Producer Fred Zollo and BU College of Fine Arts Dean Harvey Young Ages: 8+ White. Readmore, +1 (212) 540-9330 YouthPLAYS Home | YouthPLAYS Daytime performances for school groups. The following musicals can be enjoyed by children and adults alike! JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Creating a Youth Theatre Program: How to start? - StageAgent High school (and advanced middle school) and older performers, middle school and older audiences. From the book by Avi Hilarious and irreverent, A Krampus Carol pits Dickenss classic redemption tale against a stubborn holiday fiend who doesnt think he needs to be saved. Copyright 2023 Kansas City Young Audiences. Discover Plays | Playscripts, Inc. PARKER THEATRE - 18 Photos & 11 Reviews - Yelp TYA Showrights - Theater for Young Audiences Show Rights Every year a portion of our plays are original works written specifically for . All published by Theatrefolk. Plays and musicals for schools, youth theatres, universities, community theatres, professional theatres for young audiences and more! . From the book by Rudyard Kipling Near-universal streaming availability, with details in our streaming guide; . Specialties: Performances for young audiences and families. Perusal Sample Included, By R.N. These programs utilize the arts to engage students and enhance the learning of numerous academic subjects. Plays for Young Audiences also has a variety of holiday productions. . 12. List Thanks, and welcome! These 12 delightful scenes range in tone from sweet and silly to heartfelt to poignant. Plays for Young Audiences (PYA) is the script licensing program of CTC, but also represents a canon of sophisticated, high-quality plays and musicals for young audiences created by respected playwrights nationally and internationally. Cricket and Moth have trained their entire lives to win, but when Moth learns the truth of the Blood Race, she is faced with a choice that could turn the world upside down. Dedicated to ensuring that all young people have access to high-quality theatre . Against the world. Though the options are vast, there are popular titles that frequent the stage more often than others. OCLC Number: 22314105: Description: 1 volume (various pagings) ; 21 cm. The Battle of Image vs Girl by Johanna Skoreyko is a moving duet piece about female body image. From the book by Carol Plum-Ucci Gift Guides On an ocean voyage, Edward is accidentally thrown overboard and sinks to the bottom of the sea. You will also be asked to include how you see your script fitting into the TYA field as we are dedicated to nurturing and encouraging the continued development of TYA. Based on the nursery rhyme of the same name Plays for Young Audiences represents high profile international playwrights from Holland, England and Australia that offer diversity to the script selections. Mark Crawford - Marquis Literary Intertwined with the original tale of Mowgli and his jungle pals, comes the tale of Rudyard Kipling, a Bombay native sent to a boarding school facing a new kind of jungle. Fax: 1-800-334-5302 Need plays (and musicals! The SpongeBob Musical | Coterie Theatre Community Theatre Explore our 2,309 plays & musicals by 1,675 authors! Looking for an exciting new play for your next production? . Any time a copyrighted piece of theatrical work is presented in front of an audience, a performance license and royalty fees are required, regardless of the size of the audience and whether or not an admission fee is charged. Send us what you're looking for (running time, cast/gender breakdown, age group of performers/audience, genre preferences) and let us send you a list of recommended plays! **Due to the positive COVID-19 test result of a cast member yesterday, December 22nd, and the risk alert in Jackson County now raised to a severe risk, we have regrettably cancelled all remaining performances of The SpongeBob Musical through January 2nd. Ages: Young Adult Perusal Sample Included. The AP program allows participating school districts to access the best arts education from our partners, as well as from KCYA, through one contract with coordination and planning assistance from our Arts Partners Coordinator. 7119 W Sunset Blvd #390Los Angeles, CA 90046. ISBN: 1566080118 9781566080118: OCLC Number: 32050575: Description: 381 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm: Contents: Ghost of the river house --Hansel and Gretel, the little brother and the little sister --The emerald circle --Puss in boots --13 bells of Boglewood --The crystal --The boy who left home to find out about the shivers --Rockway Cafe --Rapunzel --Voyage of the dragonfly. By John Maclay and Joe Faust Ages: 9+ THE BODY OF CHRISTOPHER CREED. Check as many boxes as you'd like to pinpoint your search: instantly the plays that fit your categories will appear below. PNA's catalog features plays and musicals produced, commissioned, and curated by theatres for young audiences including Seattle Children's Theatre . Our professional teaching artists encourage students to explore and develop their own creative talents and abilities. 2023 Dramatic Publishing. International Plays International Plays for Young Audiences: contemporary works from leading playwrights by Roger Ellis But the Colonel is all shook up because he has racked up a secret debt -- and with the King himself missing, the only way to pay it off is to find an Elvis impersonator within 24 hours. Adapted from the myth of Pandoras Box APOLLO AND THE TRIALS OF HERCULES. AATE members can also click on the playwrights name and follow the highlighted hyperlink to read their bio, view available plays for purchase, see photos or video clips posted by the playwright, or write a message on their wall. to beloved holiday hits like It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play, Playscripts is home to some of the most successful and enjoyable plays from the 21st Century. Luckily, Keith and Carolineand their parentsare prepared to negotiate. School and Community Programs (SCP) - through professional teaching artists, we provide schools, libraries, and community centers with classroom workshops, artist residencies and school performance assemblies. As years pass, Edward meets many different people in many different situations, learning what it is to love, what it is to lose that love, and how to find the courage to love again. Theatre Degree Programs. All rights reserved. Adapted by Julie Jensen From the book Frances Hodgson Burnett and Missouri Arts Council. Readmore, In eight short plays written by teens for teens, the winners of the 2022 #ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence competition. Plays for young audiences III. - PYA reaches further than North Dakota and Texas though; Sheyenne High School will be performing Reeling at the Edinburgh, Scotland, Fringe Festival in August! Readmore, In a series of letters from soldiers and those affected by war, stretching from the American Civil War to the present day, the human hardships, griefs, bonds, and even hopes that conflict brings are explored in full-hearted detail. From the book by Mary Shelley Readmore, In a series of heartfelt and humorous vignettes about the bustling community that passes through Uptown City Gardens. YouTheatre | Summer Show | July 28-30 & August 4-6, 2023. Its second production at Alberta Theatre Projects in March, 2019 broke box office records; the play became the highest-grossest non-holiday show in the company's history. Theatres in Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Brazil and India regularly pick PYA productions for their stages. From the series by Eileen Christelow Canada's largest and oldest professional theatre for young audiences, presenting a full season of theatre and arts education programming. From the graphic novel by Matt Phelan. Please check out our WordPress page for more information about the current season, how actors can participate, and how to submit your script to us. 6 females, 6 males, 3-48 any gender (15-60+ performers possible). 3732 Main StreetKansas City, Missouri 64111. YouthPLAYS is here to support you on stage, in competition and in the classroom. Charles Dickens Presents A Christmas Carol. West Michigan Academy of Arts & Academics, California State University Fullerton Theatre & Da, Emerson College, Division of Performing Arts, Emerson College, Department of Performing Arts, District 65 Evanston, c/o Haven Middle School, NOORDA Regional Theatre Center for Children & Youth, University of Texas at Austin - Department of Theatre, Episcopal High School of Jacksonville, FL, 2020 American Alliance for Theatre & Education, Explaining the Standards: Need to Know Now, The American Alliance for Theatre & Education. Our alumni include Oscar winners, Grammy award-nominees, Broadway stars, rocket scientists, doctors, lawyers, parents, and community leaders from all walks of life. Readmore, The future of a whimsical, almost magical bookstore is uncertain after the owner dies and leaves the shop to her niece Rachel. Site by: PUREi, Dramatic Publishing The Community School of the Arts (CSA) offers camps and classes in dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts. Ages: High School Readmore, The first American woman to test for space flight, Jerrie Cobb, steps into an isolation tank for a record-breaking nine hours as her memories unfold before her. Through our professional teaching artists, CSA students are encouraged to explore and develop their own creative talents and abilities. Remove This Item Target Audience: Young Audiences ; Clear All. Based on an original idea from Elisabetta Dami 5-15+ females, 4-15+ males (9-30+ performers possible). But they can also sometimes be performed by a cast of children! A little known fact is that performances taking place without a license actually violate Federal Copyright Laws. Will the Fryes be able to get the bride down the aisle in one piece? Please note:This post contains affiliate links. Against the world. Laura Dern, right, and her mother Diane Ladd have adapted a series of their conversations into the new book Honey, Baby, Mine. The holidays carries its own collection of scripts including the classics A Christmas Carol, The Night Before Christmas and The Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats, a CTC production that was produced in the 20152016 season. From the book by Robert Louis Stevenson When everyone says youre too small to be the hero of any story, where do you find the strength to save your family and the world? With stunning scripts like The Jungle Book and Pinocchio, they never disappoint. LICENSED BY PLAYSCRIPTS, Adapted by Richard Rosen Through professional teaching artists we provide schools, libraries and others with classroom workshops . Hold down your ctrl or cmd key to select multiple genres. 60-65 minutes. Plays for New Audiences (formerly Plays for Young Audiences) licenses quality scripts for multigenerational audiences and actors. Readmore, Two brothers, separated by bars, try to reconcile their differences through the language they know best: music. If you are submitting an adaptation, we will ask that you include proof that the original author has agreed to you adapting their work or reasons why it's not applicable. Readmore, A Sanguine Comedy for Stage or Audio Performance by Mora V. Harris Readmore, A mosaic of monologues that weaves through time to reveal two complex, singular lives between father and daughter. After a mass shooting takes her brother away, she is alone with her grieving father and a cacophony of children at school. AATE members can also click on the playwrights name and follow the highlighted hyperlink to read their bio, view available plays for purchase, see photos or video clips posted by the playwright . or otherwise appropriate for youth and family audiences, we encourage you to seek out a more appropriate venue. Perusal Sample Included, Adapted by Lynne Alvarez Email: All the enchanting characters are here in this beautiful, knowing play about friendship that will give your actors a great opportunity and your audience an evening of enchantment. Theatre for Young Audiences | Young People's Theatre Ages: 3+ Keeping with the goals of the Program in Educational Theatre, our series offers both students and theatre professionals the opportunity to test new ideas and methods within the field of TYA. If your script has had a fully produced production, we cannot accept it. Click below for new plays by member playwrights. All Rights Reserved. Theater for Young Audiences Show Rights offers high-quality, affordable titles for young audiences that you and your community will love. Adapted by Julie Jensen. Kansas City Young Audiences Before a near capacity crowd, Zollo and I talked about the process of making the movie and the urgency of Emmett Till's legacy in our current Black Lives Matter movement. From Soup to Nuts | HowlRound Theatre Commons Perusal Sample Included, Written by Sarah Bierstock This large-cast play with a variable cast, preserves the original story of A Christmas Carol while revealing the story of its author Charles . KCYA Programs at the Community School of the Arts provide children a place to learn more about . Just last spring, Sheyenne High School in North Dakota took home the championship title in the Class A One Act State Play Competition with their rendition of Reeling. Funny and charming, THE GIFT LIST is a one-act play about dreaming big and making holiday wishes come true. Adapted by Dwayne Hartford. Glastonbury 2023: Tickets for next year, Elton John reviews and clean And if you like these types of lists, check out the musical database. The #1 childrens theatre in the nation. Time magazine. By Joseph Robinette. No one, not even his wily manager, "The Colonel", knows of his whereabouts. Marriott's Theatre for Young Audiences has presented numerous original works as well as classic fairy tales. As Mom yells at Binky and his friends to come down for lunch, he hits his two-speed clock with a hammer, hurtling the three children to Crestviewnearly . Heres the full list of musicals for kids! Students in the class both observe rehearsals and interact with the playwrights, directors, and dramaturgs over the course of the series. 90 Minutes. We struggle as she does but also take comfort in the times when she finds a friend, draws a multicolored mockingbird and can finally cry for her brother. Ages: 11+ TYA/USA is the leading national organization for the professional field of theatre for children and families, representing over 1,000 member theatres, organizations, and individual artists across 47 states. Min. Or have you ever played a role in any of the above musicals for kids? A favorite in France, Electric Darkness is a comedic tale of a little boy cautioned by his mother and sister about a carnival where ogres abduct children and get cooked by clowns. Learn More, Through professional teaching artists we provide schools, libraries and others with classroom workshops, artist residencies and school performance assemblies. Productions (1) Drama. In the end, father and son come to an understanding as they look toward a brighter future together. Ages: 0-5 Perusal Sample Included, Adapted by Joan Cushing Read more. After siblings Keith and Caroline ask for an unwieldy seventy-eight presents from St. Nick, two elves arrive to tell the kids they cant have everything they want. Adventure Theatre MTC, in partnership with District Dramatists and 4615 Theatre Company, has invited DC, Maryland, or Virginia writers to take part in a flash creation of new work for a series of online readings. PYA encompasses around 300 scripts, with about a third of the represented work being CTC original shows. From the book by Dan Gutman Let us find the play for you! Perusal Sample Included, Adapted by John Maclay and Joe Foust Nearly four years ago . . Our work honors the history of the Provincetown Playhouse where the early plays of Eugene ONeill, Susan Glaspell, and Edna St. Vincent Millay were first presented. Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman | Playscripts Inc. Theatre for Young Audiences | Playscripts, Inc. 311 Washington St. Seven to ten plays per issue. PYA encompasses around 300 scripts, with about a third of the represented work being CTC original shows. Go. AATE's Playwriting Network supports playwrights and advocates of quality new plays for youth. If you are uncertain if your script meets this requirement or believe there is cause for an exemption, feel free to contact us (David MontgomeryorTeresa Fisher). These programs use the arts to engage students and enhance the learning of numerous academic subjects. Schools in China have obtained classroom reading licenses to teach English, while theatres in Mexico have been granted permission to translate some shows. Eight doors. From the book by Kate DiCamillo. In conjunction with the series, the Program in Educational Theatre runs a graduate course,Theatre Practices: Problems in Play Production, the Development of New Plays, which studies theories and methods of play development utilizing the series as a laboratory. Perusal Sample Included, Adapted by Ernie Nolan Edited by Vicky Ireland & Paul Harman. Plays and musicals for schools, youth theatres, universities, community theatres, professional theatres for young audiences and more. Alice in Wonderland and Pippi Longstocking remain widespread favorites, but when it comes to community theatres or professional theatres, Greg Banks productions prove to be a hit. There's a play with Mark Rylance that we . Privacy Policy. He is vain, self-centered and has no interest in anyone other than himself. 440 Park Ave S, Fl 11 It is through JJs imagination and ingenuity that he is able to connect to himself, his family, and his community. But things quickly spiral out of control on an island filled with pesky fairies, greedy pirates, deadly mermaids, and that annoying flying boy. 90 - 100 minutes. Funerals bring out the worst, the best, and the funniest in people, and the Fryes are no exception. Dr. Lynn Cummings, an astrophysicist, tries to bring science and faith into balance while grappling with personal questions, reconnecting with her daughter, and mourning the loss of her husband. From the book by Hans Christian Anderson Readmore, We hate Shakespeare! However, this series changes focus by devoting its efforts to development of new works for children, youth, and family audiences written by both NYU students and noted authors in New York City, the US, and abroad. Community Theatre | Playscripts, Inc. Perusal Sample Included, Based on the award-winning book by Virginia Hamilton & Illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon, Based on Scholastics Dear America series book by Barry Denenberg, For license requests, please reach out to, Based on the nursery rhyme of the same name, By Rayven Craft, John Maclay, Austin Nelson, and Emma Swain, PANDORA AND HER TOP SECRET AND EXCEPTIONALLY IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC MISSION. Whether youre helping your child find new shows to audition for, or looking for musicals that are family friendly, its good to get familiar with whats out there. Ages: 8+ Adapted by Joseph Robinette. Ages: 9+, Adaptedby Ernie Nolan With zombies, talking cows, and an appearance by Jerry Springer, I Hate Shakespeare! The Canterville Ghost is a perfect Halloween piece about an American family who refuses to be frightened. Young Audiences : A list of play scripts for high schools and middle 50 Best Plays for Young Audiences - Aurora Metro & Supernova Books TYA Theatre for Young America Kansas City Young Audiences 50 Best Plays is for students and lovers of theatre, parents and politicians, teachers and actors, a guide to progress over 50 years in a field of theatre dedicated to children and young people. Learn More, 3732 Main StreetKansas City, Missouri 64111. 90-100 minutes. From school theatre programs to in-class readings, community theatres, professional theatres and even church groups and libraries, PYA productions have been popular and successful. Plays for New Audiences (PNA) licenses quality scripts for multigenerational audiences. A play is like a train; it takes many great minds to build the body and set it in motion. Use Detailed Search to search by author, title, cast size, running time, genre or even keywords. "TGS is a special theatre in many ways. If your script is not specifically intended for a young audience (any range that falls between ages 5 and 18 such as 5-9, 11-15, etc.) You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Ages: 5+ In School Programs place artists in classrooms and utilize the arts to engage students and reinforce classroom learning. New Trending Titles On the Wings of a Mariposa Barbara Joosse One Mirror. Category . Ages: 10+ Learn more Arts Partners (AP) - building upon our SCP program, we partner with 15 premier arts organizations and specific school districts to provide arts-in-education programs across the entire district. Based on the original story, By Dexter J. Singleton and members of the Collective Consciousness Theatre New Plays for Young Audiences is a play development series devoted to the work of the Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) playwright and the development of TYA plays while also providing NYU students the opportunity to study and experience the process first-hand. She has a TESOL drama certificate, a BA in theatre, and has worked and interned with Broadway and Off-Broadway theaters. Now and Then is a heartfelt romantic comedy about the costs of the choices we make, and the people who make them with us. Other works of note include, "Sidewalk Cracks", "Interlocked", "3" and . Readmore, Iris Lee finds herself thrust into a hilariously strange dream universe where each moment is a send-up of a contemporary radio show genre. At least that's what the audience thinks until they get a rip-roaring rundown of Shakespeare's classics. And as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. | Ship times are not guaranteed. Discover The Magic and Impact of Theatre | Magical Theatre Company It runs around the track a few times and then comes home to rest. Theatre Trip participates in affiliate programs. Professional Theatre for Young Audiences | Columbia Children's Theatre Through these special one-hour productions, over 2 million children have experienced the joy and magic that is "live" theatre, thereby developing yet another broad spectrum of audience members. Use the directory below to contact a playwright via email. Readmore, It's 1942, and two of Hollywood's biggest divas have descended upon the luxurious Palm Beach Royale Hotel with their legendary feud with one another in tow. Plays for New Audiences (formerly Plays for Young Audiences) is the script licensing division of Children's Theatre Company that focuses on plays for multigenerational audiences and actors. Thats where youll find musicals sorted by composer, theme, setting, and more! Established in 1985. Our large cast School Plays and Musicals are written especially for young kids to learn, enjoy and perform. Young Audience, Aging, Children's Theatre, Colleges, Comedy, Community, Theatrical Staging Possible. Title 1 Schools may qualify for discounted programs. Rocket Man bids farewell as he played what could be his final live show in the UK, with a . Sandberg Glastonbury 2023 - latest: Elton John says thank-you to festival audience after farewell UK performance. Plays for Young Audiences Readmore, The Sisters of Perpetual Sewing miss the excitement of the old days when they were saving convents and reuniting long-lost families. For three weeks each June, we develop three new scriptsone each week, Sunday through Sundayin the historic Provincetown Playhouse.The plays must be unpublished and unproduced. Drama. 21M; 25F Max 60+/ Min 20. To sign up to receive our emails, fill in the following fields and hit submit. ** Housed in the historic Provincetown Playhouse and supported by NYU Steinhardts Program in Educational Theatre, NPYA was founded in 1998 by Lowell and Nancy Swortzell as a supportive space to nurture and evaluate new TYA scripts. Since 1974, TYA has mounted over 200 productions, including dozens of new and commissioned plays, plus many of the most acclaimed plays for young audiences by established playwrights. CFA Dean Harvey Young and producer Fred Zollo talk about the film Till and the need for more movies about civil rights. 50 Best Plays is based on Vicky Ireland's and Paul Harman's extensive working . Edward Tulane is an expensive toy rabbit made of china. Sandbewrg Barrie, Music:George Stiles Lyrics:Anthony DreweBook:Willis Hall, Music:Andrew Lloyd WebberLyrics: Glenn SlaterBook:Julian Fellowes, Music/Lyrics:VariousBook:George Keating, Scott Ferguson, Kyle Hall, Music/Book: Stephen FlahertyLyrics/Book: Lynn Ahrens, Music:Jeanine TesoriLyrics/Book:David Lindsay-Abaire, Music:Larry Grossman Lyrics:Hal Hackady Book: Warren Lockhart, Arthur Whitelaw, Michael Grace, Music:Elton JohnLyrics:Tim RiceBook:Rodger Allers, Irene Mecchi, Music:Alan MenkenLyrics:Howard Ashman, Glenn SlaterBook:Doug Wright, Musical Type:1989 Film/Contemporary Musical (2007), Music:George Stiles Lyrics: Anthony DreweBook:Julian Fellowes, Music/Lyrics:Harold Arlen, E.Y. All rights reserved. The prize-winning series has developed dozens of new plays written by leading playwrights for young audiences and families, many of which have gone on to receive both national and international recognition, publication, and production. I and You is an ode to youth, life, love, and the strange beauty of human connectedness. This play is a companion piece to The Great Beyond. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, a CTC classic first produced during the 19691970 season, is full of superstition and terror as the headless horseman haunts the town. Ages: Young Adult Mario is a hardworking, struggling auto mechanic in East LA who is left to raise his son, JJ, after the passing of his mother. In a cheap motel room, an embezzling mayor is supposed to meet with his female accountant, while in the room next-door, two undercover cops wait to catch the meeting on videotape. You can also visit the Playwriting Network page for archived lists. Written by some of the world's most extraordinary playwrights, PNA's 300+ show catalog features plays and musicals for any programming need. Using hip hop poetry, dance and dialogue that pulses with the voice of our cities, this re-imagining of Sophocles'Antigone tells the story of the ill-fated Xtigone and her quest for her community's truth.