing upon the breastwork of the pulpit (D&C 110:12). Billy Hallowell has been working in journalism and media for more than a decade. . Whenever I look at stars in the sky, I am reminded that about 4,000 years ago Jesus the Christ (then speaking as JehovahGod of the Old Testament) made a covenant with Father Abraham. And it happened almost imperceptibly, without us noticing it was coming or expecting it to turn out this way. She gets out of the industry.". 206). "We need to be a light and when I look at the loudest voices, when I look at the people who are shaping our youth gladly I'll go in there.". The closing words of the Old Testament, given by the prophet Malachi, prophesied that, Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (Mal. August 2, 2014 / Wesley Wood What is the greatest thing God has done in your life? Because of government restrictions during the war, these churches had almost ceased to function. - YouTube Premieres in 4 hours January 26 at 1:00 PM Ichapur Utsav 2023 | Day 6 | GMOVIE | UNICOM | RB Productions Jackie Flemming. ", Tua: "Oh yeah it definitely does! Things which cause suffering but have . Looking for other uplifting stories like this? That's not why you elected me," he said. I look at just how many voices there are shaping our young people, she said, noting the impact of reality TV stars and even Disney stars gone bad. Sheriff Grady Judd is briefing the media regarding the arrests of twelve people in a family-run drug trafficking operation in Winter Haven called Operation Family Affair. But Biden has been using unique phrases for years but even some of his aides aren't exactly sure what he means by them. We are going to see the remarkable work of God's providence today. 1. There was this couple that were pornography makers they basically sought out the band, sought out the lyrics, she said. A new and glorious gospel dispensation was opened, introducing yet other marvelous revelations. 26:26). Of this I bear solemn testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. IT'S THE YEAR OF THE BRIDE!!! 19:21) could transform human existence if we would let it. Here He suffered the agony of Gethsemane, His arrest, His trials, His condemnation, the unspeakable pain of His death on the cross, His burial in Josephs tomb, and the triumphant coming forth in the Resurrection. I testify that Jesus is truly the Lord of the universe, that by [Christ], and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God (D&C 76:24). Do you realize the import of that declaration? Tua Tagovailoa, the living legend of Tuscaloosa, kicked off the opening game of his 2019 college football season with an impeccable performance against Duke: 4 touchdowns, no turnovers, completing 26 of 31 passes for 336 yards. He stands at the headholy, divine, supreme, full of power, majesty, grace, and truth. Return to homepage. The star quarterback of the Alabama Crimson Tide is back and better than ever. When we comply with this covenant, the Lord renews the cleansing effect of our baptism. It is humanly impossible to plan for it. These events are part of the . From the way you talk. Today, our labors are greatly enhanced by jet airplanes and remarkable technology that stretch the reach of our ministry to the furthest parts of the world. ", Tua: "Well I think you got to be able to brush a lot of those things to the side and you got to worry and focus about what's at stake now. I was among the first wave of Marines to go ashore in Japan after the signing of the peace treaty following World War II. It was more like a club for our family. Jerusalem was the scene of the final days of the mortal life of the Son of God. God Himself was both seen and heard. The situation was very bleak, and a few of us wanted to give more. Many years ago I was called to the bedside of Robert Williams, a young man who lay dying. They are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. He asks that we believe in Him, that we learn of Him, that we strive to follow His teachings. The things that I need to do to prepare me for that next level, footwork, to my eyes, to things I need to do in the film room. Some of the dead had not yet been buried. This beautiful area of Gods garden attracts literally millions of visitors, most of whom come to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. He lives and knows and loves each one of us. In this message, God is saying "Show it to me.. Deathuniversal and finalhad now been conquered. I know that thats true. And I'd say you can only find your identity through Him, if you know Him. Joseph did not wilt, nor did he waver. 2 Kings 17:13 and 2 Chronicles 36:15, where God is shown to have done all that was possible to reclaim his people: "Yet the Lord testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to the Law which I commanded your fathers . They knew the plan of salvation and the major part He would play in saving all mankind. She indicated the volume had been given to her grandmother when Elder Stapley was a young missionary. We are not under the law, but the principle of tithing is still a good way to start giving. 15:18). And in a world that is degrading itself with the dissolution of families, this work goes forward across the world. I have climbed a spiritual Mount Sinai dozens of times, seeking to communicate and to receive instructions. Just 13 months later, Ledger became a member of Skillet and she hasnt looked back since. Only God could do this! The administration of the sacrament and the renewal of covenants and cleansing that take place in the partaking of the sacrament are the most important acts in the Sabbath worship of Latter-day Saints. I testify that the Restoration of the gospel was accomplished, beginning with the appearance of Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the spring of 1820. They did it not for man or for recognition but for Him, for His house. Abraham was promised that this right shall continue in thee, and in thy seed after thee even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal (Abr. I listen to this video at least once a week, It along with my added on is such solid Proof that GOD ANOINTED Donald J. Trump to be our POTUS At exactly the right. Somewhere in the midst of going to church simply because Ledger and her family assumed it was the right thing to do, the performer found herself disenchanted. How people view you is totally different. 38,983 likes tiphanimontgomery Verified SEE WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!! 1:2). Her own story is evidence of how God can use a person to inspire and motivate others. The Sacred Grove, Greg K. Olsen, courtesy of the artist and Mill Pond Press, Inc. I have a certain knowledge that Jesus of Nazareth is our Divine Savior. Is it any wonder that Christ, the greatest of all, partook of the bitter cup and did not shrink here, that we might not suffer if we would repent and come unto Him? For the truly repentant, baptism provides a remission of sins because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Lord explained that blessings and responsibilities of His priesthood are yours because of your faith, works, and lineagethe lineage declared in your patriarchal blessings. They knew, as I do, that He lives and that He asked His people to gather and to be worthy to build Him a house, that He might direct them and bless them and their families. These are the people that are the most influential these are the people that we pretend have made it and this is the goal of life.. Men may explore outer space or probe the ocean depths. ", Tua: "That's only something that God could have done. Our dad always told us growing up - people will always remember you from the way you walk. Answer # 1: To Turn Away God's Wrath. And somebody reading is about to get an "only God" breakthrough! When, according to arrangements, the messenger called for them, I delivered them up to him (JSH 1:60). He is our Savior and our Redeemer. I know that we are all His children and that He loves us. Elder Jeffrey R. HollandOf the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. As we meet with people out in the world and bear testimony of a living God, I have that warm, comfortable feeling in my heart that Hes real, that God lives, that He is our Father in Heaven, and that Jesus is the Christ, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh. Join our Naturally Supernatural membership to get exclusive perks: "These are the people that are the most influential these are the people that we pretend have 'made it' and 'this is the goal of life.'" Ledger said she believes God has placed her in the entertainment industry to be a beacon a positive example amid scores of well-known people who aren't following God's path. The rules are simple. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.. Read Also: Candace Cameron Bure Responds to Those Who Mock Prayer, "This was like a party boy," she said. How Coach Saban goes about doing things. . But I testify that is exactly what Christ did for every one of us. Everyone who looked into His eyes with faith found healing, peace, and happiness. not only the adults, but the children . A special, sacred feeling has been a sustaining influence and often a close companion. We were all trying to be brave, but tears were in our eyes. Elder Richard G. ScottOf the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. "Only God could have done any of it," she said. In those precious corridors of memory, I think back to that night when a young man pleaded for truth and, from the Book of Mormon, heard the answer to his question. May it be a blessing to your soul. So, I walked away from everything. Let the day be solemnized to the honour of God with great joy ( Psalms 118:24; Psalms 118:24 ): This is the day the Lord has made. The only place Joseph and Mary could find shelter was in a place where cattle were kept. 53:3), He had no place to lay His head. We knew our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son before we came into this life. Natural Evil. It can be anything, just as long as it isn't being saved and having all of your sins wiped away. President Boyd K. Packer speaking from the Kirtland Temple. I have also felt the crushing burden, the self-doubts of inadequacy and unworthiness, the fleeting feeling of being forsaken, then of being reinforced an hundredfold. Physicists have long explored how phenomena in groups of three can sow chaos. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ was the great crowning event of His life and mission. In this room on April the 3rd, in 1836, there was fulfilled a prophecy which had been given more than 2,000 years before. The Master Himself was baptized to fulfil all righteousness (Matt. We all have a vivid memory of our baptism and receipt of the Holy Ghost. Here He was found by His mother conversing with the doctors in the temple, and they were hearing him, and asking him questions (JST, Luke 2:46, footnote c). "Only God Could Have Done It" - Kurt Carr & the Kurt Carr singers. Elder Henry B. Eyring speaking from the east steps of the Salt Lake Temple. ! My greatest desire is that my testimony might penetrate the hearts of those who hear it. To hear him talk like this was like, What happened to this guy?. And so I'd say, every time my family's around - just being able to love on each other - those guys being able to look and see, you know, how we treat one another our brothers, our sisters, our moms and our dads you know being able to treat them with respect. And we will know then with a surety that a child was born to Mary who was indeed the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Pastor Wilson points out that we are to see a kingdom principle here: "What we do for the Kingdom - we are to do in the power of God." 1 Corinthians 15:10 I solemnly witness that I know that the Savior lives. To really understand and really feel the identity of who you are because of things that He's done. Ledger recently told "The Billy Hallowell Podcast" that she's seen the positive power and sway that Christian music can have over the masses, recalling one story about a couple working in the pornography industry who saw their lives change dramatically as a result . ! ONLY GOD COULD HAVE DONE THIS!! But I testify to you that He did. He was alive, He whose body had been laid in death. Hi I hope this message reaches you and encourages you. Only about 20% of the ocean's depths has been mapped by humans. ", Question: "And Tua, what does that mean to you? Flashback: Biden also said, "God save the queen," when he was vice . The inspiring part of it all was the announcement through the prophets in the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon. Listen to Ledger discuss Hollywood's impact and her quest to positively impact culture below: Ledger said she believes God has placed her in the entertainment industry to be a beacon a positive example amid scores of well-known people who aren't following God's path. ", Question: "Vision to see, core to throw from does that transfer over into life having vision and having the footing to handle? President Thomas S. MonsonFirst Counselor in the First Presidency. 3:9; Heb. ), The Lord Is My Shepherd, by Simon Dewey, [illustration] Christ Healing the Blind, by Carl Heinrich Bloch, courtesy of the National Historic Museum at Fredricksborg in Hillerd, Denmark. Surely this is a time for remembrance and recommitment. Because of the miracle of the Resurrection, all will rise from the dead. Never had this occurred before. Only God could have done it. Moral Evil. Hear Him! (JSH 1:17). Two thousand years ago, the Savior of mankind was born in Bethlehem, a short distance to the south. It made me think, I dont want to be a part of this. They toiled away without power tools in a place where, for the most part, only the Lord they loved and heavenly beings would look upon it. We had no command of the language. Since 1820, over 750,000 full-time missionaries have served in the world, teaching and testifying of Christ in over 100 languages and in 137 nations and territories. What farmer sows the precious seed, never expecting to reap a harvest? James 1: 5 teaches, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 33:22). The woman gets completely born again. Here is where it all began, the miracle of this great work which has spread over the earth. In time, this magnificent temple will be rebuilt to the glory of the Lord. This article was originally published on Pure Flix Insider. It was the second temple built in this dispensation. ONLY GOD COULD HAVE DONE THIS MATH!!! They will speak to us from various locations around the earth, testifying of His premortal, mortal, and postmortal ministry. It was here that God, the Eternal Father, appeared with His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the resurrected Lord.