Strip yourselves of your pre-constituted ideas, your dreams of greatness, your self-assertion, in order to put God and people at the center of your daily concerns, the Pope said, stressing that a pastor is one who puts Gods holy faithful people at the centre. Quite rightly, Saint John Paul II reminded us that, the priest, like every other member of the Church, ought to grow in the awareness that he himself is continually in need of being evangelized (Pastores Dabo Vobis, [25 March 1992], 26). Pope Francis concluded his homily with the prayer that the Father might renew deep within us the spirit of holiness, that He might grant that we may be one in imploring mercy for the people entrusted to our care, and for all the world. He talks about a pilgrim Church and a Church who listens as she journeys towards her destination. The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak. anniversary Pope Francis: 50 years of priesthood serving God and his people December 13th marks the 50th anniversary of Pope Francis' ordination to the priesthood. Is pastoral discernment a habitual criterion, through the use of Diocesan Councils? Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends, Pope Francis (2015). To obey means to learn how to listen, to remember that no one owns Gods will, which must be understood only through discernment. July 27, 2013. Pope Francis told a group of newly ordained priests that the most important advice to them would simply be be merciful. None of this is easy, however, unless we are accustomed to find moments of silence throughout our day and to set aside the activism of Martha in order to learn the quiet contemplation of Mary. For conscious of his own sinfulness, weakness and limitations, he knows from experience that where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more (cf. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with you this reflection on some things that the Lord has gradually helped me to realize over the more than fifty years of my priesthood. The way of the desert is the way that leads to intimacy with God, provided we do not run away or find ways to avoid this encounter. With God or with TV? Clericalism is a distortion because it is based not on closeness but on distance. Whenever we do so, our lives become wonderfully complicated and we experience intensely what it is to be a people, to be part of a people (ibid., 270). To contemplate Mary, he writes, is to believe once again in the revolutionary nature of love and tenderness. It's a physical addiction with psychological and perhaps genetic roots. The best penitents make the best confessors. One of the distinctive marks of this, our society of networks, is peoples growing sense of being orphaned. In a November 2016 interview with Italys TV2000, the Pope described how a sense of humour lifts you up. Peter and Paul, whose feast the church celebrates today. Only when we strive to love others as Jesus does, do we make God visible and fulfil our vocation to holiness. I pray for you as you labour amid the people of God entrusted to your care, many of you in lonely and dangerous places. For us, we dont take a vow of poverty but we are called to simplicity of life. First closeness to God, that is, to the Lord of closeness. Sometimes we are tempted to be that kind of Christian who keeps the Lords wounds at arms length. Priestly joy is the source of your action as missionaries of your time, he said. Reservations of George Weigel the German experiment of synodality. As I wrote in Evangelii Gaudium, we need to practice the art of listening, which is more than simply hearing. Serve, yes, everyone, but the Lord -- in that exchange of words he had with Peter -- makes him understand that to. Neither of these is capable of dealing with the more difficult and even dark moments of our history. That style is one of closeness, compassion and tenderness, in which we act not as judges, but as Good Samaritans who acknowledge the wounds of our people, their silent sufferings, the self-denial and sacrifices made by so many fathers and mothers to support their families. 1. VATICAN CITY, June 27 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Tuesday accepted the resignation of the bishop of Knoxville, Tennessee following a Vatican investigation triggered by a rebellion by priests and . Pope Francis speaks of priests as quietly leaving everything to engage in the daily life of communities, giving others their own lives, moved, like Jesus, when he sees people exhausted and "like . Every day we present the best quotes! I wish you to be shepherds with 'the smell of the sheep'", the Pope said, repeating once again the analogy he used in his homily at the Chrism Mass on March 28, 2013, a fortnight after his election. To defend the bonds of a priest with his particular Church, with the Institute to which he belongs, and with his Bishop, makes priestly life trustworthy and sure. The priest is called to lead a synodal Church. He warned them against the temptation to create small closed groups, to isolate oneself, to criticize and speak ill of others, to believe oneself superior, more intelligent. He sets down a clear challenge to us to examine the sincerity and authenticity of our own spiritual poverty. Speaking to the priests gathered for the Mass which focuses especially on priestly unity Pope Francis said, We [priests] must not forget that our evangelical models are those people, the crowd, with its real faces, which the anointing of the Lord raises up and revives. It is always a great temptation to live a priesthood without baptism, in other words, forgetting that our primary vocation is to holiness. This closeness to God can sometimes take the form of a struggle: a struggle with the Lord, especially in those moments when his absence is most felt in our own lives and in the lives of the persons entrusted to us. One receives and transmits. Pope Francis 4th Oct. 2013. This heart sees where love is needed and acts accordingly." Pope Benedict, Deus Caritas Est, 2005 2. People occasionally forgive, but nature never does. This sense of belonging will in turn prove an antidote to the distortion of vocation that happens whenever we forget that the priestly life is owed to others to the Lord and to the persons he has entrusted to us. A priest needs to have a heart sufficiently enlarged to expand and embrace the pain of the people entrusted to his care while, at the same time, like a sentinel, being able to proclaim the dawning of Gods grace revealed in that very pain. He said they should not go into the field to apply theories without considering the environment in which they will be working or the people entrusted to their care. Obedience can also be discussion, attentive listening, and in some cases tension. 2017 by I am convinced that, for a renewed understanding of the identity of the priesthood, it is important nowadays to be closely involved in peoples real lives, to live alongside them, without escape routes. It's just us sinners. Pope's quotes: Some of our . Pope Francis' Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry, Thank you. The Priest must be a model of integrity. Otherwise, priests can become wolves not shepherds. Being a Christian means having the same sentiments that were in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5), sentiments of humility and unselfishness, of detachment and generosity. continuing to browse, we understand that you accept their use. We can say that we love only if we learn to express love in the way that Saint Paul describes. In his homily, the pope spoke about ordained ministry as a gift from God, not a job. It is something very human, he said, but it is also close to the grace of God. He What did Pope Francis say about rigid priests? Dont be observers, but immerse yourself in the reality of life, as Jesus did. 4th Oct. 2013. Recalling their priestly ordination, he reminded them that they have been anointed with the oil of joy and are to anoint others with the oil of joy. He is freshness, imagination, and newness 22nd Dec. 2014. Charles Duhigg write. In his first Chrism Mass homily, Pope Francis famously spoke of how priests must be shepherds living with the smell of the sheep. To view this page please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 or greater. Before all else, to learn patience, the ability to feel responsible for others, to bear their burdens, to suffer in some way with them. The priest who prays remains, ultimately, a Christian who has come to appreciate fully the gift received at baptism. Although some might hear the word crowd and think of a faceless, nameless throng, in the Gospel, we see that when the crowd interacts with Jesus it is transformed, it is personalized. A healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: "May I? You pray for the hungry. But more importantly, his comment set the tone and approach to talking about LGBTQ issues outside of the liberal-conservative axis. Those who abide in me, and I in them, bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. True mercytakes the person into ones care, listens to them attentively, approaches the situation with respect and truth, and accompanies them on the journey of reconciliation. In his homily at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on June 29, Pope Francis called on the 32 new archbishops present to follow the example of Sts. We become blind if we do not look to the Lord every day, if we do not adore him. 20th Nov. 2015, The great challenge for the Church today is to become motherthe Church must change, must convert in order to become mother. Francis modelled this new way in advance of the synods on the family in 2014 and 2015. The Spirit of St Francis: Inspiring Words on Faith, Love and Creation, p.105, SPCK. In order to deliver the greatest experience to our visitors we use cutting edge web development techniques that require a modern browser. 22nd Dec. 2014, In truth, the Church shows her fidelity to the Holy Spirit to the extent that she does not try to control or tame him to tame the Holy Spirit! His motto Miserando Atque Eligendo. "There is no need to create another Church, but to create a different Church," the Pope said citing Dominican priest Father Yves Marie-Joseph Congar. This is my Being. Many priests experience the drama of solitude, of loneliness. During the Chrism Mass in St Peters Basilica, onHoly Thursday 2015, Pope Francis spoke openly about the tiredness of priests, saying it was frequently on his mind. They are an image of our soul, and an image of the Church, he said. We grow into it. Teach us to go out into the streets and manifest your love. In every Mass, may we truly make our own Christs words: This is my Body, which is given up for you. Instead, "superman" priests end up badly. January 29, 2019 ( LifeSiteNews) - At a January 27 in-flight press conference while returning from Panama, Pope Francis discussed the idea of ordaining to the priesthood so-called . I will refer to those four pillars of our priestly life as four forms of closeness, since they imitate Gods own style, which is essentially that of closeness (cf. That gesture that is a condition for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy. Mission is at once a passion for Jesus and a passion for his people. Closeness to Jesus and daily contact with his word, enables us to measure our life against his, learning not to be scandalized by whatever befalls us and protecting ourselves from stumbling blocks. This is the meaning of our life: with these words, in a real way we can daily renew the promises we made at our priestly ordination. It is not enough to say we are Christians. Our relationship with God is, so to speak, what grafts us to him and makes us fruitful. Let us learn to live with kindness, to love everyone, even when they do not love us. When I encounter the meanness of others, I choose not to harbour a grudge, to make that my sole basis of judgment, even perhaps to the point of rejoicing over evil in the case of those who have caused me suffering. 325 quotes by Pope Francis. The Joy of Discipleship: Reflections from Pope Francis on Walking with Christ, p.85, Loyola Press, Pope Francis (2014). In Buenos Aires, as Cardinal he lived in a small apartment and took public transport and cooked for himself. Though connected to everybody and everything, we lack the feeling of belonging, which is something more than mere connectivity. This joy comes from union with Jesus, he says, adding that he himself prays for a sense of humour every day. With Joseph, the Pope said, we are called to return to the experience of the simple acts of acceptance, tenderness, and the. October 18, 2014. ", When ordained ministry is not seen and treasured as a gift, he said, "deviations" emerge, starting with "the worst ones, which are terrible, to the more everyday ones that makes us base our ministry on ourselves and not on the gratitude of gift and love for he who gave us this gift, the gift of ministry.". In the desert I will speak tenderly to her, says the Lord to his people through the words of the prophet Hosea (Hos 2:14). The importance of knowing our peoples names. "Doing is secondary," he said. The Kingdom of God begins here on earth and it is already here that we encounter Jesus: the last judgment will focus precisely on what we have done to Christ in the poor, the sick, strangers, prisoners. It is union with God, he says, that overcomes the countless temptations of evil. It is a question we need to keep asking daily, weeklywhere is my heart directed?So too the heart of Christs priests knows only two directions: the lord and his people. Often, however, this is due to the absence within communities of a contagious apostolic zeal, with the result that they lack enthusiasm and attractiveness. The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love. Vatican News celebrates this milestone recalling some of Popes reflections regarding priests and the priesthood. Gratitude "is always 'a powerful weapon'", he said, which allows us to keep the flame of hope burning in moments of discouragement, loneliness and trials". How can he preach if he has not first opened his heart, not listened in silence to the Word of God? He shows priests the signposts that point the way to appreciating and rekindling their missionary zeal: closeness to God, to the Bishop, to brother priests and to the people entrusted to their care. I think of fathers and mothers, who are the primary educators [of their children]: how can they educate them if their consciences have not been enlightened by the Word of God. Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone. While confirming his closeness to the victims, he expresses his gratitude to all those priests who faithfully and generously spend their lives in the service of others. Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle, 6.10.7-8. Dear young people, please, dont be observers of life, but get involved. You can get more information on In prayer and in ministry, we give him our brokenness knowing that God not only accepts brokenness but blesses it and uses it: It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. The archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky, the Most Reverend Shelton Fabre, was named temporary administrator to run the diocese until a new bishop is installed. Saint Ignatius teaches that it is not knowing much but realizing and relishing things interiorly that contents and satisfies the soul (Spiritual Exercises, Annotations, 2, 4). Pope Francis is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere, and the first pope from outside Europe since Gregory III. Pope Francis also advised the French priests regarding their community life, saying individualism, self-assertion, and indifference are some of the challenges of living together. God never tires of forgiving us. A healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: "May I? Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. I would answer, 'What for?' If I'd done all the previous tests, it would surely be more or less the same. 22nd Dec. 2014. Pastores Dabo Vobis, 23), which inspires us to live that love concretely as mission. Fraternity means choosing deliberately to pursue holiness together with others, and not by oneself. Where there is life and fervour, and a desire to bring Christ to others, genuine vocations spring up. [ Photo Embed: Pope Francis in the confessional]. This is the first and most reassuring message that he brings. Our salvation is not aseptic, the product of a laboratory or a disembodied spiritualism. Below are some memorable quotes from Pope Francis, who marks the 10th anniversary of his election as pontiff on March 13. . All of us know how difficult it can be to live in community, alongside those we have chosen to call our brothers and sisters. Francis likens the preaching of the Gospel to unction when it touches their daily lives. Just as we need the courage to be happy, we also need the courage to live simply. In order to feel part of the community or group, there is no need to put on masks to make ourselves more attractive to others. The Joy of the Gospel, p.17, BookBaby. FAN INTO A FLAME THE GIFT OF GOD WHICH IS IN YOU THROUGH THE LAYING ON OF HANDS (2 Timothy 1:6). For this to happen, the priest needs to continue to grow in union with Christ through prayer and intimacy. *The fact that a woman can't be a priest doesn't mean that she is less than a man. Pope Francis accepted Bishop Richard Stika's resignation, according to a one-line statement from the Vatican. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted; those whose spirit is crushed he will save (Ps 34:17-18). But you will also experience ingratitude, rejection, doubt and solitude, to the point of crying out: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mt 27:46). Another virtue the Holy Father encouraged the young priests to cultivate is gratitude to God for what they are to one another. However, he ruled out women becoming priests. If we are tempted to get caught up in interminable speeches, discussions about the theology of the priesthood or theories about what the priesthood should be, the Lord for his part simply looks upon us with tenderness and compassion. 28th July 2013. Be pastors, not officials. The rigorist washes his hands of them: in fact, he nails the person to the law, understood in a cold and rigid way; and the laxist also washes his hands of them: he is only apparently merciful, but in reality he does not take seriously the problems of that conscience, by minimizing the sin. The closeness of a pastor makes it possible to gather a community and foster the growth of that sense of belonging. Just as the priest must be close to Christ so the priest must be close to the people he serves. That's how prayer works. Bergoglio, the first pope from the Americas, took his papal title after . To adore the Lord. The service. The doors of mercy are the wounds of the Lord; if you do not enter into your ministry through the Lords wounds, you will not be good shepherds. Pope Francis (2015). This second form of closeness has long been interpreted in a one-sided way. I believe that on this score, we are far behind. Pope Francis speaks of priests as quietly leaving everything to engage in the daily life of communities, giving others their own lives, moved, like Jesus, when he sees people exhausted and like sheep without a shepherd". It means not evading the realities that our people are experiencing, or anxiously seeking a quick and quiet exit provided by the ideology of the moment or prefabricated answers. It is not enough just to read the Sacred Scriptures, we need to listen to Jesus who speaks in them: it is Jesus himself who speaks in the Scriptures, it is Jesus who speaks in them. Neither can lead to mature solutions. The times we are living in require us not only to experience change, but to accept it in the realization that ours is a time of epochal change. And pray for those whom God is calling to be priests that they may respond to this call with humility and joy. Feb. 13th 2016. In these remarks, I will simply speak about what I consider decisive for the life of a priest today. "I tell priests to flee from clericalism because clericalism distances people. If we can preserve this bond, we will advance securely on our way. Jesus relationship with the people was also marked by the grace of amazement: the amazement of the people who saw Jesus; and Jesus amazement at the faith of the people. A struggle that lasts through the night, and in the midst of which we ask his blessing (cf. Fraternal love, for priests, cannot be restricted to a small group, but finds expression in pastoral charity (cf. Pope Francis updated the Catholic Church's criminal code Tuesday, adding directives on punishing sexual abuse crimes of minors by priests that have long been sought by activists against paedophilia. We priests do not drop from above, but instead we are called, called by God, who takes us from among men, so as to be for men. Lord, teach us to step outside ourselves. It is true that priests have things they must do, "and the first task is proclaiming the Gospel," Pope Francis said, "but it is necessary to take care of the core, the source from which this mission springs, the gift we have freely received from the Lord."